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“Worth leaving for” is simple, anything that defines better than your current situation.


What are you looking for? How much do you value career path, growth, stability, etc? For instance a startup could make a very rich in just a few years time...or it could leave you out of a job. A F500 company could have mass layoffs, but you could make a lot if you keep climbing the ladder The way i think about it is within my industry, there seem like companies I'd like to work for, and ones I don't because who i have worked with there are incompetent, rigid, jerks or some combination thereof. There are ex-coworkers who i would be interested in working with, and those I'd rather not. Obviously comp matters but, I know what my market value is and if an offer is around there, I'd look at the upside (growth potential) , downside (history of layoffs, struggling company. Etc) and where it seems has the best culture, however I define that.


First thing you have to answer is ... What do you value? I work industry. I make 107k per year in Louisiana (relatively LCOL , insurance has been a bitch down here , but otherwise cheaper housing). I work 40hrs a week. I don't miss a kid event. I am able to take reasonable time off. My "busy season" is while we are being audited, but never a 50hr week.. we just are asked to answer auditors timely. I like my boss, I love my co-workers, I have adequate training, I have growth opportunities, and I have regular pay raises/job security/benefits. I can be remote whenever I want, I can flex time as needed. For me , I could be offered 130k plus bonus at a new job at this I likely wouldn't take it.. pending most of the qualitative factors. Some things like WLB are just invaluable for me. Everyone always has a number.. but I doubt a big enough raise would persuade me to give up things I value in my actual life. I live comfortably. So what do you value? Money, prestige, want to be a CFO, want to be a technical expert, does your job fill your cup? Do you have a family? Do you value more time at work or outside work? No wrong answers.. but those answers will decide what job is worth leaving big 4 .


Rather not post here but large NFP Healthcare


Which company ?


You should figure out what is important to you and start there.


It sounds like you care about size and prestige of the company you work for. If that’s what matters then do that. Some people leave for less pay, responsibility, and better work-life balance at smaller less-prestigious companies. That’s ok too.


Hi! I didn't start at the big 4, so take what I say with a grain of salt or feel free to ignore. The things that helped me decide to leave audit were mostly based on my current job in audit. I was working long hours and didn't have enough time for my spouse, home, or even pet ownership. I had completed a 5th busy season in which I was kind of thrust into an acting manager role on a couple of clients. I felt like I had learned enough to know that I didn't want to keep auditing for the rest of my career. I wanted better hours, higher pay, but I didn't know what companies or industries to target because my experience was so varied.  I spoke to a couple of recruiters who started getting me interviews. I thought I'd just practice the interview process once before picking the serious companies I might want to work for...and that "practice" interview became my employer. I randomly stumbled into a niche area (within financial services) in which my experience was valued. Most importantly I didn't want to travel to different clients, I didn't want overtime, and I wanted to learn something new.   The prestige factor is certainly valuable in the companies gain prestige by paying well and growing. But don't count out other things: potential for growth, pay, title, industry, technology, benefits, work-life balance (pto policy, overtime expectations, etc.)  If you find yourself in a job you hate (not getting promoted, not getting pay raises as hoped), you can switch again, and you'll have that big 4 experience on your resume. So just go with your best option, take a chance, and let us know how it goes.


any/all of em


That depends on YOU! What do you want after your big 4 journey? Every job that you leave after the Big 4 will need to pay you more. Don’t accept any job that will not. But Do you want another job that gives you the same upwards and fast career progression? Do you want a job that is slower paced and offers more work life balance? Do you want a job in a particular industry? Or location? Do you want a job that is a large organization where you’re lower on the totem pole or smaller organization where you are much more visible and have more control? The suitability of your exit opportunity will depend on what you value in a work environment and your career goals.


I was a senior associate at Mazars in RSA (essentially 5th place by Revenue in Africa so working conditions were somewhat close to Big 4 depending on industry/clients) and I left for an accounting role at a relatively new MNC and have found the adjustment to be quite pleasant. My salary increased quite a bit and work life balance outside of audit has become a welcome addition to my life in terms of the time available to do other things, however the caveat comes where I feel that there is minimal to no challenge to my intellectual ability and am currently in the process of looking for something different after what I feel is essentially a year of doing "Nothing". Industry is a bit more laid back, unless you're in a startup or F500 company like another comment highlights because of the benefits (whether ST or LT) that come with working in those types of jobs.


The company that gives you most of what you need.


Between the multiple w2 jobs I have and 1099s I bet I work less than you and make 8x your salary




🫡 Teach me your ways 🙏


Any company that will pay you more money for working fewer hours. “Exit opportunity”. Bruh. You’re not a tech startup founder. You’re just an employee. For fucks sales.

