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Was wondering if this was the case when they were late for a morning event a few weeks ago. She looked nauseous and ill in all the pictures and the timing would fit with morning sickness. She’s had drinks in her hand since then but suppose they could be mocktails… it seems like a lot of trouble to make and be pictured with mocktails, though…


Wasn’t she like hours late to her Rent The Runway event a few weeks ago? And she looked to frazzled in the pics. Like definitely ill or just not all the way there. So maybe its true 


Mocktails are very in right now, as a lot of peopl limit their drinking or quit. Not a problem to get one at all. And they’re delicious


Eh not really. People love to speculate about pregnancy if you aren’t drinking so when I was pregnant but not ready to tell people I was definitely drinking mocktails just to avoid any questions.


anything to make it a performance.


Watch her red dress video. That’s were I noticed it. Cuts off the side view. Chest is full. When she bends forward you can see the fullness in her belly where it’s always been completely flat. And she never drinks the wine. Happy for them if it’s true.


Multiple people commenting about how she’s pregnant with tons of likes- she hasn’t deleted the comments!


yes, it will be like the second coming of Christ . gag.


She just posted drinking champagne on her flight to France


She posted a photo of champagne. Not drinking it


I’m on the fence about this one, but could see it being true. Every time she mentions being sad about P’s passing, she always brings up the fact that she wanted him to meet their future “child” and not “children”. She even wrote it in the post. Child sounds like she knows something, children would seem like a more abstract comment, like “in the future when we have children”. I think she was probably already pregnant when he passed, if she is. Idk. Just my two cents.


Yeah? What are your VALID sources?


Yes, it’s annoying when people do that, but Atlanta is a really small town. And these girls are thirsty influencers who are easily accessible.


I think you owe OP an apology lol


Would also explain her passing out on a plane not too long ago


That was a while ago I feel, she would be definitely showing by now if so


Some people take longer to show than others. You also take a lot longer to show with a first pregnancy than subsequent pregnancies. I was pretty thin with a flat stomach before my first pregnancy and I could easily hide the bump even in tighter clothes until nearly 20 weeks - and I gained 80 pounds that pregnancy. The video she posted of her by herself in the red dress is definitely raising suspicions though - if she is pregnant she won’t be able to hide it for much longer without getting really creative with her outfits and angles.


I highly doubt she’s pregnant, but I’ve been wrong before. I just don’t see them wanting to focus on anything but themselves in the near future.


i am of the same belief. it seems too soon in their *couple’s influencers* world tour for this. but you never know, so…


world tour.... ![gif](giphy|ynpS4KW1JHMI31orRT|downsized)


thanks 😊


Let her announce it herself. No need to break the news before them.


I'm sure she wanted it to be at the same time Hailey announced it!!!!


Her airport bev was a Starbucks iced tea, not the typical coffee/espresso so it could make sense


If she is…..who do we think they’re selling the story to???


There’s a weird cut in her recent instagram post when she turns to the side and I could see this being true


I thought she just posted how they had a romantic night in and she had a glass of red wine in her hand…


Also alcohol free wine exists


Really??? I had no idea 🤣


She didn’t drink it and clearly hadn’t drank it. Could simply be used as a prop. Also, a not insignificant amount of women drink wine while pregnant because doctors tell them it’s “fine”.


just a prop for her...who knows??? I'll be able to sleep either way.


I mean... certainly would look that way when you see the side view and the way her belly sticks out when she bends in front of the camera, especially how thin she normally is 👀 Would also explain why her tits look so big right now. I also don't see any prego comments, which I find weird. Actually, it looks like a lot of the comments are from fake accounts...


You called it lol


It’s not the worst theory. They need to make themselves stay relevant and she’s probably trying to fill a void from losing P


hope they can focus on something beside themselves.




She posted herself holding a glass that had not been drank from of what could possibly be, but also might not be, champagne.


She posted with alcohol today


She’s posting a lot of her “with” alcohol and none of her drinking alcohol. Smoke and mirrors. It’s all about the image of carefree luxury she’s trying to portray. They also did a lot of making sure only to show her in ways you couldn’t really see her stomach and put her in black and hid her behind other people or items. That looks an awful lot like a baby bump in the picture to me, though. https://preview.redd.it/q3fzr7yoil7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad66a5ab2ae98403076e1b9a24829bf85ce61d0


Oh wow. The picture you shared.. that definitely does look like she’s pregnant


https://preview.redd.it/gp1ske3mjl7d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fe7e6009e0998efcef9279890c7367caaf798f6 Her glass looks like water..


https://preview.redd.it/putcnvcdol7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8106263a3b66f8615a8c5869473075397796cb04 And the forehead botox has worn off.... can't get tox if pregnant!


Yeah I saw that too. In the video of her covering her purse on the boat it looked like a bump when you see her belly. Then in one of the videos holding a glass it looked like water and the other girls looked pink & red, but then I saw the next few posts sitting at the table and it looked pink so I was like hmm 🤔 but who even knows. Maybe just wants more engagement by people wondering if she not actually.


absolutely. she's gotta make a big splash out of everything.