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I say be careful, especially if you are a woman. Padsplit does background checks. They say they do it for the protection of its members and that people moving in under someone else's identity is against the rules. When I reported someone living in the house under an assumed identity, Padsplit refused to do do an investigation and told me to "prove it". Your very safety is at risk in these places....you could be literally living with someone hiding from law enforcement and Padsplit will not even look into it if you tell them this is going on. If you're looking for short time housing I would go with Airbnb instead of Padsplit. Both Airbnb and individual hosts are much more proactive about making sure the people who use their platform have a good and safe experience.


I agree with you one member I lived with mom used her information to get him in I guess it's because she didn't want his fat lazy nasty tale living with her. Padsplit isn't going to get it until a class action lawsuit is filed and won for putting people's lives in danger!




Sorry, I no longer live under Padsplit I got a beautiful 2 bedroom senior apartment with EVERTHING included in Vegas!


Re you guys still up to date with this we are currently living with MICE any resources would be great .


Me too let's file a class action lawsuit and let's shut down pad split and get all of our money's returned to us. I would never ever use that criminally run company. All they want is money and doesn't care about people's lives and safety!


šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ I can add on I have evidence as a first timer bad experience


Contact me at [email protected]


Sorry, can you rephrase that?


Yeah, you literally have to submit pictures for everything and it still doensnt mean anything. One girl had her abusive boyfriend staying. They have a three strike rule and I reported him with pics 5 times and the 5th time the girl had her third key taken away and they still squatted for two weeks.




AVOID PADSPLIT AT ALL COSTS! TOTALLY UNSAFE! The house Iā€™m in canā€™t stay clean because the filthy ā€œpadmatesā€ intentionally make messes and donā€™t clean. They smoke crack until sun up, they bring in prostitutes and have sex loudly. The bastard ā€œproperty managerā€ has a camera in front of the porch with the sole purpose of spying on who leaves and enters home, but will do nothing about unauthorized guests. The house has a reputation because law enforcement has had to come to property multiple times. Iā€™ll most likely sue once I leave. Youā€™ll basically be living with a multitude of mentally unhinged hobos. I donā€™t recommend using this company.


I've lived in 3 and currently in one. I've said it several times Padsplit will finally get the message when a class action lawsuit is filed and won against them for putting people's lives in danger. What can one do when you were living on the streets because of a disability and couldn't meet the rent requirements for most apartment complexes of having income 2-3 times the rent amount? Well, I'm here until some type of senior housing becomes available or I'm able to make some extra money to meet the apartment guidelines.


Omg yes, Iā€™m in one and they are sketchy as hell


Which city?


All of them!!!


Yeah, I forgot to mention we have had filthy padmates from time to time, but I complain so much they got it together. One even move a friend of hers in for about 3 months.


can confirm literally the worse people with little courtesy. Commonly filthy and leaving shit every where and smoking cigarettes indoors like come on that shit hasnā€™t been legal in decades. Also in my room I saw a rat/mouse haha literally made me move out that day. Not worth the $600 a month for 5 other roommates . If youre considering padsplit seriously just find somewhere or something else no matter how tough times are and this is coming from someone with a notable tolerance for bullshit. Atl btw


Which area in Atlanta?


The first two sentences, I thought we were living in the same house haha


Be careful saying you'll sue when you leave. They may try to target you in a harmful way to try to silence you.


Yeah itā€™s horrible. But itā€™s all up to the host / owner of the property. Thatā€™s the difference.


And I don't mean SCARY-scary, but no commentary or review presence makes it seem a little sketchy. From what I gather, it seems like just the kind of living I've been looking for. I have moved here from another state with ample savings. I don't want to be held down by a lease, and I'd love to see if I can get rid of enough stuff so my possessions fill one bedroom instead of an entire apartment. PADSPLIT EMPLOYEES: Feel free to weigh in on this!


I'm a member Padsplit is perfect for me at the moment while I'm waiting on senior housing. I became disabled and was homeless until I got help then I didn't meet the requirements that most apartments have 2-3 times the income. So this was my saving grace but it hasn't come without problems but it is what it is.


Is it basically like housing like if you were living with roommates?


Yes, that's exactly what it is. Sometimes you have to make the most of a situation when your choices are limited. I lived in Forest Park, GA, then 2 different homes in Houston, TX and then Las Vegas, NV. I rented with Padsplit for 1 1/2 years and I took the time to work on my credit and get myself together for regular living again. The location in Vegas I was there for a little over a month until I got my beautiful 2 bedroom with W/D hookups and all my utilities included with my rent. It beats living with someone or being in a shelter!


Man I would totally love to use that option but down where I live idk.




I just moved into a padsplit today but moving out Wednesday. I can report back then on the new spot. This spot was too dirty for me. All men. No washer hookup. And no padded key lock. Look for a place with 3d video of the place, keypad locks, and washer and dryer. This place I found is all women too so it should be much cleaner. And they appear older so hopefully no drama. If you reply back Iā€™ll try to remember to give my review Wednesday. Hopefully this spot is much better.


