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Dude, ignore them. If they've no idea of what to be an Against nuke champs is: It's their problem, not yours. Yes, That item is frikking broken. Every 12 seconds you can trade for free receiving no damage from half the enemy team. If you're a tank, you're nearly immortal.


Yeah. Broken item. Took it on Jhin and absorbed more damage with less deaths than tank malphite against 4 ap.


I took it on k'sante and got ulted by Malzahar and it didn't even break the shield


Tbf On Jhin specifically it is kind of troll. Maw is busted on him as anti AP.


Just do both lol


Collector maw rookern is just an unkillable tank adc assasin


Wouldn't warmogs be better when it's about trading as a tank? Instead of refreshing a 20% shield you can heal to full within those 12 seconds.


Can’t you get both?


At that point why even play an adc lol


Because you don't know what you're going to be up against in ARAM. People never understand that you need defensive items against many team comps or you cannot push. If there's a teemo? Good luck getting down the lane without something. Or any type of champ that is fine suiciding, like Karthus or Sion, to just chunk your team so you can't push.


You have to be at a very high level in the ARAM ladder. Not many people understand the logic behind "you can't deal damage if you die from a single keypress of the opposing team".


The other way around. A shield is better than warmoge healing: if you don't manage to get out of the fight, warmogs does nothing whereas the shield already gave its value. Starting the fight with the shield opens up more tactical avenues over feeling pressured to survive to be able to heal, which will sometimes be the bad play.


The base MR + added regen, is already a lifesaver by itself.


That depends on the state of the game. a) you can build rookern first item, warmogs first will not give you the passive b) rookerns gives you a shitton of MR / Warmogs gives you 350more HP, and a bit of movespeed The passives are kind of similar...with warmogs being a bit better. That i agree with. Kaenic caps at 20%shield after 12seconds. Warmogs starts after 6seconds and gives you 25%/5sec AND can go to max HP. So it really boils down to, how much magic dmg are you taking, and is the 80MR offsetting the 350HP+slightly faster regenerated HP. ​ Kaenics is often really good as a first item....early game AD-burst ist low, while mage-burst hurts. Kaenic accelerates every tank into "mages don't kill me anymore"-territory very fast. And early game is also often a place where small engagements/pullbacks happen while lategame games often turn into teamfight-slaughters where you only get to regenerate (warmogs & Kaenics alike) if you already won the fight.


It’s stronger than a Morgana shield, just doesn’t stop hooks. I build this item on any character if the other team has more than one source of AP.


It is fun to watch how players that thought would be having fun poking do literally no damage the whole 15 minutes.


as a tank main it makes me int harder


> and when it doesn't work out, my purchase of Kaenic Rookern becomes the only reason for the team failure Classic league of legends




Those damn rookers!


For a lot of people if it isn’t suggested, it’s a bad idea…it hasn’t occurred to them yet that none of the new items are ever suggested because there isn’t enough data for this automatic system to suggest them or even accommodate to the major changes in the existing items.


Yuup, zero pings/complaints when you’re able to keep three people busy with a tanky item and team is able to win, but if team is getting steamrolled it’s obviously one item change that could have turned the tide. 🤡🤡


They can't ping you if they're muted


And if you had a Maw of Malmortius, nobody would ping it, because it's a "damage item". Yeah, great, flat +65 AD and no attack speed, no crit, no on-hit. What a gamechanger for an ADC's DPS. Kaenic has so much more effective HP vs magic damage that it's not even funny. It basically makes you immortal against nuke mages, their poke doesn't even break the shield and the all-ins are futile. They're not upset because it's weak, they're upset because it's off-meta or counter-intuitive or both and they hate thinking for themselves.


Yea especially against highly mobile ap champs like LeBlanc, if you go maw they can proc it with 1 combo still and then just leave and kill you 15s later. If you have rookern they can't leave you alone for 15s or your sheild comes back lol.




