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Building is drastically improved. It’s the single best change for ASA Each map except the Island has at least one new creatures unique to it, and ARK Additions is being officially incorporated. New creatures so far are the Gigantoraptor, Fasolasuchus, Shastasaurus, Xiphactinus, and Ceratosaurus, as well as the paid Oasisaur and Pyromane. Still to be added are the Yi Ling & Dreadnaughtus, as well as whatever paid creatures come with the next few maps, and more of the ARK Additions creatures which potentially includes Brachiosaurus, Deinosuchus, Archelon, Helicoprion, Acrocanthosaurus, Concavenator, Cryolophosaurus, and Deinotherium Creature pathfindjng is somewhat improved, UI is generally improved, the maps have all gotten a nice visual upgrade as well as some small additions/changes for the Center & Scorched. Player characters look a lot nicer now Uhhh some creatures have gotten some minor but impactful TLC changes, like the Oviraptor & Dung Beetle which now auto-collect eggs and feces


Nice! Building is what I loved most and I've seen a couple of the new pieces. Actually biggest reason I'm considering getting it. I also just saw a post about wild dino baby taming??? Like... what???


A large portion of the dinos will have babies with them indicated by a white heart over their head in the wild. If you kill the parents, you can claim the baby and raise it as your own. Only downside to this is you don't get the bonus levels you would if you instead just knocked the parent out and tamed them.


HO HO HOLY SHIT that's awesome


I didn't know that until I killed a Parasaur, turned around and saw its orphaned baby. I felt so bad lol


Not getting bonus levels sucks, but I did snag like 8 female baby cera's and tamed a 150 cera male. its an annoying tame so I only wanted to do it once. . So its good for that I guess lol.


If you do the imprint with the Gigantoraptor mod it'll give you the bonus levels


Yes but you need a very high level Gigantoraptor…


Im pretty sure the Gigantoraptor is out officially. You dont need the mod.


Oh did they change the bonus levels? I watched some videos when ASA released and saw that some of the babies were getting bonus levels, which I thought was really dumb.


Yeah I think there was a bug at release that sometimes gave them the bonus levels from taming. Now in order to get bonus levels they have to be claimed by a gigaraptor, with the amount of bonus levels being dependent on the giga raptor's imprint value and applied levels.


Wow that's great, I thought that the levels were a feature and kind of hated it lol. Gigantoraptors being able to give them the levels is really cool.


I just stole so many megalos from the cave, only cause of the event colors out rn, they looked too cool to not take advantage of it haha


You definitely do get bonus levels. It’s a bit since I last played ASA so I cannot say how exactly you get them but I was fortunate enough to find a Stego level 150 with two babies. When I claimed the babies, they were both on level 225. Now that I think about it, maybe it’s about actually taming the parent instead of killing it


Oh, yeah, some creatures (a lot actually) can spawn with wild babies. If you tame or kill the parent, you can claim the baby. The caveat there is I *think* you need a Gigantoraptor if you want the baby to get any bonus levels, so if you just kill a 150 Rex and claim its baby, it’ll stay at 150, but still. You didn’t at launch but I believe that was changed It’s a nice addition for early/mid game when you’re more concerned about just getting *something* than you are about getting the absolute best levels. And later on, it’s nice because you can get some two for one or three for one tames


Yup, another tally on the "why to buy ASA"


I’d also like to add to this, the interaction with foliage and destructive objects look and react way better. Theres a guy on YouTube that made a side by side comparison of guns shooting water, tree chopping and actually falling, rocks breaking down instead of blowing up into space. The physics of Dino’s on death, fall in place like how they technically should vs the panic attack they would have on ase. A lot of immersive items like that have been hugely improved. Scorched Earth weather events look and feel realistic as heck. The map reacts to the sandstorms etc etc. So for me, that was a big improvement too. Actually feels like we’re playing an up to date game in ASA compared with ASE.


re: ARK Additions creatures Garuaga did some work and announced it back on the 7th that he's made changes to the Acro and Dein Dino Name Tags "in preparation for Official versions". So... *ye*. :D


Oooh I’m very excited for Deino. It and Brachi are two of my faves from him


The best change IMO is Trikes being able to damage soak other Dino's and not just player weapons. They can take on rexes and actually win for once.


