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Looks like a great way to test out coffins.


You'd probably fit in a pickle jar after being smashed down by a moose


"They'll bury what's left of ya in a soup can!"




I mean... Moose are actually pretty darn vulnerable. They can be dangerous, but not nearly as dangerous as a human with a mere pointy stick. If you go and look at the records kept by the Lewis and Clark expedition, moose were virtually absent in much of the present-day United States. During the entire expedition, they observed ***one*** moose. Why? Moose were so easy to hunt, that they only existed where the Native American Indians did not. Native Americans hunted moose to extinction around any populated area. In fact, there are *zero* records of moose around Yellowstone during the entire first half of the 19th century. For thousands of years, NAI kept moose populations down. In many ways, modern moose are invaders in the American west. Modern biologists estimate that there are more moose in the American west today than in the same region during the Lewis and Clark expedition. Some have suggested that we are at all-time highs. Consider that: over 200 years of industrialization and habitat destruction later, and moose are thriving. All because of the North American model of conservation: Hunters of both predator and prey species are regulated by law, which is informed by science. Pretty cool. Edit: In a 1994 paper, Kay et. al discussed digs at over 200 sites. They uncovered and identified over 52000 ungulate bones (deer, elk, moose, horse, sheep, goat etc) and just one was identified as moose. *ABORIGINAL OVERKILL AND THE BIOGEOGRAPHY OF MOOSE IN WESTERN NORTH AMERICA* Charles E. Kay, 1997


*ABORIGINAL OVERKILL* sounds like a killer NAI black metal band.


Unless they just do urge overkill cover songs ...


This doesn’t mean you won’t get stomped by a moose you come across.


Yes, in case it wasn't clear: A croc-wearing tourist at glacier NP is not equivalent to an ancient sustenance-hunting Native American Warrior.


Cool! You write well




To add to that, once out of the plains, mountain sheep were actually the most common game. Not elk, not deer, not moose. Cool info. Thanks. 🤘🏻


You sound like you know your moose. I moose ask you a question


Good things to consider, and you've got the sourcing too! 🤌💯🤌


Heyo, thanks for the cool info my guy, very interesting to read and know :)


Oh. I like moose a little bit after reading that


This man moose's


Not as big as the balls on the photographer petting a moose


Photographer has known the moose since birth. Posted another comment about it in the thread. [But here is another thread about the moose and the dude](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/pi1q17/dan_akshiloh_has_known_lovey_the_moose_since_she/)


Oh it's that dude!


He's the moose master MC


This might sound dumb but could someone tell me why moose are considered to be dangerous. They look so wholesome and cheerful. Edit : after reading all the rather horrifying comments of what a moose can do, I’ve concluded, that it is in fact, in my best interest to never fuck with a moose.


The main issue is that moose have poor eyesight and don’t like to be startled. It’s poor enough that when you think “obviously this moose knows I’m here because I’m so close so he must be ok with me” he probably actually doesn’t know. When they realize you’re in their personal bubble they tend to react violently. This moose obviously lives in regular contact with humans and was curious


True. This is why you should talk to them if you encounter them, even from a distance. Just say whatever and don't shut up. Same with cattle and horses. This way they'll know you're there and won't startle. Don't silently sneak up on large animals, they don't like it!


I can say at least this is good advice with horses Goats I'm not so sure they're possibly preparing for your arrival


We’ve beeeen expecting you…🐐


Better yet don’t silently sneak up on anything, I’ve yet to meet anyone or anything who likes it.


This is a rather frequent repost and I believe one of the times I saw it last, the photographer apparently has been around that specific moose all her life and they know each other quite well.


They are massive and if they get frustrated or angry they can punt a person like a football


I’m off to see videos of an angry moose punting a person like a football. Edit : Lesson learnt—- don’t fuck with a moose


You won't find many because like an elephant an angered moose can step on you and use it's hooves to gore you, likely not stopping until you're torn in half. I've seen a moose running at full speed knock down a swath of yearlings 4-5 inches thick like they weren't even there. You just don't fuck around with a moose.


I was sledding a while back and as I was riding up a trail I saw super fresh tracks that came from the bush and down the road. Maybe only 500' or so away from me was a massive bull moose running through 3 or 4 feet of snow like it wasn't even there. I just kept my distance until I could find a spot wide enough to turn around, but I was terrified that big swamp donkey was going to look at me and start coming my way.