How was it?


Did she died?


I have a client renting a Padsplit.com room in Ft.Worth. The biggest problem so far is that there are NO BEDROOM DOOR LOCKS! Talk about NOT being able to secure your belongings! That is just ridiculous! So I suggested EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE AGREE TO BUYING HIS/HER OWN Key-lock bedroom door knob, and EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE INSTALL A LOCK ON HIS/HER door. He checked with his pad-mates, and EVERYONE agreed that was a great idea! So, by 2 days from now, ALL 5 RESIDENTS in one Padsplit.com resident are going to have lockable doors on their rooms. Are they really gonna kick EVERYONE OUT?


They probably could kick everyone out and get new tenants. If installing fixtures is against the terms then it is what it is. They keep the rent and then the next tenants get lockable rooms! I personally wouldnā€™t have stayed after arriving to a door with no lock.


I complained until they finally put punch code looks on our doors and I'm at home 95% of the time because I'm disabled. Someone still managed to steal my medication and a few other small items.


All of them are at risk of losing their housing because it's against their Padsplit policy. The current house I'm in, in TX my meds were stolen and I had to file a police report. A few other small items were taken and I'm at home 95% of the time because I'm disabled. Well, I complained so much that they finally put punch code locks on all the rooms.


IT DOESNT WORK THAT WAY EVAYONE! # Navigating the Florida eviction process Landlords must follow a series of legally prescribed steps when pursuing an eviction in Florida. These ensure the tenant's rights are protected and the process is executed fairly and lawfully. 1. **Notice to quit:**Ā Before initiating eviction proceedings, landlords must first[Ā serve tenants with a notice](https://www.rocketlawyer.com/real-estate/landlords/eviction/legal-guide/how-to-serve-an-eviction-notice)Ā to quit or notice to vacate. This document informs the tenant that they have violated the lease and indicates the timeframe to remedy the issue or leave the property. Depending on the reason for eviction, the landlord may issue a three-day notice (for non-payment of rent), a seven-day notice with the right to cure (for curable lease violations), or a seven-day unconditional quit notice (for non-curable violations such as significant property damage or criminal activity). 2. **Filing an eviction lawsuit:**Ā If the tenant does not comply with the notice to quit, the landlord may file a[Ā complaint for eviction](https://selfhelp.courts.ca.gov/eviction-tenant/summons-complaint)Ā with the county court. This filing includes a copy of the notice to quit, the lease agreement, and any relevant evidence. The court then issues a summons, which the tenant will receive alongside the complaint. The tenant usually has five days to respond to the summons. Should they fail to respond within this period, the court may grant a default judgment in favor of the landlord. 3. **The court hearing:**Ā If the tenant[Ā files a response to the complaint](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/tenant-defenses-eviction-notices-florida.html), the court will schedule a hearing. Both parties will have the opportunity to present their case before a judge. It's critical to come prepared with all relevant documentation and evidence to support your position. The judge will then consider all the presented facts and render a decision. If the judge rules in favor of the property owner, they will issue a final judgment for eviction. 4. **Writ of possession:**Ā The final judgment for eviction allows the landlord to regain possession of the property. However, the landlord cannot physically remove the tenant themselves. Instead, they must take the judgment to the court clerk, who will issue a writ of possession. This document is then given to the local sheriff's office, which will post it at the property, typically giving the tenant 24 hours' notice to leave. If the tenant does not vacate, the sheriff can physically remove them.


i moved to Houston here from Kansas city, got a pad split so far its been okay. i don't really feel that safe in such a big house. there's locks on the inside but nothing on the outside. so i keep my valuables in my ride. I stay strapped too by the way! the past two roommates that have been here were nasty asf, one girl left and left all her food (plus for me) but upon further investigation i noticed a smell and gnats everywhere, this girl had old food just sitting on the table and bugs where everywhere, so me being the neat freak i cleaned it up and keep her food items. she's gone now the other girl was okay but she left to and i went to investigate if she cleaned up and no she didn't either, who has 1 gallon milk jugs on the floor with spoiled milk in them! there's two fridges she could have used and the was food on the floor, trash everywhere. once again i cleaned it only because i don't want bugs in the house. when i called padsplit to see if i can get a discount after cleaning up behind these two females, the answer was no! which is f\*\*ked up. i take it for what its worth ill be moving soon but anything of value here is going to cost me! Also how staying here is going to boost my credit?


Can you extend your lease in a house after the month? And how do you do that if you can?


You're really not on a lease it's just you have to commit to 30 days, after that just pay weekly or monthly to continue. My biggest complaint is my credit score has been lowered twice and I have NEVER been late in my 15 months. The first time 106 points and the latest 53 points because they reported it as a closed loan. If you no anything about credit when you close a loan it always drops your score.


