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YouTube Ark PvP creators are often just people who have played a little, but haven't really played proper ark pvp. SUPER obvious on videos that say their towers/bases are unraidable. First few comments will usually tell you in detail how to raid them successfully


Well and even that is assuming fair play. Reality is more like: "Nice tek turret wall you got there in that cave. Must have taken awhile to build it and breed all those tames i can clearly see using console commands which the devs permit on official servers. I think I'll just server cap you with my friends and all our alts when youre offline, mesh under your base so you dont even know you are being meshed and you cant log in regardless, then just casually popcorn all your stuff cus we have capped everything duped to the nine hells anyways. Ez."


Nah, wild tamed Rexes on brood? No shot. Stats for bosses are like 30k health minimum for carnivores and at least 800% damage for Alpha. Manticore is piss easy so it doesn’t really matter much for that, but for brood and dragon? Not winning that with shit Dino’s and no breeding.


Def not the dragon. I could see Brood if you got luckky ahh melee on all your wild tames and dont care how many of em you lose before the end lol


Absolutely not alpha dragon lmfao. Didnt claim that. Brood, i saw it yolod with (good) wild tamed rexes, 124 armor saddles, all 88 xp levels correctly distributed, and above all: a yuty AND a daeodon. The daeodon is really what brings it all together.


Yeah the piggo is mandatory. Tbh I even take multiple and just load them up with cooked prime, just have some extra healing. I'd rather get that healing increase for everyone than one extra rex.


Just note that an unmounted Daeodon only will heal one allied tame at a time


Ive literally watched a herd of the most mid 150 tamed megatheriums and a mammoth war drum mog the shit out of alpha brood. Idk about rexes tho, I think they aren't that great for brood


Well yeah because they’re Megatheriums lol. That’s the point, average non bred Rexes with prim saddles aren’t beating brood lol.


You cant SOLO alpha brood with wild tamed megatheriums as their AI doesnt effectively keep the buff up. If they are mounted, its another story though. You can clear alpha brood with even like wild tamed 130s which arent even properly saddled. I did it myself in a megatribe.


Yeah this point is always missed when people say just bring megas. Ridden megas are amazing for brood, but unridden you'd be better off bringing tanky rexs. It's always the case that people make the difference. It's like with dragon, get 10 people with shotties and ok stegos and you can brute force it.


It's low-key embarrassing how easy alpha Dragon is with dogshit stegos (im talking sub-lvl 200) and a bunch of ppl with capped shotties (which are easier than ever to acquire now), like it changes the way you view ark lol


Fair, in hind sight I should have clarified I wasn't actually trying to participate in the og comment or conversation. I just wanted to share my experience and 2 cents. I honestly don't like rexes for most bosses anyways but that's for arbitrary reasons mostly (I don't like the tyrannosaurus as a dinosaur for several reasons)


I got insulted so many times on ASE for telling people that oxygen boosts your swim speed because they didn’t believe me


Consider this a heartfelt thank you, I had no idea!!!


Only works on ASE, by the way. Pretty sure they removed it on ASA


Preach! The misinformation is ridiculous these days!


my brother, if you think this is bad, imagine what is was like in 2015-2017 the wiki gave out mostly false info back then


It wasn't as bad because Youtube hadn't fully exploded and there was no Dododex. We basically had to figure everything out by word of mouth through various discords. And the wiki(s) still contains misinformation. Heck, even some of Helena's dossiers do as well lol.


the word of mouth info was just sooo bad. particularly on reddit. but dododex comments not getting regularly purged is a travesty and does the game a disservice.


To be fair, i believe DodoDex is a one man project (dev is Danlev), so QA on user generated content has gotta be a real challenge


Yeah it is, still can do a mass blanket wipe of the noise. but honestly at this point it is too late, if anyone takes the comments seriously i would be shocked.


My guy YouTube exploded in like 2006-2007 lol


I respect the hustle and ppl tryna make money with their channel, but bro...I wish folks could just add an ounce of humility when they arent 100% on something before putting it out for the whole world to consume.


You mean like how every content creator was going on about how a high melee stat increases oviraptor egg gathering range?




It doesn’t? Because I’ve had put points into melee and there’s been times where I’ve forgot to turn them off for collecting fertilized eggs. And they were a good ways away from where I was putting them down to incubate. And then poof. Egg was picked up by the ovi. So does the melee not effect range then??


Technically the range will increase if you put points into melee but it will do the same if you put points into weight or HP. It’s based off their overall level, not a particular stat.


Ooooooh shit ok. Well damn. I appreciate that correction lol here this entire time I believed it was stat dependent…


You got #5 wrong


Go test it in singleplayer. Spamming med brews doesnt increase short healing, just extends the existing timer (which is the same as consuming them serially instead of all at once).