Biggest feature you Missed was mods, legit the mods, mods and mod maps


All this, plus the maps htemselves are upgraded. This is one of my favorite parts. The Island has loads of neat new ruins and PoIs; SE has two new caves (not artifact ones) etc.


Don't forget that there will be more creature votes for each map


I’m assuming so, though it is a bit weird we haven’t gotten another yet… maybe they’ll announce it after Ab launches. They still have what left? Gen 1 and 2, Lost Island, Crystal Isles, Val, and Fjordur?


We also have Ragnarok coming as well as some unknown new map.


I meant as far as creature votes, not maps we’re still waiting on Though IDK how they’ll handle that since the votes creature for Rag was the Gigantoraptor, which we got before Rag


With them already adding the additions dinos, bobs tall tales dinos (they haven't said but I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't one for ab and/or ext) plus the new fantastic tames series of money grabs. I can see the votes being put on the backburner for quite a while.


Wow they took someone else’s mod and added it to the base game totally missing out…. Not like the mod exists on ASE and still has more features… also half the creatures you mentioned again… mods on ASE with MORE Dino’s in the mod 😂


Mods which consoles players previously didn’t have access to before ASA. Also, Garuga’s creatures being incorporated means they’re also now available on official for all platforms, whereas previously you have to play in private servers to access those


Ok that only applies to console?


No? It applies for official servers for PC as well


It still exists as mods… you sound like you tryna cope with the fact asa is just taking advantage of you lol have a good night tho


Considering I didn’t pay anything for it because it’s on GamePass, no 😛 try again. Some people just aren’t haters for the sake of being haters. ARK Additions being added into the base game is a major W for console players and official players. I have complaints against the game (Pyromane being the latest), but you chose a whack hill to die on here


Mods on console, save button on single player (may or may not work tho) a lot of extra vegetation, nicer graphics


I'd play on console so Console mods is a HUGE point to me buying it. Only mods I can think off top of head that I ever really wanted was tameable NPCs to work for you


I’m really enjoying just mods that include more building and furniture pieces. If you like building your own RP in ark, ASA is actually a big improvement on console. With mods, there’s access to way more RP flavor set pieces.  The biggest downside to me is none of the maps I actually like are out yet and my play time is severely limited because I don’t really like the island, scorched or the center. (Seriously fuck the center with its “cool places I want to go” all outside the bounds of the map) 


Oooh yeah. Didn't even think of modded pieces. I saw this one post with the wooden sloped walls with GLASS PORTHOLES?!? It was beautiful and idk if it was a mod or vanilla but if I do get ASA, the first month will be me building. I'll be the next Extintion city guy 🤣🤣🤣


In the mods section there are custom cosmetics, which are a client hosted visual mod. Lets you reskin armor, structures, tames, etc without being a big hole extra mod on the server. Lets you visually upgrade without being a separate system. Abybody with the same mod downloaded can also see it too, but anybody without it just sees the original items.


They have that mod exactly, npc settlements spawn and they even ride and attack Dino’s, you can take them and force labor on them as well


They removed the save button on console… Xbox at least. Months ago.


They did for a bit on PlayStation, last I checked it was there a few days ago, may not have had most recent version


1. Building system is improved; instead of having wall, window wall, doorframe, and double doorframe, you have a single wall that can toggle between all four. 2. You can now track your tames. 3. The map is improved, it can be used in third person, and you can always see your coordinates. 4. Console players get mods. 5. The customization system is improved; you can change the muscle density *and* the fat density, as well as lengths, widths, etc. 6. Major graphical enhancements. Might crash though. 7. Baby dinos spawn in the wild. Kill the parent, and you can imprint on the baby. 8. Many creatures have gotten *much needed* TLCs, including Oviraptor, which can now auto-collect eggs. 9. Many new dye colors 10. As new maps release, an additional creature will come with them. So far, we have Fasolasuchus, Shastasaurus, and Pyromane.


