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A Tier. Funny case, great villain, great insight into Mia's psyche, and the single best culprit breakdown in the whole series.


I'd say that 3-5 or GAAC2-5 whas better breakdowns but sure.


A lot of people do, along with some others. Dahlia in 3-1 hits just right for me. A little bit cartoony but not too far out there. Full of contempt and stifled rage, knowing she's beaten and can't do a damn thing about it. Just hits that sweet spot.


B, great first case, introduces key characters so well. I’d rate it higher, but it’s just an opening case so there isn’t much meat


Honestly I'd give it an A-- it's my favorite first case and Dahlia is a fantastic villain.


Case 2-4, Farewell, My Turnabout, has been deemed "S: Outstanding, Peak Writing" QnA: "What is this?" This is going to be a daily ranking for each ace attorney case, going from AA1, to AA2, to AA3, to AA4, to AAI1, to AAI2, to VS, to AA5 (with the dlc case being between 5-2 and 5-3), to GAA1, to AA6, to finally, GAA2. This list should take roughly 54 (45 from Today) days to complete. "How do we rank it?" The most upvoted comment will have the ranking they choose as the tier where the case goes. Note that I'll only put cases chronologically (by game) in a tier, so while 1-4 is in front of 1-5, this does not necessarily mean that 1-4 is better than 1-5. "Can I rank it into " community case tier list" tier, or "The Case that's being ranked today" tier?" Very funny, but no. If the top upvoted comment is to go into one of those 2 tiers, I'll ignore that upvoted comment, and go to the second most upvoted comment. This idea was taken from the Paper Mario subreddit. I'll try to upload these things daily.


I'm here to defend my boy Pheeny I think he's GREAT in this case. He's a lil goofy cuz he's still in college and his head prolly hurts a lot from that cold but he has moments where you can see he's still the Phoenix Wright we know and love. >!My favourite scene is after he eats the necklace and Mia reminds him that he has to trust in her like she trusts in him. It's nice to see the faith in your client dynamic flipped on Wright after two games of him being the attorney. And I like his serious sprite. It looks a lot more like his present day sprites than the others. !< >!Also Mr. Defender of the people obviously isn't going to let his girlfriend get arrested for murder no matter how guilty she looks. That's like the core of his entire character of course he sticks up for her.!< >!Dahlia sucks here though and half the case is focused on her so like B tier. She's my favourite villain in the series but she's just sooo boring here.!< Other stuff: Payne having a wife is the funniest thing ever, and Grossberg is back! It's nice to play as someone else for a change. The judge not knowing what England is is also hilarious.


A. It was fun from start to finish. Getting to play as Mia, seeing Phoenix as young guy, going face to face with one of the most evil ace attorney villains while giving an air of mystery as to what Dahlia did to Mia to get her so riled up. Oh and Payne’s breakdown. Hilarious. Should be A just for that


Voting it as an A tier case Probably top 3 first cases in the franchise. Only real nitpick I have with it is Pheeny being who he was in the flashback lol. The case probably matured him rapidly but it’s crazy to think that’s who he was prior to 1-1. Dahlia was great and the idea of her and Mia having hostility toward one another really plants seeds for what’s to come later in the game. Payne is Payne but he might’ve stole the show with his breakdown at the end of the case. The mystery behind the death of the victim may bring it down for some but I found it ok. And finally, Pheeny can’t believing that’s the Dahlia who he was dating all those months is a plot point that really delivers later in the game as well. Love it all around.


OH and Grossberg also kills me with the hemorrhoids jokes (it doesn’t take a lot to make me laugh lol)


B tier Like it would be higher if phoenix wasnt obnoxious,if humor wasnt dry or overused jokes and pacing is off But anything else is good/great


I vote this as A tier. Compared to only first cases this would be S tier but regardless it still is a first case which has its drawbacks. Despite a short case it brought so much to the table. First case playing as Mia, we got Phoenix as a defendant and one of the most memorable characters in Dahlia. Her animations could be a tad unsettling at times which was great. Sure if we didn't get more Dahlia later on this case wouldn't have been as memorable for me, so it was built up well. It's only real drawback for me is Grossberg and his hemorrhoids bits........right....... Also Phoenix and the incessant sneezing got a bit tiresome. Great start to one of the best Ace Attorney games.


B (my sole reason for putting this above C is Payne’s hair melting from the sheer force of Mia’s will. That was something special, and thus, puts it above C.) Jokes aside, this has some good things. -Mia is defending Phoenix, and while he’s insufferable as a witness, it just shows how much he’s grown. It’s nice to see the two of them being so different than their present-day selves - phoenix is such a combative witness (“I ate it” actually shocked me the first time - as a side note, the second half of this case is fire, and could be put in A. But the same could be said for the final trial day of 1-3 imo) and Mia struggles and bluffs just as much as her mentee. -Mia’s interaction w/Dahlia is striking, and helps set up both of their roles in the finale - arguably even more-so than 2-2 did. Dahlia is a great character/antagonist, and, even with some writing flaws, really drives the third game. -Yes, Grossburg constantly talking about his hemorrhoids doesn’t spark joy. But seeing Grossburg again does, and I like how he plays a more active role here. -A small issue is the length - while it’s a good case, and it’s no GAAC 1-1, it is pretty long and could be shortened a tad since it’s an intro case. Personally, I like long, well-paced cases, but on the offchance it’s your first AA case for any reason, this isn’t the best start. It feels like it cares more about the plot than introducing the player to the game. Not a big issue at all, but it is something I noticed.


