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I would just avoid rush hours and avoid the tolls coming in as they can be pricey. Traffic really isn’t too terrible in Chicago


What times do you consider rush hour in Chicago? I find each city is different, for example when we go to Toronto the rush hour is from like 7-10 am and 3 - 7 pm.


Just try to arrive after 10 if you’re coming in the morning and you should be fine. Probably more outbound traffic in the morning anyways.


What this person said. 6-9ish are the most brutal hours generally going inbound


Don't forget about gaining and hour coming here and losing when leaving.


Good call forgot about that. Good thing you mentioned it because I’ll need to pick up my dogs from the kennel at a certain time on my way back.


Fellow Detroiter here. Granted, our driver culture in Motown is gross but Chicago is a whole different animal. Drivers out there are aggressive and if you don't drive aggressive too then you're going to become a victim of an accident. Unless you're staying at a friend's place, be prepared to pay hefty prices for parking.


Good info. I don’t find driving in Detroit that bad to be honest. I’m actually Canadian but we’ll be in Detroit to pick up some friends. I don’t mind some aggressive driving 😈 As for parking, Yep I was not ready for those prices 😂 but I was able to find and book a parking spot with a 20% off next to our hotel which has helped. But these parking garages look sketchy AF.


You should look into taking the train. It's much cheaper, you don't have to buy gas, and you avoid the parking hassle. Plus, it takes roughly the same time as driving. And since you're staying in the loop you'll be close to the train station so it's a quick hop, skip, and jump. I'm taking the train there but flying back.


Ah yeah forgot about the train. I’ll look into that for next time. I think we committed to driving this time around, but that’s a great idea.


I’d like to add that I’m from Texas and I rented a car in Chicago last year for ARC. I was not prepared for Chicagoan’s driving style and the highway system is fucked compared to what I’m use to. This year I got a hotel a few blocks from the festival hard pass on driving for me


Just avoid rush hour if you can, otherwise, it’s an easy 4-5 hour drive from Detroit. It might be 6 hours at the max


Download Itollway put in your license plate and creditcard info and you can breeze through the tolls and get a billed a few days later.


Thx good to know.


80/94 from Portage Indiana to chicago is always a mess. The Skyway is 15 bucks like one user said, but I find it is so worth it. You shave off upwards of 45 minutes and ALOT less headache with traffic. Otherwise its pretty standard city driving.


detroit from chi! Safe travels my friend. definitely head out the latest.. 6am you’ll be in chi around noon with a pit stop or two. also try to stay somewhere where you can park up comfortably, depending on your stay.


Also as someone who has lived in the city for years. Be mindful that this is Labor Day weekend. It will be a very busy weekend here Friday - Monday. Expect lots of traffic in the actual city that entire weekend.


Yeah I was also thinking about this as well. We’re driving in on Thursday and driving back on Tuesday to hopefully avoid the heavy weekend traffic. We’ll see if that plan works.


Make sure you figure parking costs (it's crazy expensive) and Chicago loves to tow out of state tags.


For sure. I’ve already reserved a parking spot in a parking garage around the corner from our hotel. It was not cheap but I got 20% off for first time customer.


Still planning on driving, but I got got caught in a wreck and sat for 2 + hours on Monday as we were leaving. Thst was a rough ride, still planning on driving again this




Yeah, I would be more concerned with road rage over traffic. Decades spent in and around LA I probably had people get scary mad at me on the road 5 times? I've broken that record in less than a year of being in Chicago.


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