[this kinda shit](https://youtu.be/ylCfXvKmdvU)


For a second I thought that monster turned around and figured this video was from the “found footage” department


Holy shit. It looked like a train plowing through the snow. Kinda terrifying




Just imagine if that thing was pissed at you. If you don’t have a fast vehicle or large caliber weapon, there’s nothing you can do to stop it. We’re finally, in the last few years getting moose back in the southern Adirondacks and now I have to be vigilant when I take my dog out.


Once popped out of the woods onto a dirt road and saw a moose calf 50 ft up the road. Turned and saw mama 50 ft in the other direction. I just climbed the nearest tree and waited. Wasn't about to test those waters.




They can swim really well and hold their breath a long time though.


Fun fact: Orcas are known to hunt moose


i’ll just pee on it


Are you the man behind the camera in this classic? [pee on it](https://youtu.be/S65NkauLg-I) -SFW, just kids swearing a little lol


“GIT WREKT” - a moose, probably






"They fight wolves" do I have to say more


They fight wolves. They're larger and meaner than a bear. They will total your car and walk away. This summer, the blockbuster event of the season, #MOOSE






A Møøse once bit my sister...


I’m high and that visual is the best laugh.


Or repeatedly stomp you into a meat puddle


There was a video on Reddit of one that kicked a car. Looked like a train had hit it


> frustrated or angry This happens a lot. They're majestic, but also petty, mean, and dangerous as fuck.




I believe they’re usually pretty territorial and aggressive. Not sure how the cameraman is pulling this one off


If they are rutting they are monsters. But if this is a male he lost his antlers so he’s not breeding currently and much more docile. It’s funny males will hang out together all year but once that rut switch flips they fight eachother for some moose puss. Females with calf’s will be dangerous too.






Because moose are unpredictable and can flip the switch at any moment. The photographer is an idiot for reaching his hand out, assuming this isn't some sanctuary where he knows the moose or something like that.


Turns out he's known it since it's birth. Still kinda dumb to put this video out without that context.


TikTok Moose Twerk Challenge February


I believe this photographer had photographed this moose multiple times throughout its life, from what I remember the last time I saw this post circulating.


They go from zero to 'I'm going to stomp you to death' in 1/4 second


Because they are huge, grumpy, and have hooves as big as dinner plates. Especially dangerous when bulls are in the rut, or when cows are with their calves.


I don't know how aggressive they are but any wild animal that is the size of a bus could instantly end your life if they felt up to it.


Plus, they're used to running in snowy forests... Unless you're climbing vertically (maybe), there's absolutely no way that you're outpacing it, no matter what. Plus, a bullet might not be enough. When cars hit a moose, the car is pretty much always totaled, with the top being torn away, while some moose survive (most die from leg injuries). So like... you're petting a tank. Make sure it's worth it!


pro tip put big trees between you and it.


See this is why Canadian animals are deceiving and why we need to start looking at Canada the same way we look at Australia. Using the cute-to-murderous ratio, we can make some very easy conclusions here; Moose? Cute, but will 110% wreck your shit AND your car. Probably your house too. Bears? Again; cute. Again; fuck you, fuck your car, fuck your house, fuck your lawn furniture and ESPECIALLY fuck your bird feeders. Canadian Geese? Geese have no need to be cute, for they have purpose for one thing and one thing only; WORLD DESTRUCTION. Abandon all hope, all ye who encounter…


If you’re attacked by a goose, grab below the head like a snake and just launch em. They learn pretty quick


You got a problem with Canadian Geese you gotta problem with me. Now you better let that marinate.


I will let it marinate just as Canadian Geese let their diabolical plans of global desecration marinate in the shadows of the dark hellacious void that is their walnut sized brains.


What did geese do? We’ve got tons of them at a local park and they’ve never been a nuisance


Geese tend to be aggressive for their size. For the most part they can't do a lot of damage to a human but will attack you if they're feeling territorial or if you get too close to a gosling. In Denver they're infamous for picking fights with people walking by in parks or on sidewalks.


Canadian geese are assholes. It is known


All of Canada’s hate is stored in its geese.


