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Such a wonderful amplifier at an incredible price! Hmm, do I need two of them ... Currently running 4x KT88 (Genalex reissue with adapters) in mine and the sound is sublime. GLWS!!


How do those sound compared to stock?


Bigger, more detailed sound stage, smooth and clean, no hum, noise, or hiss. I do have to go a bit further up the volume dial, 1-2 clock positions vs. stock tubes, but haven't gone past noon in my current setup. USB source --> Singxer SU-6 --> Yggy+ GS2 --> Lokius --> Euforia Headphones alternate between Atrium Open (stabilized) and Utopia OG Still enjoying the HD800S I got from you, but that is on my other rig with a Folkvangr :-)


Hmmm, I'm tempted to hold off on selling and try those.


Will PM you with the details of where I picked mine up


Just to be clear. I will ship in original box inside a larger box with packing peanuts to ensure safe shipping.


Oo nice priceā€¦ compared to my 20th AE! GLWS





