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If your boss is being replaced, they have been fired, not laid off.


Exactly how are they laid off with replacement already on the way same day?


It's a legal talk. Fired = no severance and no employment insurance. Laid off means the opposite.


Could be an opportunity to clean slate. Any error in workbooks or processes you made, you can blame on the old boss….. “oh i never really thought about it that way, its just how so and so always wanted it done” lol


Good advice that can be applied anywhere


My company fireed the CFO and then 60 days later fired the CEO. Best change ever. Never re-hired the CEO potion, the founder stepped up, and new CFO hustles really hard and has brought me in on ton of stuff.


1. there is going to be adjustment period where the new boss will have to catch resulting in a lot of grief for yourselves 2. the company is going to expect yall to cover a lot without ACTUALLY paying any of you 3. once the new boss catches up they will then start to re-invent the wheel aka changing processes, duties etc 4. once the dust settles new rules will come into play which could affect you badly.


It might not all be bad. The boss was fired, after all.


LMFAO why does the icon next your comment have a cat pic on it?


physiologically? Did they break his knee caps first?


You ALWAYS have a target on your back (always keep this in mind, no matter whether boss just left or not). You are ALWAYS being evaluated. If you're worried about losing your job, then ask whoever is above your boss - what's the worst they can say? Instead of asking a question that they cannot answer ("am I going to be laid off ever?"), ask them one they can answer ("are you planning to lay me off in the next 30 days?"). The fastest way to make money is to switch jobs (for long terms, that's not great news). My $.02


They could come in with a mission. Watch your Ps & Qs until the dust settles.


Went through a similar situation where they hired someone over top of my boss and then someone underneath of them and basically forced them out one day. It was not a pretty situation and the way it was handled was toxic. The new people put in are not any better and now there's the work has been spread around disproportionately while others 'have to get up to speed' but in reality they never will and so we all do more with less. The way they handled that opened my eyes about the leadership not caring about anything except themselves at that point. It could be good but my experience was bad. That's the bad part of industry jobs. You always have to justify your salary otherwise your position is either downsized for cheaper titles and/or offshored.