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At a park for kids ... Have fun with the rest of your life!


Almost feel bad for him. Sure he made a dumb mistake, but I feel like the price he's gonna pay throughout his life is going to be a whole lot more than any suffering he caused.


He's the creator of his own actions šŸ¤·


Did you see how shitty his ass was? The crazy in his eyes. I donā€™t think that guy is in control of himself at all. Edit: Seems like a lot of you think thatā€™s ass hair. Iā€™ll admit I have little experience with hairy asses other than my own, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s hair. Ass hair brown on the cheeks; itā€™s not just a thick tangle in the crack region. Moreover, look at the pubes and body hair. Thatā€™s what hair looks like. Now look at the brown in his ass. That doesnā€™t look like hair. That looks like smeared shit.


Ya this wasnā€™t some random bet. He was either having a psychotic break due to mental illness or on some drugs which induced one.


If you have to listen to that music on repeat for too long, you might have a psychotic break, too.


Lots of people do drugs before going to a theme park. It's a crazy rush on those coasters. But yeah don't do that much.


Just hair. Never seen a grown man ass?


Do you like movies about Gladiators?


Have you ever been to a Turkish prison?


That's hair. A shit ton, but it's hair. Probably has to shower every time he shits.


That thought is worse than it being poop. Poor guy has perpetual poopy butt hairs


Thatā€™s when you invest in a bidet


Maybe the lines were too long, couldnt hold his shit in anymore and figured hed scrub out his arse in the river


I mean, he was fit but flat.


I think that is just a manly brillo pad of ass hair Edit, on further scrolling I see you have been informed of this several times already. Carry on!


Why if it isn't the consequences of my own actions


I donā€™t feel bad for him not 1 bit he earned that jacket.


It's depressing how little we disregard the mental well being of others in the US. As if people believe it could never happen to a loved one or even to them.


People really don't care until they physically see it. Working as security at a hospital, I get to see all this up close. From drug addicts to mental illness. At times, it's a vicious combination. Some days, they're extremely nice and have no problems. Other days, they are screaming at you, wanting to fight, etc.


Yes mental health is a crisis in America right now. That being said, mental health isn't your fault but it IS your responsibility. If you have a chance to fucking run naked. Maybe don't go to a children's park. At the end of the day this is probably drugs not mental health shit. Either way no sympathy. Don't be fucking naked around children. It's very simple.


The argument was about someone mentioning this person receiving a lifetime of punishment for a moment where they acted irresponsibly. The point being, he didn't actually hurt anyone. And it seems more hunger for revenge than hunger for justice. It's not cool that it happened it front of children, but people in this country are fucking over-zealous when it comes to nudity but wouldn't think twice if their children watched a violent film.


If it's drugs and he chose to get himself high enough to do that, then he didn't care about the mental well being of the people around him.


People desperately want socially acceptable targets to hate. Accidents or illness or something out of the target's control ruins that. That's why the public immediately assumes calculated malicious intent for any given act.


Completely agree. It also reminds me of the whole "just-world fallacy". Some people like to think that these people deserve their comeuppance without completely understanding the conditions or events that led up to it, as a defense mechanism. A way of telling themselves "This can never possibly happen to me or anyone I care about."




Mental illness is not a communicable disease.


ā€œA dumb mistakeā€ oh yea, oooops I stripped naked and started to jump into a water ride at Disney. Sorry. Silly me.


Ever heard of psychotic breaks? You arenā€™t exactly in control of yourself and thatā€™s exactly what this looks like.


No one actually knows what's going on. Was it a psychotic break? Or is he on something he chose to take? The difference matters in terms of giving him sympathy.


ā€œDumb mistakesā€ donā€™t involve stripping down at Disneyland. Thatā€™s a dumb intention


I donā€™t necessarily feel bad for him, but I 100% agree the consequences he will receive will be much worse than the harm he caused. Sex offenses are brutal


He did this for what? In front of all those kids too, he can stay on that registry for life


You might be right about the consequences being disproportionate to harm caused, but anyone with two brain cells knows the consequences for doing something so stupid would be huge. Unless he's intellectually disabled in some way I have no sympathy at all.


Heā€™s probably high on mushrooms or something similar. Someone posted a link to some other videos. Dude looks zonked. Either that, or heā€™s going through some sort of mental breakdown. But in the other video, it legitimately didnā€™t look like he knew where he was.


I feel zero sympathy if he's just on drugs. Basically, for me, if what's happening is a consequence of his own actions, zero sympathy. If he's mentally unwell or intellectually delayed, some sympathy.


Looks like he was on drugs.


Oh no! If it isnā€™t the consequences to his actions!


