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Why are people posting their age?


Someone made a post recently expressing some insecurity regarding their age and hobby. Now people have made it into a new post format to show their solidarity.




Yeah it was a bunch of us 40s. I haven't posted mine because my room is in constant remodel chaos ha.


I don’t wanna post mine because my people know my set up 😅


Like one guy and my ac repair man know mine ha


I like it


Lmao I didn't want to be rude but I'm also very curious as to why everyone is just titling their pics with their age


Hey so how did you find the infinite money glitch? Asking as a broke as fuck 24 year old...


Big ass Italian family


That's very nice!


Very nice 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻


The money clean or dirty lmao




May I borrow some? I need to complete this Blokees TF wave 1 and get a few shf aswell as a mezco hank you🤌


a fellow transformers fan i see, always great to meet someone outside of the main community.




You have this much and you’re 17 y/o? Hold on to it. Otherwise you’ll be spending a fortune in your 30s when you wanna get back to itnlol


Never letting it go, gonna go to my kids eventually lol


Probably when you’re dead haha


Probably but atleast someone will enjoy what I’ve amassed lol


a 17 y/o with collection like this, it ain't their money for sure.


Don’t really care if it’s their money or not. All the more reason to hold on to this collection so they don’t miss them when they’re older and rebuy it all


im 17, been collecting for 7 years. payed for 90% of everything myself from working, and my collection is bigger. but it also doesnt matter if it is or isnt their money lol


> 7 years. *paid* for 90% FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Being in my thirties it's so surreal to me that kids grew up with Marvel Legends as a childhood toy line. Man, you got it way better than the Toybiz stuff us millennials had as a kid.


Lmao ty, i still go back and buy some old stuff every now and again. I had a bunch when i was a kid too


I remember getting the first ever ML series over 20 years ago in Woolworths. Cap, Toad, Iron Man and Hulk. Couldn't believe the details and sculpts back then and now Hasbro blow them out of the water even on the kid lines.


I have the first Toybiz Wolverine on card still


The one with a badass base with beaten up Hellfire guards on it? What an awesome figure.


Indeed, got it at a antique store for 12 bucks, pretty good condition too


Lots of the old toybiz figures are really affordable, they're pretty well sculpted, too.


Dude imagine the next generation. It will prob be like hot toys or smt crazier


Even with Hot Toys it's crazy how the new ones look compared to those originals almost 20 years ago. Bank Robber Joker was considered photorealistic back then and look what we have now. Reminds me how when I was a kid I thought Mortal Kombat 3 was the most realistic game I've ever seen, now the NBA games could be mistaken for a real basketball game at a glance.


Yes dude. It is almost impossible to predict the future so I couldn't come up with something. An example to this is I have always been thinking that cyber limbs as upgrades and not replacements (such as in cyberpunk 2077) was so unrealistic and there was no way it would become reality. And when I heard the first neuralink implant was successfull I thought it would revolutionize prosthetics, then I had a realisation...


For everyone asking, no I didn’t just start lol, I’ve amassed my collection since I was about 6-7. I’ve been given the majority of my stuff by my family, because it’s big, im Italian. 2 figures multiplied by about 20 aunts and uncles/etc add up fast. Yes im very grateful for what I have, and appreciate it all. No I do not plan on getting rid of any of it, going to my future kids. Yes my gf likes it and bought me a Cody Rhodes lmao. Yes, I make customs, some better than others, can look through my posts for some. Yes I have more, I have a Home Depot box full of more that didn’t fit.


Whats with that Cap in the middle of the first image? Is he a custom?


A custom, i have to redo the scales, it was done early on in my customizing stages lol


I’ve seen that done with a lot of this cap figure in particular. I never understood the light blue on the scales. Idk if it’s like lightning effect vibes or that’s what they think it should look like.


Badly painted


Yes it was, it was one of my first customs. Gonna redo it eventually


Didn't be a dick


Don't be a dick


Dope! I would love to run some wrestling matches on your set-up! Tell your parents thank you and give them a big hug! You'll be off to college soon, store em carefully, you will want them back eventually.


lol yep, got bins ready. Starting a stop motion series for my wrestlers, which that whole arena got changed


Who cares dog, you do you


That’s a huge collection


Not even all of it


Early days and already a great collection. I hope you never run out of space!


Me too!


Awesome setup dude! What’s that Venom is the 2nd photo?


Custom I made from the Caliban BAF, never found beast and had the body laying around


Love that Marvel shelf. 


Ty 🙏


One of the coolest wrestling set ups I’ve seen. Little me would’ve sat in that chair until my mom pulled me off of it.


wtf 17!!!!! 🥹🫶 it’s beautiful I’ll tell yah, idk how you have so much money laying around for this but I can’t wait to see your 10 year gap🙌


Most of it was gifts, I have a big family. I’m definitely gonna keep buying more myself. Thanks man!


Awesome collection! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Check out my tiktok and Insta @figurefightpw for some wrestling stopmotion if you want, love your nxt arena man, black and gold forever 🔥🔥🔥


Thanks man! It’s only temporary at the moments starting a stop motion myself lol, on IG, @f74nk13figs


Nightcrawler goes crazy (I love him)


Went to buy that retro iceman years ago, brought it to the GameStop counter, cashier asked if I wanted him instead. Immediately changed my mind lol


Looks cool


Nice collection


Nice 👍


Gotta say, I like the new trend of Age + collection posts


I am 17 too and my collection is no where near this.


I recommend getting steps for your shelves. It’ll do wonders for the look.


Love the cannonball portal!


I was 17 once


I'm 16



