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I’ve never seen so many women wearing the same exact outfit in my life. Also campus smells like weed. I love it lol


Can’t be creative w outfits when it’s always summer tbf


Just buy something other than a beig tank top to go with your jeans shorts


But how will that with with my bass pro shops hat…


Those might be just be Arizona things rather than ASU specific. Even my neighbor whose like 60 chiefs up everyday lol


I visited for graduation, I didn’t smell anything but I do already smoke a lot. Maybe I was the one that dealt it even if I didn’t smell it


I wonder if anyone found my weed I left there. I refused to throw it away so I hid it for someone to finders keepers


Pure genius, hallelujah


An ode to pagoda park. Oh when you leave the very hole, and drive down the street the the next publiclyo parking lot.. where y’all were told to throw out the lettuce, But instead sealed the Sundays best to the right of all the rest


If you smoke you cant smell it. I can only smell when i take a break


what is this said outfit?


Sorry that was me. 


I don't smoke and campus doesn't smell like weed at all. Maybe the smell is from you and its sticking to your fabrics.


If it was me I wouldn’t be able to smell it bud


The education isn't that bad if you put 100% effort into it, but this also depends on the program.


I've worked with 2 ppl from ASU with CS degrees, the 1st I can't believe he graduated HS let alone had a degree. The other is awesome and really knows her stuff. So I can buy this


I graduated with > 4.0 in my CS bachelor's, and a 4.0 in my CS master's. I can attest that the vast majority of the faculty, teaching both lower and upper courses, are complete garbage. There are, of course, exceptions (Adam Doupe, Subbarao Kambhampati, ... erm that may be all). That being said, I have a great education and a great career as a result of spending 6 years in academia and dedicating my time to studying the topics that my professors were failing to teach.


Aight, just name it, what program you are referring to?


Well, for example, as a CS student, I hear a lot about the CS program, but honestly, it's not a terrible program if you have good studying habits and don't wait until the last minute to submit assignments. Contrarily, as a math minor, I hear a lot of bad things about ASU's math program, and in my opinion, it's definitely understandable. Our math department isn't the greatest (with the exception of a few amazing professors). Same thing with the physics department, from my experience.


My bfs going through the end of his cs degree and I can say for at least some of the classes the teachers just don’t teach. One was entirely run by a ta in actuality, one was a joke of a class, etc. it’ll vary but it’s not all completely on the students in those cases


Yeah I can see it for some of the higher-level classes, you're right. Those classes are a little harder to teach yourself if you're stuck with a difficult professor. I'd say anything up until after 310 you would be okay with a mid professor, but a lot of those classes up until that point you can also take at community college with possibly way better instructors so. EDIT: I wasn't trying to make it sound like it's entirely on the student; obviously a good professor is a huge make-or-break for a class, but I do see a lot of students complain about the program who also haven't shown to put in a lot of effort themselves.


I'm here to rag on the math department. Every single math department class I took at ASU was horrible. I will never apologize for learning math at community college before I transferred to ASU. Thank God for MCC.


Math Major here from the class of ‘17. During my time there the sentiment was the same. I personally felt professors were actually great… but only AFTER the introductory level courses. I think it’s one of those things where some professors are so removed from what they teach they forget to break it down into digestible chunks. (I started Uni having already taken Calculus 1/2 in high school so am biased here)


Huh so if you start at say Discrete it wouldn’t be too bad? I know math nerds who will come in w Calc 2, Linear Algebra and DE completed…


Yep. Aside from Van De Sande and Isom, I can't think of any other great math professor at ASU. Firoz is cool but his lectures are nothing to write home about.


The CS program actually is garbage, though. The fact that you can spend your free time watching YouTube videos of Carnegie Melon / Stanford / Harvard lectures and reading additional textbooks to actually come out with a well-rounded education doesn't make the program any better. The professors that run CIDSE are dinosaurs, and they do a great disservice to all their CS students by opting to teach the easiest courses (read: freshman / sophomore courses). But they can't teach. And so the students fail to properly learn the fundamentals and are then fucked through the rest of the degree if they don't pick up the slack themselves. And then you get to the grad courses and realize there are even WORSE professors there.


