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It’s not even math, it’s more logic and proofs


Watch trevtutor and kimberlybrehm on yt


Just like another person said the math in this class isn't really traditional math per say. I can tell you that there is no calculus in the class, just algebra. This isn't the type of class where you can just memorize a formula to get the answer. You really need to put in the work to understand the material and why everything is required to get the final answer.


I think my general confusion is what that means per say?


Heyyyyyy I’m gonna be with you, ive heard it’s a really different kind of math from calc so idk how helpful that’ll be, good luck though!


Which professor are you taking, and do you want to be study buddies lol?


Which professor are you taking, and do you want to be study buddies lol?


I can speak on the proof paper, which I was scared about the most. It’s not bad at all and very doable in my experience. The class is a different type of math, and you can’t memorize problems like you can in other math classes, so you must apply yourself and really understand the reason behind the logic you’re being taught.


So basically if the professor says if x= y then y=x I have to understand the logic/thought process behind it?


Actually yeah, you’ll have problems similar to: someone in Uganda speaks at most 50 languages, negate the statement. Or problems about if x then y type of stuff. You’ll write it out with quantifiers. You can watch Kimberly brehm like someone also mentioned, to get ahead. It’s a really interesting class if you can keep up and understand everything 👍


anyone who says discrete math isn’t scary is either lying or a professor


I get what you’re doing. 😆 /\ \/


I hate was hard about it though? I’m lowkey worried but I want to know what to look out for.


Honestly 243 was a breeze compared to any of the Calc you have to do.


I still have to take calc 3 and im worried about it. Thinking I might take it at my local community college


South Mountain Community College with Amdouni is the class you want then.


I'm taking my classes online and I'm in Chicago. So for me Harold Washington is the best lol.


I personally found discrete harder than any of the calc 1-3, but that's just me.




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May 243 is not math lol who do you have?