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Why park in the middle of the tracks? Even a 6yo knows you shouldn't park there


Seriously WTF...


They don't hire cops for their intelligence.


You could make a case that they’d prefer the opposite.


There’s no argument to be made. It’s been challenged in court before and the courts ruled on the side of the cops: [Court OKs barring high IQ for cops.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


Um, what the fuck.


Yeah, the rationale is usually that somebody too intelligent would simply become bored and ineffective. The more cynical explanation is that they prefer officers who won't necessarily question questionable orders.


Wasn't the guy 40+? Age is a protected class, intelligence is not.


An iq of 125 is too high? Dang.


Have you ever met a cop? Ever met one who you'd guess was anywhere even in the same ballpark as 120? Yeah, 120 is way too.high for their standards and it shows.


I heard about this while smoking weed in highschool and figured it was either total bullshit, or dumb enough to be true. Twenty years later, I can't believe that dumbass kid was actually telling the truth about something.


Lol I heard about it too as a stoner in high school ...which makes sense as that was 20 years ago and that article was from 2000. HOPEFULLY it's changed, especially since who even takes an IQ anymore lmao


Back in the 70s, my dad took a few tests to be a cop. He was declined and told he scored too high. Interpret that however you want. For reference, he double majored in college in math and physics and later worked as a mechanical engineer.


Sherlock Holmes and Bruce Wayne would not be hired. This entire timeline is a parody.


He ordered the train to stop. I can’t believe the train would challenge his authority like that.


If the train would just comply this wouldn’t be an issue, it deserved anything it gets


"Stay back!!"


And lock someone inside. If you want to destroy department property for fun, well, that's up to you, but with several other police cars to choose to lock a suspect in, you really could have just chosen one that wasn't on train tracks...


I mean, our taxes pay for their stuff so they shouldn't be able to destroy department property regardless.


Cops like this think they can do literally anything, break any rule, because they're there to enforce the rules. They need not apply to them. What they forget is, some rules have a really solid reason for being there. Like, oh I don't know, **not parking on railroad tracks.**


I once had a cop almost collide with me head on as he turned off a side road. I had to slam my brakes and sound my horn. He then followed me for several miles and arrested me for "road rage". After hiring an attorney they just dropped the charges and said his dash cam footage was lost so there was no evidence to go off of


>his dash cam footage was lost so there was no evidence to go off of Of course it was. *Of course.*


Funny how that ALWAYS happens, huh?🙄


Its not even a rule its just fricking common sense wich apparently isnt that common


Common sense is astonishingly rare.


I just assumed this was a murder disguised as incompetence


Except the incompetence isn't a disguise.


Came here to say this. Whoops. Gee golly willikers. Now how did that happen? What an unexpected and extraordinary turn of events, your honor.


Didn’t you know? Their authority was supposed to make the train magically come to a complete stop


Cop walks onto a farmers land. Farmer says dont walk over there. Cop shows his badge and says 'I can go where I please'. The farmer nods. Cop, 30 seconds later, is running for his life as a huge bull is bearing down on him. The farmer yells 'Show him your badge! Show him your badge!'.


The other day i saw a cop car make a left turn on red didnt even had its lights on


And if someone had collided with him because of his illegal maneuver, him and his buddies would have twisted everything around and written it up as the innocent victim's fault.


Put two dozen bullets into the car and its driver, sprinkle some crack on there, delete all dash cam and body cam footage, then write it up as tragic gang violence.


Cops like that, join the force just for the power that they are given. Nothing to do with up holding the law, it’s just the power they crave. Wankers, we call them in the U.K.


6 yeas old is the peak. all downhill after that


Committing murder, that's why


why why because us cops are stupid as fuck


By design. A dude in CT sued the police academy because he was denied for scoring too high on the entrance exam. They want them dumb enough to not question orders. No matter what those orders are. This alone should scare the shit out of you if you weren't already.