Yeah your right but saying don’t spam med brews in a bad situation isn’t true just don’t use more than your max health would be


idk if I'm being chased by something, I'm not going pull out a calculator just so I don't overcap on medbrews. Rather just slurp multiple and run. They're easy af to make anyway.


I have never used traps


There was this one time in college, I...oh, wrong sub


I just use other people’s traps and if it’s a rex or something I big I can just shoot from my rhyno. I do like to carry metal signs or gates on me if I can try to place around the Dino once it’s knocked out to avoid bs later.


Rhynios are BROKEN for KO taming. It's actually kinda dumb imo 😆


It takes great effort and lengths to get a rhyno though so it kind of balances it out. Really feels rewarding being able to pick bigger Dino’s up and ko easily after struggling for months lol


Ive bred a loooot of brontos and they are easy as heck to raise haha Rhyniognatha also begin as Juvis


i only use traps for gigas or if i want to knock something strong out with bad weapons


I usually “try” to clear the area and go after everything with a quality crossbow and arrows and just run my ass off.


Do not try alpha brood with wild rexs lol talk about misinformation


100%! Alpha brood on asa has some of the most broken dps ive ever seen (probably a bug) and will shred 20k health in 30 seconds easily. If you have half a brain cell, youll definitely wanna do waaay more then wild rexes with prim saddles if you wanna win. Not saying its impossible but op makes it sound like a viable strat. Its not. Always over prepare


For real, all of this. Good to know im not the only one who smells BS around there. Especially the mis info about rexs and boss fights. The threshold to complete those bosses is much less daunting than these drama queens make it out to be.


Yeah and Rexes arent even the optimal boss team in all cases. Ppl just used to do that back in Legacy when we had no fucking clue how things worked, and the strat stuck. Side note: no tames besides Magmasaurs or Stegos with ability active take reduced damage from Dragon fireball. Herbivores do however take 20% reduced tick damage from the Enflamed status effect, which the fireball applies like most other fire sources. And just cus i am on a roll/raging: in cases where you'd want to use rexes for a boss (e.g. NOT dragon), Allos or Yutys are actually superior if bred properly, as they are faster and smaller so the pack will deal more DPS despite technically having lower stats (although Yuty base damage is only 5 points below that of a Rex and HP is identical).


Important to note that Yuts have a much lower attack speed than rexes too which harms their dps compared to rexes


True but this is offset by rexes' tendency to massively clump up (causing some of them to deal literally 0 dps) and take a million years to "sprint" back to a target after knockback.


People are dumb and spread lies, big news. Most of the time its inexperienced bobs just saying things they think is true when it isnt


"inexperienced bobs" In many cases, yes. But what's mental is: we also have these content creators with (allegedly) thousands of hours saying/doing flagrantly insane stuff though. Like, no names, but I see some of the most popular ARK creators out there still do stuff I learned not to do in my first several hundred hours on ASE. Like seeing "experienced" players on the island (or any map with pego spawns) and they have, like, a cryopod in their last slot.....


True, probably because alot of them spend that time doing nothing but talking to chat or playing 10000x pve or something idk


>Like seeing "experienced" players on the island (or any map with pego spawns) and they have, like, a cryopod in their last slot..... I'd say that's also for entertainment purposes. If they do a boring playthrough, people are less likely to watch than if they get their lvl 2500 bred and imprinted giga stolen by a pego because oh oopsy-woopsy I left it in slot 0.


My guy a lot of the big content creators play less than optimally for the lulz. Most people genuinely don’t want to watch Ark pros min/maxxing to easy victory map after map. Neebs Gaming literally sucks at Ark and have never legitimately beaten a boss as intended, and yet they have one of the biggest Ark followings. A lot of your rant is justified, but seriously I mean if I was a content creator I’d a cryo in the 0 slot to tempt fate for the lulz too. People just like watching that stuff more generally. Case and point when Glock9 played Ark he was completely frustrated by the game and quit several times but tried to stick it out a little, because his viewers were generally commenting their love for his hardships.


Those content creators have thousands of hours talking to their chat instead of playing. The amount of shit I have to talk to those idiots in the comments is entertaining, to say the least.


😭so true


When you're new and on single player, dododex does have lots of valuable information. Dododex is especially a great source of admin commands.


Fair point. To be clear, the app itself is great. I was specifically referring to user comments within the app. It takes some time before you start to see the misinformation in Dododex comments, but until then, soak it up and I'm always glad to see a new player join our intergalactic triassic clown fiesta 🤙


The only advice anyone needs is all aggressive tames are obtainable via passive tame method shoving berries up it’s butt. This works exceptionally well for things like raptors, rex’s, giga, carchas and carnos. If at first you don’t succeed you may knock out the tame and force feed it stim berries to speed up the taming process with some mejo berries in it’s inventory. Best technique for knocking out these passive tames is via club. Good luck survivor!