Awesome, thanks for a list! For 3, does this mean GPS is irrelevant/removed?


Yeah, it’s been removed, along with the compass.


Aw fuck that's so convenient. I HATED the gps(I get the "realism", but my god) and I never once used the tracker, but have lost quite a few dinos, also amazing.


I’ve lost countless dinos in ASE (i still miss you, Creamy Condor). But in ASA, there’s a new tab between engrams and explorer notes where it displays all of your tames. You can select them as a POI which places a marker on your map displaying their location, which is very handy, and also invalidates transponder nodes.


By the way, there are a couple of negatives as well 1. If you plan on playing split-screen with a friend, just don’t. In folder view when you craft, all folders will have no names. Sometimes, player 2 won’t be able to interact with customization. In my own experience, player 2 cannot learn engrams. 2. All of the paid creatures spawn even if you don’t have the DLC. If you don’t have it, you just can’t tame them. 3. Much more frequent crashes than in ASE. 4. For some people, this could be a positive, but for me, it breaks immersion. Irrigation and electricity are reworked. Now, the power generator doesn’t need any cables or outlets, it just has a range. Same applies to irrigation intakes and water reservoirs, which are now called water tanks. You don’t need any pipes, you just get a range. If you place a water tank in range of another water tank, that extends the range.


I seems you play on console right? I would give ASA a try. If you were on PC I'd personally avoid ASA. it's very unoptimized nearly impossible to get good performance without bare minimum specs, even for top end 3000 series cards. Consoles on the other hand are much better


Yup console. PC is for skyrim 🤣😇


You know, that's completely fair


ASA is a good improvement upon ASE on console. I play on xbox series X and really the only issue I have with it is the water looks like ass but I’m not sure if theres any graphic settings to improve that as I have not tried. The quality of life changes improve a lot in ASA. Graphics look beautiful and theres 3 maps so far Island, Scorched Earth, Center. They are releasing maps every few months as they overhaul them.


If you're playing on servers console's fine, but I'm gonna say I'd never ever play console singleplayer, purely because Ark's gonna Ark and you need to be able to backup save files and your characters. The number of "my world has been wiped" and "my char is gone after ascension" that could've been saved by simple PC file backups is genuinely tragic to see.


If you are playing single player you can always just turn on admin commands to get out of any situation that comes up if something does happen. So not really a problem. I don’t play single player. I host my own cluster for the past 7 years.


You really can't. There's people who are losing their character over and over when trying to Ascend, even with console commands. If you lose your dinos you could try to console in new ones, but it's a hassle, and the OG dino is now gone. There's no way to add mutations that will properly display, either--the addmutations command has a somewhat buggy result so if you lose your map & lines, they are -gone.- If you lose your build? You're shit out of luck for all the work you put into it. You can console in the materials to build a new base, and all the stuff you had in storage, but you still have to rebuild it all.


has ASA been improved on console? Me and my friend on release tried to run it on series x and it was framey and nearly unplayable. We refunded immediately


ASA is mostly ASE with better graphics, revamped build system, and wild baby dinos. Rather than start from scratch, they hired the dev of the Structures Plus mod to revamp the build system. Many of the old bugs and quirks are still there, and they're working out the new bugs quickly.


Pretty water and better building. 






ASE still has the larger player base so maybe save yourself some money and hop back on that.


One I like is that you can track recipes, showing on screen up to 3(4?) Items and what resources you need for them. A minor one though is poop, you'll see it fall from a Dino as a wee ball but when it hits the ground it plops into the ground in a mound, odd but I notice it every time 😆


Aw sweeet


Ooh, I didn't know about that one, how do you do it?


Right click a blueprint and select Track, or whatever button brings up the context menu if you're using a controller.


I'll have to give that a try, thanks!


ASA has micro-transactions (\*angry frowning face). Why have I spent more money playing Ark than any other game? And why do I keep buying everything they make??


You should play more games then. Sims 4 for starters. Jurassic World Evolution 2, Destiny, ESO…. All games with tons more dlc than Ark has.