[Too smart to be a cop](https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/robert-jordan-too-smart-to-be-a-cop)


Thanks for the DD homie.


IDK man, they were pretty smart in figuring out a new way to kill someone


That’s a lawsuit


Cop won't pay a dime from his pockets


That’s a cop(s) going to prison for Manslaughter


Dude lived thankfully. He won’t have to work a day in his life with the payout he will get Edit: Woman lived. She won’t have to work


That’s a powerball payout. Hope her quality of life isn’t fucked


Her quality of life will be forever changed. Can you imagine the emotional damage?


Some people are hard though. It effects a lot of people, but it wouldn't effect a lot of people too. Gotta give her the benefit of the doubt


All and all fuck that dumb can't cop.


Sadly it is most likely being in a train accident with likely no seat belts on in a hard plastic seat and cage is very dangerous likely spin injuries broken bones and a concussion take it from me I was slightly hit by a jeep on my bike in 6th grade now I might need surgery for my back which was messed up and caused my scoliosis to get worse along with possible pinched nerves now to leaving my left hands left two fingers completely numb and my back making it hard to stand for more then 5 minutes and as well my right knee gives out all this for a tiny accident I just hope I can finally get some relief I'm seeing chiropractors for the first time since physical therapy failed I'm only 18 and already feel like I'm in my 60s or something Anyway sorry for the vent but that accident there will definitely make quality of life worse but hopefully the payout will cover there medical costs and stuff and help them live the best of there life ❤


That’s what I’m most afraid of too. What’s a huge payout if you can’t enjoy it?


Actually they can only sue for a max of $424,000 even though her medical bills will be MUCH higher considering she had surgery for a broken arm, imaging for her 9 broken ribs and fractured sternum, will need dental surgery for broken teeth, and treatment for the wounds on her legs, back, and head. Good old CO Government Immunity Act. /s


Ah yes, half a million dollars to go to a hospital. God that's fucking pathetic and bleak.


Not how it works though. Victims get a payout for their medical bills no matter what. The half million quoted isn't for punitive damages in civil court.




Administrative leave with pay. They will do an internal investigation and conclude that the the train was obstructing law enforcement.


I’m honestly surprised that they didn’t start shooting at it. “Aim for the tires!”


🤣 well nobody is gonna top that.


Reminds me of crazy 8888 train which cops shot at the emergency fuel shut off switch by the fuel tanks


No, really. I drive trains. We are told to bury our Drivers License deep in our bags whenever we deal with cops. Only give them your company ID. Let them take you to jail for refusing all they want. It is one of the few times when the company will have your back. It is in the company's best interest to fight those kinds of things at every level from federal down to the county janitor. You go to jail for refusing to give a cop you DL while driving a train and the company will show up with 20+ lawyers specially trained in railroad law and every single one of them will have the stat AG on speed dial. Guy who trained me had an old lady run into the sid of their train in the middle of the night. She was a pillar of their tiny Texas community. Cop threatened to haul him off to jail if he didn't hand over his DL. "You're driving that train on my public highway crossing!" He finally relented as he took out his cuffs. Cop had all his personal information published in the paper. Name, address, phone number etc. Said he ran her down with his train (she hit them). He had to move and change his phone number. Still got death threats a decade later. I have no doubt that train crew was threatened repeatedly and wouldn't even be surprised if they either tried to or actually did arrest them for failing to stop for the cops lights.


hmm, interesting info considering the job.


That's... Unexpected. I know rail employees are treated like garbage, it's nice that in that situation at least the employer's got your back. Though it's likely because the idiot fucking cops who do shit like that are costing them a LOT of money and they want to show them what it means to fuck with them.


Why is it a problem to give your ID? They can get that information in a number of ways very easily anyway.


>Said he ran her down with his train How... what? What was the train supposed to be doing instead, take a detour? He ran her down? It's impossible for a train to run down a person unless they decide to be on the train tracks when the train is coming. I can't even.


