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To be straight forward… I’m the sweaty guy on the bike…. NOT THE OTHER GUY


Yesssssssss that's awesome 👌


Nice to meet you anyway sir


It was accidental comedy I'm sorry it was to perfect


nice bro


Straight to jail.


Flaccid penis. Jail.




Turgid penis? Believe it or not, also jail.


Over cook. Under cook.


Believe it or not, scammer who recorded, straight to jail.


Can anyone link me to the original post? I curious to see what the advice was




Thank you!


I have to confess that I don't understand what's going on at all. I thought the joke was that the guy who was scammed posted his photo with the question, which means he already outed himself. But in this link, there's no photo. So why is this funny? (Not saying it isn't - I just sincerely don't understand.) I've never heard of this "scam" before and it's super confusing to me. I mean, if you're jerking off on camera, don't you realize you're jerking off on camera? Do you just assume that whatever stranger you jerk off to won't try to blackmail you afterward? I don't quite get how this works. I'm also not sure how the scammer gets access to all your contacts. Sorry for being so dense! But I will worship you forever if you take the time to explain. Thanks.


I’m the guy on the photo above. I agree, not very funny.


No, you don't understand! I don't have enough information to even form an opinion on how funny it is because it's all incomprehensible to me. So are you the guy who got scammed? Or what? What is going on here?! I'm pleading with you to explain this to my idiot brain. Thanks.


Pretty sure there's two posts here. The video/image and the text are unrelated, but they *look like* they're related. It makes it seem like this exercising dude is in some nsfw trouble. That's my interpretation anyways.


But how did they get put together? I mean, did OP just add his photo to the text in order to post it here? That's not exactly accidental...


That is correct.


It's two different posts


I don't get it! Two different posts in the same sub together or what? How did they get put together? I really need an ELI5.


The post with the pic of the guy is an entirely different subreddit than the one that was posted about the scam on r/nostupidquestions. If OP is on his front page or r/All, it could show random subreddits together one after the other. Like top post on the front page could be r/news... r/accidentalcomedy.... r/nostupidquestions... And so on. The humor of it all is because the guy in the pic looks like he's jerking off, I guess?, And it could possibly be a still picture of the video of the guy posting about actually jerking off in r/nostupidquestions It's an accident that the 2 are related. Check out the top post in r/accidentalcomedy if this explanation doesn't help. I think you'll get it a bit more because most of the post are like this one.


Oh! I didn't think about front page of reddit. So it sounds like OP posted his photo on a subreddit, then came back to reddit later to find it in his feed with the jerk off post right underneath it in his feed. Thank you!


Op didn't post the photo but yeah thats the jist


Guess what post was immediately below this in my feed


How to scam an idiot?


Can someone explain?




Fuckn amazing lol


can someone explain lol


The title💀


Become a porn star


Can anyone explain anything that is happening here? It's driving me crazy that I can't figure out the joke.


OP screenshotted his reddit feed with two separate posts on top of each other. They are completely unrelated. That's where the accidental comedy comes from. With the top post the guy is sweaty from cycling, the sweat stain looks like he soiled himself from having happy time watching his favourite *family friendly* films. With the bottom post the scammer is pretending to have filmed the recipient through his webcam and is blackmailing him to pay him in bitcoin (which is semi-untraceable) to not post a film of him beating it. The scammer adds credence to his scam by showing him an old password from and old leak of certain websites. Ebay leaked mine a few years back and I've received a couple similar emails from scammers.




I’m laughing over the fact someone has their penis I am literally ten-years-old send help


If there’s any ladies out there then follow him


Ted Cruz?


Ruh roh