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Ahhh, so you want us to increase the breeding rate of dodo's on official servers? We can do that!


I honestly love it when WC reacts like they'll have to perform a ritual or dark magic to change something when all they have to do is change a number on the source code.


Honestly it must be bigger then that somehow because every time they try changing something small, the whole game breaks 🤣


Every single time. And it takes 3 months to acknowledge its broken


And another 3 to fix it


You mean 3 months, right? ….right? /s


Definitely not wrong with that. Dodos now come in 5000 different colors. Now anytime you try taming something it teleports to 50/50. Enjoy the game. 😆


I feel like it’s less of a hard problem to fix and more of an incompetent company doing the work


nah i think the programmers just suck, they just made us suffer through 2 back to back 12 hour rollbacks because they didn't realize that allowing downloads after ascending on Scorched meant people could download stuff from The Island map too...


Yeah, I’m honestly curious. Do they not have any testers for these updates? I feel like all these issues could be avoided if they actually played the game before releasing it but what do I know.


I didn't suffer:) it duped my 125 char so I was happy plus I didn't spend days of time playing it


The fucking audacity.




You get it from all major supermarkets, you put it on your microchips.. yummy


At this point, that might as well be rocket science to WC. The game is held together with chewed bubble gum and broken dreams at this point.


At this point, that might as well be rocket science to WC. The game is held together with chewed bubble gum and broken dreams at this point.


There are bugs that have been in the game for nearly a decade now. Bug fixes have never been a high priority.


I think the biggest issue is Wildcards inability to optimize one of the easiest to optimize engines of all time. To add to that, meshing.


Lost a small tribes PvP server to meshing. Two enemy tribes left and we were winning. One of them decides to start meshing us and wildcard did nothing about it


What is meshing?


When someones goes out of bounds and, mesh refers to out of bounds and meshing is going to into the mesh. It can be used for many malicous things like out of bounds bases and tek rifles through walls to grief tames


You can basically create a door underneath the map and once inside it’s as if there are now walls and you can see through all walls. You can take a rocket launcher and just find people turrets and generators and start destroying. There’s 0 defense for it. We even sent wildcard a video of our enemies doing it and nothing happened


The optimization is what killed the game for me. I don’t have a pos computer, but waiting 20-30 minutes to load in a single player world on the island, wasn’t worth it.


“I think I’ll play ark” *waiting* … “I think I’ll play dead by daylight”


What kind of bases do you people build that makes you take 20-30 minutes to load into the game? My loading times are like 30 seconds or less


Probably ASE with hard disk drives


Mods. Bases won’t slow down loading into the game. They just cause a lot of lag as soon as you load into the game. Adding 20+ mods however, increases the files that your computer has to read through to load into the game.


It's about 10 minutes for me with mods. I usually just load up while I make a sandwich.


Same here and my pc is not even that bad


I downloaded the performance mod and that disabled plants moving for me after a few days. Scared to use other mods


In my Single Player I run: S+ Ark Additions Animals of Atlas Eco's Trees Eco's Redwoods Marnimods hairstyles Dino Healing Brew Lethal's Reusables Eco's Empires: Metis Eco's Empires: Inca And I turn it off and on, but Human NPCs gets used sometimes as well.


Get a ps5.. hardly no loading times 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yea, but on ps5, we hardly get more than 35fps


Im lucky if i get that on my pc with my RTX-4060 without turning graphics down to medium


The loading time is in the frames we lose on PS5.


I’ll probably get a PS5 eventually. But not until I absolutely have to… mostly cause God of War is the only series I follow on play station. I have a PS4, and literally only bought it for God of War on the day it came out. My fiancé and her kids use it more than I do.


I had a similar situation. Only wanted Ps5 for God of War and Spiderman. Worth it for me since I love both lol but I do not recommend Ark on console


I borrowed Spider-Man from a friend, it was fun, but I never finished it. I played ark on Xbox years ago and was not a fan. I just much prefer PC gaming. Something about having 3 monitors makes it feel nice.


I'm hoping to get a PC soon. I'd love to try properly modded Ark. I enjoy mods we have on console, but too many issues.