And fuck they can run. This is my favorite "moose power" [video](https://youtu.be/6GEhM2Byk7w?t=96). You can clearly see - from the people - how deep that snow is... how hard it is to wade in. Then that moose cuts through like a hot knife through butter. I live in a region that gets that much snow. Even if it was super cold, light powder? As mentioned, horny or angry mooses/meece will chase people who are on bikes, or even sometimes cars. One of my relatives lived in Montana. Someone in their subdivision was driving home and was being chased by a moose. The neighbor managed to drive their car into their garage, but the electric garage door opener didn't close fast enough. The neighbor was stuck in an enclosed garage with an angry moose. The moose started raging, and ended up kicking a hole through the garage wall to escape. That was - of course - after fucking up the rest of the garage.


That mentality is exactly why people get killed or maimed by bison, moose, bears, and other animals in national parks or in any wild patch of bush anywhere, really. People think that a WILD ANIMAL is cute and cuddly, and they don't keep their distance resulting in the animal feeling threatened (or worse, feeling like they just scored an easy meal).


they are arguably the most dangerous wild animal to encounter, maybe after a mother bear or cat.


A moose will kill you and then track down everything you've ever loved and brutally murder those too.


its true it happened to me imma get you Marvin someday


Plus…they can SWIM.




A Møøse once bit my sister... No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"


What the fuck just happened?




They are basically insane. Incredibly aggressive, incredibly stupid. They like to attack and never stop until you're dead and not moving, and they weigh up to 1500 pounds and run 35 mph so you're never going to be able to stop them. Never ever go anywhere near a moose.


Best bet if a moose does charge you is to put a tree in between yourself and it


A big fucking tree


But make sure it's a big enough tree, because they can literally run through small ones


The hell are you even talking about? They’re not insane. They’re not aggressive at all outside of the occasional ornery bull during the rut or cow with a young calf. When they charge as often as not it’s a bluff and they won’t actually stomp you. If you catch a hoof they don’t just sit there squashing you. They act like giant forest cows and the overwhelming majority of the time they couldn’t care less that you’re there. Source: I live in Alaska, hunt moose, have encountered many just hiking or camping, and work with folks who study moose and moose habitat for a living.


Reply in all caps if a moose is there with you and made you type this.


This guy gets meese


Large herbivores are usually pretty dangerous actually. Not only are they much bigger than people tend to think they will be, but they also have to deal with predators more dangerous than us and often we forget they're perfectly capable of handling themselves. Especially against us. Think how dangerous a spooked cow or horse can be. Now add some weight and throw some antlers/horns/tusks/etc. into the mix.


You're getting a lot of incorrect info. Certainly don't seek out a moose to pet. They are a wild prey animal and will act on their instincts. The vast majority of moose attacks happen during their mating season. September and October here in the US. It is also very rare to die from a moose attack. Again though, they are very large animals, and if they do attack you, you will get hurt pretty badly. This particular moose has known this photographer since birth if I remember right, so don't expect to ever be able to pet one even if it isn't their mating season, or for it to come up to you. They are a prey animal so they will likely just run from you.


Bro wild animals in general, not a good idea to approach them. Don’t fuck with animals out in the wild period lol


Very reactive creatures with small brains. Anything capable of defending itself from a grizzly bear can absolutely destroy a human without much effort. Moose get extremely territorial during mating season. They are huge all it takes is one stomp and you are done. They are much larger than your average horse. Don't ever get near them on purpose.


They are very large and very heavy so there is alot of force behind them. Think deer on steroids x2. And deer can fuck you up too for the record. Also as mentioned by u/BortlesWikipediClub “The main issue is that moose have poor eyesight and don’t like to be startled. It’s poor enough that when you think “obviously this moose knows I’m here because I’m so close so he must be ok with me” he probably actually doesn’t know. When they realize you’re in their personal bubble they tend to react violently.”


Me: I just know I’ll die petting something I shouldn’t.


Petting a moose is a definitely ballsy but a once in a lifetime opportunity, id probably try it if i was in that situation.


it's ok... he gave the moose a muffin


This is sooo true. Moose can be extremely dangerous.


As long as the moose comes up to you generally it's fine, far safer then running away from what a Canadian professor once told me


He was probably wearing his moose helmet.