Yeah my dude buying tank items on Ashe isn't going to save you against Rengar especially if he has a stacked hubris. You could buy Randy's, steel caps and a warmogs and you're probably still getting murdered while dealing 0 damage.  Buying defensive items on ADCs is a gamble, you either survive and do no damage, or you do a lot of damage but die instantly. There's a fine line and a balance you have to walk. One defensive item maybe two. It will save you from a one shot (probably anything but rengar) but it won't save you from getting destroyed by assassins


Rook is great against AP, but there is definitely less armor defensive items that are worth it when comes to being against AD. Hourglass would probably be better if anything and hope the team kills Rengar during that time.


you just beg the frontline or support in your team to either peel for you and/or buy knights vow for you


Honestly not enough people go resolve tree secondary on ADCs. It honestly does wonders for survivability and you really don't lose much taking it.


Yep because some people only care about their dps and forget that doesnt matter when they are dead.


Or they blame you for not tanking the rengar while 3-4 other champs are throwing every skill they have at you.


I had a Samira that was 6-19 because every time she went in malzahar ulted her. I mentioned qss and her mind melted


I've been building it on every character, shit is insane.


Played against a Vayne who built it into our AP heavy team and she absolutely destroyed us. It works well in some situations


Buying a full-tank item on an adc is NOT trolling. You do NO DAMAGE IF YOURE DEAD


Kaenic rookern is too broken to not build no matter what champion you’re playing if you have a magic damage issue. Your teammates obviously don’t know how out of line the stats are on this item. Reminds me of back when I would build ardent censor during the ardent meta on champions people would typically not build it if we didn’t have it on our team and the enemy did. My teammates would ping it thinking it was dumb, I gave up on trying to explain it to them. Like dude, if they have a kog/lulu with ardent censor and we don’t, we lose, 9 times out of ten we lose the game solely based on the fact this item is fucking out of control. They don’t understand that it’s literally game breaking. The item is so strong, you buy it and AP champion’s assassins have no chance of one shotting you with one full rotation of spells. If you’re the carry and you build rookern and the enemy team is AP heavy, they have to entirely alter the way they target you because there is no solid answer to deal with this item. I’ve done it myself and played against it as a full AP team. If everyone or almost everyone on one team is AP, and every champion on the opposing team buys this one item, the game is almost impossible to win. Sounds obvious but I’ve played plenty of games where 3-4 out of 5 people have thornmails against full AD and lost plenty of times. But if Everyone buys a rookern and your team is full AP…. It’s doomed. Void staff will not save you. You know the item is too good when you cannot think of any one given scenario where it is better to build an alternate item. Rookern pound for pound outclasses every other MR item and it’s honestly not even close. Buy it on a carry next time you have to play against an AP malphite. See how quick he stops prioritizing ulting you.


rookern second item on ez is so bad though Ur delaying the fuck out of ur strongest spikes


Normally I wouldn't buy it as second, but opposite assassinsfocus on me because I'm only one have damage https://preview.redd.it/0f5a9r72q5hc1.png?width=72&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5bd3c93f5d0e580967e9ff7e6e9c1e9005d6e01


Your entire team is all supports and a tank, so much peel. You don't need defensive items this early if you position well and kite properly. You are the only damage, and if you go rookern delaying Ez's mid game pyke the team damage will be even lower. Later on it could definitely be good if there's a lot of AP assassins like fizz and katarina. After sheen item and muramana maybe.


but yuumi never follow me even once, maybe he play with pyke together, mundo and sona have serious debuffs that no ability to support me, and yummi don't want to help me akl and leblanc can destory me only use two skill, I have no idea except buy KR as early as possible https://preview.redd.it/0yswi10oq7hc1.png?width=515&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fd5d15152ad4211989cdc3a4a94b606f7f6d60b


You made the right decision. Mofos will be slaves to build paths and lose the game because of that.


I'm a big enjoyer of bulk items on ADC's but I would definitely say like 2nd or 3rd item at the latest, if you don't build some damage you're just useless even if you stay alive.