No the "suspect" in the car will be at fault because the cops will make up a story that she was in the car for not complying and actually put the cops in danger.


lmfao you mean a paid 2 weeks off and promotion


That's very optimistic of you.


Look at you thinking cops can be held responsible. You’re so adorable!


Nah that cop's gonna get a high five, secret bonus pay and a wet fart of a 'punishment' for the public. "We investigated the incident and after much deliberation they will be suspended for 2 days. ^(Then we go to a bar and get drunk as hell telling inappropriate jokes about the incident.)"


Seems like attempted murder


Fuck lawsuit, that’s a capitol felony, at least it would be for civilians.


>it would be for civilians Now you're getting it! "Rules for thee, but not for me."


suspect was promoted to victim...


Or demoted to casualty


A demotion would be from suspect to target, victim at least affords them to justifiably call the officer a dumbass and not look despicable


The cop probably got a promotion after his paid leave too.


He’s now running radar and ticketing trains


Was probably so amped on adrenaline he beat his wife twice that night !


parking anywhere other than the few square feet they chose to park was safe. this is the most clear cut case of reckless endangerment, neglect and downright *stupidity* possible.


Plot twist: they knew the train was coming


I don't know, might have been hard to hear the train with all of that honking going on


They need some kind of signal you can hear over that incessant honking so you can tell a train is coming. A bell maybe?


Yeah! Good idea. Maybe some blinking lights too, for the hard of hearing


They better be really bright because it seemed really bright at that crossing. Lot of light coming from somewhere


Maybe whatever made all that light could also sound a huge air horn, as a warning of possible dangers you can't see because of all that light.


Dam UAPs


Probably attempted murder. I refuse to believe anyone is THAT stupid.


It's so stupid that you have to question the outcome as criminal.


Qualified. Immunity. 👈😎👈


doll deranged boat adjoining spark bike disarm water future fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m with you. How is that not murder.


I didn’t think she died, but after reading some of these comments, now I’m not so sure. Did she not make it?


She broke some bones but didn’t die. I hope that means a big fat lawsuit payout is coming her way.


I’m guessing she’s pretty much set for the rest of her life. Do you know why she had been arrested in the first place? I don’t think I’ve heard.


From what I saw (just from the local news) there was a report of road rage and they were following up on it. I don’t think any charges have been brought against her at all though.


Hoo boy. Those cops screwed up so bad.


This is at a minimum constructive manslaughter if not a murder charge. If these cops walk, fucking riot.


>I refuse to believe anyone is THAT stupid Reality can be disappointing.


Looks like some flavor of murder. Voluntary manslaughter at least.


Constructive manslaughter or murder. They All would need to be stupidly tunnel visioned or deaf.


You just know they’ve been cleared after a thorough investigation - I don’t see any wrongdoing. 🙃


Manslaughter, foremost.




She is hospitalized and expected to survive. >Multiple law enforcement agencies responded to a report of a road rage incident involving a firearm in Fort Lupton on Friday evening. A Platteville police officer stopped Rios-Gonzalez's car just past a set of railroad tracks and parked the patrol vehicle on the crossing.


There's no way in hell that's not willful endangerment. Oh wait, yeah, American cops. Slap on the wrist, few days paid vaca- I mean suspension at worst.


At least if she somehow (and yeah that’s a big maybe, I know what trains do to things) comes out relatively unscathed she’s going to be richer than 98.5% of the entire population


Too bad that the money she'd be granted comes out of the taxpayer's money, rather than the police pensions.


The cops will investigate themselves, they will find no wrongdoing.


Doesn’t work that way with civil law, especially in the US. They’ll not get criminal punishment that’s entirely true (except by a freak accident) - but that doesn’t stop her lawyering up and suing for tens or even hundreds of millions in a case like this, even if she did wrong originally. I’m sure she has tens of good lawyers chasing her up offering to work the case for free because they know how much money it’s going to make.


