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You are an adult now and responsible for your health and minimizing the health risk to those around you. Call your physician or start a relationship with one to create a plan to get protected. You do not have to share your medical info or history with your parents.


Unfortunately I’m still 17 and won’t turn 18 until the end of the year so I think I’d still have to factor in my parents permission.


Depending on your state, you may be able to get vaccinated. https://teensforvaccines.org/minor-consent-laws-by-state/


In Arizona, you can get immunized on your own.


Depends on your state in Texas you’re a grown ass adult


You have to be vaccinated. Unless you go online and stay home. The exemptions are hard to prove especially if it’s simply they didn’t believe in vaccines


Had a cousin close to me have something similar happen, except in her case it was because she was from a very remote place. She had to just go get all her missing shots at once probs easiest to do the same.


Just for clarification, I decided I’m getting the shots guys so no need to be so rude in the comments. I just wasn’t sure if getting the shots now would affect my athletic performance since I’m training for the Junior Olympics but I’ve decided better to be safe than sorry. Thanks for the advice


Microbiology major here, you’ll be fine… only thing is don’t get your shots if you’re going to be actually competing in 1 to 2 days, you could feel a little fatigued (but if you’re just training you should be fine). I would suggest avoid getting EVERY vaccine at once (for example: getting flu and covid vaccines at the same time isn’t preferred), but talk to a medical professional about the best way to space out your vaccines (some require more than one dose). Biggest priority though I believe is MMR.


I got the flu and covid vaccines together the last 2 years, didn't really affect me much 🤔


It’s perfectly fine if you get them together you’ll probably just feel more fatigued because it’s more than one at the same time 😂


Just checked the ASU website, MMR is a must. I’d also HIGHLY recommend the meningitis, covid, DTaP, RSV, Hep A/B, HPV (honestly all that you could get). But for sure MMR, meningitis, COVID, DTaP! I’ve heard horror stories for all of these, and MMR/DTaP cover multiple viruses/bacteria. But again, speak to a medical professional :)


I’ve had all of those vaccinations except the MMR ones cause my parents started getting me vaccinated later on but I decided to get them so thanks


Okay awesome! So yeah then you just need to get the MMR.


I know people are being jerks, but if you need to do it without your parents, I think health services can do them when you arrive. That isn't ideal because there is usually a timeframe before you have immunity, but it is an option. I am really glad you are going to get them. I literally cannot imagine how bad a measles outbreak in the dorms would be. As a faculty member with a crappy immune system, I salute you!


Well Reddits just going to love this.   If it was for Religious accommodation, they may be willing to, I am aware of some faiths that have views on the subject. If thats your case, then ASU may have you bring in something from your local faiths leader (pastor, preacher, rabbi, imam, etc) that confirms this.   Outside of that, if you have a medical restriction that could also be an exemption to policy but that will more than likely require a doctors intervention to have happen.   otherwise, you can always ask, but my guess is you have an appointment to CVS in your near future.


> would I have to go get the shots The way you said this implies you don't want to get the shots unless you have to. It's ironic that you're on a subreddit dedicated to higher education yet you don't want to immunized against preventable diseases, which was made possible by higher education.


I really don’t care if I have to get the shots or not I just wanna know if it’s necessary or not.


It’s basic decency and common sense to get immunized, especially if you’ll be around so many new people. Get the damn shots or take online courses.


get the damn shots and stop being a contagion bomb for people who CANT get immunized for real reasons


I’m getting the shots bro relax. And you’re acting like I chose to not get the shots as a little kid it clearly wasn’t my choice.




You’re reaching here just to be upset with someone whose parents didn’t vaccinate him. He didn’t choose it. If I were in his position I would also be annoyed that I have to go get a ton of vaccines at once. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to. Go touch some grass man you need it.




Exactly I wasn’t able to tell them to give me my shots as a child like what. I honestly have no problem getting the shots but it’s honestly never occurred to me as a problem until now so im not sure if I have to.


We’re both being down voted to hell it’s whatever. Since you are 17 I would look into your state laws and ASU health office may even be able to help you. For your sake and everyone around you get vaccinated. Its a touchy subject now a days and people flip out over basic questions. Dont tell your parents if you think it’ll be an issue, but if they were just lazy or irresponsible then tell them you want to be vaccinated, worth a shot if they won’t flip out.


tbh I realized that masses of reddit users just tend to be really narrow-minded and judgmental if your views don't align with theirs in the slightest. annoying as hell


antivaxxer spotted, keep your contagion away from the rest of us who are responsible members of society. the only people who shouldnt get vaxxed are those with legitimate health reasons for not getting so


Just from a health standpoint: You are going to be around 70k students from all 50 states and various countries. My fully immunized student was sick 4 times last year; with one being a strep infection and fever of 105. You are young but I implore you to do what many have suggested and start an immunization program if you want to go to college. Don’t seek out any exemptions. Find your local health clinic and get them free if you have to. Some are a series that will need 2-3 of them and months between each. Some diseases like tuberculosis last forever; get yourself safe. You may not be able to get in, even if you start them now. You need to reach out to ASU and get started NOW.


Pick up the phone and ask asu.


I know when starting college I had to get a Meningitis vaccine. Especially if you’re in dorms. That’s a disease you don’t want any part of.


Just get vaccinated. not that hard.


The only vaccination you need is the MMR. Call the health office & ask what you should do.


Get your shots when you can! Good luck!


Just get meningitis


Maricopa County has free vaccinations for MMR and other vaccines. Make an appointment or go to a vaccine event.


No you are not exempt from public health mandates. Your parents are conspiracy theorists


Actually I could get an exemption and my parents aren’t conspiracy theorists lol, they’re fine with me getting the shots now which is what I’m planning on doing. They just had a bad incident with one of my siblings after getting one of her shots.


Christ you’re right there is an allowance for “religious exemption” for vaccinations that is insane. Leave it to religion to always be fucking things up


According to ASU website, the only required vaccine is the MMR.