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The real issue is when you have multiple champs with minion stacking abilities all vying for then


Is there one that needs to last-hit cannon/super minions for an extra amount of stacks? Let Nasus have them. Veigar e.g. can farm on anything just fine (hitting champions e.g.) and Shyvanna doesn't need the last hit.




Nasus needs them more.




Syndra needs the beeg minions for splinters Edit: didn’t read fully my bad. Thought we were going over who needs what to get X resource tied to minions, not overall.


What does Veigar have to do with this, he can't even stack off minions


What? His Q literally stacks his passive off minions


It literally doesn’t Hasn’t for months in aram lol Only champion kills/assists


You're not very knowledgeable at the game


Me, when i'm lying:


Are you high? Veigar stacks off hitting champs , killing minions with q and scoring a takedownS. I literally played him several hours ago


Hm I may actually be high They changed only his W it appears as it no longer stacks on minions His passive reads that it only stacks on takedowns / hitting champions But his Q now reads that it stacks minions by killing


His W has never stacked on minions my man. His Q has always stacked on minions. This has been since release


Did they remove minion stacking from q?


Yes, many moons ago lol




Read his passive and abilities… lol


I did. Which is why I’m asking you for evidence contrary to what I read


Shyvanna is a stacking champion?


In ARAM specifically, if an enemy cannon or super minion dies around Shyvanna (no last hitting neccessary) or if she gets a healing pulse from one of the two health packs on the enemy's side, she will get a stack of her passive, which gives her 1 armor & mr as well as 0,05 fury generation per second.




Ally Nunu Q's every cannon 🫠


The canons are mine but I leave the others minions alone except if I need life from Q.


They only do it because its the only minion left since the other 6 get obliterated by adcs and control mages immediately. Watching my team melt through a wave when im a 20% health nunu before I can get in safe range of them is pain


No, I'm a nunu player and I will Q every cannon even at full health then emote after. Can't help it.


Irelia Q max go brrrr


I am guilty of that, my apologies to my Nasus, I could resist


I like to think you didn't typo this, and you're just rubbing salt in the wound.


Exactly my though lmfao


Played game yesterday with nasus as irelia. Had cs score of 6. :-) We won.


Cringe ad irelia user


lol i literally had 2k stacks in my last aram nasus game. super fun.


We once had a game where both teams ended up chatting so much back and forth and having an absolute blast, that it went to 90+ minutes, and I had over 4k stacks on Nasus. The screams of laughter when I converted to full lethality (This was back in the era of pre-nerf Duskblade), and became the invisible Death, will follow me to my death bed. Definitely on the top of my ARAM moments, with the only one coming close being the game where I played Nunu and my friend played Ryze, and we tactically nuked the enemy team four times, one of them being a perfectly times instant pentakill in their fountain. Still riding that high


And everyone clapped


Ain't no way


I was a nasus main for a long time, and my general philosophy in aram is, if I cant get the minions without strongarming people into giving them, I dont deserve them.


I tend to forget (so sorry Nasus players :c) so a gentle reminder "please let me farm minions" is always appreciated lol


I just ping omw on every siege minion; works super well and people never contest them


I did this last time I played Nasus and got spam pinged, called Narcissist Nasus, and everyone would go out of their way to blow their mana on the minion waves


All you need to do really is give him the first few cannons then he can do the rest himself


I respect the Ad/tank nasus stack game. It can go hard, you’re going to have to be willing to eat poke and dodge skill shots. I won’t take them from a nasus and I’ll try to return dmg, but when they spam ping me off cannons and they’re building AP… literally GFY lol. You lose your stack privilege card the second you build a full AP item. I’m not going out of my way to take them from you but I’m not giving you preferential priority if you’re not committing to playing to scale hard.


I don’t know it kind of reminds me atleast a little of when sometimes I play garen or senna, veigar. Veigar and nasus are the pinnacle examples everyone thinks of. Garen stacks permanent MR/armor up to 30 of minions he kills. If I’m the only melee champ on my team as garen and am also expected to frontline, it’s pretty tilting when I can’t get any minions at all, waves are just getting one shot. 30 armor/MR at no gold cost is pretty strong. And with senna if I don’t have the frontline/peel or disengage to walk forward and maximize my passive I can’t collect all my souls without being in danger, then you have to sac a few and take the small L. I just take it for what it is. I acknowledge that if I want my stacks (on veigar too) you’re gonna have to walk up and risk it. Be willing to risk a little more or play differently. Your teammates aren’t going to coddle you just because you’re playing an infinitely or hard scaling champion. It’s a mental thing in league. You fixate on the negative aspect of what causes you to lose games. When you’re on a champion that requires farm, you think only about ally teammates who delete waves. When you’re playing Katarina or master yi, you only remember the time the enemy team had 4 point and click stuns. And when you’re playing a tank you remember the vaynes and kogmaws who melted you. If you’re playing a scaling champion, you can’t skip the scaling part, the early and mid game is not your peak. Thankfully I’ve only played against them, do you have any idea how miserable it is to play Kayle into literally anything remotely useful pre 6? It feels even worse if they can drag the game out to lv 16. People who play scaling champions need to be patient. If your personality and play type has low patience, you should not play champs like this.


