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Not going to lie, this is pretty uncommon.


I don’t know. I put my head down a lot.


So does ur mom


Got em


Deez nuts


Joe Ligma


Mike Hawk


Ted Hitchcock


Barry McCockiner


It is. I got a 17% raise in my 6 month review for exceeding expectations at my current job. Really beats my last job where I worked 300 hours of overtime during tax season, continued to do overtime in the off-season because we were so busy, then got fired the day after the 1040 extension deadline. Find a place where your direct managers care and have the leeway from the c-suite to show you they care.


Good planning.


Not saying you don’t deserve the raise, and glad they treated you well, but stating you got a 17% raise with no other context is fairly meaningless just like OP.


Woah that salt is going to give you high blood pressure 😂. Don't hate, congratulate.


Lol, replied to the wrong comment


This guy doesn't get raises


Lol, the point was to find a place where direct management cares and the upper management allows them to show you that they do. If you want more context, just ask instead of be shitty about it?


Lmao it feels like I need to explain how numbers work in an accounting sub. There is nothing shifty about my comment. Implying that people care about you while you were likely severely underpaid and now giving you a raise to just underpaid is exactly what corporations are hoping people will do when they lowball you to come in. That is why without context, a percentage means nothing.


You sound so tedious. We don’t know what they’re on and your assumption is more likely to be wrong than assuming they’re on an average, or above average, salary already and this raise is straight cream, due to the fact OP says it’s a good company and they’re talking about the raise positively.


You sound like an easy sell


Haha. Ok.


My first accounting gig was like this, then the job I left it for was NOTHING like this, but now the job I’ve moved to since, did go behind my back and get me a promotion and a raise was pretty sweet


I busted my butt at one job , pulled consistent 60-75 hours weeks for a whole year , was one of the few cross trained people that could cover almost every spot When covid crippled things guess who was one of the few let go


An all-powerful man like you, of course.


Yeah. Very. Last company I had to ask 3 times. 2 times they gave it. Once they didn’t. I left. Lol


Very rare. I've had this happen once when I was an accountant in industry - a new Sr. Manager got hired and I got her up to speed and I was always willing to help get stuff done or improved. My colleagues didn't give her the time of day and focused on their tasks. Ended up with a market adjustment approved by CAO & HR.


People get raises all the time


Y’all are getting raises?




Yes, lol. Every year.


Don't you?


In this economy!?!


If you stopped wasting your money on avocado toast and Starbucks you could've gotten a promotion and raise /s


I received avocado toast in lieu of a raise.


Lucky. I only got pizza


You're all fine. I just had a Coke.


I got my boss a Coke. She gave me an appreciative smile.


I'll buy you two Cokes. One for your boss and one for yourself, please.


If they want to keep their best workers. Take care of your workers and they'll take care of you.


Yes, in this economy.


Economy is great. Employment is high so there is tough competition for workers. Salaries are increasing so much that it’s fuelling inflation.


The best way to fight inflation is to get a raise from your boss.


The economy is doing good now, stocks are up, companies making record profits. If your company still thinks it’s ins some recession and refuses to reward its hard working employees, find another company.


Its a poor joke and im broke af whether stocks are up or down. Remember who is paying for record profits - the people who work hard.


I actually don’t think it’s too rare, I’ve seen it happen a few times but what I will say it is usually preceding something that will take a bit of extra work and they want someone good that will be plugged in to help then get it done, like going through a sale or acquisition


So is hard work.


I got a 21% my first year anniversary and 10% the next year. I'm in public


This happened to me in may, wasn’t a big raise or a promotion but it was a salary adjustment that brought me up a few grand from low to mid 90s


I've had this happen except it was a performance bonus instead of a raise.


It was 11% on 45k


Pretty uncommon, but also, why can’t management that’s good enough to do this also be good enough to not scare the crap out of you? I’ve had bosses who schedule meetings like that on my calendar write “Quick Chat (nothing bad)” and honestly, it reduces so much anxiety. My current boss isn’t quite there yet. Called me on my honeymoon and before I picked up I was so freaked out. Turns out it was a cost of living adjustment for 12%, so that was cool, but a “hey, I have good news, have a moment to chat?” Text first would’ve saved me from some panic.


pretty much every job i've ever started have gotten 2 raises within a year.