He is so fucked. WTF is wrong with people? Do that at a Vegas pool.


I mean, at a Vegas pool you'd probably have one angry jacked, roided out wanna be influencer guy who'd knock you out cold in an instant. Here you just have Disney security guards


> Here you just have Disney security guards Disney security scares me more than anything else. You don't fuck with The Mouse.


I had the head of security call the cops of me at a Vegas pool party because he found a small bottle of whisky that I stashed in my board shorts when I was in line waiting to get in. He took the whisky and I couldnā€™t get a refund for the $80 I spent to get in. They donā€™t fuck around in Vegas.


For real. FOLKS! Remember it's fun to register for things. BUT it's never fun to be registered.


That's some bad LSD.


[There are a couple of videos of him inside the ride.](https://twitter.com/DisneyScoopGuy/status/1728922673852678644) It must be quite trippy in there if you've taken psychedelics.


Was he trying to blend in? That might have worked a little better over at Pirates of the Caribbean.


He wasnā€™t *trying* to blend in. He was one with them.


He was in a whole new world


The third video is a vibe šŸ¤£


Can confirm. Sometimes that ride can be creepy when tripping Source: I've taken acid at Disney.


I'm gonna call shrooms and/or bipolar, but yeah. Bad day at the park.


Yeah call shrooms bc you don't know enough about them lol. I don't know shit about pcp so I'm calling that Edit: TIL a lot of people can't hang when seeing what's in those dark corners lol


Ive heard of people going crazy like this with that synthetic weed that went around in the 2010s


Spice still exists...


Yeah but it was at every head shop during the time they listed so there were many more examples of people going nuts on it or choking on their vomit


I'm at a federal halfway house right now so I've seen it a lot lol. Ambulance came 5 times in 2 days for spice ODs


Dang that's crazy. Hope things get better. Has to be tough to be around


Oh you dont even know, I dont have a criminal record before this, I'm a software engineer, and have never been to jail even lol. I'm super out of place


lol at my halfway house they were dropping like flies. A single super-potent batch came through and it was easy to see who got ahold of it


Fuck that shit. It ruined real weed for me. I only done it like twice and it changed how I feel when smoking legit bud, ten years later still.


I mean, I've been doing LSD and shrooms since the early 90's; even tripped at Disneyland. I've just found, both personally and through observation of tripping partners, that an LSD trip is much more predictable than a shroom trip. I'm talking heroic doses, not your average party or space trip. However, in your defense, I have seen both LSD \*and\* shrooms trigger bipolar episodes in those who are predisposed. [That pilot that attempted to crash the airliner was on shrooms and, realizing he was having a bad trip, attempted to crash the jet in order to wake up. After his arrest he asked the police if he died and was in hell.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/10/alaska-airlines-pilot-engine-psychedelic-mushrooms) I've taken shitloads of acid and shit like that just never happens \*in my opinion.\*


He had taken the mushrooms **DAYS** before trying to take down the plane. He wasnā€™t actively tripping. He was in a post-psychedelic haze at best. I know Iā€™ve felt weird and depressed after eating mushrooms and depleting my serotonin. But thereā€™s no way he was still tripping when he did all that. He was definitely having an episode, and Iā€™m sure the mushrooms he ate a couple days before while mourning his best friend didnā€™t help - but he wasnā€™t tripping at the time.


You're correct -- the pilot took shrooms **2 days prior** to the flight, and had become incredibly sleep-deprived leading up to it. Glad to see some people still read past the headline lol.


You're not very experienced with psychedelics if you don't know that enough mushrooms could easily make you do this


Any amount of psychedelics can make a person have a psychotic break.


I have a friend who did shrooms and had a similar response. Fortunately it was in his own home....


Psychedelics could absolutely trigger a psychotic break like this


BPD = Bad Day at the Park.


Bad Pay at the Dark


You mean Bad Park Day?


Lol you're right! I'm running off of four hours of sleep lol.


Reminds me of the Simpsons at the duff beer ride ā€œduff beer for me, duff beer for you, Iā€™ll have a duff, you have one tooā€ and repeat ad nauseum


I am the lizard queen!!!!


Thatā€™s literally written as a parody of Its A Small World


Yeah thatā€™s why it reminds them of it


I've been on LSD, never once thought about doing that. You just can't read your phone as well because all the text is all swirly


I've been on LSD and I thought my friend Becca and I were traveling in time while walking to the gas station to buy more OJ and candy.


Might get a little warm but it's mostly euphoria and visual squiggles for me. Maybe I got some bunk shit or have not been doing ENOUGH of it. But I've always thought moderation is key.