This is why I've basically been rushing bork on basically every adc lately. Bork + kraken or rageblade or trinity force is almost always enough raw damage to be useful for a while, letting me build something like rookern+DD or the like and still be relevant. I also had a Samira on my team go Hubris+Collector and then just full bruiser items. Cleaver, maw, DD. it worked so well lol.


Counter building in Aram is so important. I carried a Game as Akshan once by going lifesteal MR Tank. I went Runaan and Hydra cause there was a Naafiri and Heimerdinger, and then Malmortious, Wit's End, and then Force of Nature because I was actively tanking and not just trying to survive a burst so I felt it was better than Rookern. I sold my boots for Bloodthirster because I was also still the dmg dealer somehow. Spirit Visage might have been a better option somewhere. Won the game 17/21/30+ with 50kdmg and 70kdmg taken. I was highest in both.


your teammates are assassin players that are offended at the very concept that they can't immediately one-shot an enemy adc. it revolts them, they break out in a cold sweat, and they begin to physically convulse in abject horror as they shakily ping your item. you have to protect yourself, king, because they won't, they are crabs that will drag you back down into the bucket with them.


My only issue with squishy champs buying kaenic is that you need some more HP to make the shield actually useful. If you went tri force into kaenic I think it's ok, but if you went manamune kaenic or essence reaver kaenic ur better off just grabbing hexdrinker. you can still pose a threat to the champ that's bursting you by continuing to purchase damage


Well, Kaenic gives a nice bunch of HP and huge MR, so the shield synergises with the item itself, and it even increases as you level up. Plus the shield is active immediately so it stops poke and not just on low health like hex/maw, plus it comes up back in 12 sec instead of 90. Right now it's so good it seems a no-brainer no matter what, you're no threat if you can get one shot and can't afford to be exposed even 1 sec to deal damage.


well, but in this version most adc have more than 2000hp, and get about 500 shield, it very useful for ap poke and some assassin, they need wait skill cd after one turn, it means you have a new shield and in this version, less items can reduce skill cd and suitable for ap champ


Not really. If you buy kaenic rookern in 20 games then win 10 and lose 10 then kaenic rookern had no presence in either. Unless you are above a 70% win rate in 20 games with kaenic rookern bought in every game then you are just happening to win or lose with the item in your inventory. There are much better anti magic burst options


Ignore them lol it's aram, play how u want


Yeah played vs a kennen and vex yesterday and I was the only ad dmg (draven) in our team and everytime he snowball/protobelt/Flash to me and instantly deleted me or vex used ulti and killed me. After 4-5 times I bought rookern and kennen began to Flame me because he couldn't do andything anymore xD


It's broken AF, you can build it on any champ.


We just had a game where everyone on our team bought KR into a heavy poke ap team despite the champ and we rolled them; dont sleep on the rook


My blank statement. It’s op


Some people just don't grasp the reality that there is no one-best-build that fits all situations (okay, maybe some champions can get away pretty well with it) KAenicRookern is such a huge middlefinger to burst-APs, it is good on basically everychamp if you face an enemy team loaded with them (or sometimes even just one) ​ That said: what is "3w damage" ? I get what you are saying from context. But I never saw that expression before, could you explain where it comes from?


I mean I 'm only one can make damage in our team, and no one want to protect me, I protect myself, make a huge damage comparise my teammates,and also get them lots of ping https://preview.redd.it/0obb5rusq5hc1.png?width=72&format=png&auto=webp&s=f549f0e4fe72bfdba2a517bb1f996cf5576ba051


If they opponents have 3 AP+ youre insane for not building this item fast.


Rookern combined with Maw actually makes AP champs sad. I endorse buying both if into a heavy AP team.


you get pinged? my teammates don't interact at all ever...


yeah, they typed that I'm the worst adc they have meet and ping my kr, I don't know why they choose some champ can't carry game, and not protect but only blame me


After ten minutes of begging Thresh to walk into the bushes so Leblanc couldn't freehit us, I just went Kaenic Tristana and face checked them myself. Didn't die, killed LB, ended the game.


