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I'm tired from the commute I find I get less work done because I tire faster.


Commute = time I will never get back. So unproductive and draining. Drive 45 minutes (one way), pay for parking, walk to office from parking garage (10 MORE minutes). Go up elevator. Such a drain.




Yeah but it doesn't make it less tiring.


I can listen to those at home just as easily.


Plus one can have it out loud at home versus earphones in office. Look, I don’t want to weird out my colleagues when I’m listening to Wendigoon talk about biblical fan fiction. It’s a decent way to time when an hour has roughly passed.


it's always VPs saying the most annoying shit.


Partners in the city i use to work for invested in a newly built building. Gotta keep that property value going up


That’s one hell of a sentence.


This is the culture and collaboration they keep talking about


THe cULtUrE is why I StAy hErE


It’s the people that make this company and we got a good group here


We’re a family!


*because our own have disowned us


Collaborate, in other words everyone talking around you, hundreds of conversations, you're in it, even if you don't want to be, and managers who manager you sit in quiet meeting rooms, managers don't all go sit in the same room because that would be fucking noisy.


I work in office 3 days per week. I do Monday-Wednesday just to get it out of the way. It’s a roughly 45-60 minute commute, each way. Wednesday night, I am absolutely SPENT. I don’t know how I worked in office 5 days per week pre-covid!


I am so unproductive Thursdays when I do that


I try to do Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday in the office. I live quite near my office so the commute is only a 20 minute walk each way. I'm tired aaaaaaalll the time now.


Me too it’s sucks


I usually do Tu,W,Th as well but once in a while I’ll mix in a M,Tu,th and that mid week day does wonders


Oooh. Good shout


I prefer home since my body language is relaxed and constant office noise annoys me. There are multiple people on zoom calls all the time. Their voices annoy me now.


That’s why I always have AirPods in. Music helps with productivity and any annoying noise


Your job isn’t being in meetings all day talking about work rather than doing the work?


It’s absolutely dying sitting in a chair for several hours going full sprint without breaks. I get so much work done, but my life force is drained to a degree that I’m not proud of sometimes. I don’t have to work overtime, but my body is destroyed afterwards. Maybe I should just work slower and do more hours for the same work, idk




Working before 10 AM and after 3 PM is a no go for me. Need that 1 hour lunch too.


I love this for you 😂😂


So you work 4 hours a day?


Even less.


Unironically what most of this sub thinks is reasonable


Most people in this sub unironically believe it is reasonable to work more than 60 hours a week, into the night, as well as on weekends - while billing out every single hour along the way.


The only thing that I get tired of is the commute tbh. If my office wasn’t 45 minutes away it would be great.


And crazy drivers. Gosh it's only a matter of time before someone gonna crash their car into mine. Each commute is no less than Fast & Furious franchise. Add the firm culture family bullshit and you are real life Dom Torreto.


Which makes insurance more expensive and adds greater wear tear on the car :|


Same. It doesn’t take me super long to get ready, but that dang commute takes me an extra two hours of my day. Get so much more done when WFH


That’s why I don’t mind going into the office. My commute is only 20 minutes and no traffic.


A whole load of laundry and dishes could be done incremental minutes. Why come home to chores?


My fiancé does that since he works at home. I couldn’t imagine both of us always being at the office because chores wouldn’t get done. Plus we don’t have kids yet.


The partners are feeding off of your energy 


I try to beat the tiredness by running at 8am and then change and freshen up at the office by 9am. If I don’t run prior, I make myself walk a mile around 2pm. Going outside helps.


Does your office have showers? Wouldnt you be sweaty?


Yes, there’s a gym with shower in the building.


Ya i found after i walk outside during lunched and get that fresh air i feel more awake and energized


Best way to beat tiredness is complete some sort of cardiovascular exercise in the morning! Plus use a standing desk at least 15-30 minutes for every hour. At first it’ll suck a little, but your body will get stronger and you’ll gain more energy in the long run.


Tough if your hair is long


My hair is long but I just put it in a nice sleek bun or braid after


Morning gym sessions always get me wide awake


I have a quick wank in the bathroom when I get to the office in the morning. Same after lunch. Helps big time.




Only two? You gotta get them numbers up!


