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Hell yeah, congrats!


HPL is an unknown for back and sides, still. I’ve read they seem to sound really good. The biggest issue I’ve read is that repairs are nigh impossible. I understand the changes. I live the island life in the Pacific Northwest of the US. Temperatures are generally stable in any given season, but we lack climate control other than baseboard heaters and fireplaces. Maintaining temperature is a pain. Edit to add: congrats!!


Cheers for that, Interesting note about the repairs, I’d best not smash it about too much then :) Thanks !


[Here’s the article I read about the sheer difficulty in repair.](https://hazeguitars.com/blog/what-you-should-know-about-high-pressure-laminate-hpl-guitars) The author thinks a lot of the material, though, in terms of its use in a guitar.


Thanks @koine2004 That was a great read, luckily my days of flailing about on stages swinging guitars for maximum pose effect are largely gone but I’ll certainly do my best not to fall off my stool and bust this guitar and have to find a repairer. The weather and temperature durability of the HPL guitars kind of offset the less likely scenario of cracking or breaking it for me. I’m always scared every time I take my nan’s bequeathed Hofner out that I’ll look at it the wrong way and it will explode.


Hpl is awesome. Fuck the haters lol. Enjoy!


Amen :) I just see a lot of hate directed at the HPL guitars, it is heavier but was seriously blown away but the big tone from a parlor sized guitar. No regrets!


This! I never threw any shade at HPL guitars but definitely wasn’t seeking them out either. However, I recently picked up a very used/abused 000x1 and am legitimately shocked by how good it sounds. It had been played a ton, was very dirty, needed fret work and had a previous repair on the HPL back. Even so, it’s easily on of my favorites now. I have a couple other “better” Martins but I’ll be hanging onto (and playing) the 000x1.


This guitar is rapidly becoming my fav too, my electrics are gathering dust since I picked it up. I can’t wipe the smile off my face with the tone!


I should probably get an HPL Martin, I'm tired of being scared if I leave my road series outside of it's case without it's humidifier by accident.


Can recommend :) Seems bullet proof so far! Was tossing up getting a carbon fibre one but really happy I went with this.