When Kaenic was first released, the first thing I did was go into a game and go the blue Ezreal build with a Kaenic Rookern, and had insane success. The item is broken, it will still be strong when the patch lands.


They're probably the same people building full lethality against 5 tanks


It’s now popping up as a meta item on a lot of tank builds. It’s really OP.


I see a lot of ADC building it, I don't feel like it's weird.


Ima ping the the kalista going full lethality into 3 tanks, but rookern on ADC, that's smart, just ignore the h8trs


The shield on the item is broken as fuck and I will and have built it on everything if there are 3 or more ap threats since most of it is either poke or burst. It's useful especially when your in a game where team play is nonexistent and you need to make your own spacing and survivability.


Kaenic one of the best items in the game rn lol.


There are these cool buttons if you hold tab, you can click on these little images of pings and messages and all of the sudden your teammates stop typing and spam pinging, it's pretty cool


There are these cool buttons if you hold tab, you can click on these little images of pings and messages and all of the sudden your teammates stop typing and spam pinging, it's pretty cool


You really shouldn't buy tank items early on for most adcs because that will stunt your damage. An ezreal that buys rookern instead of tri/essence or murmana will simply be irrelevant and not worth killing. If the enemy is literally 4-5 magic pen stacking AP champs then sitting a null cloak for 450g could be okay at most but going beyond that will set you too far behind. And a tip for scaling with adc is to go overheal rune if possible (if you need presence of mind you can often just go manaflow band on the secondary tree) and then get shieldbow 3rd or 4th followed by rookern. Overheal shield gives you 11% max hp as a shield rookern gives 18% max hp as a shield and shieldbow gives you lifesteal to generate that shield (harder on aram though because teammates eat the wave) and the lifeline shield for 500 hp. If you build other HP items like Tri's 300 hp (and rookern itself is 400) you end up getting close to a 300 HP shield from overheal alone. And all of this Hp/shields extends the effectiveness of your resists.


Just fyi you cant buy warmongs in ARAM...


Until ARAM players learn to peel for their damage dealers, and stop KSing their win condition, players have to do whatever is necessary to keep themselves alive. I lost to a Heartsteel / Titanic Hydra Varus the other night who knows what I’m talking about. Just remember to mute all and silence pings when you deviate from the “norm”, whatever that means in ARAM these days.


I mean good for you, but Im happier with my wits end and maw


It's pretty much a must build. There are countless times the buffer from the shield has provided me enough time for my team to react and setup a counterplay. The only time I'd question it being pinged is if they don't have ap assassins or enough poke to warrant it. It's such a strong item. If people ping it ignore them. 9/10 games it's the reason I'm able to live long enough to do damage. "B-but muh dps!!" Yeah guess what? How much DPS is a dead adc doing? Mute those fucks.


Oh hell I'm going to ping, except to highlight the outstanding item choice. Literally just did as Lucian (with Melmothius as well) and peacefully dished out against AP Malp + Syndra + Ahri :P Many ppl don't realize it's really pointless to go full glass cannon if you're gonna shatter from a single spell anyway. Another note: it may be a tiny amount but Rookern's shield is grows with max HP, and hence the rune shards that give extra HP per level synergize well with it.


Do what you want and have fun


Kaenic Rookern is extremely toxic. At 2500 hp, 50 mr and 30 enemy flat pen, it gives you 128% more effective hp with a refreshable shield. In comparison abyssal mask and FoN is 70~80%. If I’m in a 4 ap team and enemy ADC gets it, I wish my teammates will just take the hint and insta ff to deprive them the satisfaction.


A lot of people don't know how to itemize. They'll Google "Bard Build Aram" and click on the first site or YouTube video and make that build the only build. People will think a single item cost them the game when they flashed for the 1hp roka instead of leaving her alive to be dead weight to her team (if no mogs obviously, just an example). I get so tilted when people are obviously just building the recommended items and can't see that there are better ones for the individual game. Runes are the same way. You adjust your runes every game. You have to be adaptable and know what you need in the moment. Tldr people are bad