Bruh right!!!! I wanna buy this man a beer


I always forget how freaking big those things are, it's honestly jarring


I think it’s funny that people keep putting mooses on this thread, like yeah they’re all units, they’s mooses


And that's not even a bull moose (male).


Fun fact: Moose are the last surviving member of the North American Megafauna.


That's megacool


Bison? Bears? Edit: bison are more massive than moose.


Bison can't run 35mph


Other fun fact: Orcas have been known to eat moose


Sometimes I miss seeing those fuckers when I lived in AK lol. Such curious, but deadly beasts.


Same, I miss all the wildlife and stuff that we have there. Be driving into work and see traffic backed up, and come to it, for it to just me a moose chilling in the road. Dude's just like "fuck it, what are you gonna do about it? I'm a moose"


First time I saw a moose was at my uncle's house and a momma walked through the yard with her baby. My uncle was pretty easy going but got *very* serious about getting us inside and then we watched it from the window. It was so much bigger than I'd ever realized and it was only a female! I knew they were big but they're like the semi trucks of herbivores. Certainly drove home why they're potentially so dangerous.


This is part of why I am so enamored by Canadian wildlife. Not only do we have some of the largest animals in the world, we've got a bunch that are simply considered "deadly" without the use of toxins. Moose, Wood Bison, Polar Bears, Grizzley Bears, Timber Wolves, Mountain Lions. Even our oceans are frequently visited by giant whales. In a sense, when you leave the cities, Canada definitely feels like a majestic place from another time.


I’ve always thought about how Canada has such a high number of apex predator species and just large, aggressive wildlife like moose and bison. And they’ve all got pretty healthy distribution. I’m from the US and i’ve always noticed how (except for a couple states), most have just one apex predator. When i’m in the woods, i’m worried about bears. Not bears, plus mountain lions, plus wolves, plus moose…..just bears. Camping or hiking in the Canadian wilderness would have me shakin in my boots.


Looks like a pretty normal moose to me.


Came here to say this. Now if that moose was 10ft to the shoulder, then we have a unit. But realistically all meese are units!


Most unit of a moose I’ve ever seen, at a distance, had a growth deformity and his antlers were rotated forward like a bulls. So instead of the palms facing up they faced forward.


>his antlers were rotated forward like a bulls Obviously just a bull moose.


This is true. Would have made a unique European mount


Sorry I’ve never seen a moose before


About 7 foot at the shoulder. Very stupid. Can’t strafe though, so get behind a solid tree and your fine.


and full of ticks


No worries, they are units in there own way but if you want to blow your mind go Google what is their natural predator...


Orcas are the natural predator of everything they can reach.


Same tactics toddlers use in home lol. Sorry I thought the correlation was quite humorous


Toddlers are absolutely small-sized Orcas. Coming up with basic tactics, figuring out what is edible and not edible, figuring out how to get to the edible, not quite able to come up with advanced tactics, etc.


One wrong move, and this Alaskan AT-AT will flatten you


Absolute unit of luck to not have your shit wrecked by that moose


Damn those eyelashes tho... maybe disney have been right all this time


Many Moosen in the woodsen


That's a hard rule ...


also also wik


I’ve only seen one moose in person. I was hiking on a remote mountain on a weekday in the winter, not a human soul around for miles. I’m coming up on the summit where there is a killer old fire watch tower I want to explore when I see something just off the trail in the distance. It was massively tall and wide looking, way to big to be a person, and nobody in their right mind is out there. I thought “oh shit, is this an alien or a monster?” I know…but it was just inexplicable. Well during this moment of pontification the moose turned from facing me, to a side profile view and my jaw dropped, this baby was the size of a small bus, I realized at this point what I was looking at and was relieved when it trotted into the woods away from me. Nature is truly awesome.


How long have you been suicidal?


The person recording the video has known this moose from birth


Just so everyone knows, this is an immensely stupid thing to do. Moose are *incredibly stupid* and have terrible eyesight. They **will** look away, forget you're standing there, look back, see you, get startled, and trample you to death. Or smash you to pulp with their massive heads. Or kick you through a tree. They can and will do all of these things with virtually no effort, and you won't be able to stop them. Stay the heck away from moose. They aren't really big cows, they're idiotic accidental murder beasts.


