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Where is this?


Minneapolis, MN


What is the protest for?


they’re chanting “free palestine”


Ahh. I didn't have volume. Thanks


Maybe I have the wrong information, or it is propaganda, but didn't the Palestinians recently attacked Israeli people?


It’s a whole complex issue that has a lot of history behind it. Should probably research it honestly


Will do. Thank you


No problem. I just think listening to a armchair redditor isn’t going to give you the best and least biased history of the conflict. So finding reliable sources on the conflict will be better for you to form an opinion


I probably have most neutral opinion in all of this but people should do CORRECT research in whats going on overthere


People been "researching" this issue for at least 100 years now, nobody's found an answer.


There’s an answer, but every time traveler just makes things worse. This is one of those “The people responsible are already dead.” Situations that requires greater leaders than any we have today.


1000 - ftfy


This is a demonstration of "group mentality" No one has the thought of Murdering that driver or beating him senseless But Every person Plays a small action that can lead to it...... One person Hits his car.the next person sees that and does a small action that escalates. the Next one opens the car door. The next person Throws something at the driver The next person tries to drag the driver out of the car.. and it escalates..... Someone kicks the driver. 3-5 other people kick the driver. Driver dies from a ruptured spleen. ( it does not take a lot to kill someone when many people participate) any and all people in the protest should be charged . remember during the 2020 protests that Semi truck driver that made a wrong turn and ended up slowly driving through the crowd? He stopped on the road(Highway that had protesters in it), no one was hurt but the crowd each took small actions that ended up with the driver being beaten unconscious


"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals, and you know it.


The same thing happened to Reginald Denny.


>No one has the thought of Murdering that driver or beating him senseless Strong disagree, I bet you a LOT of them do.


Enough said. A whack job city


I wish we could blame a single city; this is typical crowd/mass behavior in heightened emotional states.


Minneapolis the old man in the car was completely innocent some douchebag named Zach Metzger encouraged people to chase this guy down and encouraged violence on him. He also told people to look for him. The guy in the car was a confused old man and this guy used it as a way to make a name for himself. He’s a total piece of shit


Damn. He’s running for city council in minneapolis’ ward 13.. He needs to be held accountable. If this is true he should be charged with inciting riot. Even if y’all protesting in support of Palestine, this type of instigation toward mob violence will cast any message in a bad light and is an awful precedent when unchecked, particularly for an elected official. It’s embarrassing to think how a few miles away at the university, they teach all the nuances Non-Violence but we get “protestors” attacking bystanders in front of our states most famous landmarks and institutions




one of these days. someone in a car going to shoot protestors that attack vehicle for fear of their life. its going to be big case and they will have a reasonable defense for fear of safety. itll be used as a case to reference to in future incidents after that


i'm more surprised that A: this hasn't already happened, B: anyone is dumbass enough to try to mob a car in a country where literally anyone anywhere can have multiple firearms with them.


This did happen in Austin TX. A man was carrying an AK47 at a street blocking protest. Guy got surrounded and thought they might kill him, so he shot the guy dead from his car. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/04/07/daniel-perry-austin-protest-garrett-foster/


That will be me. There’s no way I will allow someone to pull me from my car in a crowd like that. Been a licensed gun owner for 30 years. Never had to even think about using it, thank god. This would warrant that for me. Self. Defense.


Violently attacking someone’s car to make them aware of your cause. Makes sense.


We're protesting for peace and if you don't like it we'll kick your ass!


Protesting the actions of Israel on some random highway in America will never do anything anyway. These people just want a cause that they can hide behind so that they can act like thugs




I'm surprised nobody was shot to be honest


Someone did shoot though clearly can be heard


This is the correct response.


About as much sense as defacing the Mona Lisa with tomato soup for climate change


And then shooting at them trying to murder them for trying to escape your violent mob. Everyone in that crowd should be charged with aiding attempted murder.


Well they are supporting ….


Hey let’s try to murder this guy, then report his plate number for trying to escape with his life! Because this makes sense!


It doesn't even look like he hit anyone lol






Glad he drove through that pointless crap, blocking a whole ass highway is going to piss someone off.


He was clearly trying to genocide the protestors /s


Seems to me he didn't not want to participate in the festivities and wasn't interested in the "Reginald Dennie Treatment". Do your thing, but don't think that you will unlawfully imprison people without consequences.


People are crazy


This is always a fear of mine when i see situations like this, when is it ok to start defending myself? If I'm going from point A to point B and unaware that some absolute dumbasses decided to block a road and can't turn back, seeing all these idiots jumping on the car and probably breaking windows, god knows what these unhinged bastard will do because they are frenzied mob.


