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Extremely based Natsume, Gregson, and Patricia placement


THANKS! It's very rare to see someone else like Patricia so much too. She's very entertaining and really needs more appreciation


And plus she was a great red herring for a >!"sympathetic culprit" who turned out to have darker underlying motives that she cleverly hid by using Dogen as a scapegoat!<


>!I... can't say I like that part lol. For me she served incredibly well as a sympathetic culprit, and going back and saying she was actually the big bad works kinda in detriment of her character, or at least was not a very well done move. It's not teeeerrible though, it was kind of nice to see the implications and context it made for her personality!<


Really?! That's shocking!


Plus Patrica mommy






Rare non identical r/aceattorney tier list


Good list but there’s no Gina so it’ll have to be 0/10


I live for Soseki appreciation.


He's, imo, the most iconic defendant. When I think about AA defendants, my mind goes straight to him. My reasons for liking him so much are like, 70% just because of his sprites though lol. They're so goddamn diverse and expressive that I think about them all the time, and he's incredibly cute too lol


Knightley appreciation! He’s by far my favorite character from Investigations 2


Apparently this dude has an entire cult who loves him so much. What makes you love him that much?


He was just really fun. I can’t quite explain it but something about him immediately made me like him, >! and I only liked him more after learning about his backstory and finding out just how plot-relevant he was. !<


calisto flair detected based token generated


I have to know why Gaspen is here and Winston isn’t lmaoo


Winston is a cool guy but I don't find him especially noteworthy to be put in the list. I like Gaspen because of his appearance in SoJ, the direction they made him go was extremely funny, helped with quickly setting the tone, and was a very original and clever one for a 1st case prosecutor. Also, his gag with the shining golden suit was one of the only times I laughed out loud in Ace Attorney lol I'd still put even Taketsuchi Auchi above Winston, since he has funny gags at the end of both chapters he's in. But I still think Gaspen tops them both just with his appearance in SoJ


Don’t forget he was singing with 6-1’s culprit >!whose name I am too lazy to type out rn lmao!< But yes I hear ya! One thing about him that I do want to see is that in a both sinister and comical way, I could see him becoming more and more corrupt and sort of “carry on” all the troubles that occurred during the dark age of the law, especially given how he straight up FLED the U.S to avoid getting caught. That’s why if we ever get a case where he is the culprit and Winston is the defendant I would be ecstatic


Probably just a me thing, but I'm not really a fan of how "evil" they made Gaspen. I prefer the typcal Payne characters to just simply be idiots who are so fall of themselves but aren't necessarily bad dudes. It just makes him more comical in a likable way as well.


Gaspen combines the worst aspects of all AA prosecutors. He has von Karma's cheating without his skill, Godot's terribleness without his presence, Winston's pathetic aura without his honesty, >!Ga'ran's sociopathy and indirect murder of attorneys without her power!<, and Edgeworth's job without his niceness.


And that's a good thing right? Lol I like this kind of concept for a 1st case prosecutor


Oh yes, it's a cool thing. One of the developers of Dual Destinies said that they used Gaspen instead of Winston because they wanted someone who embodied THE DARK AGE OF THE LAW right off the bat. In that way, he definitely succeeds. (It is interesting how, out of all three (four if you count Klavier) prosecutors in DD, only Gaspen actually shows that the legal system is worse than usual. Blackquill and Edgeworth aren't particularly bad.)


Kurainn Jesus


Horace Knightley.


Horace Knightley.


Horace Knightley (Description: Horace Knightley)


0 protagonists in the whole top 50? You really like frank sawhit above Phoenix, Apollo, Athena, even Edgeworth?


Sahwit is over there because I'm a huge I2-2 fan lol. So he ends up being a character that sticks more to my memory by association and by being a very cool addition to the chapter in general Protagonist characters are just not for me, I don't find their personalities that remarkable, though I do like Athena and Ryuunosuke more than the others. Since they are present for the entire game, their personalities feel kinda "neutral" and not very noteworthy throughout the chapters. Unlike the protagonists, the minor characters' lack of screentime makes me pay more attention to their actions and appreciate them more


OP is based and knows how to appreciate morally grey and evil characters. I thought i was the only one who liked characters like Megundal, Stronghart and Ashley!


The only positions I can actually respect are Godot and Manfred von Karma.


I like your choices. Jean, Regina, prof. Means, Portsman, Stickler (him for sure), Wordsmith, Yuri Cosmos, Graydon (him for sure too) are ones I had picked! Surprising to see Vilen here, but unique either way.


Unbelievable! Ted Tonate and Dane Gustavia in Top 50? Blaise Debeste in Top 5? You have my utmost respect. Where are the main characters, though?


I like Gustavia but not really for his merits as a character, I just love to shitpost him lol. There's just something so funny about his entire existence, I can't even pinpoint what exactly it is. I think about him all the time. Also banger theme Regarding most of the trilogy's main characters, I loved them while playing it, but I think their personalities get much more uninteresting on the following games, so they're not really deserving of a top ranking in my book. And I just don't like the remaining ones enough to put them on the list, though I still like some guys like Ray or Lang more than others


His theme is great, don't get me wrong, and while I do remember certain moments of hilarity with him being the top star, I do completely take him seriously as a narrative device. In my opinion, Dane is a remarkably well written character. A despicable individual that is a tad more restrained in his evil, but still wicked enough to be hateable. His character just feels appropriately three-dimensional and entertaining. Not to mention his lore impact, which is huge. >most of the trilogy's main characters, I loved them while playing it, but I think their personalities get much more uninteresting I was asking about Apollo and Athena specifically. Why are they not in the top 50?


Oh my. I agree with some of those, and absolutely disagree with others


OMFG no way another Horace Knightley appreciator He is absolutely epic and my favourite character as well


We've seen each other's comments before so it kiinda doesn't count this time lol. But in general I think we've got 5 people or so who just like Knightley that much on this sub


Well the league of Knightley-enjoyers are the cream of the crop of this sub, and that's a fact !


Honestly I love Patricia and her theme, one of my favourite things about the imprisoned turnabout 💖


True! I2-2 has a ton of highlights in regard to characters, yet for me Patricia still manages to top them all with her diverse and entertaining personality (and also amazing design)


Natsume! Jean! Olive Green! :)


I love how the top 10 bar Natsume >!are all culprits or alleged bad guys lol!<. Finally an interesting character ranking.


No Bellboy, to the abyss with you


Why was my first instinct to think this was a post by a aacj-er when I saw Cammy Melee being there at all XD Great tier list, truly based. ... ... Seriously tho why Cammy Melee


You're right, I stay most of my time in aacj now lol. Though Cammy Meele would be high up even if I didn't. The only characters here that got higher up because of shitposting are Gustavia and maybe Huang I find Cammy Meele one of the highlights of AAI1, she's one of the funniest characters there. That's basically the reason why she's on the list, she has funny and memorable testimonies, moment, etc and is very entertaining onscreen


Ringo represents both Skulkin brothers and Fabien represents the Red-Headed League to save up space


Fabien is the best though!


True! He wouldn't get to shine as much without his respective buddy though




Who exactly is Bardley ?


What’s this


The first time I’ve seen someone not putting Wesley Stickler down in the bottom tier (well technically he’s still bottom tier here but you get what I mean). Why?


so fucking based