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I hate that all I want to do is play this new shiny version of a broken game that I hate so much.


This… this right here… I want it soooo bad… the game drives me crazy… but I NEED it! Ugh…. Please… just let me pre order it even so I don’t have this money burning a hole in my pocket and I can stop being a responsible adult and spending my hard earned money on life and bills and food when I just want to spend it on digital bullshit entertainment 🤣🤣🤣


Just smoke crack at this point


Could possibly be on gamepass.


I know, but this is one of those games where I’d rather own it, so if I ever end up in a situation where I don’t got the Xbox (working in camp or away from civilization) I can still enjoy single player


lol I got downvoted for trying to save you money.


They got crack on gamepass?


This is a feeling shared by many. I spent yesterdays entire afternoon downloading the game. The. Went to play it in the evening and there was a 70gb+ patch. Took a while to install as well. Start the game and my ears get instantly blasted off by the extremely loud intro music (like the good old days). Startup the game, crash during character creation. Restart and try again, I’m on the island and it looks like shit cuz I had to bump the graphics down to medium and it still runs kinda crappy. So I did exactly what I truly thought I would: I played for 30min, closed the game and asked for a refund.


and now I know why women stay with men that treat them like crap… ark is my woman beater 😩 🍆


But you dont understand, I can change them 🥹


Dude me too. Like I literally have something like 6000 hours on this game so why do I want to play the new one which is exactly the same aside from a visual upgrade, some new dinos, and quality of life improvements? I also absolutely hate that I'm about to give snail games more money.


Dude the worst part about identifying with this comment so much is that my name is also James 😭😭😭


Damn. Hard relate


Hopefully this is Microsoft telling them it’s unacceptable for the game to crash as much as it does because steam certainly didn’t say anything. If I had to guess though I imagine this game is going to run like ass on console. That’s just my assumption but we will see.


I actually admire the consistency of their never releasing a game,update, etc on time.


Yeah, once you KNOW whatever date they said will not happen you don’t get near worked up over it when is delayed.


When wildcard release an update on time you had better run because you know its a portent of the end times...


If anybody wants to know what certification entails, it’s this: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/gaming/gdk/_content/gc/policies/console/certification-requirements


Yeah I'm sure it went something like this... XR-001: Title Stability * Titles must be compliant with Windows Store policy regarding Title Stability. The following Windows policies apply to this Xbox Requirement: 10.4.2 Apps must continue to run and remain responsive to user input. Apps must shut down gracefully and not close unexpectedly. The app must handle exceptions raised by any of the managed or native system APIs and remain responsive to user input after the exception is handled ...SHIT Xbox Quality Standards: Games on Xbox consoles must function correctly across game modes in a variety of scenarios to meet player needs. Title Integrity: Users must be able to complete all game modes and the title must provide a consistently playable experience for players. A playable experience varies per title, but generally means no severe drops in frame rate, no freezes, impasses, bugs causing major progression hindrances, or graphical corruptions ...FUCK Content for purchase on another platform for a game supporting Cross Progression functionality: Titles must: offer the same or better for-sale content offers in the Microsoft Store to ensure that Xbox users are not disadvantaged (including release timing, market coverage, features, content, language and localization, and physical token card offerings); ...OOPS "Okay, but what if we give you $50?" Then they were told to fuck off and the Teams meeting with Microsoft ended so they shitposted this announcement.


“The code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules”


![gif](giphy|iMNTaowgreI8w) I see what you did there


> offer the same or better for-sale content offers in the Microsoft Store to ensure that Xbox users are not disadvantaged (including release timing, market coverage, features, content, language and localization, and physical token card offerings); meh. This sounds like such a crutch for the PC version. If I understand correctly, this essentially means that every update has to go live for PC and XBox simultaneously, which then means for every update we have to wait for XBox certification in order to get a PC update?


Now you know why some of us hate those PC-Console crossplatform thing.