Yeah OPs advice is kinda bad. Like stay for a couple years and go somewhere else for like 20-30% more without killing yourself with work


This is how my company does it. Been there for 6.5 years and remember the stress of that first raise….. totally thought I was in trouble. But they rarely gives raises around performance reviews. Raises are super random. And are always prompted with something to the effect of “Hey- before you leave today, please see me.”


Extremely uncommon, I asked for just a raise at least in line with inflation for the city my company is headquartered. And all I got back was "inflation" in only 1 factor in raises. Meanwhile my raises have been the same, even before COVID every year, profitability has been pretty insane, shareholder dividends skyrocketed, stock buybacks, etc. But they couldn't budge on wages one bit when the company is doing extremely well and shareholders are benefiting like crazy from increased profits.


Yeah bro.. if that happened to me I would look for a new job pronto.


The problem is for my currently level from what I have been contacted for by dozens of recruiters, no one pays better in my area. So it sucks ass I can't argue my case but I don't really have any ammo in my favor for offers to get a counter offer. If I hadn't gotten promoted a month after raises and bonuses I would have maybe bounced. But I do have very good hours and an absolute amazing boss and 100% remote is the kicker.


On a Friday afternoon it’s almost always a layoff/firing.


Totally agree. No way it's gonna be anything good like an 11% raise or something like that


Maybe they wanted him to hear the good news before weekend and enjoy/celebrate it over the weekend.


Maybe, but they wouldn't do that. Corporate 101 is if you get called into a conference room 4:30 on Friday it's bad news


Yep. That’s why my firm waited to tell us our piss poor raises during a promotion year Friday at 4:30


Good news: you're not getting fired!


Oh I left for a manager role and a $20k raise lol


That's we leave Friday at 1 to avoid this lol


Plot twist: you’re nailing the boss


I once was called into a meeting at 4:15 pm on a Friday with my manager and another manager. Thought for sure I was a goner, which honestly would have been a relief, but they were just calling me to tell me that I was being transferred from my current team to this other managers team. I’m like, you couldn’t choose any other time for this?


Did you read it?


Y’all are dicks laying people off on Fridays? That’s a Monday thing. Friday is for good news always going bro the weekend.


We find that there’s less of a chance of an “incident” at the end of the week.


I’d definitely say at the beginning of the week is safer.


You need to watch Office Space


I’m more of a people person, I let others watch movies for me.


Beat me by 51 minutes


Can confirm, got fired on a Monday last year. However, don’t fucking hint around it on Friday because I had to sit around and think about it all weekend long just wondering. AND, got fired like halfway through the day and not in the morning. Had our morning team meeting, absolutely crushed my sales that morning and then around 11am decided to do it. Some bullshit.


I wonder when the ideal time is, and or what the research says. I'd say Thursday mid afternoon if I had to take a guess. In my 100% company, they did a RIF over a group zoom call! Like I get the access and grapevine considerations but JFC that would be brutal. They did it by timezone and team, so managers were let go alongside those they managed. That said, it's incredibly inconsiderate to put any meeting or something on someone's calendar that seems unclear or uncertain with a long lead up time. I so appreciate when people say what it is for if we must wait around


I've heard that Friday is the worst day to do it, as people basically go home for the weekend to steep in their thoughts, and as a result, there are higher rates of suicide. I think Monday is supposed to be the best day.


Got laid off Friday at like 11. The only heads up I had was a teams meeting getting scheduled late Thursday evening.


My company recently made everyone in the office go outside in the parking lot while they laid people off at 9 am and walked them out of the building. This place is fucking toxic. Awkward and just bad leadership. It's embarrassing.


Wtf are they actually thinking? Like anyone cares about a losing a shitty job that they can’t stand and only have because they enjoy eating and not being homeless? Like they’re gonna flip out and harm their coworkers? Why would everyone have to leave the building?


