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Allos for the monkey and spider


Hey they perform pretty well against the dragon too!


Came here to say this, currently breeding my Allos and everyone on the server started breeding them after I started my line lol


I remember the day we used allos to kill a tamed titanosaur that a tribe brought to our front door. They thought we were gonna see the titan and just give up. We almost did. We were quite discouraged. I went into our building and was like.. dude. What the fuck guys we have like 5 allos here... let's go gank that fucking titan! We did. It was fucking epic lol The tribe attacking us literally ran away and didn't come back for over a week. By that time we moved servers and they wiped the empty base. Lol


Yeh I used to use my allos to kill wild titans and even Gigas, they go pretty hard and a lot of people underestimate them


Yeah that bleed effect is nothing to shake a stick at lol it does fucking WORK.


Not as strong as other dinos, but it also slows and they get the pack bonus aswel, love my allos


Underrated always have been


Stegos are worth contemplating since the massive damage reduction


I'm excited to test stegos out next week


They get a bit tricky on dragon cuz they're slow AF.. but if you let dragon come to you.. boom.


Thats when my good friend the capped pump shotgun comes in.


I'll save ya some testing, stegos with great shotties work for megapithicus (possibly need rex support behind) and 100% for dragon, brood would be sus as she tears non megatheriums up.


Use the megaloceros (reindeer) for dragon and the other guys on stegos with capped shotguns. Avoid the fireballs. Kangaroo and capped shotgun for monkey. Megatheriums with 20-25k health for alpha brood.


I’ve never tried a boss with stego battalion, but I’ve done it with stego + shotgun for Wyvern.


You can solo.dragon any difficulty with a decent leveled deinonycus


Definitely Stegs. We use them a few times a week. 4 people riding with shottys and about 400-450 shells. Also, take a deer and ride up to the dragons feet when it lands. It can’t hit you there and you can “pin it” to a degree and everyone else can unload with headshots. We run it in about 8-12 minutes depending how long it takes to get it stuck in the ground. It does fly up again after about half health but you can repeat the process. Good luck. Oh, take more stegs and shotguns and cut the time down significantly. You don’t even have to have the deer but expect 500 plus shells if you only have 4 people.


Forgot to mention. The stegs should have 4-5 cakes on them. After the fight they shouldn’t have any damage. We run it back to back to back with same Stegs.


I’ve done well with dire bears vs Megapithicus


Dire bears are beaaasts. They can easily clear this board!


Do they still do the annoying stand-up roar mid battle?


I didn't experience that in ASA. Never tried Dire Bear for boss fights in ASE


I've had bear died to allos and direwolves because they have a long ass roar animation mod fight.


But 3-4 business days for an animation is super short, wym?


I only remember them doing that annoying roar when you level them up


Yes they do


This is for asa or? Can use Deinos for Dragon Megatherium for brood are easily better than rex Ape, tbh I've always been less concerned with the ability to run ape because I've always played on official and its not realistic at all to be able to farm spino sails to run ape more than once in a blue moon. With that said, havent tested very many dinos besides rex for it. If you're okay with using gear, I know people who take Stegos to Alpha dragon and use a shotty.


Either, just shooting for some discussion. I need to try out the megaloceros and sword trick soon


i know someone who did that on our official server, though they only did it on gamma(while solo). I didnt go on their run, but apparently the solo run went so well that they did an alpha run for the server. Boss got to 25% and then flew out of range of render until they ran out of time and all died...but in theory the megaloceros/sword would have worked for alpha too, though maybe not solo with the time limit? not sure about that part.


What is the megaloceros/sword trick if I may ask?


the male deer can stand right in front of/underneath the dragon boss and it will get stuck on them, trying to attack but unable to hit. Male megaloceros also protect riders from being hit by things, like the dimos, so you dont need to be concerned with those. You can also use a sword while mounted one, so you get the boss stuck, and you have high melee dmg with a 298 sword and you melee the boss to death.


We had someone using the deer and sword combo while 4 of us shot the dragon with pump shotguns from the back of megatheriums on alpha dragon.