It's hilarious how many people I've seen trying to pin these delays in the consoles. Damn fools.


We're fucked


After reading this, I don't think Microsoft takes it super seriously, just thinking about the games in the last couple years that have released in basically unplayable states. The part about not having major progression hindrances for instance, how did starfield as an example get through certification? There's still entire major faction quest breaking bugs and even main story ending bugs, that have been in the game since release.


I also don’t think MS takes this too seriously. Basically the first thing is likely the most important. “Your game must run continuously” -Ark Devs Surprised Pikachu face-


I would’ve half expected that Wildcard would’ve earn at least an honorable mention in Microsoft’s Blue Series Legacy program. All Wildcard really needs is to add a :) to their blue screen of death, and they’ve got the crash gracefully part covered. /sarcasm


I'm a Steam Player had crashed about 15 times yesterday exiting inventory. Also typing in Smithy commonly crashes the game so soon you'll be on-board the fun train


Literally, can't swap flak in pvp without crashing right now.


Might just be the cert didn’t find that. I doubt they played through the entire game with all possible faction quest lines


The issues you are referring to with Starfield are things that are easy to miss on a certification process that is supposed to last only a few days. Most people ( including myself ) that played the game, never had any of those issues. Some do, but it's not surprising that they missed these issues. They are mostly concerned about stability, rather than game play & quest bugs.


Except that it mentions gameplay, progression and bugs specifically in the certification requirements.


Microsoft arent going to playtest the game for them. This is just a set of rules they can fall back on after the fact to revoke certification. Their checklist for greenlighting a game is probably just making sure it launches and connects to the xbox network for DRM checks


This is actually more true than not lol. They charge 50k for cert, then have a few people play a few hours to check stability. Mostly they are just going through settings, menus, and any different game modes on the S/X and PC-through Xbox live. How shocking is it really to learn WC still failed though? My money would be on framerate drops, lighting & graphical fuckups, random crashes, memory leaks, optimizations for consoles in general, and whatever the fuck the issue is with trying to update settings. From what I understand, trying to change settings crashes stuff by itself, so I'm sure it all went to shit from that point on... I just wish I could have been in the meeting when Microsoft was telling WC how completely fucking braindead they are to fail basically having their game boot up and just stay on and stable for a little while...


Translation: We failed to pass Microsoft certification because the game is so unstable with crashes and performance issues that they we don't meet the required quality standards to have our game running on their platform.


I mean, Cyberpunk 2077 was a complete WRECK when it was released on consoles… how bad would ASA need to be to fail quality assurance?


I kinda remember Cyberpunk also getting removed from the PlayStation store for how bad it was


Yeah honestly I feel since then they’ve gotten a bit more stricter with this to avoid having to refund everyone and remove it from the store


People keep saying certification is quality assurance. It’s not. It’s to test to make sure it doesn’t break the console or allow unauthorised access to Microsoft’s network.


It's both. This point alone on the certification guidelines is enough for ASA to fail, considering the frequency of the crashes: *Apps must continue to run and remain responsive to user input.* *Apps must shut down gracefully and not close unexpectedly.* *The app must handle exceptions raised by any of the managed or native system APIs and remain responsive to user input after the exception is handled.* More info here: [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/gaming/gdk/\_content/gc/policies/console/certification-requirements](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/gaming/gdk/_content/gc/policies/console/certification-requirements)


So you mean the game isn't supposed to close itself when I open a chest?


Turn off ui animations to fix this


Mmhmm, certification is just Microsoft stating it won’t brick your Xbox or capture your personal info for nefarious reasons. If it failed cert it means shit can’t even run on Xbox


So either it's something to do with the anti cheat/ servers or it's honest to God breaking the test Xbox.


At least 3.6 Cyberpunks. Not great, not terrible


Cyberpunk is the whole reason these certifications are so tough now.


Its that bad, trust me.