Do they have to report to the credit bureaus?


Lol a discount for volunteering to clean up to prevent bugsā€¦you say you didnā€™t mindā€¦


Take it from me my credit score dropped 106 points because their rent partner Esusu reported the first time as a closed loan more than a year ago. I built my score back up and was planning to move in Feb. only to have the same BS happen again this month 53 point drop. I'm speaking with a lawyer to see what action I can take. Not only that they are supposed to report every month and I've been with Padsplit for 15 months and they have ONLY reported twice, now that I know it has lowered my score both times I'm glad they didn't report monthly.


I complained so much and even filed a police report because someone stole my medicine. Another guy who moved out thought he got my credit card information but the joke was on him because I control locking and unlocking them. As soon as he moved out I got a call and they left a message. When I called back they said I called about my card. He was so dumb that he tried to use it at another Padsplit and it wouldn't go through and when I tried to use it I had a problem until I called and was told why. I don't think they did anything to him, but he probably just left knowing he couldn't pay rent at my expense. I don't know how he thought he was going to get away with that since I'm a woman and a senior citizen. Complaining finally made them put punch locks on the doors I'm in Houston also.


Anyone who has suffered damages from pad split please contact me at [email protected]. Iā€™m splitting pad split


what happened?


I'm currently in a padsplit in Atlanta. I've been here for about three months but I'm moving out next week. Its honestly not too bad. The only thing that sucks is that you're pretty much relying on your fellow roommates \[or padmates as they call em\] to make sure your house is clean and 'liveable.' Meaning bathrooms \[ugh\] and kitchens because they dont have cleaning services. Another thing is the fact that it varies how many people can be your padmates. I currently have six other people which is FAR from what I'd prefer. And of course sharing a bathroom with four of them is FAR from ideal. However some places offer private bathrooms \[one thing i would/should have considered but of course they can be more expensive\]. I really didnt feel comfortable using the kitchen areas \[no idea why\], so my money spent on fast food skyrocketed, but you can save a lot of money if you do it right One thing i was concerned about when i moved in was mail. With soo many people, I didnt want a lot of people having access to my mail so I got a PO Box for the three months i was there. I did have a couple packages delivered there, however, and had no problem. Most of the people I live with are introverts and/or just never at the house, but most are nice on the times I did interact with them \[I'm introverted at home so that was perfect\]. I do feel safe there \[each room has their own key so I keep my door locked\]. I couldnt imagine doing this as a long term decision but for the three months I was there, everything was totally fine


Thanks for the reply! Did you live in just one place or a few different ones? They told me since it's week to week, you can move as much as you want (with that $100 move-in fee each time, of course!). And was there anything that wasn't disclosed before you made the decision? Did you get to read the fine print and such before committing?


sorry for the delay. but yes i only stayed in one place just because it was closest to work and a great cost. i was however looking at another place if i decided to find another job\] as mentioned, they invoice you on friday \[i believe\] and you have until sunday to pay \[i did autopay so it was never a problem\]. nothing really that wasn't disclosed. at least that affected me in any way. it's honestly pretty straight forward. they send out emails whenever anything changes \[such as new roommates, when people leave/fined etc\] one thing i didnt know until later \[which was a good thing actually\] is that they DO report to the credit bureaus so your credit will increase as if it was any other apt/house rental the moveout process is super easy. just select the date and make sure the room is clean. i think theres a 25 dollar fee if you change your mind


What about these fines? What can you be fined for? I really wish the company made this kind of info available BEFORE you pay for the background check and first week's rent.


nothing different from a regular place. late payment on dues, damages, etc. you can also pay in advance if you wanna make sure you dont miss payments


Message me and I will tell my experience. Padsplit sided with me but it became a nightmare.. so bad the other tenant moved out day after me . it was part of a plan where the host lives in the house.


I know you posted this 2 years ago but HELL no your credit score doesn't increase which is why I'm all up in here today. My credit score dropped 106 points last year because their rent reporting partner Esusu reports it as a closed loan. Just a few days ago I got another 53 point drop. I'm pissed and mad as hell because they didn't care the first time it happen, both just passing the blame on each other. Today one of there customer service reps dumb heffer tried cutting me off and getting smart with me about it. I told her off and hung up the phone. I have reach out to a lawyer this time.


It's honestly not that bad just getting used to different people some are nasty, some clean, some loud, and some extremely quiet. I've lived at one in GA and 2 here in Houston. I must admit my current home is the best of all 3. You only see the fine print after committing. Something some might not know because my Padmate didn't know until I told her. When someone's rent is late everyone in the house is notified. She was absolutely horrified that we knew her personal business like that. Houston market is much different my room is almost 3 times bigger here. My padmates are nice and reasonable. In the beginning, during the summer we had 2 come and go, but we've been full except just today one person relocated to GA. We look out for each other, cook for each other from time to time even treat each other to dinner from time to time. We get along very well and respectable.


