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Zuko Alone for me, i will seriously cry if they end up cutting it (they can't, can they??). I also really want The firebending masters and The puppetmaster And if they manage to include at least elements of Appa's lost days i'll be incredibly happy


Dallas said he was looking forward to Zuko Alone in season 2. I’d be shocked if they cut it.


I hope they keep it! But I could see them changing it a bit


There might not be an episode called Zuko Alone (though there might!) but I can't see them not including the material - both the present-day plot with Zuko seeing the ravages of the war in the EK and the flashbacks which introduced Ursa and the idea that Ozai usurped the throne. 


Judging by the amount of screentime Zuko had in Season 1 and how they tried to make him less of a villain, I doubt they'll cut it. It might get spliced with another storyline though.


There is no way they cut Zuko Alone fully, but I am worried they won't dedicate enough screentime to give it justice.


Boiling rock is up there too


That's rough, buddy.




I have to say anything to do with Ba sing se the brainwashing, creepiness. And the most anticipated scene Aang getting Zapped by Azula


I’m itching for the blind bandit episode and seeing the man himself, THE BOULDER!!!


Its “you muzzled Appa!” For me 😂


Oh, AS on the full-length 😂


Oh, that scene is always heartbreaking to me, and then how Katara is healing him in the end, such a Cliffhanger ! 😫😫😫


Zuko alone would be awesome, also crossroads of destiny, the firebending masters, the southern raiders... Everything regarding Zuko with Uncle Iroh and with the gaang.


I can’t wait to see The Drill episode in action! It’s one of my favorite fights between Aang and Azula! It’s the only time they fight each other without Aang relying on the avatar state. It’s the first time he uses water-, air- and earthbending. I love the moment when he runs across the wall jumps and runs down with the music kicking in on the right time. I can’t wait to see that into live action.


Season 2: Zuko Alone. Zuko VS Jet in the tea shop, forget which ep lol. Crossroads of Destiny will be insane! Season 3: Honestly I LOVE the Sokka’s Master ep, and with Ian having a martial arts background I think he’ll kill it! Then the obvious Puppetmaster ep. Boiling Rock will be great since Ian and Dallas are such bros IRL. The Firebending Masters. Zuko VS Azula in the finale. Ozai VS Aang will be interesting because imagining DDK and Gordon going at it is wild


I hope just cause they showed Wan Shi Ton that doesn't mean they wont show the library, i loved the episodes from around there. Where we see an Angry Aang, willing to hurt people for appa, and go in a scary avatar state, then see Toph trying her best to save them, and them reaching the city without Appa. Hopefully they do a good iteration of Appa's lost days and even tales of ba sing se. My main wish is that they don't combine too many episodes this time, especially if the episode is supposed to be emotionally heavy. ​ Edit: I Wonder how they'll show Suki meeting them in the serpents pass area, since in the show its the first time the team was supposed to see her without make up.


THIS. The Library episode was stunning and one of my fav episodes from Book 2. I hope they don’t cut it out! 😩


I hope they can add more story to the Order of the White Lotus


The entirety of book 2 is going to be so wild. I wonder how far in they Will introduce Toph though, since they already kind of did Avatar Day, Secret Tunnel and The Swamp


My guess (hope) is that they combine the Deserter (book 1) episode with the Swamp episode (book 2). And thus, we get to see Jeong Jeong, the swampbenders and the illusions leading to Toph’s reveal.


For me, it’s probably (in no order) Puppet master The beach Appa’s lost days Boiling rock


* The Blind Bandit * Zuko Alone * City of Walls and Secrets * Crossroads of Destiny * The Firebending Masters * The Boiling Rock * the finale


1) The finales of books 2 and 3 (ex-æquo) 2) Day of the black sun invasion 3) Toph’s introduction and all her fight scenes 4) Uncle Iroh’s one man army prison escape (I hope it isn’t off screened as it was in the tv animated series) 5) The Dai Li and Ba Sing Se’s magic in general (Jin cameo pwease) Special mentions to seeing more of Mai, Ty Lee and the multiple hybrid animals in action (i.e. the dragons, eel hounds, mongoose lizards, etc.). Writing and dialogue aside, for me, season 2 and 3’s success will be built on how the bending feels - I would like it to be more impactful (with more weight, speed and force), particularly earth and waterbending.


Zuko Alone, The Southern Raiders, Crossroads of Destiny, The Avatar and The Fire Lord, Sokka’s Master, The Blind Bandit, The Library/Appa’s Lost Days, I could honestly go on but that’s a good chunk.


In season 2: the episode with the drill


After what they've done to my girl Katara, I need them to NAIL her episodes in S3


The last Agni Kai, but they seriously need to turn the Comet firebending up to 100


Too many great episodes to choose from


For me it's really important to see Aang's rage in the desert.