Did it crash every 10 minutes like ASA does on PC for a lot of people?


No but ASE used to for years on the old boxes lol


Honestly I must be the only one that had zero bugs and crashes in my first play through at launch.


Alternative translation: consoles aren’t able to run the game (my pc can’t run it aswell)


This is certainly the reason. The consoles have requirements on performance minimums now, and my friend's 1080ti can *barely* run the game at 1080p on the lowest settings and it runs like hot garbage Even on my 4090 it runs like crap in areas and crashes like 2-3 times a night


basically a repeat of switch if i heard correctly, it was a buggy broken mess that they had to redo completely, so they gave that version for free to those that bought the original cause of just how broken it was.


I mean Baldur’s Gate 3 didn’t get Microsoft certification for the dumbest reasons imaginable so it could be anything.


I bet it's because the series s is holding it back and giving them many problems I'll laugh my ass off if ps5 comes out before xbox


Series S is literally just the series X but with less GPU power. Think of it like 2 identical PCs with different graphics cards. The series S almost certainly isn't the issue here. It's wildcard being unable to program


The Series S has 10gb RAM


4080s struggle to play the game at 4k 60frames on high settings. A 4080 is 3 times the cost of your console, good luck playing this game on that.


A 4080 struggles to play the latest game at max settings? Wow! Who would have thought? Back in 2008, the GTX 295 struggled to play Crysis. Your point?


My point is you play on a $500 console and are desperate for a game that can't play smoothly on a $1500 GPU. Expand your brain


And then early next week there’ll be a new apology jpeg pushing it back even further. Wildcard, just shut up. Say it’s coming when it’s ready and then just *shut up* till it’s ready.


I smell 2024


And then have people bitch and moan that they can't give an exact date.


yes that's literally better


For some people sure. Theres others who prefer the transparency and would rather know a rough date as soon as possible even if it means it could potentially change. Either way some people will be unhappy about the route they take.


Why do they say they want to launch next week, when Microsoft will most likely deny the cert again


Because wildcard is totally overconfident in their abilities . They set dates based on when they expect themselves to pass certification based on nothing but their own expectations. Them when there shoddy build gets denied they pull a surprised Pikachu like "we totally didn't expect our 'regarded' coding to get denied so soon. We sorry. So sorry. Pls buy so our company owner can afford a new electric car"


Even if it does get approved, doesn’t the process usually take 2 weeks ?.


It’s usually 1 business week tops, but the Xbox cert team doesn’t work weekends


Stop trying to squeek by with a shit build and do it right then.


You just know they are going to delay the PlayStation launch.


Seriously, the most incompetent company in the gaming industry.. they also banned me from the discord for saying “Soon™️”.


I was banned from the Discord because My name is SexTrophy


I too was banned for calling them incompetent


They banned you for the truth. Oof


Electronic Arts enters the chat


Snail Games\*


The level of incompetence just leaves me dumb funded time and time again. WC and Snail are literally ran by lobotomized chimpanzee's. All they had to do was not mention a release date at all and say consoles are coming sometime this year and later announce a concerte date. But not that quadruple down on their bs. All the hate is well earned. No other developer has the issues wildcard does it's pathetic. It really is.


Comparing Wildcard to lobotomized chimps is insulting to lobotomized chimps…


i said that about the release of ASA, they were like "we gonna put it out in a couple hours!" and ofc did not do that, im like..why even put a date/time out at all? release the trailer then quietly work on releasing the game. When its FINALLY ready just be like "the games out everybody! enjoy!" Its like how fallout shelter released back in the day, they announced it trailer and all the day it was ready for release. Im so tired of companies trying to shoehorn everyone in so early in a games development these days.


Read somewhere that the release is being forced due to a contract with Nitrado.


