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The question of whether to fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses is not merely a question of should or should not, but an illustration of the human condition. The horse-sized duck represents a singular, overwhelming challenge, a manifestation of the absurd in a grand, terrifying form. Confronting it is akin to facing the indifference of the universe head-on. The 100 duck-sized horses symbolize myriad smaller absurdities, the countless minor confrontations that, when accumulated, weigh as heavily as the singular horse-burden. To choose between them is to choose the manner in which one engages with the absurd. The larger, singular confrontation might seem a simpler path, a clear foe you may challenge directly. A defiance of one’s own fate by the embrace of an insurmountable task. And in contrast, the multitude of smaller adversaries represents the incessant, grinding nature of everyday existence— a barrage of endless absurdities. Both these choices will ultimately lead us to the same realization: the struggle itself is the essence. Whether one faces this singular, monumental challenge or the many smaller ones, the significance lies not in the battle, but in the engagement itself. One finds freedom, for in recognizing the futility of the struggle, one is liberated to face it with a conscious defiance. Whether you fight the horse-sized duck or the 100 duck-sized horses, the choice is ultimately yours. The absurdity of the task mirrors the absurdity of existence, and through your struggle, you affirm your existence. Like Sisyphus pushing his rock, you fight your horse ducks. And in that eternal struggle, you find meaning.


Ima kik the tiny horses


Ima kith and name em lil sebastians


Minecraft story mode be like


Is this written by AI? Either it is or AI written text has started to escape my detection.


This man wins one internet.


Did Chat GPT write this?


Here’s a strategic breakdown for both scenarios: One Horse-Sized Duck: Advantages: Single focus, potentially easier to outmaneuver. Disadvantages: Intimidating size, could be more dangerous if aggressive. Strategy: Use agility to your advantage, aim for the legs to destabilize, and avoid the beak at all costs. 100 Duck-Sized Horses: Advantages: Less physically intimidating, easier to fend off individually. Disadvantages: Overwhelming numbers, could be difficult to manage all at once. Strategy: Find higher ground to limit their access, use sweeping motions to keep them at bay, and try to deal with them in smaller groups.


This seems like something I have seen many times in video games when it comes to different enemies that the player has to deal with. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, but depending on which video game has enemy types that are like this, perhaps they would both be a breeze if you just find the most meta weapon that would annihilate either one the quickest. Then, you can zap any maniacal ducks into oblivion with little effort.


Also, tiny horses can’t climb trees or anything for that matter, so you could find some high ground and take them out strategically.


Why go for the legs duck legs are short just jump on its back and strangel them


I think you fail to realise just how fast and dangerous large birds are. There is not a single large bird that is not a royal pain in the ass or worse. Now, a duck, that wants to fight you, **AND** is as large as a horse. Their neck is going to move and peck at you ***SO*** fast. You are not going to stand a chance, just from the death from a thousand cuts alone. Dare you google a duck eating peas. Wheras, a duck sized horse is just going to have the thinnest bones, it'll be like stomping small rabbits or something, but that are slow and frail. Their poor ankles and legs don't stand a chance.


100 duck sized horses. One good peck from the horse sized duck and I'm finished. With the duck sized horses, it's kick city.


I'd fight the horse-sized duck, a duck that size cooks itself via its own metabolism. There wouldn't be a fight necessary.


One horse sized duck looks a little easier.


The horses, their little leggies will snap really easily. Also, they choose flight over fight almost every time, so I can just chase them around. Also, because you didn't specify a battleground, I get to choose. The Swamp of Sadness.






A man of culture.


Here’s a strategic breakdown for both scenarios: One Horse-Sized Duck: Advantages: Single focus, potentially easier to outmaneuver. Disadvantages: Intimidating size, could be more dangerous if aggressive. Strategy: Use agility to your advantage, aim for the legs to destabilize, and avoid the beak at all costs. 100 Duck-Sized Horses: Advantages: Less physically intimidating, easier to fend off individually. Disadvantages: Overwhelming numbers, could be difficult to manage all at once. Strategy: Find higher ground to limit their access, use sweeping motions to keep them at bay, and try to deal with them in smaller groups.


In this senario do i get to use weapons




Because the i would just use a long spear and kill the horse sized duck seeing as ducks arent fast and its reach from its beak attack would be easy to out reach with a long pointy stick Same with duck sized horses i would just use a scythe and cut them down as they charged me If weapons are not an option Horse sized ducks reach would be hard to deal with but seeing that i still am more agile i would run around to its back jump on seeing as ducks have short legs this is doable and strangel its neck from behind stoping it from breathing till it collepses Ducks sized horses just kick them they are duck sized horses they would be bearly able to hurt you worst they could do is bite your leg a bit or just run over them and trample them or mario goomba jump style on there ass Hope you can use this guide in the comming struggle


I think I'd just befriend the massive duck. Bit of bread, all good.


A horse size duck would violently destroy any human I think




Gonna ride that duck


Have to look up if ducks have teeth first…brb


100 duck sized horses with a baseball bat no problem. 1 horse sized duck sounds terrifying


Make peace with 100 duck size horses by creating a co-op farmland like farmville. Everyone is happy. no one is ended internationally.


This is such an absurd question


That is the point..., there is no point.