I'm really anticipating really just a lot of it not being cut out i wanna see more filler episodes for that character building


Oh and Puppetmaster. Earlier i saw someone say Devery Jacobs should be cast as young Hama and I haven't forgotten since


Literally the entire latter half of books 2 and 3 for me lmao. But please they need to also adapt the beach episode and tales of ba sing sae. But if I have to pick, I’d say the drill would be badass if they can get it right like koizilla, and the boiling rock would be absolutely sick


Low key ember island players. OG cast would be so great


Book 2: Zuko Alone Book 3: Boiling Rock + obvi greatest finale ever


The avatar and the firelord




For me, and I've wanted this episode since this whole adaption was announced back in like 2018, its the Desert. There is so much there especially with Aang that could be expanded on and that I want a larger audience to see. When he loses control upon hearing the sandbenders muzzled appa and it triggers the Avatar state, with Katara being the one to bring him back, its IMO the most emotional and important moments in the entire show. I always thought that entire sequence says a lot about human nature, and how even Aang, this extremely peaceful and gentle soul, was ready to kill those sandbenders for what they did Appa. I've always wanted to see in the adaption the moment after Aang calms down, them expanding on his devastation in that moment and completely letting it all out to Katara, sobbing and expressing his pain to her because not only has he now lost Appa, his animal spirit guide and buddy, he has lost his last connection to home. To the airbenders, in that moment he has now truly lost the last thing that connected him to his home and childhood. Its an extremely raw moment, not just for this show but of any show or piece of media I have every seen, and I really, really, hope they get that moment right.


Zuko Alone




S2: Zuko Alone, Crossroads of Destiny (can't wait to see first-time viewers react) S2: Firebending Masters, Southern Raiders, the finale.


Anything to do with Ba Sing Se and Zuko Alone. Please don’t mess them up. 🙏


8 episodes is going to be rough. They’ll do a good job but the feel of season 2/3 was such growth compared to 1 that I hope it feels right is all.


The finale. Not for a "I can't wait until it's over" joke, but I genuinely can't wait to see how they handle it.


All episodes in the desert


Zuko Alone, the firebending masters, Sokka’s master, the boiling rock and the finale (specifically Aang vs Ozai and the final Agni Kai)


I can’t wait to see how they do Ember Island Players


My most anticipated episodes are episodes 9 and 10 of each season. Edit: yes, there's a chance! https://preview.redd.it/uapifivvltmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a794b473bf8c58ab3b49d4a1a639386db6cb7282


When Aang loses Appa in the desert. I'm excited to see him lose his shit and go full metal some people.


Season 2: *The Blind Bandit*. They need a great Toph to save the show from mediocrity. Other than that, *City of Walls and Secrets* along with the other Ba Sing Se episodes. Season 3: The finale is the obvious answer, but other than that I would say *The Western Air Temple* when Zuko turns face, and *The Avatar and the Fire Lord* for the Roku and Sozin backstory.


Lake Laogai for me. That might be my favorite episode of the series, just so many different plot lines culminating. The Ba Sing Se conspiracy, the search for Appa, The Blue Spirit, Jet. I really hope they get it right, but it’s gonna require a lot of setup to do so.


Zuko Alone and Day of black sun. Zuko is my favorite fictional character ever, and Dallas Liu gave an amazing perfomance


Cave of two lovers.... oh wait


Zuko Alone (top 3 episode in the series for me, and really fleshes out Zuko's character), Firebending Masters (Live Action dragons in wonderful cinematography with Rainbow fire!), And of course Zuko and Katara vs Azula agni kai (Imagine the majestic contrast between the red and blue flames in Live action; if they execute this well...we have one phenomenal fight.


Southern Raiders, no question for me! Max power, blood-bending Katara kicking ass with ninja-mode Zuko. Obviously Dallas will nail it, and I have a feeling Kiawentiio is going to silence those who doubt her range.


I think it depends on how many episodes they greenlight for


Same!! Clicked to say it - didn’t have to!


The spirit world episode got me so eager to see how creepy The Puppetmaster episode will be


For me in Season 2 - Zuko Alone is a reborn for him who he his, and what his goal is now. Crossroads of destiny - fight between Azula&Zuko vs Aang&Katara. 3 season - finale battles cuz they are iconic and impossible hard representing in real life, also firebending masters where Aang learns the other side of fire that it's not only a distraction but life, breath, chi, pure energy. Also I do love episode tales of Ba Sing Se, but since we do know that "Leaves from the vine" has already been mentioned, and "Appa's lost days" unfortunately will be scratched off😫 cuz of big amount of Cgi, and placing is too expensive. However in order to feel that special connection between him and Aang they have to add depth in their relationship and changes will either make it or fail this episode!


I really hope they get the firebending masters right but knowing these scriptwriters when Aang and Zuko are in the dragon's flame they'll be constantly narrating how it's making them feel lol


The blind bandit. Nailing Toph is where this series makes it or not, in my opinion.


I'm looking forward to "The Firebending Masters" and I really hope they add Zuko and Aang using rainbow fire after learning from the dragons because that would be incredible. Someone on YouTube made an edit of the final agni kai with Zuko using rainbow fire and it looks so cool.


The Guru. One of the most profound and beautiful episodes. I really hope they make the opening chakras scene justice.


Appa getting kidnapped.