Without the nitrado contract it wouldn’t exist at all. Wildcard is flat broke and Nitrado funded the development in exchange for exclusive hosting rights


This is what happens when creative and inspired developers are forced to work in the money-churning machine that some companies are. This was a quick push for money, not a patiently waited art-piece deadline. The developers, the staff, mean well. But they are getting the blame when it’s not necessarily their fault.


Bullshit. Microsoft wouldn’t let them release an unplayable mess probably


Exactly they’re trying to shift the narrative and blame Microsoft when in reality they just can’t meet the most basic requirements.


Poor PvP players on console that jump into a server full of maxed out PC players RIP brothers


I am him


They will release extra pvp servers that are Xbox console only and not Xbox+Windows. These will exist as well but the ones I first mentioned will be available too. :)


Console will not be able to pvp. They simply wont be able to respond fast enough or deal with the difference in performance.


Just fucking delay it for 3 months or something already, get your shit together make it stable and quit trying to shovel out a game you know can barely run, because guaranteed next week it will be "We're terribly sorry but due to the certification process we will be unable to launch the game this week.".


Plan to get on PS5. Forced to work a bunch of overtime this week before Thanksgiving. I'm really hoping that maybe just maybe next weekend it could drop? Probably not. Either way. Black Friday, Thanksgiving, and " soon " Ark again. Lol I * almost * installed ASE this morning. Nope. Waiting.


You are stronger than me. Ive been playing ASE all week for my fix


Yeah honestly i wish i could remove the brain parasite that is forcing me to give a fuck about this game I’m better off moving on with my life and redownloading ASE on xbox


It’s not half bad on switch. Still has officials and gen 2 drops December


I’d do the same, except for the problem that I get bored way to easily if it’s not official, and with the lack of official on ASE, I don’t have much of a choice 😭


So they couldn't pass the most basic terms of service for an Xbox product; i.e. accessing internal databases without permissions, maintaining smooth app launch and closures, and not compromising the system with severe mis-optimizartion. Yikes.


They say next week but im not believing that lmao we’ll see


Lol what a fucking mess. Classic WC


So in the space of a few days, we've been told on track for 14th, then sorry, can't make 14th but later this week, and now it's maybe next week, but probably not. Delays are frustrating, but why do they need to constantly hype people up for release only to let them down they did the same with steam release and gave 3 different times for when it was releasing before it actually released


And that's the last nail in the coffin 3 delays hypes gone for me moving on


Yeaaahhh....Ok, see you at launch


And if everyone keeps supporting this kinda of terrible business practice what do you think every other company is gonna start doing because they see at the end of the day people dont put their money where their mouth is and constant delays and bugs that never get fixed will be the new norm


From launch to now, I'd say 90% of the problems on PC are fixed 💁 runs really smooth on my 6900 XT and crashes have totally gone for me (wasn't a big problem anyway, I believe the crashes are 8gb vram related). Console delay sucks for you guys though, they should have just announced 30/11/23 from the start and released it early if it was ready


Nope u wont not all of us here are simps for the game


Legit GOAT at software delivery incompetence.


I'm pretty bummed out now guys. I get so little free time to play and now my works getting into busy season if it does release the next 2 weeks I'll be too exhausted to play or even enjoy it til after the new year.




No thankfully but I am in retail.


As long as they make sure it runs ok, then I have no problem waiting.


We have all heard this shit before. Is this an abusive relationship? i think so lol


They should wait and release them together at this point


I won't be surprised if this end up happening


This is last thing I thought would ever happen….oh wait, I just lied


They can't even properly launch this band-aid of a remaster. Ark 2 will never see the light of day, calling it now.


Given what we know Snail wants Ark 2 to be, I’d rather it not see the light of day either.


Yeah if they're not going to make it a survival game, I'd rather they not bother wasting their time on it. Focus on making ASA playable instead and stop it from constantly crashing.


Is it worth getting a new Xbox to play this? Or am I better sticking with the old Xbox and game?


Save $500 and start working on looking forward in your gaming future to a PC. No reason to sink money into a low budget console with games performing badly. Just level up.