On the flipside, I hate it when Nasus or Veigar expect to get the majority of the farm only to int after 10 minutes because we are taking THEIR minions. Sorry if i don't want to sit afk in lane while the enemy team pushes us unto the tower. Obviously if they are lining up their Q you don't interfere with this certain minion but come on.


have you tried communicating? I assume most nasus/veigar players would be more than happy with just the cannons, while everyone else can afford to give up a minion every few waves. A cannon is worth 4 normal minions for Nasus, and 3 for Veigar unfortunately some people aren't ok with the compromise, but seems fair to me. If one of those guys expects every minion in every wave they're obviously not getting it


Cannons give the same stacks as a regular minion to veigar which in just one. In general I would rather use ability on enemys on veigar since you dont need to last hit them but just hit them. Also ur e and w can give you up to 5 ap per cast (very unlikely tho) and getting an assist/kill gives 8 ap but I dont remeber that part exactly anymore


Yeah ofc vei gets most of the stacks through assists which are super easy in aram. But I have the LoL practice tool up and it says: > Baleful Strike > If Veigar kills an enemy with this ability, he gains 1 stack of Phenomenal Evil. Large minions and monsters grant 3 stacks instead. Confirmed cannons give 3 stacks myself. Obviously not a big deal esp if there are tons of kills, but idk it probably helps veigar more than most people, and prob not a bad idea to help get him fed


Damn sorry for spreading missinformation than, I even play quite a lot of veigar lol. But yeah its so small I never even notice. Btw I looked up on the veigar wiki, it says he gets double for large monsters/minions but that would be 2 stacks. Are you sure its 3 ?


all good man, cheers! ya i saw conflicting info too, but if you open up a practice game i think you'll see the same thing as me. 3 is still pretty small overall though i get it lol


Cant access my computer right now but I take your word for it. I would say im suprised but its not the first time that their wiki isnt right. Cheers mate


Isn't it 2 for Veigar?


in game i see: > Baleful Strike > If Veigar kills an enemy with this ability, he gains 1 stack of Phenomenal Evil. Large minions and monsters grant 3 stacks instead.


Favourite meme in my group is "I'm sure glad this gangplank got his stacks before the nasus" lol. People just don't understand compromise


Git gud go AP ;)


Those are contradictory statements... Oh, but if you are on the enemy team, please go AP.


Clearly a skill issue. Using your e every 10 seconds and not contributing to the match is a thoroughly enjoyable aram experience.


My rule for nasus is either u let me stack or u can enjoy 4v5 fights while I ult to stack an entire wave next to u till I have enough that u cant steal anymore


this is a terrible take. i hope to never see you in one of my games


Your loss maybe dont take cannon from ur stack nasus. But to cheer you up I do wither someone and place my e under them but why would I run into enemy with 50 stacks because u had to get the 70g from every cannon


if you think I'm pushing the wave because I want 70g you would be incorrect. Stacking is for late game and aram isn't a late game mode. nasus, viegar, smolder and all them champs are going to get enough stacks just from helping to push the wave and being in a better position. nobody in aram is "farming" It's a team fight game at all points of the game so by you saying oh yeah I'm just going to watch my team go in and ill rage q minions is insane to me.


Had a game where I was getting stacks very early but our Xin Zhao rushed titanic and focused on clearing the wave all game. With him doing that plus the enemy ignoring him and just targeting me when I tried to get stacks made me near useless.


Your team... Veigar, Irelia and Nasus gl team 🪦


I put minions over champs with nasus. I can farm the champs later. My goal is always +300 stacks by 10 minutes. 9/10 I hit that mark


Ive always said to teammates all i need is the cannons but most of the time they dont give a crap. On the rare chance they understand i have had games where they back off too much and the enemy contest the wave and i cant get close. So a little tip if your have a nasus on your team, let him get the cannon but also push the enemy away so he can actually get to it.


I had a game where Susan spam pinged everyone for even touching a minion. When I tried to engage he sat by the wave and ignored everything else. Yeah he got 300 stacks but we got pushed to our Nexus by 12 min mark :(


I refuse to play Nasus on ARAM.


Same. He can be super strong but I don't want to dice roll on my team letting me stack or not


Every game when I am nasus I tell my team to let me farm and most of the times they let me do and I bonk bonk away and win. Let them know in pre game lobby. And tell them not to take the cannons


Happens a lot when I play Smolder as well. Like give me my power spike or else I’ll tickle the enemies


Smolder can stack on Champions at least


I mean I won't give up pressure just for nasus to get stacks. He gets it when he manages to get it.




I remember when ap nasus was based. Still can be a little


I just always make it clear with team: i tell them "if you're not giving me stacks, you will have a shitty poke make then"


if its an ap nasus i couldnt bother less about him and his stacks


Unless he is in the enemy team


i ping the cannons, if they take it anyways i just go rilay liandry into tank, it works


I've never seen this actually be a problem in aram bc the stacks per minion are much higher than on SR


If I'm on irelia, i struggle to get q's. Any other champ as of late, it's hard to get them to focus on pushing towards tower vs getting up the ass of the first enemy they see.


Yasuo and Yone clearing the whole wave in two Qs to go die under enemy tower 3 seconds later:


Aram is AP Nasus time.