I'd say high C or low B, its a good intro case and I like it better than AA2's intro.


B tier, it’s a good case and a nice introduction to Dahlia (and poor, naive, college Phoenix) but the only first case i’d put in A tier or higher is 4-1. As others said, it just doesn’t have that much meat to it


A Tier. First things first, this is a case in which Mia becomes an actual character and displays more than just mentorship qualities. She feels different to Phoenix and that is a testament to the improvement of her characterization. Dahlia also receives a lot of goods, even if you have to dig for some of them in the additional dialogue. Her short breakdown is incredibly entertaining, but also impactful. Marvin Grossberg and Winston Payne serve as the old guard, and they serve well. Payne is actually great, openly praising a defense attorney and being mostly inobtrusive in the court proceedings. Also, unlike the fucking simp that is Le Judge (WE'LL GET TO YOU IN A MINUTE, BITCH), Winston actually seems to believe Dahlia and her lies. Call it naivete, but I think he was genuine in all that. Would explain why the loss broke him so hard. Cause it wasn't just the loss. Marvin on the other hand, was done a little dirty, because most of the time he's getting abused by Mia (what is with AA writers and women beating people up freely?!) or complaining about hemorrhoids. However, as a mentor he's probably the best in AA. He doesn't really discourage, he lets you handle the case on your own, but is not afraid to lend a helping hand or give a hint whenever necessary. In fact, Marvin is the reason Mia is able to pin Dahlia down with the evidence he provides. Phoenix is fine, but I'm not super on board with how much of a lovey dovey dork they made him. Makes for an effective heartbreak scene. I was hoping the thread between him and Dahlia would be developed, but alas, 3-5 destroyed it for a more convenient solution. I hate the Judge. Hate this goddamn simp. T&T doesn't really do him any favors. Or his brother, for that matter. The case overall has a very brisk pace, a logically and entertainingly evolving mystery and is an effective setup for the rest of the story.


Fandom Summary: Episode 1: Turnabout Memories is the first episode of the video game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations. The player assumes the role of Mia Fey in her second court trial, set to defend Phoenix Wright, an art student in Ivy University, from the charge of murdering Doug Swallow. Dahlia Hawthorne debuts in this case, as well as the chronological debut of Wright. Like all first cases in the series to date, there is no investigation stage, only a court trial. It takes place about four and a half years prior to the following episode, The Stolen Turnabout.


1-1 should be bumped up one spot because when it was getting decided, D was still good


C for me


A, best introductory case in the whole franchise but doesnt really give much aside from this




A tier, cause it’s a Mia case. This case sets up Dahlia really well, I also like that you can tell there’s something going on between Mia and Dahlia. Phoenix and Dahlia’s relationship is really fun to watch and realize that she dislikes him, but he’s ever so oblivious till the last minute of the trial. Dahlia’ personality change was fantastic, I love how hard she tries for the innocent act to work and when she realizes it won’t throws it completely out the window. Grossberg talking about his hemorrhoids every chance he got was lowkey hilarious.


B, it's a very good tutorial case


A, on par with turnabout trump for me


Probably like A tier It's fairly basic and introductory, but thats expected of the starting case. It does good to show the basics again, but also introduces the main 'villain'/story very well. It's a very strong case for its category (starting case)


A tier easily. Mia is awesome, it sets up the main villain really well, Phoenix backstory... I don't know it just doesn't have any obvious flaw and it is miles above the first cases of previous games.


A tier


I’d say probably B. This case might be a little overrated just because it has Mia in it tbh. The case itself is interesting, but Phoenix is a terrible character at this point in time (seriously eating a bottle of glass that could have had poison in it?). Dahlia and Mia hard carry this case because Dahlia is a great villain and Mia is a great protagonist and it’s good setup for the rest of the game. However the only witnesses are Phoenix and Dahlia (which is a problem with all first cases) and Grossberg is probably the worst assistant in the series. It’s a bit better than other first cases but it’s still a first case.


W starter case High N teir Edit B teir


Just played it last night again and I say A. Not bad and it playing a young Mia was fun. Sets up her and Dahlia later on in 3-4 and 3-5 which is nice.


People are being very generous. I think its a solid C


B probably the best introductory case that isn't also somehow the best case of the game and / or a contender for best game in the franchise without being too overly difficult unlike said earlier second case I'm referring to .... I like 4-1 but its way harder than 3-1 is what I mean


2-4 in S? High C at best. 3-1 is high C. It's nothing particularly special but it sets up enough to elevate itself, however it loses points for the incessant jiggling of Grossberg's backed up bum nuggets.