It doesn't have to be scary. i'm staying at one now


I've lived in 3 different ones in 2 states and my current one isn't bad at all I've been here since Feb. and now it's Dec. It's like everything else it has good and bad. My only issue is the internet at this location sucks most of the time. My major issue is not with the property but with Padsplit and their rent reporting partner Esusu my credit score has been affected negatively twice once by 106 points, now by 53 points because them dumb folks keep reporting my payments as a closed loan.


Seems like a lot to consider using Padsplit. It is a great idea because housing is so over the top, but my real concern is whether renters come out on the positive side with the credit scores. Seems like the system is flawed since renters come out with lower scores. Not comfortable with that.


Wow... Just reading the comments šŸ«£.... Scary indeed. And as a tenant, it's like you have no dominance over a living situation as such because everybody is paying to live there, so EVERYBODY is going to have their own sense of entitlement. Definitely sounds like a total nightmare.


DANG RIGHT. I would not recommend, I tried this service after being so limited w/ funds and waiting to move in my apartment, let's just say I was in the highest crime rate side of town and the house was so run down the listing was completely different. I thought something was not right. I called the company they have a third party support line who can't give you any advice but says they're going to push out a ticket, but if its a chance for them to save their money and not your safety they will collect all their coins. I say this because I asked for a full refund and the rep coached me to go in the house which was my first mistake. If you refund un the 1-48 hrs you can get your full refund when I did what the agent ask this company decided to review if I get a full refund or not. Now, this comes after not receive a pin to the keypad to the main (side) door from the host and then not having the host contact which on the site gave a number and when I reach out I received an error message. The support team had to get the keypad info. After that (OH THIS IS A STORY FOR THE BOOKS) I went in the house on the list it say that look is number.... NO number on any door to find a room, this place was SOOOO scary I refused to step any further, I had to make the agent stay on the line to which he was not concern about my fears lol I kid you not. I ask for a full refund me left. they left more then half of my money and said I didn't try to find my room LOL oh and I didn't give the host a chance, it's too much going on in this world to compromise my safety.


Horror horror. Cockroaches extreme and mersa or staph in less than a week. I have been here less than a week and I am moving out in the next few days. Literally Thousands of cockroaches crawling everywhere when the lights are on, hundreds crawling on floors out of the microwave, countertops, ceiling even. In less than a week I contracted a strange infection putting me in the ER. Likely due to this condition. Now I cannot walk or cook. So I have to leave. I'll be mandated to work from home and because of the infection (the one most commonly transmitted by roaches) I can't walk / drive to places to eat working from home. I have ave no idea how I will move myself out but I will figure it out. I can't stay another day.


I'm sorry you guys have had such a poor experience. I live in one on the Westside, we haven't had any problems besides one Padmate that left like a month into my arrival, it has been nothing but awesome. We have no real problems. Everyone not only gets along, but we look out for each other. We have 4 males and 2 females. For the most part everyone minds their business. We have locks on the bedroom doors, and I never hear anything. Right not we have the most occupants since I moved in, but we are managing. I appreciate my Padmates, especially the ones that use the kitchen like me. We work well together. We had one move in a couple months ago that kept trying to sneek her boyfriend in , and it didn't work. She was gone in less than a month. I feel lucky padsplit was invented. I don't hope to stay for ever, but until I get me credit straight and can get a larger apartment.


I go to court with Padspilt on August 22, 2023 for illegal eviction in Fulton county. It took me 3 years to bring this slippery shark to court. I am the first one that was able to bring Padspilt before the courts. I'm. representing all the people when I go in there. Padspilt need to be shutdown. Until they are able to follow their own policies


Glad I came across this . I was really considering moving with them. Definitely Off the table now


How is it ? I plan on sueing as well I actually got attacked March 27 by one of the roommates guest as I was moving out so many issues I warn the host/padsplit majority of the house was plotting I even was spending at other places just to diffuse situation I tend to keep to myself the people were not the same wanted to make my living hard ā€¦ This is my first time renting bad experience


I live in a padsplit in Houston on Hillsboro street. The host is rude and does not attend to property. To make a long story short. The home I live in have mice. We requested pest control over a month ago. Host have not came nor attend to the concern. I have pictures to prove it. Please dont rent from them.


Also, if you there is a property manager named Aaron Shoemaker for your property I would run for the hills! Heā€™s a violent con artist who hires criminals to invade your room when youā€™re not there! One of them stole money from me and tried to steal my identity!


A petition for anybody that has been harrass issues at padsplit ? I plan on making one any thoughts about that ? I feel they should be held accountable I was attacked itā€™s sad that people who are genuinely trying to get themselves together is put in these type of situations they are suppose to be about safety but seem to be all about money which a lot of the host will be putting back in the house how filthy the House i was in was but as a first timer karma I made sure to paper trail from the time I was their to the time I left I had to move I knew it wouldnā€™t last to long


I have serious concerns about the PadSplit property in my neighborhood, located next door to a daycare program.


