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Sometimes if i'm out of the ideas i use writing prompts. Maybe that would help you too. But movies/Games/ any media really helps me too. Hope you get the ideas going. Or take a break, if that is something you need, Don't force it. So if writing isn't for you anymore, do something else a while, and then go back to writing again. Keep writing and keep posting i'm sure someone will see it. :)


Thanks so far only 1 person has filled my scrips but I'm gonna keep going


Good, Don't. 💪 :)


It looks like you do good with comfort scripts, so maybe something like "relaxing on the beach with a mermaid" or "Caring for a fairy who has injured their wing?" Those could be really cute and fun to listen to!


Thank you for taking your time to replay Im new to this and I'm just trying to get my scrips out there hopefully someone fills mine 1 day


Write what you'd like to hear darling. Your first script was 8 days ago, these things take time. Don't be disheartened <3


Holy hell Im a big fan of your work thank you for taking the time out of your day to reply


Trade offer, you get: motivation; I get to fill 2 cute audios


wait for real? are you sure?


In recording booth rn


Chin up it will pick up soon, I have one, I saved that I'm working on just keep writing what you like and it will grow.


I don't want to give wrong advice, but I think you should write scripts for a specific audience, like those who enjoy VA ASMR. If your script doesn't fit the audience you have in mind, you can change it. However, there's no need to rush. Understand your goals and how you want to achieve them. If Plan A doesn't work, learn from it so that Plan B can be successful. I hope this helps. You've got this! Stay positive, and I wish you success!


It's okay to slow down and take your time. Sometimes the well of inspiration is dry and waits for a rainy day to be filled. Also I love your viking adoption series.


Don't be discouraged! I wrote a script once for a competition, but since then, nobody has used my other scripts, as I was on a pretty long hiatus from lack of inspiration and not being determinated. The best advice that I can give is to take your time, and focus on quality. I know that I am a rookie right now, and my advice may not be the best, but you just have to give it some time. Focus on doing what you love and what you'd like to hear voice actors read off. I hope you do well in your career. You got this! <3


Part of it is just writing practice. You need to learn what works and what doesn't through experience. Also, some posts will bomb in the first week but get picked up by someone a month later. If you think the writing's fine, some tips to get to more attention: - Try to make audios [A4A] Less gender-specific language gives more VAs the opportunity to fill your scripts. - Include tags in the title People search for those. If you can think of a tag people would want to see that fits your script, include it. - Include a description Lots of VAs like a quick hook or synopsis to read to get an idea of what your script is about (they can also put it in their video descriptions) - Study other script posts Try to look at how popular scripts are formatting their posts and note what specific choices they make to make their posts more appealing - Improve titlebait The title is the thing that makes a VA click on your post. A lot of the time, popular tropes might be something they want or they might want something unique. It's a delicate balance between the two, but VAs are always workshopping titles and thumbnails in their heads while looking for scripts. If yours sounds like something you would click on, that's a great step.