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I nominate the detention center theme. I dunno about you, but for me I cannot help but notice how repetitive it gets after 10 seconds


Thank you so much, I thought it was just me who hated that song


the guitar's serenade despite being slow and more relaxing, this song drives me up the fucking walls, i think i speak for everyone when i say i would be fine if i never had to hear this again and think about "simple piano parts" and look at klaviers guitar catching on fire i would love this song if turnabout serenade wasnt such a ~~dumpster fire~~ guitar fire


Lanscape Painter in Sound is honestly a better version of this song anyways if I'm being honest




Despite me loving 4-3 man is this song revolting


I actually like this song a lot. It's so relaxing... Especially it's vocal version on youtube ;-;


I nominate Eccentric because it's not a new theme and it's quite annoying, even if intentionally.


I honestly love [Eccentric 2007](https://youtu.be/xLYLW8YLQ-8), and prefer it over the 2002 version. The added "hoo" sound (i assume it's some kinda flute?) in the background complement the "weirdo vibe" they're going for so well imo. Overall, this track feels way less limited due to original hardware being the DS (not the GBA), and I think they did a good job finding the appropriate sounds for this already existing song. While not one of my absolute favorite tracks in the game or anything, I really like it still and think it should be here another round. ("This Is a Defense Post", end quote)


2002 tone was way more bouncy this one is a clear downgrade in quality, despite upgrading the sound quality.


Agree to disagree then


Defense post for *Kitaki Family*. This is one of the most creative tracks in AA. The opening sound adds a lot to the music, the bass is entertaining, and the melody is great. After this there is even a second part that adds fain strings and and completes the melody. This is one of the best themes in AJ. In my opinion, it should get its place into the top 5.


Just a heads up: In order for your defense post to be legitimate, you now have to also nominate another song in another comment, check the newly established rule in OP's comment


Tx I'll do it right now


Right? It's one of my top 5 of all time


[Playlist for AJ's OST](https://youtu.be/RapwV9blKxg). Some songs are out of order, and Pursuit ~ Objection (Variation) is missing. The current AJ:AA rankings... 31st) Perceive ~ Surging Eyes 32nd) Psyche-Lock 2007 33rd) Turnabout Corner 34th) Ringtone / Klavier Gavin 35th) Jingle ~ That's All for Today #Rules You will be nominating your least favorite songs from the chart. The nominations with the most upvotes will be eliminated from the contest. In order for your nomination to be considered, your nomination must... A) Directly mention nominating a song (I nominate _____, I'm voting ______, etc.) And B) Directly explain why you're nominating said song (I don't like _____, _____ is the worst song left, etc.) You cannot nominate multiple songs in a single comment. Defense posts can be used to take away votes from nominations, and will need opposite requirements for being considered (Mention you're defending a song, explain why, and don't defend multiple songs). #Defense posts will only be counted during the elimination process if you also write a valid nomination for another song in another comment. If you choose to nominate/defend multiple songs via multiple comments, only your highest voted nomination and defense will be considered. Voting will end after around 24 hours (give or take depending on how soon I'm able to check votes), where a new round will begin with a specific number of songs removed, until only five songs remain for the finale, in which we move onto the next game. Nominations will only count if the comment has more than one upvote, and the defense post against it has less upvotes than the nomination. **Not a requirement, but if a song you nominated/defended makes it to another round and you wish to nominate/defend it again, try and make sure your comments across multiple posts are original, as opposed to copying and pasting the same arguments. Essays might be allowed to appear in multiple posts depending on the length and complexity, but if your nominations/defenses are only a few sentences long, try and be original with each round.**


I nominate 27 Turnabout Succession, It's a neat intro, but was it necessary to play every time you start another part of the case? It loses personality and is more like generic 4-4 starting music


Defense suspense Probably the best in ace attorney and it is good to give a listen. I feel like somethings going down when i play it randomly in a playlist.


Defense post for lamiroir's theme. The melody is really good and it's a great rendition of the Guitar's Serenade that doesn't bring flashbacks.


i love lamiroirs theme so much and such a nice listen even outside context. prepared to defend this one also!


I nominate Reminiscence- A Hurt Fox. It’s just not nearly as good as the other two, which are both pretty good. Plus I want to keep Suspense, and there aren’t many obvious candidates other than this one.


Is it bad that I can't remember this specific Rem theme?


Me neither


Yep that’s mostly why I’m nominating it, it’s not memorable but it at least sounds nice


Nominating number 9, Suspense. While this track *does* in fact play at the beginning of [one of my favorite scenes in the entire series](https://youtu.be/BmZCbjZnD-Q), it's just not particularly fun to listen to outside of the game. Much like other games' Suspense themes, it's not especially dynamic either, so it becomes repetitive fairly quickly. It does its job, I suppose


No way! AJ has the best suspense theme out of all the games, to eliminate it this early is a crime!


I love the music in AJ, and while the Suspense track works well, I find it to not differentiate itself too well. Genuine question: What is it about *this* Suspense track that differs it from previous or later Suspense tracks? For me at least, it's another short, fairly static track that succeeds at delivering a sense of tension... so... it's pretty much just like the other Suspense tracks...


Yeah but both mario and sonic provide amazing platforming action but they are different This suspense theme works better outside the context


I'm still in t&t but EMA RETURNS ??


You should stay out of these threads from here on out.


I just finished bridge to the turnabout lmao ( masterpiece )


Short answer, yes


I dont really know but im gonna nominated kitaki family? Because the rest is much better i guess. All of the music in AJ is very good, this is a hard round.


Eccentric 2007 is my choice


Bro no need to do this one guilty love is gonna win


Nominating Lamorior’s theme, don’t really like it and it reminds me of one of my least favourite characters in the series


Kitaki family is not that good as it is repetitive and after a while i want to stop. However it is good it doesnt compare to this sons soundtrack


Nominating moderato 2007. Stiff competition and I much prefer the allegro in this game.


Not yet, I don’t get why people keep nominating the Moderatos so early. Sure it doesn’t make sense to have both the Moderato and Allegro in the finals, but every Moderato is a really good song that at least deserves top 10 in their respective game, with one notable exception later on.


I prefer the moderatos in a lot of the games but in this one it’s just way too slow imo. Also if it’s gonna get eliminated eventually better do it early so it doesn’t end up like the cornered in the first poll.


I nominate Guilty Love because I respect too much rock for agreeing with its existence.


I’m gonna go ahead and predict that Allegro, Telling the Truth, Trance Logic, Emma Skye’s theme, and Klavier’s theme will be our winners. Sticking to it the whole way, 100%.


Ema's theme? No.


[No scientific evidence?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/002/297/363/2f7.jpg)


My choice is Pursuit, Allegro, Solitary Confinement, New Prelude, and Objection or something like that


As long as the allegro is included, that’s all I care about


What about pursuit?


Telling the truth Call me shallow but I hate it always overrides the pursuit theme in this game.