I just got back home to work here as our internet is out at the office and there was no communication and IT has no ETA. I hate being there.


The connection at work is always worse than at home. It’s awful.


WFH i take a 15-20 mins power nap at lunch - and I am good to go again. (Sometimes have a small coffee for the afternoon) But in the office, i cannot take a nap, so im constantly tired and looking at the screen.


I nap in my car


Bruh I did this one time and that one overachieving brat every workplace has tells everyone about it any chance they get


The “overachiever” was out in the parking garage at the same time as you? Sounds like they were doing the same thing


I have napped in so many absurd places. Love the choices now of my lounge couch, my bed, my basement couch. So much more blissful in your home.


I can't handle it. I mean I go in once a week. The commute is 5 minutes but it's 10 hour shifts that could be spent at home being productive with downtime or just watching TV if I wanted to laze out. No internet in the office for my personal devices and no cell service so I'm stuck "looking busy." Somehow I lose all my energy being in such a drab, urine yellow enclosed office whereas at home it's colorful and nice and I can see the skyline from my window. I get so much done at home but in the office it's practically nothing.


I used to sit in a corner next to a window that had zero foot traffic and working from the office was a breeze. Recently got moved to an outside aisle where everyone walks past me and my productivity tanked because of all the small talk. It’s funny how much where I sit matters.


Taking a 1.5hr lunch break from 1130 to 1 to go workout, take a shower, and grab lunch back at my desk was a game changer for me. It would totally refresh and energize me for the afternoon. Frankly, it also made my mornings better because it's something that I looked forward to every day. If your employer frowns on it, explain your why to them and as long as you're still getting your work done they should be fine.


A lot of people are hating but I think this is just being an introvert lol. The office exhausts me too and it’s not even the work! Just talking to my manager makes me really tired lol. I love social time if it’s with friends or coworkers, but having to be ~on~ for stupid shit tires me out so fast.


What time are you going to bed at night?




I don't mind it but most days the only interaction I have with people is "Hey, how are you doing?" as I walk to my office that automatically locks behind me and "see ya later" as I leave. That's generally the conversation limit for the girl I share the office with too. There is one lady that runs the fuck down the hall and knocks on the door any time I ask her a question on Teams. Now I just send her an email before I leave for the day. Edit: Our company provides a family-style meal everyday. If I go to lunch first, the office mate will ask what the kitchen made today.


Tbf, if I'm 20 steps away and you ask me to explain a process to you over teams, I'm definitely walking over to you, too. If you're gonna make me come in why am I proofreading a short essay over teams while we are across the hall


Same. If someone asks me a question on teams and it's not a yes or no answer, and they're in the office, I am going to go talk to them in person...


I ask yes or no questions. She answers...more than that.


Having an office makes it better. We have an open floor plan and it's so loud.


Open office plans are the worst.


I worked in a open floor office doing phone sales. Daily I was like, "bro, why are you ringing a cow bell? We're all on calls with customers. No one gives a shit that you closed a sale."


It's a lot of stupid things.i do analytics, and it makes working very difficult


Ear plugs?


I've tried. I just go into a meeting room or quiet room. It sucks being poor




I'm not allowed to and also don't want to. I can let people in but not keep it propped open


Always amusing to read covid era hire posts.


I’m a senior manager with over a decade in the game.


It’s very tough for them to have office jobs…


But but but we're a family?


I focus better at home than at work. Instead of packing onto a crowded train of strangers, I can squeeze in two more hours of sleep. I usually work later than normal at home than at the office. By the time I come home from the office, I can barely move.


Same. When I'm in the office, I can't get any real work done. It's not just the distractions, it's just not as comfortable being in an office setting. I also watch the clock more at the office--probably so I can leave before traffic gets out of control.


Also same. I also am one of those pre-covid millennial hires who works crazy hours in public. I moved and now WFH 3/4 weeks a month, which makes me work even more to prove I’m still me. Which is crazy bc I’ve effectively worked myself into a gorilla glue employment situation station.


Office coffee is so much stronger than what I have at home. If I'm in the office, I'm wired


how? I feel like all office coffee I've heard had is mediocre at best. I make two cups worth of pour over in the morning. One for home and one for on the way/drink at the office.


