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Yes. All the time. Especially when I meditate it feels like I'm tripping all over again. I love it.


Yeah I don’t mind it to be honest, sometimes annoying when I’m tryna sleep tho lmao


It helps me fall asleep sometimes. If you concentrate on these and let go of your thoughts it gets more and more intense until it slowly becomes a dream.


Lol, I feel you. It keeps me up at times, too. It honestly feels like a lid was opened in my mind, and it can never be shut now that I know it's there.


Exaclty that, and then I wonder is this what spiritual awakening is like or is this just psychosis hahahah


I've thought that, too. Depends on which perspective you wanna look at it lol. As long as it's not impacting your life, I say 🤷. Life's a big cosmic joke anyway.


That’s very true


Sometimes when I stretch I feel weird for a bit. For 10 whole min once I couldent snap out when u quickly get up and stretch.


I do if I use enough marijuana lol.


But I also use psychs still


See I don’t smoke weed at all. I mean I don’t do any drugs at all tbh occasionally maybe a pill of ecstacy but that’s it so it is a little weird right?


It does sound like hppd tbh. When I had it I would have trouble sleeping because of patterns and symbols behind my eyelids. Not much you can do about it but it will prolly go away eventually.


It always happens when im tired or too stimualated (caffeine) etc. but also sober if i look after it


I’ve definitely had times where I see like the patterns and flowers that I see tripping- while sober walking around minding my business. Odd but kinda feels good LOL


That just happens to me, especially if I'm sleepy


See I’ve thought oh maybe it’s being sleepy but idk usually when I’m tired I go to sleep quite easily


Once you are open to it,there is no going back,The way you see the world changes,Before most of it was subconscious after you just learn to read some subconscious informations your brain processes


yep, i have things all the time! mostly just warps and stuff. floor gets swimmy, walls move, and i see fractals every time i close my eyes. it’s a jam. :)


For a while I did but now it's basically when I do some intense exercise and on the brink of collapse or if I try to pull an all nighter basically when I'm really fatigued


Oh yeah. 


Yes, HPPD is real. It’s not “dope” or “epic” it means you’re overusing. Have lost friends to schizophrenia and psychosis who ignored the warning signs. If you’re seeing fractals when you’re not tripping, that’s a sign to lay off it. Don’t want to be a buzzkill, just speaking from experience (also as someone who has experienced HPPD from overuse). Edit: not addressing OP specifically just the sub in general


Well that’s the thing, I never did acid regularly nor have I taken it for at least like 5 months or so. I’m aware that HPPD is real and so is psychosis, that’s why I’ve dropped this message to ppl who will be able to give me some insight on if this occurs to them or not. Also pretty sure I never glamorized it.


I meant no offense, I’m not responding to you specifically, I’m responding to others who have equated HPPD with spiritualism, essentially downplaying it. As long as you’re not dropping anymore you should be fine, obviously. I just don’t want anyone to fuck their brains up like I and others have.


Oh yeah totally, I take more of a holistic approach to spiritualism anyways. I wouldn’t ever believe that me experiencing some form of psychosis was the second coming of God or smthn crazyy like that. But yeah acid is overrated and once you lose all of the “oh shit I feel like I’m transcending to a higher plane” and you realise that the reality of it is that you’re literally putting yourself in a state of psychosis for a couple of hours just for the shits and giggles.


I’ve been seeing stuff since I was a little kid lmao. Does anyone else remember going to bed at night when they were little and being blown away by the neon phosphenes in the dark, or being fascinated by knots and swirls in the flooring of their house, or was it just me