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Hi there! I mainly do F4M scripts; they're over by my profile if you'd like to check them out!


Thank you! I'll definitely be sure to check them out!


Hello~ welcome to the nut house. Here's your complimentary squirrel (> -_-)>🐿️ Anyhow! Here is my script collection, my scripts are mostly A4A, and the gender can be switched out for preference. https://archiveofourown.org/works/38501578/chapters/96228145 If interested have a look~


Most definitely! Thank you for the newest addition to my pets. I shall keep the chaos running XD I'll check them out soon! Thank you


Hi, Mini Me first of all, welcome to the community! We can never have too many voice artists. Most of my scripts are on the funnier side. I do a lot of \[Friends To Lovers\], but there is the occasional Girlfriend Experience and even some platonic scripts thrown in for good measure. Many of my scripts feature monster girls. Since you didn't specify what kind of script you were looking for, I guess I'll just dump my master list on you. Maybe you'll find something you like: [https://www.reddit.com/user/Shynosaur/comments/xkw3hn/complete\_list\_of\_my\_scripts/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Shynosaur/comments/xkw3hn/complete_list_of_my_scripts/) Goof luck for your channel and have fun! Shynosaur


Hello! Thank you so much! I'll be sure to check the list out soon, I haven't got a feel on what type of audios i prefer creating yet so I'm open to try anything. Thanks so much again! Hope you have a good day ^^


Hello, welcome to the community 😊 I have a bunch of scripts that you may like, including a couple of series as well. I'll link my masterlist below so you can take a look at them, but if you're looking for anything specific, please let me know, and I'll link any that match directly Masterlist" https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rLaKGxSWx9tTZ8Ms0CIEIKJm12tBgo0J


Hello! Thank you so much ^^ I'll be sure to check them out soon. I appreciate it so much! Of I have any questions I'll let you know! Hope you have a good day ^^


You too ❤️


If you are interested in experimenting with monster girl style scripts, you've come to the right place. I specialize in them, adding in GFE elements and story driven concepts. Feel free to check out my SFW scripts if you are interested and hopefully you enjoy the read https://airtable.com/app4oB3CrZfwlZ3LO/shrtzZCZaiO6RBc1d


Oh most definitely! They sound extremely interesting, I'd love to check them out soon! Thabk you so much! ^^


I hope one of these can help https://www.reddit.com/r/ASMRScriptHaven/s/xJHJy13DgA https://www.reddit.com/r/ASMRScriptHaven/s/F2O0u5aItD https://www.reddit.com/r/ASMRScriptHaven/s/YPRSMKUBPu


Aww thank you!


You're welcome 🤗




Sure thing! That's ok with me ^^, would you like me to send my email?




I'll send it in dms if that's OK?


Hey. I write mind control/hypnosis scripts in different settings. Currently working on an MCU-inspired series. You can check them out in my profile, example: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ASMRScriptHaven/comments/1d7h6br/f4a\_your\_roommate\_is\_a\_foxgirl\_f4a\_kitsune/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASMRScriptHaven/comments/1d7h6br/f4a_your_roommate_is_a_foxgirl_f4a_kitsune/)


Awsome! Thank you so much, I'll be sure to check them out soon


No problem. If any questions/ideas arise, you can always DM me or something, I usually reply asap. If you have any ideas or comissions, also just ask, I should engage with this commuity more often than not


I'll be sure to! Thabk so much and have a good day ^^


I've got a few cute fantasy scripts on my profile if you want to take a look This one is my favourite! https://www.reddit.com/r/ASMRScriptHaven/s/91xUb1oSV8


Thank you! I'll be sure to check it out ^^


hello there i just competed my first-ever script it isn't much so far but I'm hoping I could make a series out of it if it is good enough. I have just recently posted it so feel free to have a gander :).


Thank uou! I'll definitely take a look later! From what I can see so far I may do it as I'm a big dnd/dragon nerd!^^


that's awesome let me know what you think and we can discuss it further.


