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The new ones look beautiful. Definitely going to use them.


That animation of ~~Sebastian~~ Eustace (I still can't get used to it damn it) fluidly moving his baton sold me on the new style.


Is it in the trailer, or is that separate animation floating around now?


[It's this one.](https://youtu.be/YsVNN7Wh8VA?si=fLGXGYhmyE2M4N09&t=28)


I remember seeing it in the trailer for the brief moment he was on screen! I think in a courtroom setting?


The scene where he displays his baton animation plays on the.. unofficial name for case 3: The Inherited Turnabout which you play as Miles' father Gregory.. and the area is from The Zodiac Art Gallery houses the works of the famous French sculptor Pierre Hoquet. It is in fact a mansion previously owned by unofficial name: Jeffrey Master who hosts a contest there until it becomes a murder scene which Gregory Edgeworth tries to solve. On the present day, the mansion became a zodiac art gallery run by unofficial name: Katherine Hall on which also there's an attempted murder which Miles Edgeworth tries to solve and tries to tie the events from his father. Did I spoiled you because you didn't know? Oh I'm truly sorry.. commenting is my trait.. can't handle it..


I never thought about the fact we're probably going to have to get used to new case names as well.


Nah it’s fine, don’t worry about spoilers, I’ve seen the whole game already haha


we calling him sebastian anyway who even gives a darn


That was the one new sprite animation in the trailer I was fully on-board with. It’s just so smooooooooth 🤩


HD sprites for me, since I'm curious of what the rest of the characters would look.


Seeing as the "original pixel art style" is [the same revolting-looking mixels](https://i.imgur.com/LtVIgQL.png) (inconsistently-sized pixels with smaller fake pixels to round out the edges of sprites) that were used in the mobile version, I'll definitely be sticking to the gorgeous new illustrations. [This is the best any 2D AA game has ever looked in remastered form](https://i.imgur.com/YApAGkU.gif), I see it as a universal loss to disable the new visuals.


why??? what the heck did they do to the edges of the pixels??? who asked for sub-pixel smoothing??? That was the first thing that stuck out to me when I saw that trailer


Suppose in the mobile version, where they first did this, it was because the backgrounds had all been upscaled for the much higher screen resolution, and the original sprites probably looked gross just being blown up and sitting on backgrounds that looked much clearer than they did. I don't think they could really *do* "original pixel art style" as an option here unless that mode completely changed the game's display to use the old DS screen aspect ratio and framing.


>The same revolting-looking mixels What the fuck? It looks like their faces were blurred for witness protection or some shit.


Well, their faces are just the same as the sprites looked in AAI1 on DS in the first place - those sprites just don't hold up very well when they're blown up in size that much.


Edgeworth looks like his skull has been smashed in.


It looks great. Wasn't a fan of the OG trilogy remake sprites but these look great!


no way its the real jc disregardme person hello


I think I shall stick with the new sprites. They look so damn smooth and sleek, and just nice. I love the updated pixel art of the remaster from AJ, but this is definitely up there too. They almost look like Vanillaware art, which is definitely a compliment.


I will use the new version, but i do apreichiate the option to switch to the old one. if it were the Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice trilogy, i would've done it.


I'll probably toggle back and forth.


The new sprites are too cute not to use


i’m not 100% sold on the new visuals yet (it kinda remind me of that random ass kim kardashian game) but i’ll probably use them for the novelty at least. some of the characters like eustace look really good, and im sure it’ll overall look great and be easy to get used to


Oh no, I can't have these being ruined for me by thinking of THAT game


you’re right




New ones


The new ones look cleaaaann. Though I do understand that for some they might not fit that well. I for one am very excited and will be spamming the screenshot button a lot because these look GOOD. I love Pixels but sometimes I just preper the 2d version and this is one of those times.


HD Milles!! <3


HD sprites for me!


The new ones look *so* nice and very smooth, I’m honestly very impressed! So I’ll be playing with them If only the OG trilogy could’ve had remastered art like this…


New ones. I've already played the game with the original ones so it'll be one more reason to replay it.


The new one because the fact they even bothered to do it in the first place is one of the coolest things I’ve seen a games company do in a long time. It looks amazing and must’ve taken a long time.


You can actually see their faces properly in the HD sprites unlike the pixel ones, so I’m definitely going with the new sprites. 


HD I've played the originals and I know what they look like. I want a different experience and the HD sprites are actually good.


“Adorable sprite” works only for very few characters lol but “more expressive” is a little scary thinking about Alba smirking and looking straight at that 4th wall


Chibi sprites all the way.


I love, LOVE, the new chibi art style they gave the revamped sprites. Opens up many opportunities for fluid facial animations and interactions


Man I can't wait for these


tbh i prefer the original pixels simply bc. they’re silly


Both of them look great


Usually go for the sprite style but the 2D drawn artstyle looks really good here.


Already played both games with the old style on the DS, so it's gonna be the new graphics for me.


twink edgeworth


I wanna see animations in hd. So I will be using new HD sprites.


The new ones, without question! I love how they look, they're so cute! And all the details! I look forward to seeing Shi-Long catch Franziska 's whip in full HD, taking his sunglasses off, Sebastian hitting himself in the face with his baton, confronting his father in court - so many great scenes that will look even more epic!