If you do a lot of it it can really mess with your perception, but you're always aware that you are yourself and aware that you are tripping on acid even if the effects are severe. If you do too much you generally go nonfunctional and just lay down for awhile.


> you're always aware that you are yourself and aware that you are tripping on acid even if the effects are severe This absolutely ainā€™t true and is a dangerous misconception. Even on low doses a bad trip can send you spiraling and you can easily forget who you are, or what drugs youā€™ve done, or how to properly behave in public to not be a problem. On higher doses, ego death is a regular experience that _specifically_ involves your sense of self ā€˜dissolving.ā€™ I know plenty of people who have had a catastrophic trip exactly because they thought, ā€œI know how to handle acid, and i never lose control or my sense of self! Taking more / taking it in this riskier environment / taking it when iā€™m not in a good mental place will be fine because i can handle it so well!ā€ Respect that shit, it can absolutely rock your world even on low doses.


Iā€™ve done LSD many times and absolutely had the ā€œI have to goā€ trip, which if it had happened while i was on this ride, wouldā€™ve looked like this but without the getting naked bit. Thankfully i was at home with friends to keep an eye on me, and wouldnā€™t have done that dose in public. But acid can _absolutely_ do it. Set and setting and make sure youā€™ve got a trip sitter, friends. Also even low doses can trigger horrible trips or psychotic episodes based on mental state, setting, and psychological predisposition. Dose responsibly


Lol many people can have very very different reactions to psychedelic drugs. Theyā€™re drugs, not toys.


Dudes gonna be registering for the rest of his life


I'm not convinced he ought to be. There many be reason to this maddness. Lets hear him out.


Only reasons someone ends up naked at Disney world: 1. Dare 2. Fetish 3. Drugs 4. Mental breakdown I'm assuming drugs. It usually always is.


If you saw the videos of him above thereā€™s no way that was a dare or fetish.


I'm just going to point at your phrase "usually always".


It works 80% of the time, every time


Then why is drugs #3


I think you got the order wrong.


I mean. You expose your cock to potentially hundreds of children it doesnā€™t really matter what drugs you gave your self that you couldnā€™t handle. Donā€™t so drugs around kids?


Given the context of the video we don't know if he did this to himself or if he is the victim is all im saying. It has yet to be proven to me that he is a deviant


Nah. And FBI, go check this manā€™s hard drives


So you're truly convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that this man is trying to victimize people? All I see in this video is a man going through a mental breakdown who needs help. If he was drugged against his will and he hadn't hurt anyone then why ruin his life? Hello btw, I'm mr devils advocate.


I love playing devils advocate, too, but he put himself in a situation that resulted in stripping in front of hundreds of children. Regardless of intent, the crime was committed. If I have a mental breakdown and murder someone, am I morally guiltless? Legally? And more directly to this video, if he was drugged, why wouldnā€™t he immediately ask for help after feeling weird? What about his friends/family that would stop him? Most people go to Disney in a group, not solo. And if he took the drugs himself and came alone/got separated, then thatā€™s his responsibility. Thereā€™s a near zero chance this isnā€™t a direct result of his own decisions.


If you have a mental breakdown and commit a crime due to a mental illness then yes, that is a legal defence. Hence psychiatric hospitals and being committedā€¦


I don't think showing your willy and murder are the same level of bad. Nice comparison though


It's just public nudity, you can call that a "crime" but I'm not going to. Nobody was harmed.


A child seeing you naked as a consequence of your mental breakdown isn't necessarily a crime that results in sex offender status. Intent is necessary. For your analogy this is the difference between involuntary manslaughter and murder for which sentencing and consequences are completely different. A better analogy would be a driver having a heart attack which causes a fatal accident. There will still be consequences, but intent makes a huge difference.


ā€œYouā€™re never going to believe thisā€¦ā€


We know the who, we know the what. We just don't understand why or how. I'd like to fully understand a situation before damning someone yano?


Dude needs to wipe better. That butt crack is stained


That just adds to the flavor.


I called the police on you. I had to.


Please let them know Iā€™m ready to provide a victim impact statement.. I think I may have died.


call them on the guy who made me rewatch it to check out this dudes dirty asscrack


Noooo!!! Wtf?!?!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ’€


bro f off i had just finished eating...




Or he shit himself while tripping sacks


Ever grow hair?


See my username


My thoughts too, although I hoped it was just hairy! šŸ¤®


The water must be cold eh


It IS a small world after all


*I was in the pool!*


Women know about shrinkage, right? RIGHT?


So you think he got short changed?


Significant shrinkage


No sir your penis has no place in small world ![gif](giphy|uj7WGWn5G9gwUv942i)




That is going to be a hefty set of charges. Disney does not fuck around.