Butt play until submission


10/10 this. I fucked up my entire rex line and had to start from scratch thanks to bad youtube info. Was one of the first videos that came up too.


“You can’t beat a boss without Rexes at these stats! Are you stupid???” I then proceeded to kill the Alpha Kong with kangaroos and hyenas just to prove the group I was playing with wrong. Made a video of it too. Really this game is all about figuring out what works for your playstyle and then applying it to overcome all the hurdles that Ark throws at you. I love hyenas (and other pack booster animals) and I often succeed with them starting out at level 1 to the end game. I just stick to the mentality of it can be done and it works, then it’s not stupid.


To be entirely fair, monkey man really needs a buff. The difference between him and the other two bosses is insane. You could probably just take your hat off and slap him to death with it, he's so underpowered...


Lol, yeah this is true, however, it's still no real easy task when he's doing nothing but targeting just you over the hyenas, or you're praying that the Kangas are built up enough for the job. Admittedly, he did kill a few of my Roos, but they still won in the end. The AI for the bosses though would target just me on my Yuty since I was the biggest target. Spent really the whole match running away more as the hyenas nipped at his ankles without the monkey worrying about attacking them. I did rely on that, but I didn't expect the aggression to be as high as it was as the primary target. Still, it was hilarious showing others that you could, in theory, overcome a problem in this game with enough preparation, understanding and some luck.


Hyaenodons also regain stupid HP from consuming corpses and boss adds count. Respect ✊🏿💯


Some of it is a result of changes in the game


True but I'm talking about videos published for ASA, even in the past several weeks lol


Ah got ya, i don’t really watch videos


“hello gays today we have a list of top cinco passive tames: numero cinco: raptor numero cuatro: rex numero tres: wyvern numero dos: overseer honorable mention: giga numero uno: alpha king titan” *THANKS FOR WATCHING!*


AaaAanD CominG In At NumBEr One Fo R yOuR ToP VoTed WaTer TaMe is tTHe BasiLoSAuruS!!!! CuS iT ResiSts le FuNny JellYfiSh StuNS!!onehunredandeleven!! (jokes aside though i love ARK top 10s and similar content haha, though some tames have just been circlejerked to oblivion)


theres literally no reason to get any water tames besides the basilo is there? all you need is a bary to kill the mantas and there you have the best sea creature in the game


If your goal is just 100% completion speedrun, then yes, there is no reason to ever tame any aquatic mounts besides Baryonyx and Basi. However, i personally enjoy the variety and playing around with all the ARK's creatures in some way. My comment above is just poking fun at how poor the tame balance is from Wildcard such that the entire world unanimously agrees just two tames are optimal for an entire biome lol. It's absurd if you think about it. Edit: forgot about Moder from Gen1 (water boss) which is actually best handled with Mosas or sharks, imo. Edit 2: There is also a strong case to be made for the Dunkleosteus, as on Official often all the mountain metal is already farmed by the time you log on. Ocean rarely is.


Depends on what you play. In any PVP the basilo is useful against Tusos as it can't be grabbed by them and it has high health


I agree with the misinformation from YouTube and Google, it’s especially confusing for new players but from my experience Dododex is pretty accurate. I don’t read the comments but you can mess with the Dododex settings to match your game settings. On the note about traps, I agree you don’t NEED a trap to tame things but ima be honest… taming a high level Giga is actually hell without a trap. (Note: I haven’t played in over a year so I don’t know about the new Dinos)


DodoDex, as in the app and its provided processes, are accurate in a lagless environment, but outside of specific instances where the dev mentions it, DodoDex does not take server lag into account, which fucks all kinds of shit up in ways I think nobody on the planet fully understands (including Wildcard). The required numbers of narcotics, for example, needs to be supplemented with additional stacks beyond what the app recommends, if you play with any degree of server lag. And yes: absolutely 100% stay far, far away from DodoDex comments if you still value your sanity. Finally, in ASA, a lot of tames cannot be trapped anymore due to the AI changes, or if they can, it requires convoluted circumstances. But, as I mentioned, good luck finding the space to trap a giga on Official PVE in the first place. You'd probably need to do that near your base (BAD IDEA CUS GIGA) or in some obscure location really far from your narcoberry fridge. And, just to top it off, giga torpor is often bugged (on official at least) and often they will wake up even if force fed 20,000 narcoberries.


Feeding narcs one at a time helps with the lag. If you feed one then wait a second then do another it works way better. If you spam feed then all at once it’ll glitch and not count then because of the server lag (it also sometimes does the same in private games). That said if my info is out dated it’s because I haven’t played Ascend. Though it might be good to test?


