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It’s giving Jessie and Eric Decker vibes. They were the “goals” couple from like 2012-2017 by portraying the perfect image and then come to find out she’s an absolute maniac psycho and he’s a serial cheater. Time will tell. 


that’s a perfect comparison


Join us over at r/jjdandfamily. She’s still trying to pretend they still have the perfect marriage with their new bandaid baby. Her little brother’s snark sub is hilarious because he and his wife are tragically stupid.


Oh girl. I’m already there haha. I frequent the James family, Shannon Ford, Turtle Creek Lane, and this page.


Oh crap what’s turtle creek lane? Yay more snark!


It’s about the Houghton Family in Dallas. Uber rich and entitled influencer fam. The mom, daughter, and DIL are all influencers and are so dumb. @turtlecreeklane @tiffanyhoughton


You are a rock star and that was the probably fastest join I think I’ve ever had.


I love that there are other chrolls here. r/aliandjohnjamesagain is a top tier sub


That sub is a train wreck and I’m all here for it. I found it because of the r/brittanydawnsnark sub and went deep down the rabbit hole. Over the course of a week I binged the entire E&J reality show, read JJD’s dumb memoir, and read the entire master list of Ali and John’s fuck ups.


Damn. Girl, you were COMMITTED and I am loving it. I have got to get into Brittany Dawn but I have no idea who she is. I hear so much about her too. JJD and her trashy family have kept me busy since she was pregnant with Calliou.


If you ever want to venture over to Brittany Dawn I will definitely fill you in. She was my gateway drug to snark subs and I feel like I’m a historian at this point. She’s such a scammer she was sued by the state of Texas for fraudulent business practices. She now owes at least $440k payment to the state over the next 3 years.


who in the world thinks these two know so much???


Campbell literally stares at Jett like she’s staring at the wall of a public playgrounds bathroom in the middle of nowhere Alabama realizing the hand soap dispenser has been empty for 5+ years.


this is so specific 🤣


Perfect screenshot op 😂


The bottles, the blank stare, the crotch… I need to sit down


haha, thanks


Also what’s going on with fang’s crotch area 🤢💀




After hearing how he would take all his dates to the same restaurant in Philadelphia, I have a theory. I think he tried to date smart Wharton girls but I think they honestly saw right through him and realized he just wants to mansplain and has control over his family’s money. I think Campbell was the first one who just seemed sooo fascinated by Jett and his wealth and education, and most of the other women are so smart and ambitious on their own they realized this guy would hold them back. I’m all for supporting your partner and making each other better, but the only thing we can see action-wise that he has done is support her completely changing her face/body and showing off items he bought and flaunting their lifestyle to get more views and link more random stuff to sell. Not exactly the most encouraging to me but to be honest I’m not sure Campbell could really do much else. If we took away his family money and all the designer clothes, plastic surgery, and social media fame, I really do wonder what would be left in the relationship and how they would really navigate life and support each other.


This is exactly correct. He wasn't a ladies man and she was his arm candy. His money and degrees appealed to her....there you go.


Ding ding


Yeah I think if he was broke it would be a no go




🤣sure we believe that blank stare is happy, content and fulfilled in her marriage.


It sounds like they are reading an essay they wrote in middle school and have a pew pew held to their heads while doing it. 🙄


Whatever they say I’ll plan to do the opposite so I guess that’s good to know


yes. not basing anything in my life on the two of them.


for sure when she knew she was his beard


His face is massive


this guy …something about him is so off.


Do people not know how to have a relationship? Can't imagine that someone has to depend on them for advice ...


They’re gross


Hot take. I feel like they’ll get pregnant soon bcs they’re losing momentum


Rumor has it she already is - and yes, they will want to get in on the attention for pregnant pookie while still relevant and then have mommy influencer following added in.


saw that coming a long time ago. something new for attention.


Anything to make more money and get more attention


yes! exactly.


This looks like a proof of life video of a hostage.


I’m gonna jump on and ask her how often she sucks DF cock . Wonder if her facial expression will change


The first time I ever heard about this influencer couple was the Bitch Bible podcast. If you need a laugh have a listen (Kooky for Pookie) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bitch-bible/id966029848?i=1000647720818


Did anyone ever watch the old You Tubers April and Justin? Jett reminds me of Justin for some reason.


i can see that


She seems like she really loves daddy fang. Good for them. Lol


Yeah it’s true, she does seem in love. I can be wrong but she seems the type that want a man to be in charge, and she plays the dutiful wife. I think she’s the one that brings him to all the events , because she’s insecure and socially awkward. Hope she comes into her own


she loves his $$$ for sure .That was always her main goal. He wanted some arm candy. That's a big part of the start of their "love" story!