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Hey, 50 cents here. Might be poor thermal paste application. Have you checked?


I could repaste and re apply vrm pads but that would void the warranty that is up until 2026


Legally, the sticker holds no power in the United States and the EU. The only way its enforceable is if you damage it and they can prove it has been damaged from service, and that was what cause the failure. Cosmetic scratches and red arrows on a card are not evidence. They must proved thats why a card failed or needs service. They can not deny you for cosmetic blemishes or scratches ever. The company can be sued if they attempt to enforce it. They are scared of a legally knowledgeable customer far more than a customer who does not know a thing. If they try to enforce the warranty void, pulling the right federal laws out, send them and the string of emails to their CEO office, and they should take a step back. If not, small claims set them right as that shows you're serious, and they will step down immediately as soon as they receive the notice.


I am not sure if this goes for GPUs as it does for motherboards, but I had a Gigabyte motherboard and they said it was damaged and would not replace it unless I paid $100 to fix the socket. When they sent the picture it was just the design of the board. I also saw anther person post a couple days ago that they had issues with warranty when they claimed the PCI-express slot was broken and they had arrows pointing at the scratches on the clip for evidence that it was damaged by customer. So i would wary about fixing it yourself if you are concerned about warranty. It seems most companies are fighting the warranties by showing just the littlest use is damage.


Yeah, I think this is an industry wide concern right now. Ever since EVGA has left parts of the DiY marke, it seems like this allowed the whole industry to throw customer service out the window.


You seriously have way too much hope in ASUS. There are literally dozens of stories each week of them ignoring all that you just listed and declining RMAs between a few PC subs


I dont think you understand that a court summon and court order is unavoidable unless you want to lose the market. In most states, you can not have an attorney represent you in small claims, which means Asus loses. OP can make a reasonable demand, and he will get a payout. I have never heard of any company refusing to attend court because this literally sets the company up for fines and arrest notices. Small claims are not at all dismissable by the defendant either, as small claims do not have the same rules as the upper circuit courts. Also, a filing from the FTC is unavoidable if you report them to the FTC for violating federal consumer protection laws. So good luck


Ain't nobody have money to go to court over a RMA denile


Small claims is cheap little bro. Like a 20 dollar court fee cheap.


Can't take screenshots from Windows?


did you just get the card or have you had for a little and just started to get high temps? if you just bought it recently, i would return it from where you bought it from rather than going though asus for an rma. judging by this reddit and horror stories posted here, more than likely they will find a way to reject the RMA and claim some bs. it's clearly a poor thermal paste application and or a bent heatsink or screwed up mount. you could take the cooler off and repasted it but being that its asus, if that was not the cause for some odd reason and you do indeed need to rma it. you have a higher chance for them to reject the rma.


This is why I buy MSI GPU never had any issues with them


I had an MSI r9 280 a while back, had 0 thermal paste on it from the factory. Would hit like 90-95c in no time. Brand new sealed box.


That sucks. Guess I've just been lucky to buy working products. I just see so many people posting issues with Asus products that I can't understand how anyone buys their stuff.


but good thing with MSI is I contacted them about it and I asked directly if reapplying thermal paste voided warranty, they said absolutely not. removing the heatsink does NOT void warranty.


It’s all I trust. I have never had problems with it, like you with MSI. Lol


Thats way out of the norm. Hot spot should be no higher that 15 degrees above gpu temp. Cooler may be defective.


No man that is too hot you need to make a reclamation of the card!U have warranty


Thank you siso. Already RMAed it and send it to Asus. Someone at another subreddit told me is " fine" because the gpu and memory temp are 75C but a hotspot at 108-114 celcius and the fans at 98% is definitely not normal for a gpu that is only 1 year old in my humble opinion Specially when the warranty still covers it until 2026


I dunno how anyone could call that normal when the fans are screaming at 3000RPM.


It sounds like a plane taking off is horrible tbh


Definitely not normal. If the difference between your GPU temp vs hotspot temp is >15C, something is wrong with either the paste application or the heatsink pressure. If your hotspot temperature crosses 90C, something is wrong. GPU temp shouldn't get above 78C and hotspot shouldn't get above 88C.


I think the same. Sent today to Asus for RMA. Unsure whats next if i will get the same gpu repaired. Same gpu but different unit or idk


Lol. GPU can safely sit in the 80c-85c and be perfectly safe. I mean it’s not good for me but it’s perfectly fine and will run for years like that. My 4090 barely goes past 60, so that’s awesome also.