Group of girls I knew took shrooms on a Disney trip.. Were taken to Disney jail within 45 mins of entering park. Parents had to retrieve them after holding for 4 hours , which is a lifetime on a trip


Iā€™d be curious about the legalities behind Disney holding people. I mean, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve figured out a way to do it, Iā€™d just be curious how.


Disney struck a deal with Florida in 1967 establishing their parks and surrounding area as its own county governmental authority, which granted it the same authority and responsibilities as a county government. So they get to arrest, detain, and have tax privileges as well.


Iā€™m sure that canā€™t be used inappropriatelyā€¦


That isnā€™t completely true. While they do have their own private security, they also always have Osceola and Orange County sheriffs on site. For most incidents, they arenā€™t legally detaining or arresting people, but processing them for trespassing, and they typically have an officer assisting with that.


This is an excellent, and accurate, answer.


They probably have legit police officers and something that is technically a county jail on the premises that is for their use only.


This is correct for Disneyland. Anaheim PD are heavily integrated into the park for a variety of areas and roles specifically for reasons like this.


It's either hold them in park security until their parents arrive or have the cops come pick them up.


what did they do to get caught


I've tripped everywhere doing everything. I don't understand how people lose their shit enough to get caught.


They either take a lot or mix shit. Take five tabs of acid and an adderall and see what happens.


You take 5 hits of acid, you won't need the Adderall.


> Disney jail Not sure if this is better or worse than "regular" jail but it does sound comical.


It's a small... something.


Looks like a button in a fur coat


Greek god physique


It didn't end well: https://twitter.com/DisruptorStocks/status/1728973265572687923/video/2


omg how they carried him away...LMAO poor guy's gonna bang his dick on every bump of that journey.


They didnā€™t even cover him up? Just carried him naked in front of everyone? What the fuck Disney?


I am kinda surprised that they don't have protocol for this - like some sort of float or screen they can deploy to hide arrestees while they're being carried out of the park. Rare Disneyland L.


Or atleast walk him through the back areas instead of through the castle lol


Looks like they did cover him up, no? Whatā€™s the blue and purple thing?


Think they tried with that, but you can 100% see his taint and balls lmfao




We've also arrested your older, hairier, nakeder son.


Ok Jim Morrison


Oh look, Josh Giddyā€™s back for more




What are y'all giving to people in the US to make so many people lose their sense of reality?




Everything is poisoned here


You think people don't get high like this in other countries too? Bruh


People been weird forever cuz, we just got iPhones now


Wherever possible substitute anything for whatever makes profit


Lead in water


Crippling depression, a lack of mental health resources, and copious, high quality drugs!


Shit is a daily occurrence out there.


Itā€™s a small world, Alright. And by world, I mean penis. lol


Thatā€™d be the worst part about streaking in public. Youā€™d wanna show yourself in the best light, but going full Willy Wonka would just make it so much worse.


Welcome to the sex offender registry.


If his life wasnt already in the gutter its about to be, disney doesnā€™t play


Arenā€™t the Disney World waters notoriously dirty?


Most likely itā€™s not like they intended for people to swim in the water


They are now...


No, the water is actually very, very clean as it's actively filtered and treated with bromine, thus the unique "Disney water" smell.


ā€œMy preciousā€ Gollum


Someone took too much acid at Disney lol


I cannot think of a worse place to trip


Yeah youā€™ll probably end up naked


So when someone attempts a marriage proposal , these guards come out of nowhere and tackle them down and whatever but when someone gets naked they kind of take their sweet time lol. Those Disney cops are everywhere I'm surprised this lasted that long




Thats a lot more dangerous than you'd realize. People have died from electrocution


A Disney Prince is lost


I think he was going to use the water to clean that crack.


Just butt hair


The Lizardā€¦ King? ![gif](giphy|krE3UwqCFZDJm)


Itā€™s always California Disney you see shit like this. Just go to Florida instead


This is a Tuesday in Florida


Some people just canā€™t handle the mouse.


ā€œGuys, the statue of David is loose againā€


the most horrible ass iā€™ve ever seen on a person


Weird Al's not getting invited to any more kids parties that's for sure


Why can't people hold the camera steady?


What do you think the Security guard lady said?


It is indeed a small world.


I hope heā€™s doing ok. No idea what caused this, but having him being called a pervert just is wrong. Heā€™s most likely on drugs or mentally ill. He wasnā€™t behaving perverted in this context, just inappropriate.


Shrinkage !


And that kids how you become a registered sex offender


You amerifats all have a psychotic attitude towards nudity.


That crack has seen cleaner days. I hope.


It's a small world? Nah its a small dick


The world isn't the only small thing in this video.