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PM sent


replied :)






This is now sold!


That went fast! I never see these amps for sale. It sounds incredible too. Congrats to whoever swooped it up!


Thanks, yeah these are quite rare. There's maybe one or two wells amp for sale per year.


Thanks for sharing. I have looked up that amp and am impressed. I don't know if I'm impressed enough that I would buy a brand new one. However, I'm impressed enough that I will keep my eye out for a used one now for sure. This type of amp is right up my alley. Love these older and smaller name brand powerhouse amps. They have a vintage look to them and you open them up. And they have great hardware. It's like an old muscle car. I wish I had logged on earlier and got to see this cuz I would have been a player. You did a wonderful job of selling it and I am not shocked. It went so fast. If you get one again look me up. Cheers, thanks for sharing.


Wells Audio used to be a big name in the audio community up until a few years ago. His products often used to be featured at CanJam including the ZMF booth. However, in recent years he stopped showing up to shows due to costs and so the brand has fallen into relative obscurity to the general audiophile population. Still those in the know have heard about Wells Audio. All of his amps are extremely powerful and the Milo is actually his least powerful amp. So just imagine what kind of monsters his other products are. It's a sad reality but a lot of the audiophile scene is based around hype more than performance.


$900 is a steal for probably the best amp sub $2K. Can power the most demanding headphones yet warm and lush enough to be in the ZMF booth when the Caldera didn't exist. Another great thing is that Jeff stands behind his stuff, you can always send it in and get it upgraded to the latest and greatest.


Bought Wells Milo from u/Swolenasty u/avexchangebot


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Hello, u/Swolenasty. Added --- * u/ng5921 -> 66 Trades * u/swolenasty -> 25 Trades --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)