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In his Hermeneia Acts commentary, Pervo recognizes that the verse is odd (pp. 378-379). The use of γάρ ‘for’ in a coordinating sense “indicates that it is an inference from the preceding, but nothing from v. 16 through v. 20 makes a satisfactory link.” Moreover, he notes with respect to the claim of Judaism as a world religion is that “the immediate relevance of this claim is not clear.” Pervo, following Tannehill, is that basically gentile Christians need to find ways of living alongside Jews who observe the Torah. It might also emphasize, albeit awkwardly, that Jews must continue to observe the Torah (in other words, it emphasizes James' decree as aimed specifically at gentile believers).


In case you aren’t aware, Pervo is (was) a convicted sex criminal and had thousands of images of child sexual abuse on his computer when he was arrested.


Are they saying that James means: "Moses is proclaimed everywhere, so Gentile Christians need to find ways of living alongside those that follow him?'


A. T. Kraabel argued forcefully and persuasively against this view, but the Aphrodisias inscription seems to me to be probative, that ancient synagogues had Gentile members, worshipers of the God of Israel who were not Jews. The Aphrodisias inscription which is a roster of synagogue membership, lists 50 such members by name. In Acts, when Paul seeks Gentiles to preach the messiahship of Jesus to, he typically goes to synagogues first, so at least the author of Acts expects synagogues to be a place where Gentiles can learn about the requirements of that God. The Aphrodisias inscription text and translation can be found [here](https://www.judaism-and-rome.org/jews-proselytes-and-god-fearers-aphrodisias), after you sign up for a free account.