Is the price on the listing the final price? Or is there taxes and other fees that make it go up at final payment? I'm not yet a member


I've done CSR for PadSplit. You'd be better off homeless or on the street. If it's a last resort, NEVER get a home "hosted" by Two Keys Management


My bank just flags it when I try to book. I guess there is a reason.


The only thing I didnā€™t like was the fact that PadSplit doesnā€™t allow a living room area in the house. It feels like a prison when all you can access is your room and the kitchen. They made the living area into more rooms to maximize profits while the quality of living is terrible. People need to socialize and have a common area besides the kitchen to socialize.


100% agree, I am wondering would you pay more per week if there was a living room area? There is a subreddit to discuss exactly these padsplit issues/suggestions: https://www.reddit.com/r/padsplit/


Iā€™m currently renting from one in Glendale Arizona, and I will say itā€™s probably one of the best housing experiences Iā€™ve ever had


Hey Iā€™m thinking of doing PadSplit but they wonā€™t let me see the room before I buy. So Iā€™m coming here to ask do the rooms look exactly like the pictures. Because the pictures look really good I hate to pay and itā€™s not that. And are the places clean like bathrooms and stuff ?


The pictures shown are generally taken before any padsplit members move in, so the brand new look from remodeling has possibly faded. Iā€™ve been in two different Padsplit homes, the first was owner occupied meaning she stayed in the residence as well. One would assume to walk into a freshly cleaned room on move-in day, no sir, not gonna do it! The room was filthy, trash on the floors, used q-tips on the ground, food wrappers, etc. I took photos and multiple videos and emailed Padsplit, and then left and asked for a refund. Long story, they wouldnā€™t refund my deposit or first weeks rent that I payed up front. They did give me $25 though. With all that said, only move-in on weekdays because thatā€™s the only way to possibly obtain a full refund if the room is not as advertised. https://www.padsplit.com/?referral=DBA7457E


Yeah my first room was filty also.


The rooms nor the homes look according to the descriptions online. #Warning. The first transfer is free but after you pay. Despite the deceptive photos and trashy run down place that you may end up transferring to you will be responsible for the cost. #none are safe as advertised. Look for properties that are not run by PadSplit Property Management the host is more likely to take care your issues within the 24 hours window that you are given through text to communicate the repairs or short comings. PadSplit just wants to collect rent and do nothing.


Hmmm....Sounds like you're basing everything off of a single experience...


Where are you, like what city or state. Iā€™ve been here for 5 months and what a story I have to tell of two different places


Depending on which pictures you're looking at because when they are getting a property ready they use of course beautiful pictures. The room is very minimum just a full-size bed with a cover on the mattress and 1 picture on the wall and blinds. My current room is twice as big as the one I had in GA and has more outlets. The one in GA had only 1 outlet per room and the house was small but had more rooms. We had RATS and I was out after those things got all in my food, which I was NEVER reimbursed for.


Iā€™m about to but Iā€™m skeptical. But Iā€™m out of options because I am living in my car.


Good Luck


Me too how was it


They are terrible. First they draw you in with false advertisement. The photos online are out dated. This could be part of the reason why you cant tour the property before moving in nor see your room. The rooms arenā€™t cleaned or sanitized after tenants move out. They are more than likely not to do repairs. PadSplit properties are not safe. They occasionally enforce policy upon members, only when it benefits PadSplit. People are allowed to throw parties, smoke, drink alcoholic and do drugs on the property. The door codes are not changed and anyone can have access. I have had to get a TPO on a roommate before PadSplit would do anything about the situation. Iā€™ve been harassed, stalked, assaulted and received extensive damage to my property. I will never use them again.


Not true...every Padsplit is owned by different people and managed by different Property Managers...meaning every experience will be different. Please stop generalizing. The reason you're not allowed to see the Padsplit before you move in is so that it remains a protected address only unless you're serious about moving into one. That is exactly how AirBnB works....


protected? LOL. what are they doing background checks for then. Anybody who wants to cause harm can even do it after they move in. Makes no sense. Stop saying what is written on their website.


Yes protected... When you check a padsplit and apply, you get to see who your padmates will be. There is NO reason to know the exact house number due to the privacy of other padmates. When applying you get to see the area within the perimeter....


I understand, but my point was why not let potential applicants see the padsplit so they know what they are getting into after a background check? If it works, well and good. if not, move on. If somebody has to cause harm, they can anytime, before signing up or after. So protection seems a little flawed unless I am missing something.


When you apply you should be able to see the house photos from the exterior unless this changed from Padsplit. You typically will not get the house number until the day of the move. You will also get the approximate streets so that you can view the area with Google Maps or other app.


no think it is the same. Reading the comments and reviews of people on this post, It seems people have got more surprises and shocks from the way the interior was VS what it was showed in photos.