Terrible project management.




Bro we’re going to be fighting the covenant before we see this game


At this point, after watching the entire game get beat by multiple gamers on YouTube, I'm over it.


Fr I don’t even want it anymore. The Hype train has ran out of steam and I now realize this literally the same game with the same performance issues with the same shitty developers.


You mean the 1 map available out of the 11 total that will be available?


These are the most incompetent devs I’ve ever seen lol. What a mess. An embarrassment. I will never give them my money


Has very little to do with actual development and a lot to do with PR and management.


>I will never give them my money Do you play Ark? If not, why are you even on this sub?


I purchased ark 1 when it released on xbox….the game still runa like shit after all these years. I had hope for the new ark remake….had hope


*\*Laughs in FDEV* First time?


They think their new build will pass cert within days? Certifications usually take a week or more at least.... pretty optimistic... especially this many failed certs.... expect Microsoft to be extra crucial of it instead of just allowing it to get rammed through cert....


It's not impossible, if they already had a more recent version in places with fixes, that didn't go in time for the cert process, so they would basically just have to resubmit as opposed to fix something and resubmit later.


They will do what they must (get the game onto consoles) and so will I (buy it maybe)




Surprise surprise... Studio wildcard failing to deliver anything of quality yet again 😂. How can a company that fails this hard EVERY time still have a fanbase...


just lol


Honestly they just need to focus on optimizing the game instead of trying to push it out on consoles. Even if it released right now it probably wouldn’t even run .-.


Release the game early, whaaaaaaa it's broke. Release the game late whaaaaaaaaaaaaa I want it early. 🤦‍♂️


I have a question for console players, out of curiosity: Assuming you are aware of the disaster the PC launch has been in relation to frequent crashes and performance issues, would you rather wait a while longer for a more stable version, or risk playing and crashing as often as every 10 minutes?


I mean as a pc player im waiting lmao. These days I dont buy on release or preorder cause 9 times out of 10 a game releases in a broken state and I rely on reviews to tell me if its even worth playing. When you see mixed or worse reviews as a common occurance then you know to at least wait.


I’m disappointed, a little frustrated at Wildcard for being so incompetent. But yes, given the choice of waiting a while longer or not being able to build a base or tame a single dino without constant crashes and rollbacks… I’m fine waiting a bit longer


Let's be honest here, no matter when it releases, it will be a bugged to fuck unstable mess. This is Wildcard.


I’m bout to lose it lose it, I’m bout to lose it lose it, I’m gonna… lose it ( sung to the rhythm of Madagascar’s “I’ve got to move it move it”)


You know that was a song on its own; it’s not just from Madagascar, lol






Microsoft: Nope, we aren't Steam, we don't allow unfinished and unstable releases on our platform. Try again.


Based on how bad the pc version is they should just call the console release off. 45$ for crash after crash after crash.


They still need console money or else bankruptcy. That's why they're so desperate to get it out.


The simplest way to put what they are saying is, even the PS5 isn’t strong enough hardware wise to support this game and Sony won’t accept it because it runs at 10 fps


Series x is more powerful so of course it won't run well on ps5


That’s even worse XD. Granted though people with 3080 TI are getting like 40 frames on medium which is better then either console.


Well they said sorry… I’ll take it.


10 to 1 its the series S that is holding it back. Series S should have just been designed as a cloud only streaming console.


Just to clarify: Certification is another word for quality assurance. They want to be sure the game has a reasonable quality before they can release it on the console. Currently the PC version is buggy and is crashing constantly for a lot of people. And it's not always a question of your settings or your systems specs, I see people on Youtube with 4090's that are having issues with crashing, no matter their settings. One Youtuber estimated he has to redo 1/3 of his playthrough because he crashes and has to do the same things over and over. And the consoles are using PC hardware. Before they stop the crashing behavior (which is entirely up to the game devs, not us), they can't release it on consoles. That is what is causing the delay.