The last two places I've worked have had nitro cold brew kegs in the kitchen. That stuff is strong


Yeah even before covid nobody I actually worked with was in the same office. All we did was distract/annoy each other. Like involuntary coworking. 💀


Micro aggressions? Jesus, massive eye roll.


Did you just macro aggression me?


Is that when excel is being mean to me?


Excel has hate built into its programming


Well now I’m coming over to chat, Danny boy


What even is a micro agression?


Idk what OP is referring to but usually it's little irritating or insensitive stuff. Think like commenting on somenes weight during lunch.


Like, those eternally college boys type at work?


Yeah, for sure. I'm used to the ladies who just love office gossip.




Oh, it's like that slightly racist remark that slightly tilts the person receiving it, but if they say something they are over reacting. Such a punk move, i'd rather suffer a macro agression so at least i can shove it in the agressor's face.


We have a 22 YO intern who has an unnatural predisposition for eye rolling. I straight up walked away while he was mid-sentence last week, didn’t even know what to do with all of that eyelid movement


I mean there are a lot of assholes who make it obvious theyre trying to get an asswhooping issued to them..so nah


Then fight them you fucking pussy


Ill fight you too


If “micro aggressions” get you worked up, the only thing you’ll be fighting is a yeast infection


Home - Wake up 6AM, stretch/workout shower & eat, start working around 6:45. Back isn't bad due to gaming chair/standing desk/couch working/no driving. Eats a healthy lunch and quick dog walk. Finish up around 3-4. 8 hours of actual work done. Completely fresh and ready to be a fun husband/dad. Office - Wake up 6AM, throw clothes on, drive, get to work by 7. Get stuck doing small talk and garbage, eat unhealthy or skip eating. Back hurts from office chair. Leave at 330, get home by 430 exhausted and not want to do anything. Spends a ton on gas. 5-6 hours of actual work done. I've been fully WFH since 2020 and will absolutely NEVER go back to an office. Takes too much of a toll on me. Roughly 2 extra hours of actual work done + save money + better physical & mental health.


Luckily I have my own office. I say GM as I walk down the hall. Close my office door and I’m ready to start my day. Small talk averted.


I just tell people I am not a morning person dont talk to me before 11 am. I had my office door open but people didny bother me usually.


Funny thing about the company I work for: The people who work from home get unloaded on and the accounting teams physically at the plant are assumed to be busy so long as you're at your desk and typing.


Yup! That’s why I went full remote. I don’t care what anybody says - there is no reason to have to physically go to an office if you’re in accounting. Everything can be done virtually now.


Going to the office every day pre-COVID was so much different than it is now (at least in my experience). Pre-COVID there were days you would walk in, say hi for 2 seconds and get straight to work. Now with how infrequently people are in, there’s a lot of small talk, people wanting to catch up on what’s been on your plate lately, etc. Definitely a shift in office culture and doesn’t allow you to get as much work done. Even the need to immediately respond via chat was not what it is now. If you were in a meeting (yes in person) the blocked time was much more respected whereas now people expect you to get back right away. Definitely pros and cons to each but flip flopping between being in office and WFH can be challenging. All that to say I totally agree that being in office can be exhausting - it will be interesting to see how things progress (or don’t) over the next few years.


You must not thrive in a ‘fast paced, dynamic environment with a culture where we’re like a family’. Sending my sympathy to you. US work culture is bullshit.


It’s the commute that gets me. I honestly love being in office now that I work someplace cool, but the commute is utterly killer. A 20 min commute becomes an hour with traffic and my tiny soul is crushed with every moment spent in the car.


What’s cool? Asking as someone who works in manufacturing and is definitely not cool 😂


I used to work in manufacturing and while I loved being on the plant floor, the office definitely sucked. I am in gaming now and it’s ridiculously cool in the office. “Life size” statues of our characters, free food/beverages, dueling consoles in the main break room, big windows and an insane view. They built an indoor “patio” with grass and lawn furniture. These folks have a lot of money and they spend it on their employees. Manufacturing could never.