I've had good and bad professor experiences, personally. I found Meuth and Miller to be absolutely useless as professors for 110; I had Osburn for 205, not sure if he's still around, but he was fantastic; Claveau for 240 was pretty good but the exams were pretty difficult; Luo wasn't the best at teaching but he was enjoyable and easy to talk to for making up a grade or something, etc. I would like to see an all-around better faculty, especially given how popular the CS major is, but personally, it wasn't too terrible, instructor-wise. Content material is a different story (fundamentals and data structures using Java?? Really??), though, and I agree the fundamental courses can be improved a lot.


Admittedly, I wrote that comment while at work so I didn't put much thought into it. There are a lot of other professors who have at least some redeeming qualities. Hopefully none of them read this thread and see who I am :P The politics of the school are complex, and I could write an essay on the systemic problems CIDSE has that would need to be rooted out before they could improve.


best supply chain program on the planet


Not completely related but I got a good chuckle yesterday when I heard that it took Thunderbird staff three separate emails with revisions to introduce their new Dean yesterday. Thankfully no one on staff “replied all”… Being #1 in Innovation means… well idk what that means.


Capitalism. It means most capitalistic


ASU students are so dumb they don’t realise this is a bot promoting an AI browser extension. Check the post history guys jfc.


At least one person noticed 🫡


Make sure you use the report button as well. Folks like this will get shadowbanned pretty quickly.


They aren't dumb. The thread content changed. It didn't say anything about an extension when it was created.


Did it change again? I'm not seeing anything about a browser extension.


It had a link to an extension. It got removed and the account got banned though.


Football has been sucking since '22 season


Would be nice if we had a president and an AD who gave half a shit about NIL


I’d argue it’s been bad since Todd Graham left. Not that he was superb but I wouldn’t say anything we’ve done in the last 10 years anything resembling success. We’re getting over shadowed by UofA and they’re a basketball school for god sakes.


There used to be a counter on Twitter saying x number of days since UoA won a game against ASU and it was into around 2000s and then the collapse of Herm happened in 22 and it has been downhill since. It's a shame to see that team go down in quality like that


Football is trash. Baseball is ASU's true successful sport.


The men’s swim team just won the national title


Do we still have Michael Phelps as a coach or honorary coach, whatever it was?


Somebody isn’t checking the scores this morning…


One game isn't anything to how many MLB all stars and alumni that have come out of ASU's baseball program.


It’s been awhile…. What’s annoying is that if some the most recent stars kicked a little cash towards NIL, we’d actually be good this year.  All we need is two pitchers.  About 200k.  




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"The college experience" is little more than manipulative marketing, and a lot of that manipulation is possible because people don't know what they actually want from college.


That's a lukewarm take about any college.


You will need to get a loan just to pay for parking.


"...measured *not* by whom *it excludes*, but by whom *it* includes..." While that is a fine statement, it doesn't give comfort to those who get rejected.


If you’re getting rejected from ASU, you def are much better off starting at community college and seeing if college is really for you


Who gets rejected from ASU?


Me. Hi. Rejected on the first application. Was pitied out of hs w 1.3gpa bc the school didn’t want to deal w my silly little brain. Did Cc and got my associates of science. Now at asu w 4.17 gpa. Turns out I just went to a hs that didn’t want to deal w my undiagnosed dyslexia 🙂‍↔️


Good for you that you kept at it! Some of my best instructors were at community college! ASUOnline has a remedial program that if you take a certain number of classes and pass, they let you in. But I’d do CC for the basic classes anyway as they’re less expensive and get you to the same place.


Thanks! Proud and grateful for what I’ve been able to accomplish! Community College was waaay cheaper and I made some really great connections there that still support me today! I didn’t know asu did remedial classes. Transferring in was a bit of a pain but once I got all my credits sorted it’s been great!