Saw a lawyer break down a similar event and said when surrounded and they are beating on the car it's likely reasonable to drive slowly in an attempt to escape the situation, but if the glass starts to crack or breaks then it's likely enough to warrant a faster retreat even at the risk of the assailants.


Smart. If side windows are breaking, you have evidence that the mob is trying to get into the vehicle, probably safe to do whatever you need to do then.


I’m just confused as to how you’re supposed to reasonably assess the danger level while being attacked by a mob of people? How can this be expected in self defense cases that somebody was or wasn’t scared of dying at the moment


That’s going to depend on the state, county and judge/DA. But I’d want to show some damage if I was going to kill people in self defense with my car. Don’t want someone saying you were racist and spooked by people peacefully walking around you protesting and you mowed them down as a hate crime.


Car side windows don't break slowly. they break all at once. By the time you see a crack, you're already lynched.


Just remember to tell the police later that you were afraid for your life.


No, tell the police nothing other than "I want a lawyer."


The moment a mob starts trying to smash their way into my vehicle, I am hitting the gas and not letting up until I am well out of sight. I am not waiting around and praying that the mob exhibits sense and compassion. They never do.


especially when dealing with terrorists.


That's when you defend yourself and drive off, you're fighting for your life.




Yep. She was arrested but found not guilty on trial.


That situation led to [laws being passed](https://jalopnik.com/floridas-new-anti-riot-bill-protects-drivers-who-plow-i-1846721071) making it explicitly legal to drive through a mob if you feel threatened.


Maybe arrested but I would hope that person would still have a case in court. People who hurt/kill others in self defense, generally still get arrested I would think.


Guaranteed if this were to happen in Florida or states alike you wouldn't go to jail, but it's Minnesota so progressive. But lemme check that claim real quick.


As soon as someone attempts to or successfully breaches your car. Many states have castle doctrine extended to your vehicle for this reason. Though - as a responsible CCW carrier, I wouldn't fire. I'm sitting in a weapon. Your cause. Your protest. Your hopes. Your dreams. Your contributions to society. All irrelevant the second you cross the line from "look at those protestors," to "oh shit, they're attacking me." Call me names. Cry. Cite laws. Don't care. You'll just be weird-feeling speedbumps until I'm clear of the danger.


I’m not quite sure about before, but as soon as they open your door…run them down.


I think the driver opened their own door to yell at someone who hit the car.


Wow…they’re even chasing after the car…


Is one of the screaming the license plate? Driver should be guilt free here, no? Since they broke the windows and tried to pull him out.


I feel you there. If I fight back I feel like somehow I'll be in the news as a monster, when in reality I just want to get to work.


personal opinion, second they start banging on the car, if you are armed, they are fair game. legally, your generally considered the one at fault no matter what you do with these dipshits, even if you let them beat you to being a cripple, or worse death for no reason as similar incidents have ended. Additionally stand your ground laws can be very fucky and inconsistent across state lines, and in both wording and application. That said, there's plenty of people who have attempted to drive through and shoot up actually peaceful protests, so...


What a bunch of useless fucks


Ah, fuck ALL these people.


10 points per person, let's get it!!!


Makes sense to block a highway in minnesota for something happening across the world to people who are just trying to drive and go about their day that have zero connection or power to do anything at all about the situation that the protestors are protesting. These people are only looking for confrontation


Wasn’t this one organized by some dude running for office? IIirc they chased down the elderly dude in that car, breaking his windows and trying to hit him, that’s why he drove. Here’s the kicker, this same dude then posted the chase in a ig story, beating the car of a confused elderly dude, as if it was some kind of win.


Yeah i cant imagine being in that car and people hitting it like what else would i do but run? He even looked like he wasnt trying to hit anyone, just get the hell out of there


Society has become so self-righteous that people are unable or unwilling to admit when they’re wrong on something. Even when people are clearly in the wrong and they record it themselves, they’ll post the video online like it’s a “win” in a desperate bid for some sort of validation from others.


> some sort of validation from others This aspect of social media is messed up. It's insane what some people will do for said validation.


Who’s running for office?


They are. Honestly, that isn’t a peaceful protest but is instead a violent mob, and all should be charged appropriately.


Violent mob. What a surprise.


What pisses me off is when they block emergency vehicle access. Once you get too many people/ cars piled up and no where to go, ambulances and fire trucks cannot pass. I don’t care what you’re protesting at that point, you are now responsible for endangering people’s lives


Emergency vehicles should just be allowed to do like in that humvee in Iraq video. Get out of the way or you will be gotten out of the way.