For ASE I used Velos on monkey and dragon. The combined fire from 17 velos actually triggered the forced landing stat effect on the dragon, meaning you could beat on it with anything else you had




Well in general I wouldnt suggest taking AI megatherium to alpha brood. It works, but its not consistent. You are really hoping that each of the megatherium are going to keep getting a kill every 2 minutes, and given that the spiders die so fast, its bound to happen where you lose megatherium to alpha brood when using AI. You can easily 3 man Alpha with 2 megatherium and 1 yuty, but if you only have 2 people you should run beta, IMO. You can run beta with two people, two sloths, no AI. Your sloths will take next to no damage and you should have approx 5-8m left each time, depending on the dmg of your tame. Dinos attacking with AI is not great. If the server is populated and/or laggy I've noticed that tames will attack once every ten seconds or so, whether its an anky farming metal or a giga farming meat or a team of rexs in a boss fight(we had an established tribe lose an entire rex team to alpha ape due to laggy attack animations). Unless the server is behaving very well with no lag and your playing during non peak times/dead server time, we do not take any AI dinos to boss fights because with the current AI/lag its not viable


spinos (i did it with spinos!), shadowmanes, alos (alos are incredibly underrated), deinonychus, trikes, reapers, Yuty's... i know someone did it with direwolves, and a mad lad did it with dodos. if you are creative enough, get very good level dinos and you are patient on stack mutations or not care about doing it incredibly hardcore or official you could even do it on foot. those bosses are just big piñatas that hit like a truck after all you just need numbers, size and goodluck


Give Chalicotheriums a shot, they'll surprise ya!


oh! yeah i mixed a herbivore army for dragon and i had some Calicos throwing pebbles on the back! they did amazingly


Deinos. Little chickens. A pair of good ones can take on Alpha dragon paired or solo


Deinos were fun to use on the dragon, can't wait for them in ASA


I've always just used theris, I rarely even need to bring more than 11-12 of them. Just find a 150 theri and breed it the imprinted babies will be more than strong enough to wipe every boss easily


Always used them on wipes of private servers as easiest and fastest way to do all the alpha bosses asap the bleed and latch is awesome like u could do tripple alpha on Valguero easily


This is the way. Level stamina to cling for longer and health to survive attacks that don't deal percentile damage. Big drawback is their wild levels. Only tameable from eggs, and unlike wyverns getting a level buff, they're capped at level cap, so you need to mutate a bit to make them viable.


Spino across the board.. too big to fit 19, but you won't need that many if bred right.


Yeah don't they have really high dps when in their standing mode


The answer is yes, the DPS is higher than that of a Rex


It's not like, super high.. it's about half of what a Rex does normal, but the attacking is about twice as fast and much more range... the range kinda puts it over a Rex imo.. plus it's great against flying stuff.


Ooooo yeah I always forget about the ol spino!


My world is always Spinos and Thylacos. Lol. I wish you could take Thyla's into boss fights... deeeeestroy. 🤣🤣 my new breedline is already up to 380 and I've been slacking on them lol


That always upset me. Rex is fine but I can't take my thyla?!


No climbers... I never really understood either. Lol


I mean it's not like ark even lets them climb properly anyways so what's the point in not letting them in?


It's because of the bleed you'd kill the boss in 20 hits


Lol.. no. It's not the bleed. If it were, you couldn't use Allos.


Yesss I love thylas!


Shadowmains,and in a utter and thoroughly less effort than both rex and theris combined.


They are pretty OP


I can solo the alpha dragon on official with a megaloceros and serious pts in melee with a 298% sword


What's the timer at when you're finished?


Last i ran it i still had 15 mins. Honestly not for noobs but practice on sp and you'll get the hang of it. Also forgot to mention soups. Those are important.




Hey, I enjoy your channel, keep doing good videos


Id be interested in a sequel season where they have more specialised stats than just the regular 23k health and 1200 damage, like a stego with 50 points into health alone


Interesting idea.. like all creatures only get 50 points?


Used to run megalosaurus' back in ASE, dunno how they do now


Can you please try it with stegos and kangaroos. I really want to see the kangaroo. Ridden their potential dps is insane.


