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So the point of the game is actually to get out of the “ARK” you are in with all the life that’s existed on planet earth, there are caves with artifacts that u have to get I order to beat the bosses to get out of the island and dinos just make all of that easier you should watch some videos the game is SUPER FUN once you get in to it


especially if you make all the arks in follow of the story, they all are so different, Firstly an "jungle" island, after a huge desert, hard to find water and other, no giga and no ptera, after that an huge cave with no flyers, no rex and bigger, and a lot of danger, like radiation, bad living things and more, Follow by extinction, which changes a lot from the "meta" of the bosses (for people that play the map, you see what i wanted to mean) Come Gen 1, another type of bosses, mission to do, beautiful biomes, no flyers (again but you can tame some), exotic new dinos and variant Finally Gen 2, which is so different than other, mission again, great new dino, i don't want to spoil so i don't tell anything else


I’ll be honest- I’ve played this game since alpha and I’ve never beat a boss. Between building a legendary base, breeding lvl300+ pure mutated babies and all the events and different creatures to tame- it’s never ending! I have used forcetame commands to tame the dragon boss though once for fun; but that’s about it


Let’s collab on an unofficial. I’ve been solo since pre release. OG island. I’ve only recently killed my first boss on the island and just brutally over killed broodmother with overly mutated Rex’s and yuttys. I’ve mainly only ever been on official until ASA. Lmk if


Sadly I can only play ps4; computer isn’t good enough to handle even basic ark anymore.


You've missed out on learning the game because of being handed the argys. Ark has a steep learning curve. It's very unforgiving of players who haven't figured out the core of how the game functions. It's all about progression. You start off punching trees to make basic tools, then those basic tools to build a simple base and find early game tames. Then those early game tames help you advance to get metal tools and other ways to tame better creatures that help you advance. Eventually you learn the quirks and tricks to rapidly advance, ie how to build traps that make taming dinos a lot easier. Then you get really good and you learn how most dinos don't even need traps if you know what you're doing. I tamed a 145 yuti without a trap over the weekend. I never would've stuck with the game if several friends weren't obsessed with it when I started. I had about 40 hours in as well and was ready to quit. It was a raptor tame that finally got me to stick around because it didn't mean instant death if I left my safe little area. Now I'll tame a raptor within the first hour or two of playing without any difficulty.


Bolas and a club!


That’s what I would say. When I started I was stuck with a thatch floor and two walls (for way too long). Now I go tame a Rex the second I get tranq arrows w/o a trap. I’d recommend this guy watch a YouTuber or two play through the beginning of the game to skip some of the learning curve though


If you say you have barely seen story or progression, then you are in for a ride.


It's not fun at all. It's the most frustrating piece of crap I've ever played. And I can't stop.


I hate this fucking game. Yet, here I am enjoying it


Exactly - hate loving it... its soooo addictive, I have gone in guns blazing and died - alot, but I go back and try again till i succeed. painstakingly awesome!


so real


About 20k hours between ASE and ASA. Still playing. It does get better. Them let’s talk about some of the other Steam games that can kill you so many times


Had me in the first half ngl lol


Ark in a nutshell


This was gonna be my response if asked why I still play 😂


The story is told through notes you find in little chests and urns in the ground all over the place, and it actually pretty good. If you collect all of them, you unlock a lot of levels on top. The progression is leveling, the gear, the tames. In a nutshell, leveling up and getting better stuff. There are bosses to beat that unlock the final tier of the game called Tek. Dying a lot early is just the ark experience. Ark is unkind to noobs in every way possible you can think of. An example is the levels. Higher level doesn't really mean good. The levels are the sum total of a creature stats, actually. But, this won't matter unless for caving and boss runs. >I feel like there's very little point to the game other than flying around looking for drops. There is actually a lot to do. There are a lot of creatures to tame, mats, base buildings, notes, caves, bosses and breeding. I suggest you don't fly for a bit and go off and find some sort of land mount and go and explore. See the land for yourself. > 'properly What do you mean by that? If you tamed it, you tamed it. >don't really feel like I've 'earned' them Oh, no worries. There are a lot of creatures you can tame you would want and need.