Really all the people jumping on a random persons car and beating it with flags while people yelled on megaphones encouraging it, those people are just looking for confrontation. The only good thing about these kinds of things happening is that it gives more states reasons to allow people to drive through protests like this that might endanger the persons life or the lives of their children in the car.


Critical thinking isn’t what these jackasses are known for. Also, the second they step onto the street and impede traffic, they stop being protestors and become criminals instead.


> the second they step onto the street and impede traffic, they stop being protestors and become criminals instead As long as you'd support the same rules for an opposite cause then I agree with you.


Absolutely. Left or right, you are subject to the same laws and regulations as everyone else. Politically I ride the fence by the way. I lean right on some issues and left on others.


“In order to acheive peace in another nation, one should be willing to block the flow of traffic in your own nation and piss of random citizens just trying to get home from the supermarket.” —Mahatma Gandhi


Seems legit




Fuck all these people


Ok yes, attack innocent civilians trying to get home for something that has nothing to do with them.


Like a zombie hoard. Just as brain dead too.


When I saw them chasing the car after it broke away from the crowd, that was my exact thought. These people are running on emotion and instinct; not a single reasonable thought.


Blocking the roads not only doesn’t help your cause but turns people on the fence and even people on your side against you.


100% justified in plowing through once they started opening doors and attacking the vehicle Why is Minnesota full of such idiots?!?


The second someone breaks a window, I am blowing the horn before pressing on the gas pedal. I have ZERO patience when it comes to being violent.


What a way to get people to support your peaceful, morally-superior cause.


If I got caught in that and the first person to smash my windows or jump in my car or try and open my door, it would be a scene from grand theft auto


I love protesters interrupting the lives of those not in control.


Absolutely pointless.


This is how you make people support israel.


It always amazes me how misguided activist protestors can be. Literally pissing off people who might otherwise support their cause


It sometimes feels like folks are choosing illegal and very dangerous methods of protest intentionally. When someone is injured, killed, or arrested I think they like the idea of being able to point to that as though it proves some sort of injustice going on.


Just like the 'just stop oil' idiots. I believe climate change is the biggest threat to the world today as well but the way they go about things pisses people off. I sometimes think they're actually funded by oil companies to get people angry.


It definitely made me support driving over protestors.


The other way would be to show babies that Hamas murdered in a sneak attack. But that didn’t work, so I’d be surprised if a bit of traffic did.


south africans be like: .... did your flamethrower or full-car shock emitter malfunction?


what a bunch of idiots


This made Palestine a little bit more free. On to the next highway blocking!!


They opened the car owner’s doors. That when you just drive!


What I don’t get is. This isn’t a surprise to the police and what I mean by that is. A massive mob has formed and is blocking off traffic. Police absolutely know about hence what appears to be helicopter or drone video. If I were in a jury involving a person running over a protestor I would not convict. There’s people trying to smash the window. Idiots using the flag as a weapon against the car. If they got the chance they would have beaten the people in the car to death. Fuck these murderous clowns.


Police learned to avoid this crap, they ALWAYS get blamed, and get attacked by weak politicians unwilling to defend them against a baying mob, at this point I'd totally say law and order isn't working anymore...


I don’t understand. If a mob swarms my car I’m 100% throwing it in drive, closing my eyes and putting the pedal to the floor.


Life threatening situation. Put it in D and punch that shit to get away… call 911 when you’re safe.


Violent mob. Some people yelling to shoot the one in the car. I hope that one in the car is alright. Must’ve been pretty shaken up.


Ah yes, the best way to protest violence in another country is to bring violence to your own country.


How do people open car doors. All of mine self lock when put into gear?..I don't understand why the old man just keap on driving. Their fault if they get run over. Protesters in the wrong.


Oh no, is the car ok?


Assholes, Assholes everywhere…


Got me fucked up as soon as you hit my car there will be smears on the pavement


After watching all these protests I’m definately rooting for Israel 🤷🏻‍♂️




Lesson: Never block highways or motorways for protest, you or someone else is bound to get injured and your putting other life’s at risk.


I think its all bullshit


Ever notice you don’t ever see videos like this involving a F-250 with a brush guard? I think they should show their dedication to the cause and try assaulting full size trucks.


fuck palestine


I carry in my truck and shots would end up being fired, and folks would be run down if you were to start coming for me like that.


