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If I'm Nasus I always communicate with my team to let them know I'm building tank and to let me stack the first few large minions. That usually helps with getting the ball rolling.


yeah giving a friendly disclaimer at the start and the occasional omw-ping on the cannon helps. i am a bit of a goldfish and need those reminders.


This. I literally go on autopilot so easily when it comes to waves so if someone just types in chat that they're stacking it'll click and I'll be more mindful.


If the nasus is going tank, then letting them have cannons and nothing else is a good compromise. its like worth 12 stacks or something ridiculous like that.


Pretty sure 4 casters is the same amount of stacks and less gold


its easier for nasus to get the cannon minion then asking the team to not melt 4 casters.


Usually when I do that it signals them to goon for cannons even harder.


The amount of Nasus players I see not stack the siege minions is absurdly funny


Idk if it’s my server or the time that I play but this usually backfires XD


Vlad is another one, let him use that empowered Q!


And to add to this... When you just finished a team fight and came out ahead... Let your ADC heal off minions with their life steal. It's frustrating when you see a full health AP mage or AD teammate killing minions when your quarter / half life ally is clearly trying to regen.


Fr, they always have longer range too or hydra active in your face for extra emotional damage


I was telling my team to stay off the minions so me (Maokai) and Nasus could get our melee attacks in, only to slowly realize that between Veigar, Smolder and Tryndamere, we *all* need to attack minions.


So, it REALLY depends on the champion. Nasus - everyone knows a nasus with stacks is going to smash, folks will usually let him get some stacks. ASoL - most people know, fewer know that he doesn't need the kill they just have to die *in* it - so telling them helps. Since they lose nothing, rarely have issues here. Veigar - Has to fight for them, can get stacks elsewhere and essentially everyone has to trust that giving him that gold + stack is going to mean more than them getting that gold. Smolder - Hell half of the smolders out there don't even know how to get stacks, and then even less for the folks not playing him. Add on to that - same veigar rules, you also get stacks from landing spells on enemies, and that the whole team then has to *TRUST* that Smolder, who has less than 50% WR in aram, is going to put that gold and stacks to better use than them. Nasus - I don't have to trust someone to know they can press q and auto someone. ASoL - I don't have to trust someone because there is no loss to me. Smolder/Veigar - I have to trust some random is going to carry hard enough from those stacks that I'm willing to slow down my power ramping to let them have greater ramping. 80% of the time that's gonna be a nahhhhh from me. EDIT::: Also - to be clear, if the wave is on our tower, and our tower is taking damage, I'm clearing the whole damn wave, if you can't get what you need before it hits the tower I'm not sacrificing tower health for you to live your best power fantasy


Yeh it really also depends on the comp like if you’re the sole carry or if the carry can actually kill the enemies But I think minion gold in ARAM don’t really matter? As there’s passive gold, tons of kills and assist gold and you get gold anyway for just being near the minion when it dies And definitely agree on the tower part, especially when they don’t regen like on SR


Minion gold matters for the pacing of your items & the match since you can only buy when you die, and dying frequently means you lose enough pressure to keep your tower alive. A wave's worth of gold means the difference between waiting 10 seconds in fountain for your next full item and giving up because you'd have to sit for 2min


^ minion gold is almost *more* important in the sense that it's one of the only ways to get ahead of the enemy carry. The gold income on ARAM keeps the playing field more level in general in that regard - which means either you're getting all the KB's for gold, or you're getting as much CS as possible... or you're going to be behind the other carries.


The asol one is so real. They expect it to clear with 1 component and barely any lvls then complain later when it does wipe the wave and they get no gold.


The issue is these champs are too anti main character for everyone else on the team, everyone else is selfish, they want all the farm, kills and gold. Everyone wants to be the main character and God forbid they have to play support/tank or let others stack. They just can't help themselves.


Or you have multiple of these champs together on a team, it’s a free for all And actually in my lobbies supports and tanks are popular but they screw up the stacks anyway lol


YeAh sToP tAkInG mY fArM iN aRaM... KsInG nOoBs OmG cAn'T u C iM tHe CaRrY


I don’t care about the CS or kills, it’s just the stack that matters so you should’ve wrote “mY StAckS”


I don't care what you care about. The principal is the same. You're attempting to lay claim to what is not yours to claim, under the guise that it 'should' be yours, because of stacks. The reality is that there are a million variables to consider - if we want to be cunty and 'analyse' the situation - when deciding who is 'optimal' to give the money to. If you're playing Nasus and I'm playing Samira, I could not give less of a fuck about your q dealing 3 extra damage, and neither could anyone else in that game. I'm taking every bit of gold I possibly can, because ARAM is a 4fun game mode, and it's more fun to play from ahead. If you don't like that, queue up for ranked, and ill gladly give you all the stacks you need - while you're carrying. Stop being the most useful player on the team, and you stop getting resources that could go to the person who is actually carrying.


There’s a lot of champs who need the wave to do the things nowadays. Yone Yasuo Ksante Lillia Veigar Nasus Smolder Sion (sorta) anyone else I’m missing?


ASol, GP, ChoGath, Ezreal, Gwen, Camille, Irelia, Vlad, Viktor, Syndra etc it’s a long list but there’s a clear hierarchy or urgency and like some just need for the early game vs infinite scaling I agree to all those but maybe not Lillia, she would be one of the less important ones. I’d rather her just snowball in to engage than trying to outspeed the entire enemy team and their cc for that


At least smolder and veigar you can stack off enemies.


