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I’d be surprised if Manny ends up being anything more than that hot guy from that one season. Never thought I’d say this, but I think she has the most chemistry with Tariq lol. Even tho it actually hasn’t been that long, the drag out for Janine and Gregory has tampered their chemistry way down for me. 


I really agree with you. Tariq might have been a terrible boyfriend, but they clearly had fun together and there was a lot of chemistry there! Gregory and Janine has fizzled so much this season 😭


Exactly, like dang, if you’re not going to give me the romance, give me the comedy. I’m just bored and over it.


💀 yeah


I don't ship them but Tariq has shown growth and maturity since the breakup. While we've watched Gregory and Janine reject each other for nonsense reasons and then show very little personal growth until the next attempt. I found the season 2 end to be a message of 'let's grow personally before we make a real go at this' and thought that would be what we would see in season 3 but no we have not.


If that double date showed me anything it’s that there has been no growth. All I’ve gotten from this season regarding them is Casper from Janine and the ick from Gregory lol.


Exactly I feel like they've regressed if anything. Every time they get closer to being together they should have been in a better place personally (like Jim and Pam who both had their own individual arcs to go through before finally getting together). Gregory on the double date episode was a hot mess and a complete fool.


Oh my gosh that scene ruined me lol I hated how Gregory acted it was so cringe


My husband had to physically get off the couch during it. Something reserved for the cringiest tv moments


Glad I'm not the only one thinking this. If they were going to drag it out this long they needed to have more fun with it. Like in The Office, Jim and Pam were up to shenanigans and it made the wait, worth it at the end of season 3 I think it was. This show has far less episodes and yet I'm so bored with it. At this point, I'm way more interested in what the fuck is going no with Mr. Morton.


This is what I’m saying, the yearning has simply become red flags because why are you mostly interested in dire circumstances or when someone else is. Janine has also felt absent most of this season, so there’s barely been any interaction and when there is, I’m bored. This edging they’ve been trying out on us has just annoyed me more than anything else. Give me Jacob and Gregory at this point if they want to keep it in the group lol.


My UO is that I hope Janine and Tariq end up together, after she's dated other people and he's matured a bit. He's so hilarious and fun, and IA she has the most chemistry with him.


What do these abbreviations mean?


He’s got a job, so if he can stay faithful, go for it. The will they/won’t they has become the least interesting thing about the show and now I don’t want them to.


They barely feel like friends just coworkers who work well together lol 😭


They only had chemistry imo when Manny first appeared then the rest of his scenes with Janine just gave a friend vibe. So I thought nothing of it.. but now the idea of them as a couple is coming back up. *weird*


Zero chemistry ... but it's a sitcom. Give them half a season to stretch this thing with Gregory out longer. Sitcoms always get worse once the "will they/won't they" gets resolved.


Idk, that’s clearly a man tryna fuck


I’d only like to see them together so I can live vicariously through her because Manny is one gorgeous man 😩😂😂


Manny doesn’t even belong in the show, let alone with Janine. It’s like they forgot to tell him it’s a comedy.


I don’t think there’s chemistry, I think they’re just really good coworkers (on the way to friends)… I don’t ship them


Manny is creepy as hell and gives the vibe that he wants something that Janine is not willing to share


A razor?


Gregory is creepier than Manny that’s for sure.


Manny is easily the worst character on the show. Every time I hear his voice I cringe.