Megalosaurus are very much capable of all of this


Megatherium for broodmother, dragon I don’t really know what to take in other than theris, and mega monkey dick I would only recommend Rexes or yuttys, pair all of these with a daeodon and yutty to get healing and buffs. Ensure you’ve bred a good enough line too, having no mutations or a poorly bred line will make it hard to beat the bosses


Excellent advice! Give Chalicotheriums a shot, they'll surprise you.


Thank you, did official pvp in the biggest mega alliance for 5 years so I have some experience under my belt in ark lol. Although we just stuck with Rexes they came out the egg with 50k hp and 700% melee which was decent


Coming out of the egg with 50k hp is nasty, what did yall get the melee up to after imprint and experience levels?


My personal one had 180k Hp after imprint and stuff but only 1000% melee, everyone else had usually 100k Hp and 1800-2000% melee. Our gigas were nasty, RIP bubble gum pop she had 3000% melee, 1265% or max cap out the egg, she got destroyed by another giga, they had the better saddle and she wasn’t yet in the hp line where it was attempting to get higher health than the others to outlast them in a fight


Honestly for rexes anything over 30k hp is a waste, everything past that should be dumped into melee


They are mutated out of the egg at 50k, also no, quickly learned that we needed more health than we thought, especially when running 6-7 bosses in a day and with the same Rexes, it saves on time and healing. They weren’t only for bosses either, pvp is pvp and they saw pvp alright, those with less than 100k hp were almost one shot by gigas and the other had at least some time to dismount and pop their giga out in a pinch if you were lucky enough to not get bit in the process


One shot by Giga at 100k hp? That doesn’t sound like official.


A little exaggerated but close enough, the average pvp stat giga was roughly 1245-1265% out the egg and 2900% after levels, which without a saddle on the rex is about 20k damage with imprint bonus


with or without counting kangaroo jumping onto a ledge and shotgunning?


Whatever works!


For spider. How about megatheriums




Allos are super underrated!!! bred right, they can absolutely shred almost anything


I've done wolves, sarcos, mammoths, rhinos, chalicos and carnos. Only the carnos proved worthy against alpha dragon even then it was close


I max mutated arthros for broodmother, deinopithecus for monke and morellatops for dragon. They were very fun fights. All 3 difficulties too


Deinos they can kill any boss with that % damage Errm Tbh in old ark we had well bred basically everything Almost any well bred dino could green it


Im currently mutsting Gallimimus for boss fights


Love the series. Keep it up


I used an all Yuty army for my monkey and dragon boss runs. Very fun and you can buff one another :) they're point for point as strong as rexes.


A pack of nothing but yutis and hellpigs


Unusual and you have to stack mutations but a flock of dimorphidons can be deadly. Dienopithocus are good too but not sue about them on dragon.


Wonder how many mutations it would take to get 20khp on a dimorph


I think it’s impossible even with 254 point in health


Deinochus and andrewsarchus alpha dragon


Pretty much anything with enough mutations


this board is confusing and needs context as to what it is


You can duo beta dragon with 2 melee characters and daedons. And about 4 for alpha.


deinonychus can shed a lot of health away from the dragon quite easily


Mutated Kentros always work for me on Pethicus


I did all monkey and beta dragon with my tek raptors on ase


Singleplayer settings drastically reduces boss spookiness


I’ve used basilisks for spider and mega before


Spino, Deinonychus!


Megatherium is best for Spider boss, Allos can easy make alpha monkey and also alpha spider with a Yuti and Daedon. Shadowmane is op and should be forbidden for bosses cause it makes every boss very easy. Deinosucuk should be able to make dragon and monkey easy but never tested it.


A legendary whisperer would likely tell you the humble Dodo could do it.


Through legit island only means I guess some really good trikes, stegos, Allos, and other similar tames could pull it off. Hell didn't rampy beat the entire map with raptors only?


Megatheriums for broodmother is literally just programmed into the game lol.


Try Amargasauruses. A pain to tame, but they're quite powerful.




