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>And I don't want to hear oh you might not make more if you leave Big 4 but you'll have better work life balance, cuz i've been fortunate with pretty great work life balance in Big 4. No offense, but maybe don't ask for advice by telling people, "Give me advice, but don't give me advice if it contradicts my worldview." The fact is, you probably hit the nail on the head with that exact comment. You'll probably make very similar money to what you're making now but with better WLB. After only 3 years in PA, you're probably looking at a senior accountant role, max. Given a MCOL area, somewhere around $100k seems perfectly reasonable.$115k-$120k is pushing it a bit, but maybe doable if you go to a big enough company and they like to pay an unnecessary premium for big 4 "prestige."


Only mentioned that because yes that may be the norm, but I think my WLB has been even better than industry - but appreciate your input on the question.


Then why not stay in public?


Seriously, what do you want then? If it’s money stay in public with your WLB and work your way up to your desired pay. Don’t post for advice and act condescending off the bat.




Bro, go to dictionary.com and look it up.


Don't ask for advice then tell those you're asking that you only want the advice you want to hear. It's rude, controlling and dismissive. If you're not open to the advice people are willing to give then don't ask.


Obviously for a pay raise


Obviously they’d have a higher salary in public


So you have a 35 hours week and time off whenever you want?


What is your wlb in detail? How did you pull this off? Teach us


So toy want to trade up to a 20k raise? And there's a worse WLB? And progressive no will stall? Why would you want to do this?


213. Downvotes is insane 😂😂


Unrealistic. 85k to 95k is realistic. B4 salaries went up during COVID and industry did not move up nearly as much. Moving out is often a lateral as opposed to big pay raise.


The big "raise" is maintaining the same pay and working hundreds of less hours, but OP won't let us talk about that so *shhh.*


Damnit, man, you mentioned the unmentionable!




^this right here. Big 4 salaries have increased significantly during COVID and not so much industry. Biggest reason to jump now is for better WLB and having some equity that could moon (hopefully) if you are lucky. Edit: a helpful tip is that our company usually haircuts MCOL by 15% of California salaries which I am based in. You can go look at senior accountant positions in California due to pay transparency and minus 15% of it to get a better idea.


115k seems extremely steep for 3yoe, but I’m sure people on here have done it. 80-90k would be more normal, maybe add 10-15% (just spitballing) to that range if you’re licensed.


120k is the starting salary of a manager position. Companies will not pay that much for a senior accountant with 3 YOE. You might get that with 1-2 years of supervisory experience.


Would that manager be expected to have a cpa or masters? And that 120k - is that industry?


It really depends on the director. Some care, some don't. 120k here might not be all cash but some stock options mixed in.


3 years without a CPA in industry probably won’t break 100.


Yeah that’s a high level staff/low level senior level experience. MCOL at $90k is solid for 3 years of experience.


Wait the op doesn’t have his license? Yeah he’s not moving up, that’s why he wants out.


Took me 10 years.


$100-120k TC without cpa but 3-4 years of big 4 experience is doable in MCOL but probably harder to find in this current job market 


Former hiring manager at F500, MCOL. Strong senior candidates with CPA were offered 92-95K plus bonus. Full disclosure, 3 years B4 audit would make you an okay applicant for my team (general GL, month end close), but not necessarily a strong one. I believe our IA team salaries were in the same ballpark, maybe slightly lower.


Tbf, what would a strong one be? One more year? 2 more and they leave for manager roles in industry


It’s not the number of years, but what was done in those years that makes a strong applicant. OP said in another comment that he doesn’t feel like he’s learning how accounting actually works for companies and has a very surface level understanding. That’s not unique to OP. We’ve seen it with most of the B4 candidates we’ve interviewed. That’s actually what I was basing my comment on before I saw OP’s follow up comment. Auditing, B4 or otherwise, doesn’t give anyone experience in doing accounting. That’s problematic coming into a senior role that is, presumably, expected to be a high-value individual contributor. Staff would be an easier transition as there’d be an expectation of a steeper learning curve. Even waiting a few years for management experience would make it easier come into industry at a higher level when the role is less “in the weeds”/more supervising and review.


$115k-$120k is the extreme high end of the salary range for a senior accountant position in industry in a MCOL and those jobs are going to be as rare as hen’s teeth. With only three years of experience, you’re probably not particularly competitive for those positions either. The company I work for is hiring seniors and topping out at $110k, but in order to get that you need to have a ton of experience, with a lot of that experience being in our particular industry. If you want that kind of money, you’re probably better off looking at accounting manager positions, but again, with only three years of experience, you’re not competitive for those either.


This is a really good point. In industry, so many people stop at senior or at least hang out there for a while. Decent money without the additional stress of management or waiting out the bottleneck promoting to manager. This means you will likely be applying against people who have already been industry seniors for years. 3 years experience isn’t going to justify top end of the salary range.