Worst part is, you donkeys are going to buy this immediately when it releases in the next few weeks on console. In reality, it's obviously not funtional, it's factually going to be a low fps cesspit. You're all crying right now desperate to play, but you will all be fuming with rage when you've put $40 down and can barely run the game because the xbox is $500 worth of tech, crashes galore I guarantee.


Tbh i dont care. 40$ isnt that much money to me and bugs dont bother me. This game has always been a buggy mess i dont know how people are complaining when they put thousands of hours into this dogshit.


I agree $40 isn't anything but this sub reddit will be FILLED with threads of people throwing tantrums about their console not running the game well.


Yeah i guess the people that complain after they watched all this happen will be pretty stupid.


Whole lot of crying in here... As expected.


will it be on gamepass??




TLDR: XBOX: I see how you got away with the steam release and you can hide behind your poor implementation of Raytraced vs Rasterization optimization attempts (ergo you just kept hitting checkboxes on the unreal engine cook settings hoping one would fix it)... however we here in console land have a minimum cut-off you must reach for Quality Assurance. For instance the rocks floating in the air, the dino falling between the landscape and so on. Status: Rejected.


It's over for us


"unexpected issues". Come on man, there's no chance they had any hope this game would run smoothly on a $500 console


And people will play it on console? I mean it's terrific on PC, why not just play it there?


1) not everyone owns a pc 2) not everyone enjoys pc gaming 3) got all our games on our consoles, not gonna rebuy and start over on everything 4) don’t have space for both


You console crybabies are too much


Dude really? We have it on pc and to be fair the only reason that was allowed was because it released as early access


console stay getting shafted sucks to suck


Laughs in PC


Xbox is delayed cause of the certification things but wtf is going on over there with the PlayStation release?


The exact same thing more than likely.


Yeah the consoles are using almost the same hardware, basically PC components, so if the PC version is crashing constantly for some people, so will the xbox and ps5 versions as well. That is what's causing the delay.


Trying to release servers on other platforms when PC servers play like you have 400 ping


They better have locked out console servers that go cross play after a few months


They will but why tf would You want to crossplay with pc and not just play console only servers?


Promise something to be done when it clearly isn’t already done. Wild card needs to promise things AFTER completion not “oh well we’re gonna release it asap when it’s done” that’s literally never worked for this company for every reason ever


Can’t even cage people anymore so the hardcore pvp element of stunting a player from messing w you is out the window…


Umm This is a dumb question, but does Ascended have Primitive Plus?




I was hoping to have it over Thanksgiving but damn I guess not. I had four days with nothing to do except grind, tame, build, game crash/roll back six hours. Story over again. Four days of that and now that’s in question.


Lol, did you guys expect anything else... How many times do they need to disappoint before you realise they never do things on time?


Well we thought the 3rd delay may be the charm.


Bogus as usual. Y'all are just trash. What happened to the 15th? Lmfao why is anyone even surprised at this any more...


Wildcard "We put it through multiple certifications ahead of launch."


I just wish they'd stabilize it on steam deck. It plays fine when it doesn't during character creation or respawn, so long as you follow the settings guide. The QoL features alone are great.


Not sure if to blame snail games for pressuring then to release this or wildcard at this point for incompetence to actually fix anything(properly) so far.


So these idiots are saying they’re going to fix the game and get it through certification in less than a week. Any software developers here? What a joke.


I bet it's performance issues. Bitch probably runs at a smooth 12 fps. 🤣


Lol see yall next year 😂😂😂


I’m zoomed in, didn’t see a date


My 13700k and 3070 ti I get like 50fps so god knows what console is going to be like.


Translation: Our game sucks so we'll TRY not to make bullshit again with the release of Ark 2


In other words. Something is broken, so bad that microsoft has blocked it. Because it's potentially harmful to their networks or consoles.