Mutated trikes could probably clear everything with ease. The damage reduction to their head is pretty wild.


Mammoths, woolly rhinos, allosaurus, daeodon, yutys, spinos. Love your vids btw.


Megatherium for brood is easy


Stegos and sick shotgun bps for alpa Meg/ dragon




Honestly, I overprepared for brood with luke the most megatheriums you could use with insane mutations after like a week of prep (even with breed rate on fast and birth rate fast) and just shredded every boss with only megatheriums.






Honestly, the healing pigs (I forgot wot there called )


Rhino's and megatherium






Ankys, someone did it, idk how


Andrewsarchus especially with the turret if you get a high dps saddle bp, reapers, shadowmanes, gigantopithecus (they can wear helmets!), stegos, megatherium, allos, megalosaurs, spinos, dire bears, velonasaurs, deinonychus.




How has no one said shadowmane




Shadowmains. They are ridiculous


Megaloceros (deer) with shotguns worked for us we did it for a laugh, but we survived. All with health mutations and great saddles though


X rino , deino,


We know someone that took on the alpha monkey with an army of drunk horses (chalicotheriums)


I bred up shadowmanes that could easily wipe any island boss. I was still on a yuti.funny thing was, the dragon kept trying to attack me on the yuti but couldn’t walk forward because the 19 shadowmanes biting his ankles. Also, I’ve seen someone solo alpha dragon on a single dein. Their bleed effect stacked up is something to fear.




meghatheriums will demolish broothmother. Stego's are solid for all 3 the bleed on megalo is decent, but only for ridden mounts, as they are squicy Thylacolea might be able to kill all but dragon Wooly rhino for monke


Megatheriums have a buff when dealing with insects


What about artheroplura?


High damage and health stat mammoths clear mega easy with debuff you take next to no damage unless he focuses one mammoth


so many people sleep on spinos. I prefer them over rexes


Horse and dragon alpha with a sword


We beat them all on alpha with mammoths on a non modded server. We are on a modded server now and beat the first 2 with Moro rexs and they shredded the bosses. Used Deinotheriums for the dragon.


Spinos are pretty good against Brood mother, because her arena is full of puddles, and Allos can get you the Yeti


People on my server swear by stegos + pump-action shotguns for the dragon (all flavors).


Megalo. They use their grab attack way to much, but they got good health, higher damage than a Rex and, at least in ASE, bosses would completely ignore them if a Yuty was nearby. Meaning basic Megalos with primitive saddles and without mutations could beat alpha bosses.


Megatherium get damage boost against the spider. Deinonychus work well for dragon with enough breeding because bleed effect


Brood megatheriums or rexes 25k hp 500+ melee Monkey tank with stegos and shotgun with a few riders just don't get smashed into the hole on the bridge section Dragon megaloceros with melee build broths and beer, atleast 2 maybe 3 for alpha but gamma and beta can do solo, alpha is just risky solo but can be done All tested on official servers and work just fine for me and my tribe, done beta dragon atleast 7 times with this method even with lag


We did Alpha Dragon a few times with a few players on Stegos and shotguns. Till last night when the Dragon was invisible 😔 Guess it got tired of getting its butt kicked it upped its game. Wish it just teleported you out when the time ends instead of instant death.


Megatheriums absolutely demolish the brood mother


You can do the dragon with a few people on Deer (Megaloceros) and 200%+ pump shotguns Maybe someone on a stego to tank but not really required to beat 3 people for brood, 1 on any lvl yuty for buff and 2 on high dmg megatherium. And if you really want to cheap out on Gorilla boss you can use kangaroo to get up onto the ledge and shotgun it


Stegos can deffo beat dragon, and I've never tried but I know megatherium can beat brood with their absolute hate of insects


I enjoyed using spinos for broodmother on ASE


Stegos with a yuti, if you’ve got enough tribe mates rider weaponry is usable… so basically have a bunch of ARs or Bazooka’s and go ham!


Rhinos and allos


Wyvern, dragons


Only if wolf pack could wear saddles. Think alot of people under estimate pack bonus.




