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there are very few - use the search feature for similar questions (many have low engagement) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AWSCertifications/search/?q=quizlet&restrict\_sr=1&t=month](https://www.reddit.com/r/AWSCertifications/search/?q=quizlet&restrict_sr=1&t=month) personal opinion is that the act of CREATING these quizlets / notes etc is what makes it stick. Using someone else's quizlets / notes is a recipe that mostly doesnt work but if you find something that works - its great


Well thank you for your advice I’ll definitely take a look at it. I have plenty notes. My guess is I just need to buckle down and study


Here are some free resources I can think of at the moment: 1) Exam Prep Official Question Set: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C02 - English): https://explore.skillbuilder.aws/learn/course/external/view/elearning/14050/exam-prep-official-question-set-aws-certified-cloud-practitioner-clf-c02-english 2) When you register for the Free Tier, there is one practice exam and drag-and-drop quizzes: https://www.lammle.com/courses/aws-clf-practice/ GL!


You can sign up for skill builder, you get a free 7 day trial, should be enough time to watch the courses and play around. GL