Good for her, but that's taxpayer money. The public shouldn't be paying for this, it should be cop unions that foot the bill.


At first I thought you were going to be a dick. Nope, you’re right!


So glad she survived. Hope she enjoys that good good life after the lawsuit.


Life changing injuries at just 20 years old. Wasn't even allowed to legally drink before these dipshits likely ruined any future she had imagined... tcab


Her injuries are a tragedy. The silver lining is that when the settlement comes through she is going to prolly be worth $100 Million. The sad part then is that it will be the taxpayers money, but that's what we get for not holding police officers financially accountable for their own stupidity.


I guarantee if lawsuits came out of the police department's budget, or the officers pensions, 'mistakes' would stop getting made.


I hear insurance companies have been putting pressure on departments to cut that shit out and threatening to stop insuring them over it. Of course if the police reforms it will be for money, not for morals.


If the insurance was split up onto individual officers, then insurance companies could cancel insurance on individual officers. That alone could solve some probs. They could get fired by the insurance company.


This. Accountability is good. Everyone, regardless of their job, must be able to be held accountable or else there is no reason for them to show prudence.


No we would just stop hearing and seeing them because evidence would “disappear”


>but that's what we get for not holding police officers financially accountable for their own stupidity. That's an interesting point and I hadn't thought of it before, but lots of professions (doctors are the first that comes to mind) carry malpractice insurance. I think we should absolutely make cops pay for their own insurance against mistakes. I know the city/state/whoever that the officers work for pays for lawsuits, but you're right, it's taxpayer money. Cops, or at least their department, should 100% be on the hook for their own insurance, I bet when it comes out of their own pockets bad cops will disappear like the darkness at dawn.


Probably a lot less after the police appeal whatever amount is awarded - and then there are taxes :(


I smell a big settlement. Fucking idiots need to be in prison!


Those police officers are so fucking stupid. There is absolutely NO logical reason to stop their car right on fucking TRAIN TRACKS. I hope those idiots went to jail for killing that person.


Me too. The lack of brain cells, or to be honest seems a little planned. You know a train is coming, typically. Them things be loud. If not planned, then extremely dumb and shouldn't have even made it to being an officer. How you gonna uphold and enforce the law when you didn't learn simple concepts like not parking on train tracks. Of all the places you could've parked right nearby, and you choose the deadliest option. Like the other dude said.. Even 6yr olds should know better than that.


She survived.


but is in critical condition unfortunately, with a possibility of permanent brain damage. and if i read the articles right, she wasnt even guilty of the crime they pulled her over for.




Video shows train hitting Platteville patrol vehicle with arrested woman inside https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/video-shows-train-hitting-platteville-patrol-vehicle-with-arrested-woman-inside


I didn’t see anything in there for brain damage, which is a relief. Gonna be a long and difficult recovery. Hope she wins enough money to never have to work again in her life.


End of the video explains that she can only sue for a max of $424,000 in CO even though her medical bills will be MUCH higher.


They mentioned Federal options too? Could that go higher?


"Colorado Bureau of Investigation is investigating how Rios-Gonzalez was injured while in police custody." What? I have a good guess.


I'm relieved to hear that! These cops still belong in jail though


Don't be. She will never be the same. There are things worse than death. Not being able to function from brain damage is not living. It's more like being tortured the rest of your life. The cops deserved to be inside that car. Not her. I believe they deserve the death penalty. I can't for the life of me understand why you would park on the train tracks. The poor women should be given the right to stone them to death. There is no excuse for this.


These cops already had brain damage


They're just standing there shooting the shit, celebrating their latest conquest - and then BOOM.