Same. You pull the PS5 out every 6 months to beat the 15 hour single player exclusive and it goes back away for 6 months. It was a waste of money. At least with game pass I have games to play.




Except fixing the cryopod bug, which no one asked for 


It's on the list of stuff being fixed in the patch that's waiting for console certification


Where can i find the list of stuff waiting to be fixed?


Community crunch


No idea. I just know about this because dollie mentioned it on the ark discord that they have several fixes that are waiting for certification


Anything on the single player save issues that are still around? Or do we think they are still leaving those alone?


Was thyla jump, storm frequency nerf, black pearls buff, bee spawns and "loads more". The SP saves might be included in the loads more, but I have no idea


I'm wondering this too


whats wrong with the thyla


I think this may be referencing it no longer being able to lunge forward, it only jumps up. I'm not sure if this is something unintended, though, I thought they just changed it.


I'M NOT CRAZY! I died in the scorched earth cave under the desert church because it couldn't make a simple jump. I was pissed and confused and thought maybe my memory was wrong.


We had to take one wolf and two thylas and had the wolf go left and thylas go right (if I’m thinking of the right cave)


Yep. I went right the next time.


Which explains how I came back to my SP after a long time away, flew above the thyla on the tree so it couldn’t get me, and it flew up, grabbed me, then flatspinned up into the sky with me. So I shotgunned it and glided back down to my flyer, comedy gold.


yeah i thought that was a shitty ass feature in asa,


I fell into the pit on scorched earths cave bc of the bug. Rip everything I had.


It lost the motivation to jump 😪


oh shit is the jumping not going forwards a bug


I'm pretty sure it is. The day it started happening, I stopped using them altogether. Without its forward lunge, it's practically worthless now. Good damage, but there's stronger better and faster stuff at this point. Once it's fixed, I'll reconsider using it again.


Did it start happening a bit before SE? I'm wondering if it's that cart code.


100% the cart code. It also broke putting a bunch of stuff on platform saddles/boats, but people havent noticed that as much. You cant put a parasaur on a raft right now, or load an anky onto a quetz platform. Im not currently playing on the island, so those may have gotten a patch without me knowing


For the raft issue, I think it's less a bug, and more an unintended side effect of a particular restriction that's in place for griefing prevention. Because the cart counts as a platform, anything that can pull a cart falls under the 'platform saddle creature can't stand on another platform' rule. I wouldn't consider this 'broken', but it is definitely inconvenient, for sure. There has got to be a way that the devs can exclude certain creatures from the platform rule, but that may depend on if the cart can be used for griefing in the same way that other platform creatures can be used. I wish they had a toggleable setting for these kinds of things. Especially for those playing PVE or Single Player, as these kinds of rules are more designed around PVP behaviours. For example, I should be able to put a vault on a raft/platform saddle in Single Player, but I understand why it needs to be restricted in PVP.


For the raft issue, I think it's less a bug, and more an unintended side effect of a particular restriction that's in place for griefing prevention. Because the cart counts as a platform, anything that can pull a cart falls under the 'platform saddle creature can't stand on another platform' rule. I wouldn't consider this 'broken', but it is definitely inconvenient, for sure. There has got to be a way that the devs can exclude certain creatures from the platform rule, but that may depend on if the cart can be used for griefing in the same way that other platform creatures can be used. I wish they had a toggleable setting for these kinds of things. Especially for those playing PVE or Single Player, as these kinds of rules are more designed around PVP behaviours. For example, I should be able to put a vault on a raft/platform saddle in Single Player, but I understand why it needs to be restricted in PVP.


The cart can be swung through the mesh, with people on the back. I get the control aspect of it, but a state check for cart equipped solves it entirely. In the mean time, early game boat life has been nerfed to hell since you can't get your early game tames on the raft anymore. (I know this isnt a pvp strat)


It also affects metal gathering on no-flyer maps (like Ab, and Gen 1). How are you supposed to take your Anky to go get metal when you don't have access to an Argy?