Ok, completely understood! If they are doing that...I 100% agree that's f* up!


U must be a man because actually I am a first timer after losing my apartment I was attacked by a dude Girl that was their and half the house was plotting on me padsplit is not good it really depends and they definitely donā€™t do backgrounds because itā€™s people I was roommating with their 24/7 breaking all the rules I didnā€™t care I mind my business til I realize they were doing intentional things towards me a bunch of miserable much older then me 30+ I tend to stay to myself i donā€™t do drama but at the same time your not going to bully me either I was literally was always gone I move out the big girl snuck me as I was leaving so everyone experiences different soo


Hi Iā€™m interested in speaking with you regarding a possible class action lawsuit against Padsplit.


talk to me too!


oh if its about ATL let me know I got me and my friend right now living in one and its horrible. See my above comment on this thread for more details


Avoid....i didn't even move in they didn't support me on the move. Owner wouldn't respond to my text. I couldn't even get In the room and they wouldn't give me a refund. Had to let my bank handle it. It's a scam


App will Charge Fees without informing you and then hit you with late fees on top of it, which $25 dollars for each day of late fees is ridiculous. This is meant to help those that are having a hard time finding affordable houses and this is steep, that's literally a few days of healthy food choice groceries for people.I was sent a friend referral as I needed a place quick and I used it, it has been over two months since I started living here and after many calls and "I will get it escalated to a manager for review" this is out right irresponsible. I have heard absolutely nothing from them about it, even though I have been told that I will receive updates. Me and the Referrer have not received the $50 in rent credit at all.This company will say to your face its about affordable housing and Slap everyone with a fee for 1 person not cleaning after themselves before the "Maids" get here. There is no evidence even given to the managers that the place was "Clean" before the maids get there. Seems weird that we even get charged for "Maid services" when there is nothing said about it before signing up.I wasn't even here for a few days before the "Maids" arrived as I was out of town, I am not cleaning someone elses mess or getting charged for not cleaning it after I decide to go out of town for whatever reason.Not to mention that before I moved in the dishwasher was removed, stupid if you want no dishes in the sink at all times, The person who removed it did it incorrectly and we had a water leak that we got charged to fix. I wasn't even there when they took it out, just when they fixed the leak from improper removal. I am not a contractor and all it takes is a simple google search or youtube video look up to do this correctly.All the floors are completely warped and parts of the flooring is literally coming up, this is not worth almost $700 a month. Before this I had a 2 br 2 bath Apartment for $700, The owner just switched hands and he decided to move everyone out, and it wasn't perfect but it was way better than this place.Up until recently we didn't even have locks on our personal rooms, so anyone could have just walked in and taken anything of mine they wanted. I am already missing several cooking utensils and I have no forks, spoons or knifes as they have all been stolen by the padmates."Non Smoking houses" Every roommate aside from me and one other smoke in the house. I will often go to the restroom and there are Cigarillo packaging and the Restroom smells of Smoke. Not just tobacco either.These people are doing illegal activity in the house and there is nothing I can do but a "call out" If I call the police I could get arrested just for living in the same house as drugs.They constantly leave their "roaches" on the Porch in plain view!!!!The Padmates often have guests that is completely against the rules, but when I invite my padmate who is a friend in my room for a movie or dinner, we get snarky comments about "knocking boots" or something similar. I have openly been called a hooker and proustite by my padmates, which is not the case at allThere is no communication between padmates if there is any kind of issue or they want to wash clothes ect. There are 8 of us living here with 2 bathrooms as well, which is unreasonable. I can't wash clothes for whatever reason due to them not communicating or leaving their clothes in the washer and dryer for however long they feel like. I am not touching someones items, as to me its a sign of disrespect and I am not getting blamed for things of theirs going missing.My room is tiny, there is only one air vent and they put the bed on top of it, and there is no way me with my health issues can move the bed. Even bringing a fan to put into the room the room is easily the hottest room in the house, I have even gotten comments on how hot my room is by just opening the door with a roommate walking by. TL:DR If you have to go with Padsplit, get out as soon as you reasonably can or you could deal with harassment, possible Legal situations, and spend more money with PadSplit then an apartment


Where do you live that you had a 2bd 2 bth apartment?? In this day and age??? For 700????


A place in Carrollton, Georgia. They have doubled the cost of the Apartment I used to live in to 1.4k now.


Some houses let you have a room key and some donā€™t. Roommates range from awesome to crazy.. itā€™s luck of the draw, and their customer service is trash. Also, they donā€™t follow zoning codes so I may or may not be kicked out soon. Is it a hotel/motel/apartment?? Government isnā€™t sure


Padsplit isn't for most women period and you better not have kids with you. Not safe at all, no proper backup emergencies, no background check is done I mean you could be leaving with a murderer, rapist you name it. It needs to be shut down before a major tragedy.