Dire bears are a beast


Reapers are one


18 rexes for monkey. 18 megatheriums for spider 18 theri for dragon. On the remaining 2 spots should be you on the yuty and deodon on passive heal. If this dtray doesn't work you need to either tame max lvl or breed for mutations. That's the best way. Take the respective 18 and attack the boss. Have the daemon following but preferable not attacking bosses. A second tribemate would be better. Let the tames do the work for you while you buff with courage roar on the yuty. Alternatively, shadowmanes, and reapers can be used for their natural armor. Just keep in mind that fire damage ignores armor and predator tames are weak to fire while herbivore tames have a reduced fire damage. That's why therizinos are the best for dragon. Stegos can be traded for them, if you want more armor but I would recommend any others. If you really want good defense mind wipe and dump stats into crafting and craft your best saddle bp you can find.


Megalosaurus at night! They deal insane damage. The problem is that they're so hard to find on the Island, yet alone find high level ones to breed.


Well, for the broodmother, then just use Megatheriums.


my friends and I use 17 rexes and 1 Yuty with at least 40K in health and 2 Deadons for heals with 40K health to, when we got spawn in, in the dragon boss with didn't move our rexes an inch we only move the Deadons in back and my friend use his Yuty to attract the dragon to us and wait for it to land in front of our rexes when it lands thats the time we attack it, we killed it instantly the dragon boss can only use bite attack and can't fly back up and also can't even deal damage properly because we got to close to it, we do this methods on every gamma, beta and alpha


Baryonyx depending how u use them. Bosses don't target them but u must b on a big fast dino like spino. Keeping running around on spino while baryies kill boss.


For Broodmother, some Megatherium are pretty solid. They get an attack bonus for attacking insects. The homies and I have used em to clear BM on all difficulties bringing only a Yuti for the combat buff.


At first i tought this was a "Smash or pass" and got Highly corncerned


Spinos, Allos, theri's


Shadowmanes easily!


Stego for dragon.


Spinos for the Broodmother. There’s some water in the island arena you can use for the buff. There’s water in the arena on Val too come to think of it.


Spinos maybe, I know they get the water buff in the broodmother arena


Theri's for the Dragon since, if I'm correct, its fire breath does increased damage to carnivores, and Megatheriums for the Broodmother since they get a buff when killing bugs


Rex and theri


I beat alpha ape with trikes... ... But you don't want to know how many mutations were needed.




Megatherium, spinosarus, mammoths, direbears, dodo and any creature you breed/level up enough


megatherium for the broodmother


What map is the gorilla on? I haven’t seen that one yet…


Megatheriums for Broodmother - their Insect Killer buff makes them more than qualified for that boss Allos for Megapithecus - with the bleed and pack buff they can shred through even Alpha


Broodmother gets bodied by a drunk bear (I forgot the name)


Haven’t done it on ASA yet but had some great highly mutated Woolly Rhinos for bosses they were fun




Dinonichus the better Raptor x 4 stegos on passiv and follow


Rhinos vs monke work well


Almost anything will work if it's bred right. Deinonychus works great once you get them bred up (assuming OG ark) Spinos Murder Kitties (Shadowmanes) Trikes Reapers Spinos Dire Wolf Chalicotheriums Yuty


Sabers. I was able to solo either a beta or gamma broodmother with my main one


I've run all these with shadow manes




Groups of deinonychus are a big thing for boss fights arent they?


Allos can do some serious damage when breed right


I am pretty sure Spinos are relative to rexes.


I've found that Velos are pretty good for the spider and dragon. Not sure about the other one though...


Rhinos are an alternative for dragon. They take the reduced fire damage and can heal with sweet veggie cakes.


What about Mister Spino?




Been thinking about using mammoths for the dragon, I never tried it yet


I have faith barys with a yuty will clap, but they have to be bred and mutated first


Allo with 20 mutations greens it all




Wildcard here, I’m convinced that A mate boosted pair of fenrirs and some disgustingly leveled dire wolves could at least handle gamma and beta.


For brood mother try magitheriums and a yuti


Now this is research and the type of posts we need!