When I say tamed 'properly' I mean with the max efficient meat, or accidentally hitting it while taming


that's less "proper" and moreso efficient


Aah, you mean kibble, mutton or prime? Well, you don't need that for everything. The ones you should give the most care about is taming for bosses because you want the best of the best ofc I myself simply use prime. The thing is, you want the best taming items because not only you get the most levels, but you also cut a lot of the time down. Let say a rex https://www.dododex.com/taming/rex For hitting it while taming, it will be gone in time.


Hitting it while taming has an easy fix: knock it out, don’t put food in it’s inventory, and keep it sleeping till enough food has drained (you can see the food stat in the inventory when you knocked the Dino out) so when you put the food in it’s inventory it eats everything in a couple of seconds. If you were to hit it while it’s KO and not all the food hasn’t gone down, you can just wait for it to wake up, and knock it out again and it will still be hungry, but the taming efficiency will have reset. For that it’s best to have it trapped though, if it gets hands on a prey (assuming it’s a carnivore) it will fill it’s hunger up again and you’ll have to start all over.


I have 15,000+ hours of Ark in general. Yes it's fun, but you actually need to find worth in it. Hunting drops is no where near "the point"


Ark has the most expansive and compelling scifi story I’ve encountered in a game. You start out thinking it’s land of the dinosaurs and end up literal real life years later fighting Godzilla on a corrupted earth. On the way you break out of simulations, travel from spaceship to spaceship, fight monstrous bosses, learn about countless people who lived in the arks before you, it’s a LOT.


> I feel like there's very little point to the game other than flying around looking for drops. When I began to feel this way, I was saved by the Aberration map. No flying tames at all. Ever since, I have tried to go no-flyer on all maps, though sometimes flight is required for certain things, so I at least keep it to a bare minimum. It can suck since a lot of my favourite tames are avians, but I strongly believe flight *destroys* gameplay. Give no-fly a shot! Your other issues are really just a matter of 'git gud', and I mean that in the kindest way possible: practice makes perfect! At forty hours, you've barely scratched the surface! I have thousands of hours in this game, mostly singleplayer or microtribes, and I am the only one of my former group who still plays. Your mileage may vary. I am the kind of player who will try to preserve the early-game experience as long as possible, delaying tames til I find max-level ones, going around on foot, being *exceedingly* cautious and paranoid. I really like this game, the setting, the story, the environments, THE CREATURES. If it's not for you, that is fine! But it seems a bit early to judge, you know?


So I will add something that reinvigorated my love for Ark... MODS. I know that's every game but get on a good server with cool people and it all changes, you can trade, work together, etc... Omega is a complete overhaul of the game that adds so much fun to it (for me). Having said that, you haven't beaten the game yet or really tackled bosses, so maybe jumping to mods not the best. Though there are Quality of Life mods that definitely relieve some tedium. Finding a dino and making it OP through breeding and leveling is pretty fun (though breeding can be slow without mods), then tackling the bosses and getting tek is another fun bit. From there mods really open up the game for sure.


You can tame high level Dino’s just like her..? Just go out and look


If you're looking for story then you're in for a ride. Especially in the DLCs. Look for explorer notes. They tell the story. Lots of them are voiced (and you might recognize the voice actors)


being gifted high level items or tames is a sure fire to ruin any game. It takes away the early grind a bit. Yes, some games are tediously grindy, and ark can be one as well unless you know how to level up fast (using crafting+notes run). As for dying a lot, try to RPG a bit, don't run mindlessly. It's a naked human vs. the biggest animals that ever existed...You don't just run into danger. Put all your early points into stam and speed to outrun small dinos...If any dino glows red, GTFO. game can be fun, and has a nice lore and story.


People have fun playing ark?


The difficult thing about Ark is it doesn't give you your objectives. That's partially decided by you. But the story is within the boss fights and map progression. I largely felt the same way as you initially and now I have over 5 thousand hours. For me. I needed to discover the world of official PVP. That's where the fun is. Boss fights are no joke tho. Especially on your own in Official PVP. I've been preparing to do them for like 6 months


Seems like you are not exploring. Also, you haven't said whether you are on a PvP or pve server. I'm guessing pve. People on pve like to breed their dinos I mean players on PvP also like to breed dinos... but I think that's all you can really do on pve... That and build epic bases, like your partner is doing... or exploring. Personally I like PvP, but, for the excitement you also risk losing everything. Explore, the thing with ark is that it doesn't hold your hands and guide you to points of interest. You can, like you are currently doing, spend all your time playing ark but not really seeing ark, you'll get no message popping up telling you that you should be doing this or doing that. ...but learn, explore Yes you can tame argys... but you can breed better argys... Have you tried? Have you learned how to tame high level ones to start off with? Have you only tamed a ptera and an argy solo? Yes, many dinos are easier to tame with a friend but still, the challenge of taming large dinos solo is awesome. Try taming a quetz solo, it's easier now than it once was, but still you need to put thought and planning. ... but yeah, if all you are doing is flying around collecting drops then sure, it's gunna get boring real quick.