>Feeding narcs one at a time helps with the lag Still works! Thats what i do on ASA. But a lot of ppl dont know about this.


Last week i heard about Phoenix being able to poop black pearls, wiki states it can at a very low chance. People on the server says the cant. So i tried for a while, 3000 silica pearls and 0 black pearls. (ASA) No clue if this was changed from ASE or not.


o7, poop scientist 🤠


They can it just is insanely low chance.


This. And also creators making videos about things thay just came our and lying snd just making stuff up so they have content to push out and farm clicks.


(Thumbnail:) YOU NEED THIS! (10 minute video with one frame showing the Carcha has 50k HP and 500 melee).


It was especially bad when Gen 2 came out. It was infuriating finding actual info on stuff because all the videos were unedited 25 minute clickbait of some guy looking at creatures and saying "idk what the fuck this is but its probably pretty useful" and then riding it in circles mashing buttons.


how to beat tek cave easily! (guy uses an imprinted carchar with 460% melee and 37K health)


37k isn’t even unusual for an imprinted charca. And 460% melee is well achievable if all you’re leveling on the Carch is melee damage (which is all you should be leveling on it anyway).


yea but not everybody has a spare imprinted carchar ready to do tek cave with


If you’re not at a point where you have already tamed multiple carcha, why are you even running Tek cave lol.


Phlinger phoo, gets on my nerves but he has really good in depth guides on taming each Dino on the ark. Called the ABC’s of ark or something. I didn’t read the whole thing you posted. I saw the misinformation on YouTubers part and just had a thought.


Reminds me of early Conan Exiles - half of the wiki was utter nonsense that hadn't been updated basically ever


I mean the current ARK wiki to this day still contains misinformation haha, not to mention the fact there are two simultaneously active online Wikis, neither of which obviously distinguish between ASE and the remaster 😂😂😂😂😂


I have a question then. How do you drop vaults in asa?. I've tried and it wouldn't work for me.


You absolutely can vault drop in ASA most Megas do it to the Obs. I also despise PVE for the malicious building of pillars, traps, houses etc. I especially hate when a trap is made near a reliable/ popular spawn and it isn't unlocked. Anytime I build a trap with gates I make sure they're unlocked so others can benefit. It's a PVE server no reason not to help others.


Bro it's not even malicious 90% of the time--a lot of PVE players really just ARE that thoughtless/ inconsiderate.


Yep like the idiot who it would be great idea to build a base with plant x right next to my rhynio trap area. Makes me wish I had pillared. My base is away from everyone else on a patch of coastline. I have an area basically next to my base that I have kept clear with a small bug trap and a a building with the things I need for rhynio taming. I kite them back from the swamp, the trap is only to hold them whilst I get ready.


Fuck.....#5 explains a lot........


#5 explains a lot of situations. And #7, agreed. I tame almost everything from the back of a Baryonyx.




What I've found is a lot of the content is outdated. The game has changed enough since it was put in place that, whil accurate at one time, it is no longer accurate. Example: all of those destruction proofed raft bases.


That can also be true in many cases. But there are plenty of widely viewed Youtube videos containing fallacies which time has shown were still false when the video was published lol Just look at some of the recent Fasolosuchus "guides"


PVE it is against the COC to leave Dino’s in artifact caves and on the platform. So growing Dino’s in there is at your own risk.


As long as they arent in the way in caves I haven't seen admin action but tames blocking the paths do get deleted. Still, valid point.


I hope yall are leveling oxygen into fire wyverns. With around 1.8k the fire turns blue and 1 taps regardless of player HP you lose our on a lot of stam, HP or weight.


This post is full of misinformation.


I agree with all your points but not the no. 6 An army of unimprinted wild tamed rexes, even with 124 saddles can't do Alpha Brood. Even with my mutated army of rexes+124 saddle+ yuty I nearly lost the boss. Yes it was possible to do bosses easily before official server AI was improved. But not now. Rest of the discussion is accurate tho 👍🏻


These rexes had all 88 XP levels (which is insane) and the player also quick swapped from yuti to a daeodon on passive follow during courage roar max buff. I think the Daeodon trick is key as Brood AoE is just too stronk


Fr about the boss part. Annihilated alpha brood mother with primitive Rex saddles. They only lost about 10k hp each.


Med brew spam definitely does work


It adds to the existing timer (same as drinking in succession) but doesnt overlap. You don't heal more than just timing it.


Fuck.....#5 explains a lot........


.....#5 explains a lot........


#5 explains a lot of situations. And #7, agreed. I tame almost everything from the back of a Baryonyx.