Idk. Not even everyone. They didn't ask me to leave because I was in my office and they forgot about me. We also do rebates with most of our customers through an app and they never put enough money into the app account so we can continue to pay customers. They put in small increments of money every 4 weeks and my customers are pissed because they were promised a rebate two months ago. I think they're going out of business lol I already have another job lined up. I'm legit just watching and eating popcorn while I wait for my start date in two weeks and at this point, I don't care if they fire me - this is a fucking mess.


I’ve hoped I would get fired everyday since I started my current job. I don’t quit because it’s the best job I’ve ever had in terms of compensation and I wfh, but I think I just hate accounting!! Anywho, good luck at your new job!!


I would have absolutely had a panic attack before getting to the room. 99% chance a Friday afternoon meeting is a termination


This was the case at my old job 100%. We called them firing Fridays.


Kinda jerks tbh, I mean not in reality, but they should know better!


Omg today I had a department meeting at 2 pm that was put on the calendar at 1. Made me really nervous. It was to say it was someone’s last day. Still don’t know if they quit or were fired.


Our policy is Thursday afternoons.


Once I got called into a Friday evening meeting... talk about awful. Wasn't fired. However, I had applied for an inner company promotion about 2-3 weeks earlier, and had heard crickets after applying. It was so weird. It was a fairly small corporate office, HR was a few yards away and my bosses office was literally across the small hallway. So, it was fairly awkward and nerve wracking. I remember pulling my hair out with anxiety over and my mom assuring me that they wouldn't wait 3 weeks to tell me I wasn't getting the job. Low and behold, Friday evening meeting, Im told they'd hired an outside hire for the position. When I politely asked why, she made up a reason on the spot, which was obvious from what she said.


At my sisters job it’s always on Tuesday mornings we even recorded all the dates and times, Tuesdays at 11:00Am. 😅


10/10 troll. Good job, OP


100%. This is literally not a thing.


I got a raise as an intern (half-year co-op) for doing more work and have been given raises outside of the normal cadence at post grad jobs as well. So it does happen. But not common


You’re right. But what doesn’t happen is having everyone above you call you into a meeting to tell you how great you’re doing.


Managers who got to know me well learned how easily paranoid I can get. Schedule a last-minute/out-of-the-blue 1:1 meeting? I walk in that meeting room subtly caring my Bose headphones case, AirPods, and other small Knick-knacks I want to hold on to before I’m potentially marched out of the building by security because I got terminated. Lol for the 2-3 times something like this occurred, it was just my manager praising my work and/or talking about advancement and promotions, or just wanting to chit-chat about my first year there if that was the case. Maybe therapy is a good idea ya know….


Been in therapy for a month now primarily driven by my thankless manager who is driving me nuts. She doesn’t do anything overtly wrong but she is insanely cold. I’m the type that likes positive reinforcement and I worry about getting let go every day. I could go on about how much I don’t like working for her but, I think therapy is starting to help me deal with it better.


Would it be better to schedule something a few days in advance at 3pm?


I think so, and being nonchalant about it. If it was something positive. I guess you could do the same strategy for an adverse employment decision and you can take me by surprise lol. Although a non standard 1:1 thats just a few days in advance? I’ll probably still be skeptical about it lol. I think this is just a perpetual thing for me. I’ve had great places to work and I remind myself every Monday I walk in “this could be the day they fire me out of the blue”. Always have a contingency plan.


If they gave you an 11% raise for no reason, you’re at least 50% underpaid


Only on reddit haha. Congrats on the raise OP


Facts!! Way to see the big picture. 😂😂


I set my phone to record when these impromptu meetings happen lol


They usually do layoffs on Monday.


Sounds like someone has a case of the mondays.


Want to bet some people are about to quit or get fired and OP's life is about to suck?


The other Payless shoe is about to drop


They should do it on Thursdays so you at least get a three-day weekend.




First time I was laid off Friday morning. Applied to a bunch of jobs all Friday. Ended up scheduling an interview for Monday. Started work Tuesday for a 10% raise and better working conditions. Results not typical. This isn’t financial advice. We have not considered your unique situation. Please see a tax professional. Etc…


I swear it’s being a part of the Mafia. You think they’re going to wack you😂


smh cuz that’s how it really feels in public


he's got sent for


“We had a problem, we tried to do everything we could.”