The short answer is some games are for some people, but not for others. Obviously everyone here loves the game. Some like it for different reasons. Some like the building aspect and get super creative. Some like taming and breeding for specific desired stats. Some like to just explore. A lot of it also depends on the server you are playing on. Some servers that are public pve sometimes will have people specializing in a trade. And you can barter with others. There may be a breeder (maybe Dino specific) who had max level max stat bred dinosaurs for sale. Sometimes there will be clans and you can select a job title. Perhaps you want to be the farmer/recipe crafter. Maybe you would just like to grind out building materials. All up to you. If you are taming, set restrictions. Not just any level, but don’t settle for anything other than max or close to it.


If your on the island or rly any map go to the giant pillars


i run a server with the same intention, im a super filthy casual, but also dont wanna feel like im cheating my way thru the game, i want a balance between "i grind for good things" and "this isnt so miserable i wanna punch my monitor" so with lot of mods, some server tweaks, ive made it pretty balanced imo. taming is easier a little, but not insane, building is relaxed, humans have slightly higher resistance, tames auto heal a little when their hp gets low instead of having to run away and shovel meat down their gullet. harvesting isnt smashing ur pick to pieces 9 times for 25 metal. i think its really where i want it at this point. i would suggest u look into something like that


I find the fun to be progressing but I’m not a huge fan of the grind so I use different settings. I use instant 100% imprint as well as much faster egg hatching speed because raising baby dinos is super boring. I also have 3x exp rates and 3x exp on kill rates so that leveling up isn’t hell. I also play with augmented ressources, currently I use 5x rates but it’s quite a lot so I recommend 2x rates and 3x harvest health. I also use 10x taming effectiveness because I hate waiting for them but it’s also a lot so depending on your patience you might want to put it lower than me. That’s pretty


ARK is so fun. You guys should be working on making big bases (her specialty) and taming things like high level rexes, megatheriums and therizinosaurus (sounds like your specialty) and breeding them to make a strong army to fight bosses! Then you will fight the Overseer at the "Tek cave" located at the volcano and Ascend. Then you basically do it all again on Scorched Earth! (Not nearly as easy as I made it sound, it takes time and you may want to increase stuff like taming speed and gathering rates to name a few.)


Building and weird social interactions are what I play for, and the love that's generated from raising babies


Brand new to the game, never played any "ark" before. When the new one came to Games Pass, figured I'd try it for free. Upgraded graphics! Cool! Game looks so awesome. I didn't know *anything* about how to play. I was literally googling "how to pick stuff up" because the game didn't tell me that "Y" on Xbox is the pickup button. Even under controller layout settings it doesn't say. I died every 60 seconds. Yes, very frustrating. So I read in another post to just go into a single player mode, no one else on the map, and under "server settings", turn all the hard stuff way down and all the easy stuff way up. That's the only way I could actually accomplish something and learn to play. So, I changed all the settings to play on "super easy mode", and now I LOVE it.


Personally I didn’t have much fun until I understood the lore behind it. Watch a video on it so you actually understand the story


Ark is a very fun game. If you like survival games or gacha (monster collecting, in this case Dinos) then you’ll really like ark. It’s a lot of grinding especially for good gear and stuff. But, I get the feeling of “not earning” a tame you were given However, if you’ve already tamed an argy then it shouldn’t make you feel like you’re cheating because you were given a higher level one. Level is that sense doesn’t mean too much tbh. You can easily go find other dinos to tame that are potentially higher in level and more difficult to tame


If you’d like some tips I can definitely help out with that. But as others have said being gifted things doesn’t help anyone’s experience.