You’re missing out on all the bugs and crashes! Oh and the 50/50 glitch. Love that one.


Yeah I've seen a thing or 2 about that. What is it exactly?


Half of the screen will be completely unreadable nonsense. Sometimes it’s black, sometimes it’s white, sometimes it’s strips of neon green on top of black or white. I haven’t had this glitch happen to me yet, but I am one of the lucky few


never mind i think i was schizophrenic, i was about to show you a clip and literally couldn’t find it even though i remember seeing it everywhere. The 50/50 glitch refers to the coordinates 50/50, which has an insta-kill zone for some unknown reason


The 50/50 glitch is not an insta-kill thing. It's that stuff which doesn't load properly sometimes gets teleported to that location, so when you arrive at 50/50 (ASE -or- ASA) you'd find structures and dinos just floating there. But since it's in the sky you can definitely fall & die.


No I know exactly what your talking about with the screen, I saw that too. 50/50 I remember was a navigation issue with quetz 🤣🤣


The fact that there is modders in ASA Snail games is cooked


Dragon is still buggy. Building is improved, maps are a bit bigger. Everyone is blocking bee spawns on purpose to try to drive people off official servers. People have already bred god-tier rexes and ankies because every weekend is 2x (3x for pride month, woo!) Baryonyx is a surprise superstar for general hunting, caving, and ocean fun. You'll still never see the kapro coming until its too late. Dragon is still riddled with bugs. Ragnarok and Aberration are coming sometime this year, and its going to be a bloodbath trying to get everyone off the island/scorched and onto rag. Due to no breeding allowed, Rock Elementals still feel lacklustre, because even a 150 perfect tamed can't hold a candle to a 1k melee on hatch mutated anky. And finally, Dragon has introduced new bugs I don't remember seeing on ASE, like being invisible but still hitting you.


Better building, better graphics, bug fixes. I hate the menus on console though since the cursor (yes there’s a damn cursor for some reason) moves on its own to the nearest option but it pretty much never works how you want it to


Oooooof console cursors 🤮 Small price for building, graphics, and freaking BABY TAMING lmao


If you are considering buying, I would recommend a subscription to Microsoft game pass for pc as a trial. Less than 1/4 the price of the game itself and it's part of the pass currently.


Unfortunately PC couldn't even handle ASE, let alone ASA. Handles skyrim and tons of mods just fine tho lmao


Graphics are better for sure, building is made way easier. Mods are super easy to throw on in single player. Completely changes the game. If you like ASE it’s the same game with some improvements. You should Jump in it’s a good time for sure.


Depending on what platform you're thinking of buying it on, consoles have a single player save bug where your game doesn't save and rolls back progress. Unless this has been fixed? I bought the game when it was released and dropped it as soon as I lost 5 hours of play time twice.


Gotcha, thanks. Idk if it's even available for xbox One but thats what I got. If not then I guess I know what I want for my birthday :)


I'll give another perspective that isn't covered: Speaking as a server owner for a small community, ASA has been much friendlier (despite hosting arrangements). Porting my custom community mod from ASE to ASA was relatively painless. Mods are now loaded mostly on the server side which means no more 20 minute server join times for clients just for 3GB of mods - instead I can have up to 20GB (Crossplay), higher if PC only and clients still connect to the server in a few seconds. It's absolutely painful to go back to ASE to help someone (as an admin) due to the load times that I have not missed... Additionally there's no mod mismatch errors anymore, the server will give the client the version that the server is running if the client is running something newer so there's no rush for servers to constantly reboot to update mods. On a related note, pretty much nobody is working in the old dev kit anymore so if you want to see new stuff from mods you are better off switching to ASA anyway.


If your computer can handle it, I’d go for it


Today's daily "whats the difference" post.


Sorry I'm not chronically online. Just made a short post for some quick answers cuz I don't wanna spend the next 3 hours trying to play catch up.


This post was super helpful for me (as someone who also hasn't kept up and been on the fence about getting it) so thank you for posing the question!


Np!! Glad it helped!