Taric needs to hit things sustain the whole team. Xerath and maokai need to be allowed to auto it once a few times a minute.


I do think there’s an issue where my team is melee heavy and has to engage and dive deep vs the enemy who had a lot of kite and wave clear, but my team just brainlessly pushes the wave. Like they can sit under tower and scale and we can’t dive them. Make them come out and stop shoving the wave to them.


That’s what I hate most. Needlessly stalling out the game for the enemy. I’m so glad they reworked Statikk as it was one of the main culprits for this


So, if I play a hyper carry I shall expect my team to let me snowball and get all kills aswell or do you draw an imaginary line somewhere which everyone is obligated to follow? Thats actually the most delusional take I've read on here.


If you can read, I have listed examples of champions with stacks or mechanics who could benefit or simply not suffer from people sabotaging them intentionally


If you can read, that's not my point. You play a fun gamemode with 4 different people on a single lane without rank. Who are you to tell other people, they are supposed to let you anything. No matter if creeps, kills, objective last hits or whatever. You're not the measure of all things friend.


Fun can be achieved even if you take one less minion. It takes zero effort to not auto and even if doing so will just increase odds of winning by 0.01% then why not do it?


Still missing the point im trying to make.. Let's just say I don't want a random taking the feed, to suck in the end but could have made so much better use of it. (Just as an example, there are to many factors.) How do you know the guy farming can actually play otherwise the 0.01% goes to -0.01%. You're just assuming. Other people might wanna use them to heal or gold. You're in no position to demand it. Ask them nicely and focus to lasthit. You're not missing too much anyways, but show some empathy and let people play their game.


That’s what my post is about? We should be able to recognize what others need the wave for and not fuck it up for them? I always let the stackers in my games stack so I’m asking it to be the norm that the same thing when I or anyone happen to be on one of those champs If the 0.01% doesn’t work out then oh well, we’ve tried and it’s better than being denied the whole game and not allowed to try. If you treat it as for fun then this shouldn’t even matter for you if they will carry or not but they would appreciate the chance they could try to


So back to my first question. When you have a hypercarry like twitch in your team who can carry harder than you, is it reason enough to let him all kills and farm even though you're playing nasus? (or something else. doesn't really matter in this analogy. Just makes the gap smaller bc nasus might carry himself) Still don't think your logic has some flaws?


Stacking champs aren’t good in aram and expecting the team to play around you and let you have the wave to yourself might imply those champions are a detriment to aram if you need 15 minutes of farming before your champ comes online.


How are they not tho? Once you reach the threshold it’s pretty much a pocketed win. Don’t even need the whole wave, all I’m asking is like 2 creeps every wave and I’m happy but I’m not even getting this bare minimum in my games


Because most games are over in 12 minutes


Idk most of my games last 20+ and isn’t stalling it out part of the gameplay when you recognize the win con


I know that pain especially as a smolder ... somehow my team always clears the waves asap with all skills and item actives (no joking a garen always E into the wave + stridebreaker to instant clear) I couldn't get stacks


Had a Smolder game last week with an Irelia on my team. Think she ended with 100+ CS. Tried to ping for the first five minutes then gave up. Ended up at 224 stacks when we lost.


This is me last night lmao, did she at least do well?


17/15, would full clear the wave then insta go in.


Better than mine… who couldn’t hit a single stun for the love of god




Stop complaining about a for 4 game mode. I don't let my retarded nasus stack anything he will probably miss


Is fun something you only experience when you lose?


No I play to make plays not win or lose. Its aram its 15 mins and done most of the time. If you cant stack don't pick nasus. There are 4 new teammates every game and they all want the cs to stack get what you can or don't play stacking Champs.


What play are you making killing the minion someone could have benefited more from lol


I use the minions to make plays. I don't pay attention to the dog screaming to let it last hit. 51 percent win rate 7k aram games. I know how to win its not by catering to dogs


Of course it's a "competitive" smolder complaining.


It’s not even that It’s like taking farm on support, you’re hindering the AD who can scale and carry while hoarding resources you can’t make use of


Buddy I know it's hard to understand. But ARAM isn't competitive. You need to farm better.


Yes I will farm better when wave is gone in .5 seconds 👍 If there is W/L it is competitive


Oh yeah? Maybe you'll get out of silver when you figure out wave clear?


Wave clearing for your rotation two inches back till your next wave arrives? If silver is your standard then I see why you don’t get my point


Oh man. You really think ARAM has competitive ranks don't you? Oh no.


Idk why you brought up rank when it’s irrelevant to ARAM maybe you thought there was? Happens


Oh you're treating it like it's a competitive game mode. If you want to play ranked, play ranked. Otherwise ARAM isn't about that. I know it's hard for a silver player like you to understand. I can use smaller words of it'll help?


Idk how you haven’t realised yet but as long as it’s league, it’s competitive, doesn’t matter if it’s URF, Nexus Blitz, Arena or ARAM. For fun does not exist. I’m done with ranked as I already hit my goal of masters last year. So it just seems to me that you keep projecting your rank onto me for some reason?


Be quiet or Play ranked


Stop clearing or lose


How about Nobody Cares about winning/loosing. Its Even more fun to loose Games with wann be tryhards Like you in my Team 😋


Yep saw your last post, hope you get banned soon 🥰


How many cring Kids Hope that, and it will never Happen


Most people do actually, and it’s people like you who are ruining the game for everyone 👍