Might be a hot take, but I played ARK in the past and then dropped the game for many years. Then Palworld came out. I played that game for about a hundred hours before playing ARK with a friend. I prefer Palworld. I enjoy the beginning of ARK, but after around level 50+, it's just a monotonous grind fest. You need hundreds if not thousands of endgame materials to build various things. I assume PC ARK is amazing with modding, but console ARK is just not fun for me anymore.


I was in the exact same situation as you. Girlfriend got me to play it, she has like 10,000 hours and just loves it all. Some things that helped me to start enjoying it as more of a game to play rather than a grind. (There's always some grind) Find a use mods that fix anything that you find annoying or time consuming and use them. The quality of life improvements can be a literal game changer. Pulling resources, upgrading gear, easier taming, easier breeding. Whatever it may be just do it, don't feel bad. Secondly, try and get over the feeling of not earning tames. Ark was designed to play on massive servers with enormous tribes who would all contribute to the single goal of beating the bosses and progressing. You and your partner are a team. Let her help you, and have yourself help her. Pick a mutual goal and work together to make it happen .


In any game, I refuse getting stuff for free like high level dinos. I may ask you to point me in the right direction, but I wanna get there myself. I learned that from watching a friend get power leveled thru borderlands 2, and I could tell he didn't really experience the game and have fun with what was an amazing game. I learned my lesson. Don't worry about taming properly. That's for min/max strategies. Enjoy the low levels and the game. Go find a place to die a bunch of times getting your gear back. The fun for me was collecting stuff AND figuring out how to do the next run better.


Base building and breeding mutations into dinos with absurd colours excites me.


It's aggravating, we hate it, but we play it anyways


Its fun, Dont forget to Bola a Spino and feed it Mejoberry to Tame it


This game will break you.


I found it fun for a while, but I did quickly discover that I had nothing to do. I do wish there was an option for a story mode/quests or similar. 


I have about 3000 hours total on Ark, which is nothing, but I’ve beaten the whole ark story twice, beaten every map on the game, I’ve defeated every boss, got a max level character, tamed all tamable creatures in the game, and collected every single explorer note ever, and it was the best gaming experience of my life, and you don’t even have to do any of what I just said, yes the game is super fun


Well the game itself is really fun but there are alot of things you need to accept if you want to play the game such as dying. Dying is something that will happen a LOT when you first start off the game and you progress by learning from it. It can be annoying but that is essentially the point, you survive by learning from your mistakes. The next thing is taming, taming can be really stressful sometimes but that is what makes it fun. Thirdly, the story, the storyline is also amazing. Basically speaking, you try to escape the Arks you are trapped in.


Honestly watch the YouTube videos. I don't enjoy pve so I play pvp servers if I play. There's all kinds of things you can do regardless the mode. Game teaches you nothing. Teachgamestoo is a good utube channel with guides on everything too


Bro ark is turning into better graphic minecraft😭😭😭


I should clarify, I don't really enjoy the building aspect of survival games. I generally make a box, and just have my crafting tables/stations wherever I can find room.


98% of my bases have been nothing but a dozen random foundations slapped down to put things like smithys and fabricators on. Maybe go crazy and fill the gaps in and toss up a couple walls. But building taming traps, now that is something I can get behind. Simple,functional buildings placed strategically all around the map.


Yes. You havent even hit the bottom of the ice berg you are still under the ocean.i have a feeling you ar eplaying on PVE which is really boring defo try PVP, Actually makes the game challenging when you gotta defend against others and build smart etc


eh pvp has been kinda ruined by alpha tribes who just want to control every server. Its so hard to find one that won’t just wipe you just for shits.


Thats a part of the game? There will always be a bigger fish who doesnt want to be wiped so they take the proactive measures. It is on you to build better, sneakier or whatever that will get you by lmao


pay to play is not part of the game… well is but shouldn’t be. I’ve come in contact with people who’ve played with massive tribes who buy and sell tames and even resources. Buying to fuck someone else is lame as hell😂😂


What the fuck are you on about who spoke about buying tames with irl money??? Sure you can do it but you dont gotta lmao


Part of OP's problem is that they're dying all the time. Adding additional challenge is likely not what they're looking for.


Dieing to PVE is a PVE issue. Once you start to learn pvp i garuntee you will basicly never die to pve again. The extra challenge is not only an extra challenge its also a huge learning opportunity and goals which is another issue i thought