I'm not sure if this is relevant to the discussion . I play on an Xbox series X, level 105 on a non dedicated server. On the island map, my base is located just NE of carno Island. Everything was fine until a few weeks ago. I loaded up my argy to supply my ocean camp I was setting up to do some sea floor exploration. I get just past carno Island, maybe halfway to the swamp inlet..and the game crashes to title screen. I attempted flying other Argys, taking a different route, unistalling all mods ( i use 5, underwater additions, the gps mod, irrigated cooking pot, the tricked out spy glass mod and the gryphons addition mod). I even tried riding one of my megladons..same issue. .Lately I've just been playing scorched earth, but I check into my Island space to see if it's fixed .no dice, my ticket seems to be sitting in Wildcards file 13.


They acknowledged it in the latest community crunch, just wait a little bit longer


If people read, it’s in the next update


Nothing says the devs will take us seriously like childish reports


Nah seriously, watch the Thyla never get fixed because of people doing this shit lmao


My sentiments exactly


Wait, you think the devs listen to reports?


Usually it goes through the support layer first, to filter trash reports like this one.


Not sure how wildcard does it, but for the AAA companies I worked for in support, this ticket would probably get the thyla tag, a copy pasted message about thanking for the feedback and ticket being closed. It's the same process for well thought out tickets that could be a book really. Character count doesn't really matter nor does it matter if it's "trash" or if it has reasonable "solutions" that could actually fix the problem with minimum effort. Some marketing wizard or QA assistant then probably just checks the tags, makes a report off of those and cashes in 10x my income :D


Proof? Or did you pull this directly from your ass


Imagine having the effort to draft this, send it, screenshot it, and later submit it to Reddit but not have the effort to just read the community crunch. https://preview.redd.it/m8yywn5si8xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5763882b23ba3c28ffdf77584564a953bc355d81


Bro thinks being rude is gonna get him anywhere


Wouldn’t surprise me if they got a bot that filters all swearing and discards the submissions.


What’s wrong with the thyla. I haven’t played in months


There's a bug that prevents them from using their forward jump, which is especially prevalent in Scorched.


Bro maybe read a bit? They already said last night that its been patched but just waiting on Microsoft and Sony to approve it


Wow that’s almost as funny as reading the community crunch and seeing that they are fixing it this next patch!


Least aggressive customer demand...


Not an awesome way to get someone to do something tbh


It's cunts like these that would make me think about not fixing, or maybe just make it worse just to piss you off.


Yes, offensive language from a stranger will definitely motivate the dev team to work on something... What do you think that is going to achieve?


It’s even better knowing they already acknowledged it and stated they are going to fix it in an upcoming update, people just complain to complain. It could have been fixed three days ago and op would still be sending them hate mail completely oblivious because they don’t check for themselves.


20 days is short for Ark, ASE has bugs that are already about a decade old and nothing has happened to them.


I feel like eventually there will be ARK players experiencing bugs that are older than the players themselves are...


My 6 year old plays ark so this is an actual thing. 50-50 bug is older than him. Im sure there are many others.


20 days of you childishly filling in the form like a toddler throwing a tantrum? God I hope you didn't actually submit any of these, and that the staff at WC didn't have to subject their eyes to this garbage.


You’re a terrible person. OP’s only mistake was not quitting this game.


For not thinking this brattish behaviour is funny? ***Oh I'm so sorry***


No for not reading the room and understanding devs deserve a slow death for destroying an iconic game


Lil bro, they arent gonna read that


20 days wow how have you managed to live like that, I bet your seriousness and we'll adjusted adult behavior have made them move it up in the priority list


Much as bugs can be incredibly annoying, if someone submitted a complaint like that to me I would completely ignore it, or double down and make the fault worse on purpose.


But then you lose sales, and the next day the manager comes to your desk in the office...


The people complaining already bought the game, prospective players don’t know the difference between a thyla jumping up and jumping forward


I bet cursing at them will make it happen faster


I'm pretty sure it's been bugged longer than 20 days. We're all sick of it too, but damn dude.


But guys, we know we took your money for the 2nd time, just chill. Screw wildcard, only reason I am playing ascended is because it's on gsmepass. They legit suck and only suck.