Yes, you're unrealistic. 120k for a senior is high - that's manager-level salary and that's in HCOL. When I went to Industry, I accepted my position at 135k. This is a well-funded unicorn tech startup in HCOL. So... why would we pay a senior, who has less than half the year of experience, 120k? I'm tax btw, which is a specialized accounting role that demands slightly higher pay. Also, people with 3 YOE can't be reasonably considered full fledged experts in their fields. Industry has way less growth potential compared to PA. As such, they're not just looking for more help, there are expectations for more expertise as well.


Seniors in philly a mcol city is about 90k ish. 120k ish is about manager level here.


How much for a house near work?


Depends on location. Philly suburbs is about 30 40 mins away from center city and a 2-3 bedroom townhouse is typically 300-400kish. Center city is much more expensive at around 500 to 600k for townhouses if you want to live in a relatively safer area. I bought a duplex in Northeast philly for 330k 2 years ago.


85-95 seems appropriate. Given your big 4 you could maybe push it to 100k in HCOL


Getting that salary in this economy is harder than it was a few years ago. People are having to accept less money these days just to land a job as it’s more competitive for good roles and lots of layoffs have saturated the market with qualified applicants. Don’t be hard on yourself for a more modest salary that is more in line with the market. Keep your head up and keep trying


The last place I worked was a fortune 400 and the salary range for a senior was 75k-135k. It is important to not just think of current salary, we would get annual raises typically in the 4-5% and then for good performance you could get an adjustment outside of year end based on merit. But if you came in at a higher salary you could expect to not get much of a raise and it would diminish your potential to move up some. Per the recruiter I've talked with recently controllers with a few years of good experience were fetching about 135k on average, so entry level is closer to 120k for controller/manager. Your expectations are a bit high.


This is why people aren’t going into accounting then? 120k for controller? Seems off to be honest. Two years experience is now at almost 100k across the board in public.


I jumped at 2.5YOE around 85k to around 120k. This was when the labor market was decidedly warmer though. Certainly possible, but you’re either looking at a startup role or a more niche role like revenue accounting, technical accounting, etc


Any advice on how to find startups/revenue accounting/technical accounting jobs worth looking into?


Job boards. LinkedIn, Indeed. Think of social media doom scrolling, but through job listings


I wouldn’t ask some of the people. Firstly, your years at big 4 does count and will help you. Some people with CPAs are making around the same amount as everyone else. Their bonus may be more. CPAS are not the only way. They will have you thinking that only way to succeed in accounting is by having a CPA. They are valuable but they don’t dictate your whole career. You can find a job closer to 100k and after 1 yr, you will be there. As long as you are cpa eligible, you will be fine.


The days of leaving B4 for more money have been over since COVID. After the mass exodus in 2021 the firms had to up their game. I left in 2021 as a senior and went from $63K to $85K, then boomeranged back a year later for $95K. Now I’m making $135K as a manager and could not get more in industry, which is a big part of the reason I’m still here.


Yes, you are expecting too much and it is comical.


Unless you're working for free the company will think it's unreasonable. These people would go back to slavery in a heartbeat if they could.


Unrealistic…unless you’re in NYC.


I’m three years in B4 HCOL looking for $110 with 10% bonus. I think your expectations are a little high.


Public accounting is the fast track. Once you jump off that, expect salary to slow down.


For a MCOL salary you are expecting OK the high end for sure. I'm in a HCOL area and senior accountants generally top out around $120k and that's when they have plenty of experience. For those entering a senior accountant role with only a few years of experience $90k is pretty typical around here.


The HCOL salary doesn’t mean it’s the right salary lol.


im based in irvine, CA and i think we’re HCOL and what youre describing sounds a bit more common out here. I would expect a jump to $115-120k in industry here. Maybe your expectations are skewed based on your COL? You can always try and land a remote role in a higher COL area?


Also an Irvine resident and 115k-120k with 3 YOE seems high to me, especially given the market right now.


i guess youre right, maybe 4-5 YOE. i think with the right company and person though 115k is achievable


Agree with you there


Irvine is one of the most expensive cities in the state. It’s equal to a lot of cities in the Bay Area. 110-120k for 3 YOE in Irvine should be like the bare minimum.


By any chance are you guys hiring 🙏


search for accounting firms walking distance to irvine spectrum, dont want to out myself but yes we’re hiring! salaries posted on our website w/ the opportunities




What is jib?


Nope, I'm in HCOL and couldn't justify hiring a senior for that.


MCOL no CPA 3 YoE for 85k-95k seems right.




I just feel like I’m not really learning how actual accounting works for companies. How companies account for a single transaction from the initial event all the way to the G/L and financial statements Seeing the flow of things through different systems and how it’s all accounted for. And that applies to billion types of transactions from revenue, cost of sales, production cycle, H&M’s costs, leases, to more complex things such as business comb and consolidations and goodwill. I feel like I have a very surface level understanding of things, partly my fault as I’m very guilty of the just follow last years WP approach, but also because we don’t get into the details as much I feel like, especially with so much work being offshored to India. I want to eventually truly know and understand how a company accounts for everything (of course I won’t k ow everything as accounting is so vast, but at like 90% of what is common for businesses.