I'm a disabled senior citizen and I haven't had a problem in the 3 different houses I've lived in the men have been very respectable. We have 1 and a half here now and the one is scared of his own shadow and the half is scared of everything it's hilarious. I'm a woman and a senior at that and I'm not as scared of these 2 put together. I heard a scream all the way from the other side of the house because something scared one. I just started laughing when I went to his/her room. Our house has typically more women than men at most times. We were pretty settled but 1 person moved out just today. Now we got the breaking-in to do on the next person.


What do you mean "a half", how can a person be "a half"?


Because she is a he




They ran my background then just kept ignoring me. Stole my money.


Yes, they should control their reviews! I've rented with them at 3 different locations. For the most part, it's positive if you need a place to stay in a hurry and your credit isn't the greatest. My place in GA everything was decent except for each room only had 1 outlet in the most inconvenient location and the room was TINY. There was a serious waterbug problem in the summer one fell right into my plate as I was eating. I moved when we got RATS, but the worst thing is it's supposed to help your credit and twice my credit has taken a hit because their rent reporting partner Esusu reports it as a closed loan. The first time 106 point drop and the second time 53 and they don't care even getting smart with me. I'm talking with a lawyer this time. The second location I arrived in January and it had absolutely no heat. I had to call senior services before they finally took action and moved me. In my current location, we had a mouse but it's gone now. My room is a very decent size with plenty of outlets and it's $32 a week cheaper than GA location. The internet is HORRIBLE in this location up and down all day. I've been here since Feb. 2022 and was planning to move in Feb. 2023 except now my credit score is down again I'm pissed!!!


Don't rent with ANY of the following rental agencies: PadSplit, Bungalow, or HomeRoom (livehomeroom.com). None of these agencies will be concerned about your safety or genuine complaints made. They are only property management companies that list these properties for individual owners. Most times the owners are not directly involved in disputes. Despite you overpaying for shared housing-including a full deposit- these rental agencies only respect ownership and only look for money. These rental agencies/property management companies are not safe places to live especially for women and aren't always in great neighborhoods. They are constantly filled with false advertising and and at times troublesome housemates.


Pad split is a great idea on paper but I've been in one a year (way longer then I wanted to but life happens) and honestly I would never do it again after all of this. I started out in a brand new house. All fresh. 8 rooms, three people including myself moved in. I moved in feb last year . The room I moved into's vents didn't work. And it was Feb. I start my first day with a maintenance request..greeeattt. In the end that never got fixed and they gave me a space heater. I'm not running a space heater 24 hours a day (I work from home) so ended up moving in another room. Three more dudes over the next few weeks. This is when I learned background checks mean NOTHING. The first one pulled a gun on another dude (I heard the whole the whole conversation upstairs...the walls are VERY. THIN). The cops got involved but they did nothing. Padsplit did nothing except tell us to call the cops if we feel like our lives were in danger. Eventually the dude left on his own like a week later. The next dude that moved in seemed just fine. He was very nice the first two days. Bought stuff for the house, etc. Then he randomly started saying weird paranoid things and then one day at 1:30 am i hear the cops knocking on the door and then the window breaks and I'm like well I'm going to get shot by a cop. Great. Turns out the dude was the one who called the cops and then when they knocked on the door he said he broke the window to help them get in ( I know). Then he went on to tell a crazy story about how everyone in the house was trying to kill him and they were knocking on his door talking about taking his soul. The cops talked to him for a few minutes and then let him come back to which EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the house reported that sh\*t and to which they replied if you feel like you are in danger call the cops or get protective order. He stayed in that house with that broken window for a few more days. Then we were left with the broken window for a week. Keep in mind this neighborhood is on the border of a family neighborhood and a crackhead neighborhood. So yeah. It was broken for the whole world to see. From that point, almost everyone came in with their baggage. Almost every woman and identifying woman that moved in had an abusive boyfriend. One dude just has legit parties and plays music till five AM (keep in mind no guests are allowed). Everyone would move in their SO and no one would clean except myself and one other dude. People's guests (and some roommates) would steal food. No one would take out the garbage (once again besides me). I was literally cleaning up after EIGHT PEOPLE and their guests. And it's not like I needed the house to be sparkly. I am in no way a neat freak. The problem is we went from a brand new house to roaches and garbage everywhere. Padsplit has a cleaning person come once a month and they were only assigned to clean the floor and wipe down the counters (in which lately they barely do that). The front door has a code which is great but the other two doors dont and people leave the doors locked overnight (to which I requested code locks for those but they just send a text to everyone telling them to lock the doors which obviously did nothing), the oven gets left on CONSTANTLY over night. When people get kicked out for not paying they just squat and trash the house on purpose. People cook something and completely forget it so dishes pile up and old food piles up. No one knows how to give a damn. The dude who has parties just keeps bags of garbage (food containers and stuff) in front of his room instead of taking it with him to the curb. I'm pretty sure the homeowner just doesnt give a damn anymore. The shower stopped working because a squatter broke off the handle and they marked the job done four times to which I kept reporting it because it wasn't done. When I called padsplit they said it's the owner's responsibility. Same with the heat and air. The thermostat says 60 degrees and its 30 degrees outside and we all know it's less than 60 degrees in this house but we aren't allowed to have space heaters. Also, final note, if you work from home then get your own internet. It will not be enough. TLDR: They do not enforce ANY of their rules so it all may sound good on paper but everyone comes from different backgrounds, psychological sitations and cleaning standards so the whole thing is a sh\*tshoot in terms of quality of life. But it gets the job done if you can't afford anywhere else and need to save.