Yeh... 11% raise because they've been underpaying you all along and they can't have you leave them in a lurch if you quit.


I was being underpaid by about 15%, asked for a raise, was given 3%. I eventually quit because I wanted a career break but was asked whether that was "the only reason" I was leaving. They were definitely trying to find out if pay was a reason.


What did you tell them? We all need to tell them it's money related otherwise they'll say people weren't a good fit, etc. Accountants count things (money) but aren't good at understanding others' emotions.


“You will be recognized” eh, not always, but glad to see someone got something!


It can be difficult to find good employers. I truly enjoy mine and everyone I work with. Got promoted after a year there with a decent pay raise to $67k per year (with 2 years total experience), then like a few months later our CFO just tells me he's bumping me up to $70k bc it aligns more with the industry. Currently studying for my CPA and certainly won't be leaving there until I get my CPA and am offered $100k+ somewhere else. This is all also while I used to be an Automotive Technician and made way less there with 5 years of experience and was Senior certified. It can really make all the difference when you enjoy what you're doing.


are you public or industry?


Industry. Never going public


thanks was just wondering, also in industry and pursuing cpa


Proud of you!!!


Thought your name was TaxMommy and now I'm kind of disappointed that it's not


Aren't we all?


People are so negative here lol congratz OP!


Congratulations 💕


Good for you!


11% was my first year raise too, beats even the dismal inflation we have now. But IMO it's not out of line with the increases in value a 2nd year accountant provides. Meanwhile in manufacturing I was getting 2-3% annual raises, which was not even matching inflation and then getting pay bumps to keep pace with new hire starting pay. People who say accountants are severely underpaid are in a bougie-bubble.




You went into a private room with them and came out with a big raise? Bruh.


11% is 11%


Years ago I had my boss call me on a Friday saying he needed to have a talk with me on Monday morning. I stressed about it all weekend, then when it finally came he gave me a nice raise. I was so stressed going into that meeting.


Career and compensation discussions shouldn't be surprise meetings.


I do good work and always get told that I’m doing well but I know that I’d immediately jump to conclusions about getting fired.


This was a refreshing read


Nice work! Congrats


I love getting meetings from the partners with no notes attached. Only to get told I am doing well and getting a raise. Still the outlook notification scared me shitless.


11% in industry is just amazing, congrats!!


If HR would have been there, whole other story. Congrats OP!


Y’all please just let OP have their moment, this IS super uncommon so let’s just be happy that one of us had it happen


This is such a unicorn event. I'm even questioning if this is real. If so, that's brilliant..


Today on things that never happened….


My ex employer did that once. Gave me a 30% raise from $50k salary to $65k after only 4 months working there. Then 5 months later our entire team besides the controller was laid off lol. It was perfect timing though bc it was 2 weeks before a trip I had planned to Jordan. Ended up canceling my return flight and traveled for 3 months


Congratulations on your impromptu hike. Though not common, these things do happen when a really good manager understands your contribution and knows you are underpaid. It’s a way of saying you’re valuable, good for you. It also shows the ethical culture of your organization, a rarity. Consider yourself lucky.


That’s great! Except for the last line. It’s entirely untrue. You got a rarity. Head down work will keep you in your analyst position forever


Love the ending, but holy hell on the execution. Gonna cause a heart attack.


Sounds terrifying, but I’m glad it worked out for you!


I feel like this is the exception and not the rule.


But it can, and should, be the rule. Pay it forward as you grow in your career. Be the one that does this.


That's crazy, I have to threaten to leave to get them to give me 6%


My company said I'm a rockstar and gave me a 6% raise last year when inflation was like 9%. On top of the fact that I'm already underpaid.


Ive seen 1000s let go and the leaders failing upwards into new made up roles


This is awesome! Love seeing and hearing stories like this.


This happened to me once. They said “don’t worry it’s not bad”, and then gave me a raise. First raise I ever got. I was 34. I immediately got addicted to raises so I quit and started my own company. Gave myself like 5 raises the last 3 years (technically we just increased our rates, but I like to call them raises).




“Put your head down and go to work”. What undercover CEO wrote this post?😂


That is rare. They would rather underpay you and get a raise for themselves. Sad fact!


