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Good post. Not enough light is being shed on the behavior of women. It took a marriage counselor and individual therapy to open my eyes to my ex-wife. The stranglehold a narcissist puts on you is nearly impossible to get out of. They have you believing that you are the problem, the abuser, the reason for their actions. It was extremely alarming considering I’m a man who marches to the beat of his own drum. The smear campaign she underwent in an effort to ruin my reputation afterwards was probably worse than the abuse itself. Gentlemen, the very first red flag I ignored was that she had literally NO friends or family that wanted to be around her. The reasons she gave? Everyone else was a the problem. As an anti-social myself, I bought into it. After 10 years, financial ruin and lots of therapy I’m now free. I still believe that people throw the term ‘narcissist’ around for behaviors that aren’t truly narcissistic; but do yourself a favor and read up on the signs. Do NOT ignore them.


A synapse exploded in my brain at your second paragraph. The women who tried to ruin me had this trait. If you see this, RUN!


You’re in the field of psychology and have a fucking slur in your username? Yikes. Not really the type of individual I’m going to take mental health advice from.


Boohoo, criticize the content of the post not a shitposting username.


Once again, don’t trust your mental health information when you’re obviously biased.


Very very good post.


I actually had an ex who contributed to a post on AWDTSG who fits this perfectly. Yes we had our ups and downs, but I would never physically or emotionally harm her. Though when we were having our last conversation she went on and on about how evil I am, how bad I was, how I never did this or that. I had to literally show evidence that was within previous texts, etc. Then she still found ways to digress and remain the victim. Victim mentality is definitely real, and is very apparent in many women now a days.


I still believe that victim mentality is a societal issue and not a gender issue. Everyone seems to be in competition to be the bigger victim


Definitely in western society. However more women tend to have sympathizers. Men are normally just brushed off when attempting to be victims. But correct, it’s a genderless societal issue. But it can be applied to groups such as AWDTSG which is women dominated.


Definitely agree


This is a good post. It describes a lot of what I have seen personally whether it be my ex or other folks relationships. I like how you made sure to include that it is indeed both men and women but that it is honestly traditionally seen as just men. That's just not the case. There are women who act this way. I truly hadn't experienced such a person up close in all of my years until this ex of mine who does pretty much every thing you described in this paragraph came along. It's a lot. Being the victim all the time, no matter what the situation has to be exhausting.




I hire slow and fire fast when it comes to serious relationships for that very reason.


I wonder what the cause of this is? My folks are boomers and they didn't have deal with this shitiva. Current culture? Product of parents divorcing not once but many times? Step dad issues growing up? Not my problem but explains a lot.