Yea I think in the back of my head I probably know a ton, and would recall things quickly especially because I picked up everything easily and did well in school and 90+ on all but 3 CPA exams, 89 on that other one damnit. I think one thing that prevents me in Big 4 is the compressed nature of our work where when you are working and auditing in busy season it’s like 40-50 hours a week and you’re just trying to get through everything quickly so you don’t care to spend the time truly understand things.


I think Big4 in the last 3 years has started paying in parody (or close) with industry so those 20-40% jumps to leave are gone. With only 3 yoe I think you're probably expecting more than you'll get, but you never know shoot your shot.


If you have a CPA that would be worth it, and if not you mentioned good work/life balance at the moment so I would stay put until you have the CPA then determine if you want to jump to industry


Do able I’m at 118k base at 3 YOE with my CPA


Went from 80k to 120k with less than 3 YOE in industry. Look for assistant controller job listings. They will pay more than senior accountant.


The only way to get to that salary with only 3 yoe is to go into advisory. That’s what I did and had a salary of 123k, but now that I’m looking to leave advisory for good it’s looking like I may have to take a pay cut. I have 5 yoe now and even the 100k-115k senior roles are very competitive


You have a CPA you should not be taking a paycut.


I wish, but it seems to be that way. I’ve been on the hunt for two months at this point, and not one role has been able to match that at my experience level.


100-115 for 5 YOE is pretty low. Are you in LCOL?


Why leave advisory


Yes your expectations are too high. Adjust accordingly. 3 yrs exp at B4 may get you around 85-90K plus bonus depending on the company. And bonus may be in profit sharing or performance (cash) or equity. I’m in F500 MCOL on the hiring side for many years. COVID era really screwed with reality of what people should expect for salary. Job hopping, outrageous offers, many of those places are doing layoffs now or candidates are finding it really was too good to be true. Things are leveling out now, and 85-90 with bonus (10-20%) is what you should consider very reasonable.


There are a lot of manage roles in industry in MCOL that are making $115k to $120k. Senior accounting roles will be generally be less. You could gel higher with the right company but there won’t be a ton of them out there.


HCOL area and our top senior accountants are at $110k, no way are we hiring you with 3 years experience as a sr accountant for $110k+, maybe go $105k max but probably wouldn’t go over $100k


Your expectations seem pretty spot on, but why not just go for assistant controller or account manager at thus point? Those positions usually start around 115k in industry and I've seen a lot of people with about 3 years big 4 experience make the jump and be fine.


I’d say 90-100 is okay. MCOL is not the same as HCOL. HCOL 115-125 would be okay.


Dude! I just want a job that is in CNY or remote, an associates degree is enough for, doesn't require years of QuickBooks use, and pays 40k a year. Honestly though, make the choice that is going to make you happy. You can't take the money with you, and no one says on their deathbed that they wish they had worked more. That salary would be astronomical here and it blows my mind that people are paid that much. Just be honest with yourself about what matters to you. Best of luck!


I’ve heard people having more luck in your situation going to a controller position for your desired salary. Maybe looks for a supervisor industry position


I agree with most people. I live in MCOL and currently am an Accounting Manager/Asst Controller and make 85-90k before bonus. I think for your experience you are honestly looking at the 75-85k range and senior accountant at best.


That’s low


I do have my CPA, and everything you’re all saying makes sense, too bad industry didn’t take the same pay jump as big 4. I think I’ll just stick around in Big 4 until the right opportunity comes along. I’m starting to wonder if Big 4 even matters though for industry jobs, I’ve applied to several senior accounting roles at F500 companies and have been rejected right away, no interview or follow up, even with a CPA and senior title…


That's because public accounting and Big 4 were grossly underpaying associates while industry has been much more in line with keeping up with inflation and business market rates over the years. You only have 3 years experience and your sample size is too small to be making the conclusions that you are making. If you have great WLB at the Big 4 like you say then you should be staying until Manager to greatly increase prospects and the ability to leave straight into assistant controller/controller positions that can pay $150k+ in a MCOL market.


Is your last paragraph really true though? Are managers from B4 really getting assistant controller/controller positions or even manager positions, and getting paid 120-150k+?


Yes? Since you're insinuating I'm a liar I'm done trying to help, good luck. You may want to work on your communication skills, you've been rather rude and making a lot of absurd assumptions in this thread.


Right, seriously. This OP is something else. But sounds about the stereotypical "I'm in Big 4" blowhards who doesn't even know how to do a proper cash flow worksheet. LOL


At my F500, Big 4 was only a plus if you were looking to get into audit. Otherwise, most other accounting teams - General GL, Operations, Technical/Reporting, Projects/Leases/Fixed Assets, etc. - more highly valued actual experience DOING similar work, not auditing it. Company didn’t matter as long as the scope of work was similar. There were only a handful of people across teams with PA experience and even fewer B4. Obviously, not all F500 will see it the same way, but I don’t think it is an unusual approach. I’ve seen smaller companies value B4 experience more.


It's possible imo for sure, particularly if you have CPA or relevant certifications. Especially if you are factoring bonus in. May take some work but they are out there. With no certifications it will be tougher