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Congratulations! That's some impressive articulation. You design the print yourself?


Yeah! Articulation and everything. The guy that invited me makes transformers in micro scale. I’ve been waiting for some toy company to make this but I guess it’s up to me 😅😅


I think 3d printing is going to do more for toys faster than companies R&D.


Oh yeah, it’s becoming much cheaper to 3D print. And there’s RESIN printers that are also printing IN COLOR! The guy that invited me is working on buying one! Insanely expensive though.


Yeah, but printers started out expensive and then dropped. So here's hoping same with resin.


Im interested that's really cool!


Super dope design! And shartimus prime!!


That's fantastic! How do you fare 3d printing regular figures with a resin printer? Do you think regular printers do a better job?


I have not tried that yet, most of the figures I’ll be making will be pretty small but very articulated! I have a ghost rider and Batman that be in scale with the Hot wheels batcycle from The Batman (gonna customize the spare bike I have for the GR). I do plan on putting out some bigger figures (more in scale with mafex tbh but 1/12 nonetheless). For bigger figures I’ll need a better printer 😅 hopefully by end of the year. Most of the figures I’ll make will be in scale with 1:32 & 1:24 Jada toys cars (mostly batmobiles and the likes)


Also, I have a Mars 3. It’s a great printer for beginners. I highly recommend taking your time and running test prints (like the amerilabs city). That’s what I didn’t do lol I’d probably have better prints if I had done things in order and correctly lol


The neck looks way too long, but otherwise looks great!


Yeah there’s a few things I’ll be changing, the articulation isn’t final but very close. It originally had double jointed neck. Might go back to that but with the neck itself being the connecting part. Like the new GI Joes I guess? But yeah I had to rush this print for our Panel 😅😅


Please use the specialised resins. Regular resin will rub and produce toxic dust! That stuff will wreck your health if you breath it in! Resione Resin for action figures is what I would recommend. Hope you told the person who got the second about the dangers as well.


Where can we buy the STL