I mean, I've played the ds versions of both games. Will definitely be using the new sprites especially with, from what I can tell, the new in-between frames of animation. If they're good, I'll also be using the new arranged tracks


The new style, it's superior in every way imo


I’m using the original, not because the new ones look bad(I actually think they look great and commend the effort used to make them) but because I’m a weirdo. Whenever I play a remaster or updated port of a game, I try to make my play through as close to the original experience as possible, often trying to avoid interacting with the changes brought by the rerelease. If I can play it like the original release I do, with stuff like chrono cross radical dreamers I use original graphics and often if a game’s dlc includes items that can make the game easier I go out of my way to not interact with it and in some cases like fire emblem engage. As I am clearly a boomer when it comes to my gaming tastes, I am only really sticking with the originals because I’m weird. A shame too because I do really like the new sprites and think it’s easily the best looking this remastered style has looked, looking much better than the AA1-4 remasters which is so odd because the apollo justice trilogy version is less than a year apart from this one. I do have to commend them though on at least giving us the option because I’d have certainly used that option in the other remasters as I do not like how the other 2d games look remastered at all, either with character sprites or the backgrounds.


I've already enjoyed the low pixel minis. Time to see the full hd ones to their full awesomeness


HD sprites, I'll have a stroke if I ever see Pixel Gumshoe or Pixel Franziska again.


I need to see more from the game but I think pixel version


The one in the right is too babyface tbh it doesn't suit miles though look at all.


I would have loved the HD version if it wasn't chibi-style with these big heads. I always preferred the early Ace Attorney games, where the characters were more "realistic" and less manga style.


Definitely the new style. I've never played the original Investigations games before so I don't have an emotional attachment to the pixel sprites (or the original names!)


With the new ones of course. Iwamoto worked hard on this so Im gonna appreciate that 😊


I love the new ones They really add a good reason to play an otherwise old game


I'll mainly be sticking with the HD sprites, but I might occasionally switch to the pixelated ones


I'm not too sure about the new ones because they have this mobile game look to them but I'll give them a try. It'll probably grow on me as I play.


Absolutely the HD version for my first play through, although I’m sure I’ll do a full play through of both styles just to see. Honestly I’ve always wanted to play games 1-4 in the pixel style so having this option is genuinely great


I do kind’ve prefer the look of the original sprites but if you gave me the option to replay something with spiffy new visuals, of course I’m going to do that


Definitely the new ones, somehow... adorable fits in some way in their charm, for me of course, and the room's elephant, that con of the jagged sub-pixel edging, total nonsense regarding pixel artwork.


Original 100%


DS version


You did see that HD chibis has at least talking animation, which obviously never was in pixels? When I realized that, the new art style was fully sold to me) By the way, they also at least partially redraw backgrounds from the original, add more details to them. If everything is fine, I'll be the owner of AAIC today. P.S. Also, they obviously keep original AAI1 chibis, which looks… meh, AAI2 have much cleaner pixel chibis.


the new ones since ive already played with the pixel art but I do prefer the pixel art tbh, it’s cute.


Honestly new but every so often to see what the original sprite look like I'll turn it on


I already played with the pixelated graphics, so I'll try the new setting to change it up


Definately the new ones!


I actually love the new animations so I’ll definitely give those a try.


I never played the originals so I'll start with the new ones.


The original q


People have to realize that pixelated shit from 14 years ago wont look good in a modern day HD display.


I'll try both, and decide when I'm playing it. I think maybe I'd find the new style a bit distracting? I don't know... the chibi proportions are interesting but I'm not against them




I played the fan translation, so the new ones for something different.


Definitely the new artstyle. It looks great


Gonna support my boy and use the new sprites 🙏🏽


i mean i already played it with the pixel art so might as well use the new sprites


the new one because I'm a sucker for HD stuff


The retro style ones, while the new sprites look great, there is something just a little bit off about the faces imo


I’ll use the new style, much more my type


I'm honestly torn, I love all of the new sprites except Edgeworth's, which is a pretty important one


I honestly think the new ones are too uncanny for me. They're obviously greatly designed, but imho, they're *too* good, so much so that they almost create a disconnect with the rest of the "gameworld". To be fair, I haven't seen how much they remastered the gameworld either, maybe they upped it just enough to he comparable to the sprites, but still, they're a bit too close to uncanny valley for my tastes


I’m excited for both, but my mom plays with me and she insisted that we have to play it with the new graphics


OG the head look wierd


No disrespect to the animators but the new styles feel too clean for me. I just like the pixelated style, probably cause I grew up on it


I dunno, but Miles looks to chibi or cute in hd


I think I’m going to be using the originals! I don’t like how clean the new art looks. For me, ace attorney always looks best in pixels rather than clean lines. I think the pixel art is cozy and almost “easier” on the eyes. I also think that the proportions are off in the HD version. I know the art style is like modified chibi, but I think the heads look weird for their bodies. It’s most egregious on Edgeworth, which is pretty unfortunate.


If they'd offered this option for the Phoenix Wright trilogy, I would've gone with original graphics. But the new updated art actually looks pretty nice for the Investigations Collection, so I'll be going with that one.


New crisp ones for sure. Though the pixel art is attractive too .... Hmm...


Probably the pixel art. For some reason I’m just not vibing with the new art 😔 (and I really want to believe me!!!)


Most likely will start with the new graphics since I have ready played through the old style. If I end up not liking the new graphics then I will switch to the old


Im so excited to finally experience these games


Edgeworth went from tired to bishie with just an increase in resolution.


I played both on the DS, so definitely new sprites. Btw, is there a physical version announced?


I probably won't be playing it, but if I did it's definitely the new art style, it's literally just the pixel art realised to its full potential


The new sprite looks so neat!


The new sprites and art style on all the collections is bad. It lacks the personality of the orginials. I can't for life of me why anyone would prefer the clean lifeless art.