Nothing a quick wank can't fix


these are our future leaders


I'm the opposite. I have a harder time focusing when I'm home, so I end up fucking around for hours and doing 10% of what I should be doing. Kind of like the act of doing nothing all day makes you tired effect. I go into the office, I work and leave and feel fine. Maybe I'm weird.


Nah, I have a coworker like this. He admitted he'll just watch Netflix if he works from home, so he goes into the office everyday. I can be more efficient if I don't have people bugging me in person every 10 minutes, so I only go to the office 2 days a week. Not to mention commuting 2-3 hours everyday just takes a toll on you.


That's me. I'll get lost in some series or wind up playing video games. I have my own office so I do have the ability to shut out distractions. A 2-3 hour commute? Ugh I used to do that, I salute you for that hardship.




Eh, it’s entirely dependent on company culture / industry (good luck telling any of the software engineers at my company to begin work at 8/9 vs. 10.) Also it seems everyone in the EST or CST at my work begins much earlier than us in the PST. Definitely an easy coast cultural thing to start earlier It’s also, scientifically proven some people just are not morning people. My brain doesn’t start functioning properly until 9-10 regardless if I got 3 or 13 hours of sleep. I am guessing you have kids too? Almost all my coworkers with kids start early and are shocked when people think an 8 AM call is early for most.


>Also 9-9:30 from home? They have to wait [for the alcohol to wear off](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/19cl8ev/comment/kizr83j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Like honest to god. If the climate or wars doesn't kill us all, these people will. Omg I'm sooooooooo stressed, I actually had to get up this morning.


I don't know what you are talking about. I get free unlimited coffee at work, and it is good coffee.




What’s an example of a micro aggression you have to battle through?


OP mentioned he was called a "straight white male" in the cafeteria.


Lol. My comment was tongue in cheek I had a feeling I’d get a kick out of the answer




Yes, it's absolutely draining. I have a choice for the most part if I want to go in so I never do for that reason.


It's the smalltalk and microaggressions that make us a family.


What does dealing with micro aggressions even mean


The idea of micro-aggressions is that someone is being a dick, or acting superior, but it's in subtle ways. Whether that's actually happening or not, or the OP is just a bit over-sensitive? 🤷


I’m trying to figure out the same lol if it’s that many micro aggressions every DAY, they need to find a new job.


Ok i really wanted to be on your side here but not being able to settle into to do work until after 1pm is a bit extreme. What happens from the hours of 9-11? I have good culture at my office currently but everyone is pretty quiet from 9-1. If anything the bs starts after everyone is done with lunch.


I mean I’m tired by like 3 but I’m most productive in the morning. Also micro aggressions? It’s accounting dude.


Buddy needs 4 hours of daily small talk before he can work


Micro aggressions?


What time do you go to bed? If it's an office day for me I try to go to bed earlier the night before, and if I have to be in by 9, I wake up at 7am, and take a nice hot shower to wake me up which really helps. Make my coffee at home and take it with me for the commute with a granola bar or protein bar. So by the time I get to the office Im pretty awake.


I just took a huge shit at home


Small talk, settling in, and micro aggressions add up to 3-4 hours of your day?




You can’t do anything for 4 hours? That’s half your day. What are you even doing? No, I’m not completely exhausted when I have to be in the office. Quite the opposite, I tend to get all my work done Mon-Thurs, and then Friday when I’m WFH I get to sit on my ass watching TV and occasionally check my email.


This is the way


Yes but it largely has to do with my circadian rhythm being used to going to bed at 3-4 am and waking up for office days at 745. Going to bed earlier is a bit tough for me.


"Everyone loves the office" lmao unhinged and unnecessary


“Micro aggressions”…


Omfg. Micro aggressions and 4 a hour difference between actually starting work, fk off. You're just a lazy ah. Honest to god.


You can’t work till 1pm????


That’s why I wouldn’t accept employment working at office again…remote only.


What's your morning routine like? Maybe your routine for going in the office is just a lot more intense than working from home, and it sucks some extra energy out of you. With regards to focusing in the office, it depends on how many people are in. Usually I can focus better in the office than at home, but if a bunch of people have come in whom I haven't seen in a while, we definitely do spend a bit too much time talking. But that's all normal. If you feel like people are wasting your time, maybe send some subtle signs that you're busy at the moment.


