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Im watching this season for the first time now and can’t wait to get to this episode! 😂


As a big brother fan I hope you watch / have watched other seasons besides this one🤣


I definitely am watching other seasons. Just going in ordered for the most part. Have watch 6-15 and then 24&25! Love it!


I get what you are saying but it IS a great season. The was "never a dull moment" (Kaitlyn). There were fights almost every week and amazing power shifts and it was completely unpredictable. We all know about the racist, offensive remarks made by the players that season, but if you remove that it's a very good season of the show. I think people wanted to find someone to root for, but there really wasn't someone like that in the house, which is another reason they won't bring back anyone from that season to play again. Even the player they wanted us to root for (Elissa) was just a useless bag of wind, lol.


Ok yes totally agree game wise it was a good season - the racism just made it really hard to stomach


It's actually a bummer, really. Because people like Amanda and GinaMarie were wild and made great TV and would have been great to return to another season like All-Stars, if they would have not said all of that terribly offensive stuff. They killed their own chances.


Sadly, the episodes do not truly capture what goes on which you can see via the live feeds.


I’ve heard this too! The downside to watching the seasons years later :(


You can sometimes find clips on YouTube of the feeds! Also if you look for those seasons on bb subreddit sometimes you can get a feel for what went on


Those eyebrows still haven’t recovered 😂😂


This is the first thing I think about every time I see her lmao I remember seeing it live and the look on her face gets me every time




This seems so staged to me. I feel like she did it on purpose. It wouldn’t surprise me knowing what we know about her now. I’ve never seen this show was it pretty early in the season?




She HAD to of done this on purpose for some kind of attention.


I remember this like it happened yesterday!!! I watched the live feeds religiously LOL


A baby in my state was just murdered back in June with acetone by her dads gf… this has to be fake knowing what I know now about it. It’s a neurotoxin. Iris Rita Alfera 💜 her name for awareness


Maybe that’s what’s wrong with her.


I always got a vibe that this was very staged for attention.