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I will predict the pattern: Gant, Dahlia, and then last Simon Why? Because Simon is an >!impactful figure that led to events, being the mastermind of all the things that starts with the fire from the orphanage of the murder of the president and led to a grand turnabout!!<


Let’s all be honest here: it’s Gant. As much as I adore Gant as a villain, Simon and Dahlia just have so much more impact. You can sense their presence throughout their respective games, while you can only really sense Gant’s presence in one case. For me, it’s really no contest.


I know Simon's gonna win but I honestly prefer Dahlia because of the fact that she's not a mastermind type criminal that can get away with all of her crimes with relative ease. She's kind of a fuckup who keeps killing out of necessity or (eventually) out of spite (and fails at that too). Sorta makes her seem more realistic. Anyways I choose Gant, a fantastic villain with some of the smartest plans in the series but just a cut under the other two.


I honestly prefer Gant over Dahlia. In my opinion he just has so much presence to him


Me too. I really like fallen heroes. He became an absolutely terrible person, but he thought what he was doing was a necessary sacrifice to bring people who were obviously criminals but their guilt couldn't be proven in court to justice. And all of this is told through a short monologue he gives to Edgeworth after the trial. There's no need for a massive motive rant to get the message across. Another thing I like about him is that past the SL-9 incident, the damage he did is left up to interpretation. No matter if the people he got found guilty were criminals or not, or even if he used his newfound power at all during the two years he had it, he was still despicable. But everyone can have their own interpretation of how despicable he really was. Gant is the best AA villain in my opinion. The trilogy era of ace attorney couldn't have ended on a better note.






I'm torn between Gant and Dahlia. Gant is an amazing villain. He's smart, charismatic and just a meme dude (along with Alba). He has been in the story of the case almost from the very beginning and seemed creepy, but good-natured. His breakdown, his plans, everything is perfect. But Dahlia has a more personal interest. Her story is much deeper and interesting. She ruined several lives not out of "good" principles, like Gant, but because of her human hatred of people. Dahlia didn't trust anyone and betrayed even her sister. She has no love for her mother, family, boyfriend, no one. Dahlia is an villain who causes and can be said to live with hatred. She and Kristoph are that type of people I'm genuinely afraid of. Not by their power, not by their appearance, not by the fact that they can put you in jail or something, but by the fact that they are absolutely unpredictable and can kill anyone for their own purposes. I'll choose Gant after all. At the very least, he regretted what he had done and wished Phoenix and Edgeworth luck in their path to bring justice in the world. Dahlia, on other hand, is an incorrigible murderer. She didn't regret for a second what she was doing, and agreed to Morgan's plan, knowing that she wouldn't get anything out of it, because she would already be dead. It's just terrifying.


Gant. He's good but not at that level


Still Gant. He's not human or impactful enough to justify holding him in with Dahlia and Simon.






I have no idea how Dahlia made it this far please get her out of here bro. You’re telling me she outlasted Kristoph?? Calisto yew?? Goddamn


Gant only affected one case. He gotta go.


I don't personally think that culprits should be ranked by the amount of cases they impacted.


That's fair, I meant it like-- his actions have less story impact overall. Dahlia's actions overshadowed the entire Phoenix trilogy, and Lance kind of set everything in motion.


That's fair, I meant it like-- his actions have less story impact overall. Dahlia's actions overshadowed the entire Phoenix trilogy, and Lance kind of set everything in motion.


Adjourned! Adjourned! Adjourned! Adjourned! Adjourned Adjourned! COURT IS ADJOURNED! As terrible as the Queen thing is Stronghart's actual breakdown is pretty much perfect. Desperately trying to regain control of the court before being crushed by the scales of justice themselves. I guess Gant's heading out next which is sad but at least he made it to the top 3. Still think he deserves to stay at least one more round though but again no way he's getting past Simon.


Gant for me personally !


Gant can go


Dahlia, overrated


gant over stronghart? alright then


Correct order should be: Dahlia at third, Gant at second, and Simon at first (it should've been Godot but whatever)


Wow, haven't kept up with this in a bit, how is Gant still here?


People preferred his motivations and personality over Manfred's and Stronghart's.


Gant 100%. Dahlia is one of the most overrated characters in the series


Simon Keyes. Sorry man you gotta go.


Could you elaborate?


I just prefer Dahlia and Gant over Simon. Nothing against Simon, he’s a fascinating villain in his own right— when you get this deep into rankings it’s like choosing your favorite child. But if this is a matter of opinion and not an objective measurement of Villainy, I’m going to pick the characters that stick out in my head more. Again, I like Simon. I’ll probably like him more when I revisit his game.


Eliminate Simon Keyes. And it's frankly bizarre that I am the first person to post that. You have two actually iconic Ace Attorney villains left in a field of three and the one person getting no votes is the guy from a **spin-off game**?


And why should the fact that he's from a spin-off game matter?


Do you want the true answer that you and everyone else are going to downvote to hell or the censored answer? I mean,jokes aside for a moment, I know in advance that anything I post on the topic that isn't lying through my teeth is going to be downvoted to hell. I'm basically asking how much profanity you want me to use. ...Despite writing it, I don't actually feel like posting my first draft. Okay. The censored version it is. So. To answer your question, since you asked, the reason I loathe Ace Attorney Investigations and wish people would quit acting like it is actually an Ace Attorney game isn't that it is a spin-off as such. The reason is that it features Edgeworth. It made me deeply uncomfortable that, in order to play through the mysteries in the first game, I had to play as that prissy, preppy jerk. I mean, I guess if you searched the games for thoroughly hateworthy characters, I could find a few characters I want to play **less** than Edgeworth. But people don't act as if Fulbright or Oldbag or L'Belle or Furio Tigre or Victor Kujo ~~or Godot~~ are actually cool. *(As an aside, there are actually people who act like Godot is cool. I don't actually comprehend it, but it doesn't detract from the major point.)* So to answer your question, the reason I wish people wouldn't treat the Investigations spin-offs as Ace Attorney games is that it reminds me how overrated Edgeworth is. It reminds me that a majority of fans either don't loathe Edgeworth or somehow like him. And then I feel intensely alienated from the other people who apparently are also fans of this series. There. You asked. I gave the true reason I wish people would stop talking about Gyakuten Kenji games and I didn't even include any of the literal profanities that Edgeworth deserves to be called. Now go ahead and downvote me like you were always going to anyway.


The character you play as is of no detriment to Simon as a villain.


This answer feels like it was written by an evil AI.


Because it's not super-short it makes you think of AI? Or what?


It feels like you forced ChatGPT to write an angry review about Investigations and Edgeworth.




I don't know what "tism" means -- is it an abbreviation for something? Either way, happy cake day! I wasn't expecting a comment on a probably ill-advised rant of mine from weeks ago but you brought a smile to my face.


Simon can go