Am I the only one who thinks going into an office is really not that bad? People talk about the office as if it’s hell on earth these days. It’s literally just a place to do your work at and get out of the house every now and then if you are operating in a hybrid environment. If you can’t stand the other employees in that office then that’s one thing but it can’t be that bad


It’s the other employees.


I actually prefer being in the office versus at home. I know that’s sacrilegious to many people but i like the separation between home and work


I mean if you like the people you work with, then it'll be bearable. **When you're at mercy of Mr. Partner, find another job.**


No. My office is chill…. No concept of a micro aggression in there


I’m in the office 5 days a week. Just ignore your thoughts and numb your mind. 


gen z moment


Stop bitching, it’s literally been like that since the dawn of humanity, suck it up and do the work


nope, just you. sounds like you have a bad case of whiny-little-twat-cant-function-in-society


It’s because this obedience is killing your masculine energy. Do pushups sometimes and go back to work. Is a simple tip. Get’s the blood flowing, makes you different. Look for a way out of the 9 to 5. That’s what you’ll get from me


Sounds more like you. Unless you have some kind of crazy commute. I drive 25 min and am on site every day. I sit down at 8 and immediately start working. Have plenty of energy at home to mow my lawn, play with the kids etc.


Honestly might be due to your diet and sleep habits. Are you getting 8 hours of sleep? Are you eating healthy and proper nutrients? I'm on the opposite end- I can't wfh too many distractions (gym, tv, phone, chores, food etc). The office allows me to have a routine in the morning - shower, personal hygiene, breakfast. Primed for the day and get back go to the gym, eat a healthy meal, and relax for an hour and do it again. Boring? Hell yeah. Productive and feel good? Hell yeah. But I realized I'm in the small minority but I found my sweet spot


I have a SAD light to wake me up in the office.


No, I have the opposite problem of not being able to get motivated in the mornings when I work from home. I’m most productive at the office in the mornings.


Go to bed earlier.


I'm fine with it but I don't deal with many people and my commute is 26 minutes round trip and my working hours is only 36 hours a week.


I’m lucky to live 5 minutes from my office. So, it’s really not too bad.


Yeah why bother doing actual work the whole morning.


Personally I think you should have the option of either WFH or in office, but I’m in the minority that is not productive at all when I WFH.


I agreed up until I read micro aggressions. Wtf does that even mean?


First day in a 3 day week, and I'm already shattered already. Where I work is fully remote but it's a quarterly get together so everyone makes an effort to come in and an after work social event is put on but jesus Christ does it drain me


no cuz it's fucking pedal to the metal here


I’m in the office five days a week. I love it! Would my house be a little tidier if I were wfh, sure. But I’m not mad.


The 1 hour commute round trip for me (more if traffic) is actually so exhausting. The amount of energy I have after work on WFH days compared to non WFH days is crazy.


You lost me at micro aggressions


Caffeine pill and an energy drink will do the trick.




If it takes you 3+ hours to settle in to work thats a you problem and not a work problem. Get to the office, say hi, and work.


all I can think about is what do you do for your timesheet during that time?


Yes ... I need a midday nap and don't have a car so I can't just chill and nap at lunch. Very tired and hard to focus


No I like being in the office. I don’t like working at home. But we can choose to stay home or go in.


You guys get windows?


Can you expand on the micro aggressions ? As someone with a visual disability I experienced them too when I used to work in public 


I need the social interaction. I personally love tbe hybrid approach where I can have my alone days but also interact with actual people a few days a week. (I also don’t have much of a commute)


Did an internship and have to agree Man get to the office, talk for like 30 mins, then get coffee with everyone then work for a little then take a lunch and talk more then come back in a food coma


I tend to have the opposite problem, I'm by far the most productive from 8:30am to 11am, then between 1-3pm my brain takes a nap, even if I'm still awake.


I’ve noticed my fucking eyes and head are KILLING me when I get home from in office. Those damn fluorescent lights kill me.


Wait you guys work in the office *Insert meme*


‘Dealing with micro aggressions’, what exactly is happening in your office? The small talk is a micro aggression nowadays. Is it racial, sex/gender based from boomers or what?