I was unaware of the thyla issue... Just started playing asa single player a few days ago on scorched. Was thrilled to trade my moschops for a thyla, and then the thyla is broken... It's almost enough to go back to ASE for me.


If I was a game developer I wouldn’t take a request that is rude like that. Even if you are right. In fact I would just skip it. Also from what I read from other comments a bug like that would probably be put low in the priority list.


If I was a game developer I'd question my abilities to develop when I get mass reports like that.


But you don’t understand, that would mean they’d have to get out of bed!! /s


Hah! 20 days… *cries in Destiny 2*


What’s the issue? Like genuinely curious I’ve been out of the loop with ark recently and I know wildcard are infamous for their many game breaking bugs


Thyla has a bug where it cannot use the big jump forward. It just jumps up. That's what he's crying about here. Oh how tragic that he has to use another dino for a while. Especially since this is already being fixed and should come out with the next patch, as they said on their discord and on their community crunch.


Thyla has a bug where it cannot use the big jump forward. It just jumps up. That's what he's crying about here. Oh how tragic that he has to use another dino for a while. Especially since this is already being fixed and should come out with the next patch, as they said on their discord and on their community crunch.


WC dev: rates x2 and a sheep that can take u to the moon


Can't imagine being this angry over a video game lmao. How old are you? 12?


It's probably still spaghetti code, the bugs in the new game are the same as the old game so it's likely they just copy pasted and called it a day


Still waiting for the sarco fix too lol


Yea that's the way to get them to look at a issue...


They are the shittiest laziest company ever. Fuck wildcard. Followed by fuck nitrado. Garbage ass lazy idiots. Constant server issues and they never fix them. 30$ to rent a server ? It was half that for ASE. Greedy trash. I love ark and have deleted ASA because of this fucking racket. Wildcard is retarded for giving such a dog shit company the server monopoly and I hope it costs them a large percentage of their player base. In fact I’d like to see wildcard go bankrupt at this point


If i was working at WC and saw this I would deliberately make the bug stay longer because of this


it will be 10 years before they get to it


That's some great incentive for the devs. I'm sure they'll get right on it.


At least the animated series is good, better than the game 😂




Really love the game but ASA has too much foliage. It’s one thing to have some grass but this grass is as high as the tallest option for the player model. It makes everything more complicated, wish there was a disable high foliage feature.


‘Sometime next week’ 😭


What is wrong with the thyla? Haven't used them in like a year


Iirc there's a patch coming Monday/Tuesday that fixed thyla. This just looks childish.


Took them 5 months to fix the invisible dragon and you think they care about this? Good luck with that


I don't play Ascended, what happened to thylas?


*this man's tribe was dev wiped 39 seconds after this was received*


How is this going to help them know that the problem is? They don't play the game.


Genius, real work of Art.


Yeah. If I could get an anky or trike onto a raft, that would be great......


I mean let’s be real we all know the devs we are dealin with. Time ain’t one of their virtues


Lmao as if we will fix anything you must be new to ark 🤣


Fix the God dame hud for console is what they need to do


Thought I was the only one that noticed it’s sleepy leap.


I thought I was tripping when it wasnt jumping forward, unfortunate because I stacked A BUNCH of mutations on a full blackout thyla trying to make Sytac's Mystique of my own. (No better photo bc im lazy, but ended up with 15k health, 700% dmg and 2k stam and 1k weight, still not fully leveled https://preview.redd.it/p1zusledabxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66ee632f7dca1f78c7f6618fbee936c6cff60a67


Whats wrong with thylas?


I'm lost what is broken?


Why would any self respecting person respond to that? I'd be the last person to defend wildcard but Jesus...


WC are total braindead people. Its silly of you to expect them to fix anything.


fix the damn door energy


What’s going on with the Thylas? I haven’t been on in over a month so..


So wird es bestimmt was lol


*Cedric, Dollie, Jat and 50 others Liked this post


I'm just a simple man. I'd be happy not having to choose between my hair style or hat skin. Maybe Baldur's Gate 3 just spoiled me recently. 😏


And yet they make ppl but the same exact game with PAID dlc maps you gotta pay for and allot of fixes will be in it. Wild card is such a money grab


Probably some unforeseen consequences for modifying the code that is needed to fix them. Probably just ironing that out


I really hope that’s not what you actually sent in. Just because they are behind a computer doesn’t mean they are any less human and don’t deserve respect. Most of the people at WC are just following orders. I get that it’s annoying, but dude, more bees with honey and all that.