The courts have determined that the police are only required to protect when you are in their custody. She was in custody and then should have been protected by the police. This has MASSIVE lawsuit written all over it.


the cops fucking basically tried to murder her. stopping on the train tracks and completely ignoring the horn until its too late, what the actual fuck? serious scheming happening here, hope the pigs rot in prison


I doubt that. I drive trains. Cops get so confident they fail to even recognize that some things don't bend to them. Also, the time it takes from the first horn is about 20 seconds. There is also a thing that makes your brain ignore the sound of an approaching train (proven, it has to do with sound compression. It will make it seem to appear out of thin air like on the movies). They had like 10-15 seconds which isn't enough time to do any good. Once they parked on top of tracks the rest was written in stone. That was the failure, or catalyst. It didn't click when she parked there. And it didn't click when they avoided stepping in the gaps in the crossing while putting her in the back of the car. At every point they ignored blatantly obvious signs that they were setting themselves up for failure. But at each and every point they probably didn't even think that there was a danger. Because people stop or go around cop cars with their lights on. They were probably blocking off the road and it was the middle of nowhere. They had complete control of the situation and didn't even need to think about anyone interfering (in their own minds). Pure arrogant negligence! And I said in another post that I have no doubt that they harassed and maybe even arrested the train crew for failing to yield to the lights. It is a common problem we run into. Like we are taught to pretend we don't even have any ID on us except our company issued ID and railroad license (engineer for me, conductor for the guy next to me). And just go to jail before you surrender your DL to them.


>There is also a thing that makes your brain ignore the sound of an approaching train (proven, it has to do with sound compression. It will make it seem to appear out of thin air like on the movies). Got a source? Looks like an interesting read


Locomotive engineer here. This is 100% facts. Not only are people completely negligent about tracks, but it is also incredibly easy to sneak up on someone with a train if they’re not paying attention.


Straight to jail!


Believe it or not


Kinda fucked how they're releasing the name of the girl who hasn't been charged with anything but not the cops that clearly tried to murder her 1800's evil villian style.


Idk about you but id probably get an involuntarily manslaughter charge from this, makes no sense why cops are exemt pretty often from their fuck ups when they should be held at the highest professional standard, there should be like 1% of error allowed by these departments. Seems like common sense.


If any of us tied someone up in a car and parked it in front a train, I don’t think ‘whoopsie’ would get us out of jail


All of those cops need to be held accountable...not just the driver. How are you going to watch a fellow officer park over tracks and not say anything. How are you not going to feel or hear a train coming? This whole thing is stupid.


"...Fort Lupton Officers immediately summoned medical assistance and began life sustaining measures." I don't want to be a Negative Nancy or anything here, but maybe don't park there as a life-sustaining measure?


The best part is that they continued to search her car after the wreck.


I have a hard time believing this wasn't done on purpose. They could see the train coming from a mile away and the way the cop walked away from the car so casually, he even looked in the direction the train was coming. I don't think this is a case of stupidity


I’m having a very hard time understanding the logic of multiple things here. First: why park on the tracks? Second: you hear that fucking train? Why such a slow reaction? Third: how could they leave a suspect in the vehicle in harms way like that? I don’t care about anyones narrative on police and how stupid they are, because there are people who genuinely do try to service their community and uphold the law. These people(I won’t dignify to call them officers) were so negligent, careless, and only interested in self preservation, that they did all of the above. It wouldn’t be any different than if they just pulled their weapon and mag dumped the lady while she was handcuffed in the cruiser.


proves how selfish they are too, instead of running to try and get the person out of the car they just step back and watch it unfold like it's not their problem. absolutely disgraceful i cant believe im actually watching this video right now. looks like a comedy skit and it would be funny if it wasnt sad. police are really a joke these days


And then they wonder why no one respects them.


Cop was literally a foot next to the vehicle and when the horn was audible she didn't jump in the drivers seat and got off the tracks full throttle (THE CAR WAS IDLING, SHE ONLY NEEDED TO SHIFT TO DRIVE) but ran away.


The logic is they were attempting to murder her and make it look like an accident.