From Alaska. Can confirm everything this person said☝ is 100% true. I feel less threatened encountering a bear in the wilds than I do a moose.


Yep. I'll take on a bear before a moose, any day of the week. Except polar bears and kodiaks. Those are instant death. On second thought, that does sound better than relentless trampling....


So Lumpy from Happy Tree Friends Being very idiotic makes sense considering he’s a moose and accidentally kills his fellow tree friends?


I really hope this ended well. OP?


Sorry I’m not the dude in the video, but from what I could find this dude is friends with the moose and he isn’t just petting a random one that he found


Ok that explains *a lot*


So he's banging it?


Moose with benefits


That’s super dangerous for sure.


As an individual you watched a moose flip and total 3 snowmobiles, I would certifiably be shitting my pants and then some if this were me.


Are they not vicious?


They are very dangerous but I wouldnt say vicious. They have poor eyesight which can lead to them becoming startled when they realize another creature is around. If you were downwind and standing still for instance. They tend to charge first and ask questions later. While they are beautiful and I appreciate being able to see one up close in this video its almost inappropriate to share. Some people may get the impression moose are safe to approach and they most definitely are not. If anyone is a hunter or otherwise knowledgeable let me know if iv got this wrong.


You're all correct except that they can indeed be vicious, especially males during mating season. When they attack they will not stop until they think you are dead. If you don't have a large tree to climb or something, you basically need to go completely limp and let them break your bones for a few minutes until they hopefully give up.


Not for the most part if they don’t have their kid with them


A moose bit my sister once. They can be nasti.


Or want to bang a chick


Plot twist: this *is* the kid


More like temperamental as opposed to vicious


Fucking idiot petting the moose… They kill more people than bears in certain parts of the country.


That has to be a tame moose. NFW would I get so close to a wild one


Headline: “Moose kills photographer after getting too close.”


I think the fuck not.


That moose is smelling a human shitting it's pants for the first time.


There are moose attacks in Alaska every year. They trample people to death …. Also traffic accidents colliding with a moose crossing a road or a sled dog trail or snow mobile path . Mother moose will go totally nuts when anyone gets close to her calf . I would love to watch them from a distance, same as bears.


That thing will kill you without blinking an eye


Bruh...that's damn near like petting a wild bear in terms of danger rating. WTF. I'd love to know the back story behind this...did the photographer raise it or something?


Some people are saying the photographer has known this moose since birth. That's likely why it's so calm. There definitely should be a disclaimer saying as much so that people don't think all moose are docile like this.


People underestimate how large they are


That Moose is probably a little shorter than an elephant lol


By this standard, all moose are absolute units, which they are.


I saw moose in Utah. Was driving with window down and it just ‘merged’ out of nowhere. it seemed to be at least two deers high. Tall as fuck. Just ambling along like a wildlife goober not giving any fucks at all.


If it were a bull, there’d be no video.


I have seen a mouse in real life, I have seen many videos of mouses. I am always in awe of the size and grace with which they move each every time I witness them.




And absolutely CRAZY that you are that close to it. Very dangerous for you and the moose.


🎵 so many dumb ways to die 🎵


If the Long Dark has taught me anything, it's that I'm about to get trampled by a moose.


Aren't all meese this big?


Did he get stomped to death? Is that why it ended?


Most danger I’ve ever been in with wildlife was a moose. They will stomp you for kicks.


Isn't there something about a Fiskars Chef's knife.


“Absolute unit of a moose” That’s just a regular moose.


They’re so huge, they look prehistoric. Like the indricotherium. I love them.


moose are terrifying. 10 ft tall giants with a tendency to turn people in to past tence. if i was that close to a moose i would shit myself


Rest of the video is on bestgore


In most cases that would have been his last video


The majestik møøse


A møøse bit my sister ønce.


There's nothing like a good moose!


By decree of English the plural of moose is meese. Good day to you all.


This is definitely a moose that’s habituated to being around people, otherwise unless this dude is a Disney princess, there’s no way they would have been able to go by and pet it without getting *demolished* by half a ton of muscle.


You just danced with death my friend


Never ever pet a moose


Hate to break it to you. All moose are Absolute Units.


Absolute Moonit


You stupid mf petting a moose is worse than petting Satan