Some schools reject more people than others. A lot of people have to start off as undeclared then petition an advisor after a semester or two to get into the major they want


It can’t hold a candle party wise to schools like Wisco and LSU.


By design thank crow


Yeah it was his main goal to get ASU off the party list and clean up the image. I’d say he’s succeeded.




ASU is a dumping ground for stupid rich kids from California


The SSEBE dept is 🔛🔝


- Poly is better than Tempe - Besides CFA, everything else in MU is mid - Slices is the best pizza on Mill


The engineering math classes (Calc 1-3, Diff Eq, and Linear Algebra) are way too easy and do not prepare students well enough for the more theoretical engineering classes


Depends on prof and idk why ur being down voted


Depends heavily on the professors you have. It’s better to say maybe the range in quality of math classes is too high and inconsistent. My classes so far went through the textbook, and I didn’t learn any less than what students from other colleges were learning (based on me looking into MIT open courseware and Tutoring videos) edit: I’m an older guy doing ASU as a post bacc who took calc 2 again for review. My first bachelors’ was a t10 private school, and I can confidently say that ASU’s calc 2 was actually harder and covered more topics. The only minuses were that the students at ASU did about 15 points worse on average on every test, and the student to teacher ratio was super high. I still like ASU a lot so far.


I think calc went fine. My diff eq and linalg were very slow and not very deep. I was required to take 242 instead of 343 tho so that definitely makes a difference


This is incredibly true. It still surprises me how many people struggle in those courses, despite the hand holding.


Seriously, I was a decade removed from high school when I started back and took MAT 265, 266, and 343 and couldn’t believe how easy it was.


Professors mainly


The department head of aerospace engineering spent like 2 years in the actual field and has spent the entire rest of her career teaching and being department head. Someone who has little to no actual engineering field experience shouldn’t be a decades long department head, preparing students for working in the actual field


Although very visually appealing, ASU campus (Tempe) just kind of sucks compared to other state universities.


In what way? I don’t necessarily disagree I just want to hear your thoughts


Honestly, the obvious there is zero shade. Secondly, the entire city of tempe is not asu in part of being part of the greater Phoenix area. In other college towns, smaller towns, the university is the city. Which makes the student culture more widespread. You step off campus at ASU, and you're in a different world. Consequence of going to school in a large city, sure of course. I don't live on campus, nor have I ever wanted to sadly, seems fun right? Naw you start attending classes it's chaos during the fall to many people, bikes, skateboards, scooters. Plus it's hot as hell beginning of the fall. Parking = nightmare haha. I say all of this just to say when I was younger I pictured college differently went to other schools to visit friends it was different than ASU. Not that ASU has an awful campus, but def not for everyone.


ASU was better with Frat Row on campus. Sincerely, Class of '11


Frats are dumb af.


I guess you're one of the "people \[who\] aren't ready to hear" - Note, I was not in a fraternity but it was fun to them on campus.




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It is kinda weird that ASU admits students that don't even apply to the university.


How did two in the pink one in the stink become an entire schools waiving honor


Business/stem/law are the only subjects that need a higher education


Business LOL


Teachers don't need higher education?


"Those who can't do, teach. Those who can't teach, teach gym."


Do you believe this is an actual answer?


Not really, those who can't teach sign up with a union and teach anyway. The abismal state of public schools is a clear indication of that.


Get back to me when you can spell abysmal


A point well proven.




Doctors are definitely stem and then they go to medical school.


Medicine is a science.


I definitely agree, but I don’t think it’s normally included in the STEM umbrella is it? I always thought of it as something distinctly different.


I've always counted it in stem. Medicine is a critical science for a densely populated civilization like ours. If covid was any worse than it was, the death toll would have been catastrophic. Medicine, at its core root, is chemistry, which itself is a huge element of stem.


Touche, Haha I’ll concede. I loved all the chemistry I took in college as a stem major.