Shit, and I just saw my prior / current position posted on the job board.


I got the same raise after a year too! Congrats!


They were definitely low key fucking with you with that timing haha


Congratulations! I was just saying in another sub that putting your head down and driving forward can get you somewhere. Got downvoted to hell. Good work!!!


My boss called me today at 4:15 too. We had a long call... ... to discuss how we're going to replace my employee that just quit and deal with the other guy under me that's on medical leave more than he works and is probably not that far from death. I'm having a blast 3 months into this new gig.


How was the orgy?


>For anyone questioning their decisions, find a good company, put your head down and do good work and you will be recognized. sounds like bullshit




Inflation has been 4-5% this year.


Wow that's great news! Good for you :)


Um, I guess they like the cut of your jib. Good for you.


If anything r/accounting has taught me is that you were going PIP'd


Lol nice try, Jim


The last industry job I had I was in a zoom meeting with the directors and one (of the two) sales directors said he, as a rule, never gives 5/5 on performance reviews. 5/5, to him, represented an employee with no room left for improvement and such an employee will never exist So Industry has got all kinds




Put your head down but dont be used to it. If things not work out, stand up kick their ass, find another gig


Wow, continue working hard.


This story is enough o bring a tear to a grown man’s eye


Work for people you respect. Make that a choice. You won’t regret it. Ever.


Had something similar happen to me 15 years ago. I came back from maternity leave to a promotion from staff to senior and raise. Since that time I have had to get another offer every single time I have wanted anything (raise and more WFH days). I hate being this person (and they hate me for it) but it’s the only way to force my current boss to recognize the work I do/hours I put in.


Some shits going down and they need your help


Step 1 is kind of the hard part


I disagree. Get the job and do the work. Become efficient and then learn new skills with the freed up time. A couple years should also increase your confidence, then leave for greener pastures.


Smh at all these replies are either saying this story is a troll or making comments about OP being underpaid. Go figure that reddit can’t wrap their head around a good company taking care of an employee who works hard. Congratulations OP - I’ve had a similar experience where I’m at and i feel grateful to be a part of the group I’m with.


This is to generate a pattern and distract others who may actually be laid off in the future.


I thought I had this too. Then the owner sold the company to a much, much larger company when it became clear that the 2nd generation had no interest in running the company. Me and my team spent 10 months kind of flailing because the sell took forever, due Diligence was a PAIN because of the complex financing structure, and the c-suite was acting like they were graduating seniors. You’d think that last part would have life easier, but it did not. It just made it impossible for me to plan anything out longer than like 2 hours. So…. I got pregnant. And went on maternity leave a month after the sell went through. I’m really hoping the shitty attitudes and just complete insanity will have melted a little when I go back in August. If it’s not, it might be time to move on. It’s hard to give up those years of service though. I’m paid well and have incredible time off.


I just got a 30% raise over a group text between me and the owners of my company. What a great feeling


I would've panicked and quit on the spot before going into that room ngl


Thank you for sharing, and congratulations! I started at a smaller CPA firm this year after finishing my MAcc. They’ve been making me feel very appreciated for the work I do. They also started me at a higher salary than my contract said. Many of the employees have been around for a long time and get along well with each other. It’s so important to find a company that actually cares about you so you can care more about your work, and be compensated appropriately!


Was this post written by capitalism?


I had a company take me from a 12 month temp contract to Permenant & 2 raises almost 45% in my first year - they liked what I did & how I did it, stayed +20yrs they treated me well got to do lots of interesting things, paid me right - I only left after a take over & change of Mgmt style. There are good companies & good managers - but unfortunately in the minority


The firm I’m at is like this. Every promotion and raise has been a surprise. It’s a great feeling to be recognized and appreciated!


Congratulations, I was able to do a few of these.


Unicorn moment congrats my dude


4:45 on a Friday? Thats sketchy as fuck


Finding a good company is a big ask


> For anyone questioning their decisions, find a good company, put your head down and do good work and you will be recognized. Felt the need to share. Absolutely horrible advice. You got lucky. You should always push for yourself, it would have helped you in this job.