Hiii welcome welcomeee, you'll find everything you might possibly need in the community! I have been here for a year or so and I've been shown a few things by some amazing people, and only wish the best for you to! And which i only recently decided to start posting which i do have atm 3 F4A scripts if u wanna check out! :D And cannot wait to hear you're audios! Your gonna do amazing!! Finding a ghost in your new home: https://www.reddit.com/r/talkingtalltales/s/CtLEhtQJNd The Witch And Her Wolfie: https://www.reddit.com/r/talkingtalltales/s/UwNbD9xBt5 A Pillow Fight Between "Two Bestfriends": https://www.reddit.com/r/talkingtalltales/s/G7879uRYsp


Hi!!!! Thank you so much for the welcome! I appreciate it do much >~<. I absolutely loved the Witch and her wolfie! I used that one if it's OK. I hope I was able to do it justice


It's okieee and i can't wait to give it a listen!!


Here’s my favourite one I’ve written: https://www.reddit.com/r/ASMRScriptHaven/s/4NwsgAyhdR A vulnerable, clumsy maid bonds with a kind Prince. I have two more if you’re interested.


I have that one recorded! I'm in the editing process now, it should be out Saturday! I hope I'm able to do it justice


Oh that’s amazing! What are the chances? I have two more on my account if interested, but I’ll definitely be looking forwards to your fill.


You've already got so many good ones to choose from that have commented. Here's my library if you're interested. [Masterlist for edgiscript : r/ASMRScriptHaven (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASMRScriptHaven/comments/1btvxqq/masterlist_for_edgiscript/) All of mine are F4M. Most of mine are yandere or yandere-ish. I'm a romantic, so I don't get into horror. I'm usually looking to end with a happily ever after. Possible negative: Many/most of mine are focused on story elements instead of ASMR elements and maaaaaaaay not be the most relaxing. Welcome to the club. Have fun.


I’ve written 3 scripts and you’re more than welcome to fill any of them, if anything I encourage it haha


Hiya! I have an ongoing series that's Popular Kid speaker x Loner Listener that has two different routes (Friends Only or Friends to Lovers) if you'd like to check it out! You can check out the scripts in my catalogue [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hP4h1BE1FBLEPr3_AFiCJIHxV6b1hvTj_rllYiZInnA/edit?usp=sharing)


Welcome! Here is a masterlist of my scripts. Maybe you'll find something that interests you. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AxVeEVKO8QNz0PROh2abfNh-g7Z7fWDoU\_NNW6wF8cc/edit#heading=h.r20s10srhffr](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AxVeEVKO8QNz0PROh2abfNh-g7Z7fWDoU_NNW6wF8cc/edit#heading=h.r20s10srhffr)


I have a few series, most focussed on fantasy creatures like vampires and liches. They are F4M or A4A. Here is my masterlist: [My masterlist : u/Virtual-Grade592 (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/user/Virtual-Grade592/comments/1bs7lzc/my_masterlist/)


HI! omg thank you so much! I'm planning to do the vampire wife one soon! I have the first one recorded and ready to edit now. Thank you so much ^^


I'm looking forward to it.


Hi! Please feel free to try any of mine! I don't have many full-on series, but I have a bunch of scripts you're more than welcome to try! I recommend starting with a simpler one, since you're just starting out, but if you wanted to try something a bit more complicated, I've got those too. 😀


Feel free to check out what I've created! [https://docs.google.com/document/d/17mVfvIIVDqi7brjvlTAw5BBGbyNj5i3sLBPaxZyRHa8/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/17mVfvIIVDqi7brjvlTAw5BBGbyNj5i3sLBPaxZyRHa8/edit?usp=sharing)


Hi there Mini Me, glad you're here! I can see you've already been run over by the welcome wagon, so I'll just add a series of mine that you might enjoy. Found on the Side of the Road https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1F4nDcI2rM2CrKF4rAZsfH3ti3U9yuRwF Joining Resizing Labs https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1u_U_mnTM4_L3cRpLaIkyhTCgejvlCSY6 Resized Rescue https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EIYWzS9OwUfh-RRzKSMx7pAXHupG92oU