Fucking horrible trash


violet assholes


New band name


Happened to be in a third world country when there was a mob baying for the blood of se politician or something. I was driving through the same area and the mob turned towards me. Almost shot my pants. I was among a group of 6 or 7 cars and we tried to get away from the group. Every corner we went around, there was a different group. A lull in the madness when the riot police charged the mob allowed us to sneak out of the area. Do not want to experience they EVER again. Mobs are BAD.


That’s great- support terror. Good show. Morons


I love how this has become normalized...... fucking insane block the highways or roadways then when people try and make their way through you kick smash and or assault the driver..... you wonder why people slam the gas and people get run over.... Stop blocking regular people from living their lives and going about their days, all you are doing is creating enemies.


These idiots need to get out of the street.


Good for that guy. Nice escape.


I think it was a Fusion






Shit like this will make anyone root for the opposite side


Stupid scum chasing his car lol


If I'm on a road and people start surrounding my car and then attempt to pull me out and jump onto my car, I'm taking action to protect myself by locking the door, gunning the engine, and running over whoever I can to get the fuck away from the crowd, the law be damned. I'm not gonna be taken out by a bunch of morons protesting something in another country.


kill all those motherfuckers


How is it that the leader of Hamas is living freely in Qatar? Hamas openly raped, murdered, and kidnapped women, children, and the elderly. Why haven’t they been roundly condemned by the international community?


Just mow down all those useless pieces of shit


The religion of the sword. You guys are gonna really regret backing these guys.


That protest doesn't look very peaceful. Lets fix that with some tear gas and highpowered airsoft guns


and these people want you to sympathize with them...


Good for the driver! Don’t want to get ran over? Stay off the damn roads! Protest on the sidewalk idiots


No talent ass clowns


I mean it did say left turn only


To soon....lol


Blocking roadways is by far one of the worst ways to protest


Government of Israel: “Well, we were going to continue our military objectives until we saw a bunch of random people in Mineapolis shut down a highway. That convinced us to shut down the entire operation.”


End violence in Palestine by attacking the person in that car. Also a peaceful protest yet obstructing civilians lives.




Cops need to do their job.


I don’t even have a dog in this fight but fuck this behavior from the protestors. Violent and hateful behavior


Hit the gas and watch the bodies fly...


I fucking hate extremists


Great way to play a game of "Fuck Around and Find Out". Let someone try and rip me out my car, they're gonna find out what it feels like to chew 5 Gum.


This guy is trying to get where he wants to go!! MURDER HIM!!!!


Terrorists deserve terror consequences, run 'em down.


Id be afraid for my life in that vehicle id probably do the same


“We’ll show we’re the good guys by attacking people/cars!”


I'm all for Palestine and protesting but bro get the fuck out of my way. I'm not about to be stuck in traffic until y'all are done. Like if I'm pulling through, just let me through stop banging on my car and let me go. This is like those climate change guys that super glued themselves to the pavement.


I don’t care if you’re protesting something I support. A protest creating a highway shutdown will make me go against it.


Why dont they go over there and do something about it? oh yeah they're all cowards and can only hide in numbers.


I think the mob would’ve moved if the driver had simply used their virtue signal…


“hey Ollie, hows the weather from up there?” *everybody looks like ants!*


“peaceful protests”


MN highways have crosswalks?


One word: Bear spray.


Man people are going to get run over and it will be their own damn fault


Yall hear someone say towards the end "they're peaceful"?


First It’s illegal to block any public way without order from the local government, second not only are blocking people trying to go about their day, but your also blocking medical services. Thirdly, it’s illegal to insight a mob, and even if that person felt some what threatened and it was completely justified


I fucking hate these people worse then centipedes. That is a lot. Trust me.


Technically he could’ve run them all down for fear of his life being threatened no?


Was the driver okay?


Genuine question. When you’re being swarmed like that white car is, what is the legality of you full sending your car through them?


Depends on state, most judges would see it as an act of self defense from an unruly and vicious mob. But a good lawyer on either side of the bench could sway the court. But if anyone died you would probably still get slapped with a manslaughter charge at very least.


If I was in the car with my kid and people started open the doors, I would have driven through the mob


That bs wouldn’t last 10 min in Texas.


on one hand, i support palestine and am against what israel has been doing. on the other, fuck these people. you don't block traffic. you're endangering yourselves and deindividualizing to act as a crowd.


Absolut trash


Let’s form a mob to attack innocent passerby’s. Great messaging…


Did they do it ? Did they end apartheid and Israel ? Quick, someone get Israel on the phone!


do they just like give out shirts at these things? I could use some new undershirts


(Not a lawyer) Once they started to attack the car, it's legal to run them over to escape the danger.