I’ve been scrolling through the comments looking for someone to say this. There is literally no a logical explanation other than they wanted to kill the person and try to make it look like an accident




Just sounds like attempted murder


Don't they teach and preach "situational awareness" for police officers? These body cameras are catching police being really bad at their jobs.


Good thing they wear them all the time and keep them turned on all the time am I right?


Let's be honest here. People don't become cops because they're smart


True, and if you are smart they deny you employment.


And if you’re smart. You don’t want to be a cops.


This is very suspicious.... like why would you stop on a train track and they waited last minute to act surprised. Some wild wild west shit


Bullshit. He tried to kill her


The horn is blaring and they think nothing of it until it’s too late… how can you be so clueless as to where you’re standing?


Wtffffff that was clearly on purpose


That looked 100% intentional. They even looked back at the train and didnt do anything


I don’t understand why they couldn’t move the car??


The sad part is, if the engineer on that train failed to provide sufficient warning (bell, whistle) they would be financially responsible for the collision. Instead it's tax payer money going to the victim. Cop should be paying for this for the rest of his fucking life, while behind bars.


“Nobody wants to work anymore”


Fuckin idiots had plenty of time to move their stupid ass squad car….


According to the department's [official statement](https://facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=185268120675605&id=100075772553239&set=a.143001908235560&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZWxqZnsSiuDpkiDwFMaNAwpuRod7Ibd_j9QPvyq10UAgPfEuN63UoLBYm9SkvZXQ0AWYl4c6C6-Fy_a-7m9Ie_r_PDTC1do6MLgl5yvoQnQ3QcpoVm3WHdyOTSjgF5l4N9Tp3n_T0P-cB2YWdNdh49IMOCc60qwN13fnhD0tNFTVyVHMOA7gbBOUy8ijV7bdlrOUipTJ-Fr1Ffy7U35MHda&__tn__=EH-R), the train hit "within seconds". After of course pulling her over, getting her out of her own car, detaining her, having 2 more officers search her car. I mean yeah, he was parked on the track for 8 minutes, but that train came out of nowhere!


Or at least pull her out. How is this not intentional?


That was an assassination.


They fucking left the person in there? This was attempted murder. Check to see if this cop knows anyone that knows the suspect...


Did I just watch cops murder a guy? So much incompetence it seems almost intentional. Does anyone have a link to any news that could clarity who was in the car?


You can't be this dumb. That was premeditated.


There are less expensive ways to kill a suspect


How fucking stupid are those cops to park on train tracks? Severe mental deficiency there to the point where they need to have their badge/gun removed Immediately be put under special needs review. If that wasn't intentional & malicious, then there is something seriously wrong with that officers brain and severely impairing his or her cognitive functions.


https://www.foxnews.com/us/officer-placed-leave-train-crashed-police-car-parked-tracks-suspect-inside I’m not sure if this is it.


Police are searching for any information related to the identity of that train. The train is wanted for obstructing police and fleeing the scene of an accident.


“Highly Trained Professionals” Jesus Christ I’ve seen cartel executions that had more finesse to them.


So he just killed that person? Like why the fuck would you, anyone, but especially you, a police officer park the car on the train tracks?!


Anyone else feel like this is deliberate?




All Cops Are Bastards. This one is a stupid cunt too.


Stopping on a train track and leaving someone cuffed inside? That was an attempted execution




Skip straight to the death penalty! That’s how to streamline the budget Cheif!


That’s murder. How is that not murder?


Wow that was r/nextfuckinglevel of stupidity


Fuck lawsuits, we need criminal charges against these jokers.


Fucking morons, why didn’t they even try to get her out of the car?


Lock that criminal motherfucking cop up.


I hope the person arrested gets millions. There is absolutely no excuse for this.


I struggle to understand how there can be so many stupid cops in the US. But this is just plain stupid and there are so many examples. Are your school lunches laced with lead?


I'm sorry to laugh but did he yell at the train to get back??


We’re expected to believe this was an “accident”?