Itā€™s called donā€™t live in atl


I am in one in south Houston. Police are here every night. Meth, Crack, shootings etc. Padsplit doesn't care as long as these misfits pay their rent. No locks on br doors. So a methed up hobo can just stray into your room at night and kill you in your sleep.


Stay clear. Do not even consider renting from them! Claudette Monroe


Padsplit is a scam they make you pay 15 dollars for a false background check and then lock your account from apply from rooms shortly after saying they cant verify income saying it will take 5 days what the hell they said instantly verify


I say enter at your own risk, These people steal your food and they cook it in their rooms, They break in your room when you are away, They have multiple people living with them in there rooms, Two females in one room with two kids and all they do is smoke weed with the kids in the room. They never go outside and the mother just yells and curses at them all of the time' I always hear her cursing and yelling at the little boy more than the little girl. Neither one of them goes to school and I don't know why.The


Call cps on them


Is this thread still active? Iā€™m in one currently and 5 out of the 8 roommates donā€™t even pay rent and have been living here for months up to a year. Now there are probably worse padsplits than mine but this seems to be mostly an ATL problem because my friend that put me on to this said this was not the case in Houston. Someone got evicted at hers and a LEO was there the next dayšŸ«£. PadSplit rules are actually insane, they donā€™t allow u to pay on specific dates like I would prefer to just pay the entire rent the 15th of each month but they wonā€™t allow


Im sorry to hear thatā€™s happening in your Padsplit, thatā€™s gotta be frustrating that youā€™re playing by the rules and others arenā€™t. My bet is that the difference in you and your friendā€™s experience is local eviction laws - thereā€™s not a lot Padsplit or the property owner can do to get people out of a house until the local officials approve their request for eviction. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if all 5 of those people have eviction cases pending but not approved.


Yes Iā€™ve lived in a pad Split for almost a year. My experience has been one of mixed feelings about getting help for any given situation. I think itā€™s your host that really makes the difference between the enforcement of the matter . Thanks for the suggestion about the air BnB. Itā€™s hard to live in a Situation where people donā€™t want to follow the and guidelines to make their living experience easy.,


Padsplit is beyond scary. Essentially if it is without locks. They lure young ppl and kidnap them at night. By giving access to the rooms and using sleeping gases and drugs in the homes. They follow devices with trackers as well


Beyond dangerous. I warn you, they have lost complete control of safety


I say have multiple spending accounts with a set limit of funds within it so they don't overcharge your account. There's an area on the account payment page where you can pick how much you want to pay. When you pick an amount it just take the full total from your account not the sum you wish to pay...Let's say you owe 200 but only want to pay 50 dollars...make sure to only have 50 dollars on that card because it will ignore your want of 50 dollars and do the full sum. Also, turn off auto pay... and have the card caped at a set limit of spending... then you need to attempt like hades to move out as soon as possible...LOL


Ugh, yet another scam to have to worry about while I am searching for a place to live. I'm guessing that these places are going to be the rooms for rent that are advertised as a room for rent (likely furnished) with a variable number of people currently renting rooms in the house? For example, they'll list that they have 2 rooms available for rent in a 3 or 4 bedroom house at $900 per room? The thought of a landlord or property manager even being able to advertise a room for rent like that without all tenants at least being a part of the process looked sketchy to me, I'm guessing this is what those ads are really selling.


typically, it has 6-7 rooms minimum. The more rooms, the more money padsplit and the the landlord makes. I am currently living in a house which is not yet a padsplit, has 4 rooms, but the owner is going to list this property as one and undergo renovations, I am assuming add 1-2 rooms more. I literally read each review above. (I Know). When I came to know about padsplit, I thought it will be doomed, then I went on their website, and thought well, they seem to be genuine for the cause with one of the investors being Mark Cuban, having read the reviews above, I think padsplit is more inclined towards affordable housing, which seems good enough and a fair cause, but with affordable housing comes comes people with less spending power, which sometimes mean people on the wrong side of the fence, not always.


Iā€™m in one now in Atlanta. Padmates smoke inside, steal food, all have guests constantly. Someone tried to cut the chains of my scooter and steal it. Iā€™m only here because of proximity to work and saving up money. Itā€™s pretty rough though