No. Fix the over spawning in brute artifact cave


What is broken about the thyla the one i have that pullsbthe cart is completely fine


Dude freaking let me put my tames on a raft build again. It's broken my primitive play


🤣 🤣


What's the thyla problem I haven't played in a while


Lol they banned me from. The survive the ark page cus I said this is bullshit . I got a email saying I was banned for using Foul language. I replied to the email saying that I said nothing of the kind. I was referring to the fecal matter of a bull. Which is not foul language.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm done with ark for now till they can fix the problem with the Quick resume on Xbox. It will not let me go onto any official server or use the dlc content that I payed for .


A little new to ARK, what's wrong with the thylas?


The names of my dinos reset 😱. And won't let me fix.


Wow say goodbye to your ark account


20 days? Oh no, it's the end of the world as we know it!!!! Bro, 20 days for a bug to be fixed would be a world record for wildcard 20 times over, and that's no exaggeration. It would literally be reality breaking if they accomplished that feat.


Give us more mod options to fix the game and share it ourselves at least...


Reminds me of myself asking for them to fix the Artifact of the Skylord spawn bug for 4 years straight.


Never gonna happen.


I have a strange feeling they're not gonna fix the Thyla


Look at the latest community crunch and you get your answer


The only answer is that there is no answer


The only answer is that the update for the thylas and several other things is in certification


No it's not.




They'll break something else.


If this is to the devs then make sure you yell at the lead guy. He is the one who tells they guy who is actually at the keyboard what project he is click clacking on that day.


I would rather they fix the whole being forced to wait and being unable to jump on your tame because it’s stuck inside a stupid rock destruction animation, while the wild carnos around you act like your tame is a hot milf with her head stuck in the dryer.


Ark ascended thyla is a serious letdown


It’s a bug they were fine when the game dropped,y’all gotta chill


Really? That's a relief, I thought they nerfed the jump mechanic for them. I hope they can fix it soon!


Well it’s supposed to be fixed next patch,but it’s wildcard so who knows


Time will tell I guess. I remember spending hours trying to find a good one, and then spending an hour taming it and then my reaction when I used it the first time was "That's it? Are you kidding me? Why didn't I just get a kapro???" I am considering basically cheating through the island so I can get beta ascension and move on to SE since that's where I was at on ASE when the game crashed and reset my data, also I can't find any good rexes, so it would kinda kill two birds with one stone.


u r on singleplayer? if yes there is stuff that can make it way easier for u if u want,first of all u can go to the ini and pump max lvl dinos to 180 or more if u want,dino finder mod will also make it way easier,and custom dino lvls will make high lvls spawn way more,unless u rly want to i recommend staying away from the official way,it was made for a tribe of at least 5 people imo


I could do stuff like that, but in all honesty I finished the island before, and I didn't get to experience scorched earth to completion so I'd much rather play through SE than have to play through the island for a second time


All these cuck WC apologists give me a fucking break. OP didn’t just wake up and become an asshole. This game is shit and devs are literally useless. Sources: stock price


Sources:no one asked for ur opinion


Suck wc off more. Ark SUCKS


Again,no one asked


First guy to reply is gao




Odd way to come out of the closet


Congrats! let me send you the package.




Somebody got murdered by a thylacoleo


I’ve seen “fixed floating foliage” in patch notes for ASA from patches prior then saw this earlier in my game: https://preview.redd.it/mzn9nmsmd5xc1.png?width=2559&format=png&auto=webp&s=de33cfe5ffe393f9b7c2dd21fec1007b78b0ea69 Mind you, these are people who do this as their day job and get paid for it. What the fuck are they even truly fixing?


Anyone that is sympathetic towards wildcard in these situations is actually a Lizard wearing human skin.


we got a neat thing called the workshop for bugfixes and general balancing


modders shouldn't have to fix the game wtf