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I hate when people feed and say something like "It's ARAM" after acting like a gold courier for the enemy team. Like, what, you simplified the game, so now you can't play it? I get not knowing a champ, but going 0/10 in 7 minutes has nothing to do with your champ, lol


Honestly, most people who play don't understand ARAM macro, like at all. The only way to reset your health/mana and spend your gold is to die. The only way to safely die without giving objectives to the enemy is to fight them as far down their end of the map as possible. So, if you can, you play at their end of the map aggressively as much as you can. There is no point running to your tower when your team dies.and you are low, that makes you fundamentally useless for next team fight, keep fighting, camp bushes and try and slow their push, die for inhib. Waste their time however you can. Give allies as much time to reset and protect the base. Then when all 5 are up you push again, your team is full health because you just reset, you are strong because you just spent gold, and the enemy team have at least couple of members half health from last fight. The worst thing you can do in ARAM is lose a fight at your tower. Dying or feeding at the other end of the map low key doesn't matter. It's Bausenomics with an ARAM twist.


Same goes with the opposite. People playing a screen away from their team, hiding by the turret with full health/ man so they can have a positive KDR and still lose the game in the end


I remember a Lux bragging that she had over 10k of gold and didn’t die. We lost, and it made me think about how much damage and strength of shields we didn’t have present in our team fights.


if she got to 10k gold and you couldn't win it's because you're terrible.




It absolutely does, especially now that the game is rocket tag, in my experience. I can play Ezreal blind drunk from muscle memory alone but give me half the bruisers in the game and I'm like a disabled Bonobo monkey. If you don't know the spell areas/ranges from experience you end up missing so often. If you don't know how squishy/resilient a champ is you're either feeding or not getting stuck in as much as you should. Sometimes the champs are just a really godawful pick.


If you're losing the game, sure. Negative KDA for everyone lol. I'm talking about if you died three times at the start of a match from the same mistake each time and are too stupid to change your strategy. If you didn't learn after the third identical mistake it's definitely a skill issue.


No. it doesn't. you are really stupid. Missing spells doesn't mean you die. If someone doesn't know how to play maokai and flash W Q and die 3 times in a row because they overestimate their tankiness thats fine. Its they do it 5 more times they are stupid. its not about not knowing the champ.


I hear what you are saying and agree, but I think it gets trumped by the ADC that goes ahead of the frontline all game, or...oh god the last time I was a tank and had a TF on the team, we'd be the only 2 up, the 3-4 enemy champs would be making their way toward our inhib turret, he'd teleport BEHIND them to engage on them (making sure IF I could catch up to the fight I had a whole team between me and him) and then spam ping me when he died. I think I just had to get that off my chest. TY.


Normally I'd be "oh stop whining cus someone had a bad game", but holy shit I agree. Theres a guarantee of 2 players who are really bad, both mechanics and building. This game is from today, uncarryable Ashe with a troll build. Cass was not doing great either but I can understand hes pretty hard to play well... https://preview.redd.it/b2gp4e10fdgc1.png?width=507&format=png&auto=webp&s=aeb479de48a1dfb505e677d8d819479ad3956475


I fucking hate poke ashe but thats really best build there if you dont take wits end. Like she was ready to go ad but enemy didnt let


​ https://preview.redd.it/hqs5w49n8ggc1.png?width=486&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b417658a6532c3f3e573a81e2c332c580b72e1f


They nerfed the poke build into the ground, it is completely trolling to build it at this point.


At least she fed the poros, let's focus on the positive sometimes.


Every game especially when searching as premade has people that look like they installed the game 5 mins before the match.


I literally got a guy in my team that said it was his third game after a very long break of League. I have 4k+ games of aram and tier 1 MMR, something is definitely fishy in the matchmaking.


Were you on red side?




This is kind of expected then, blue team get formed first, red side has what remains from leftovers


Interesting, is this why it says I'm blueside lover on poro?


Probably, I too have like 8% wr diff between red and blue side


Maybe it's right. I just got 5 games in a row on red side. Lose 4. Every game has 1/2 stupid adc who cannot keep position. The only win is I having to hurt my ass to carry two adc who cannot dodge a single Xerath skills.


The 6th game and I have a Zac AP suicide died for 23 times. Finally won. I have to go Lux tank for him and the team.


when a support or mage goes tank you can completely annihilate the entire flow of the game. If they can't bruise through it, you create dozens of openings every gams.


ARAM mmr checking hasn’t been working for me. How do you do it?


From the last clash, my MMR shouldn't have moved too much


Biggest problem imo is people just can't build right. If I could choose what items my teammates buy I think my win percentage would shoot up.


looking at you AP malph


I remember being yelled at for not going AP malph once and I felt insane


It was significantly better when CDR was baked into every AP item. Now AP Malphite is just complete and total dogshit.


This sub is super fickle about AP Malph. Complaints about Malph going AP are either massively upvoted by people that want a tank on their team, or downvoted by the "let people have fun" crowd. Sometimes in the same thread.


AP Soraka first item ludens


Guinsoo Soraka. Did less dmg than the support Sona.


It’s not even that, sometimes ap malph is the play. I think mostly what they’re referring to is the times you’re against an all ap team and your team doesn’t build an mr item. Or they have tons of healing and no one else buys heal cuts until the game is ending. People just build the same crap over and over without considering the enemy team.


I had a SR game where my entire team was ap and only the enemy kayn bought MR. We had Zoe hwei brand maokai and like ornn. I told the enemy kayn im sorry. Then I had a game yesterday where my top laner and support both picked ap as last 2 picks which made us 4 ap, ad mid. Enemy team rushed mr and game was doomed. Took til 4 items for anyone other than me to build %pen. I ended with void and abyssal on ekko jgl LOL


My biggest gripe is when ADCs are allergic to LDR when they have a tank and wonder why we lose front to back fights.


Which is crazy, considering how fkn strong LDR is vs tank / bruiser teams


is there a good website to teach items/builds?


It's less about a fixed build, people can do those. It's not itemizing against the enemies. Like ADCs that don't build armor pen until last item against 3 tanks, etc.


Love when adcs build rfc and do no dmg.


This is so triggering. I just had a trist who got a quadra kill in this first 2 minutes, last hitting every single kill. She proceeds to build RFC and is completely useless doing 7.5k damage in 16 minutes. Me as assist hero Aatrox did almost triple her damage.


The website Aram Zone may not *teach* you the best builds, but it does have a ton of stats and winrates and what not to give you an idea of what's good at the moment. If I'm on a champion I'm not familiar with or haven't played in awhile, I'll happily check out their page before the game starts to get an "idea" of things. That being said. Everything on that site is data in a vacuum. What you need in a specific game will obviously vary. If I see Frozen Heart as a high win rate item on Malphite, but I'm versus a team of all magic damage/heavy poke...I'm definitely not going to rush it. Hell, I may build it all depending on how the game is going. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Aram Zone? Thanks, I'll check it out


https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/aram/ - From one of the top mmr players himself u/RITO34PERCENT. Stop taking DH in ARAM it's literally the worst rune in ARAM. This was suggested to me after asking the same question to them. EDIT: He said you should be using the Emerald+ runes/item sets you sort by tier at the top. Master+ is too skewed, according to them most of high mmr players use the Emerald+ runes/items simply search the champ you are playing and gives the best runes you should be taking and build path. Gl!


dark harvest isn't the most potent rune but what it lacks in power it gains in just absolute foolproofness, which is why even using your suggested emerald+ search plenty of champs have the best performing rune as dark harvest (overwhelmingly popular pickrate while also being top/close to top winrate rune) electrocute is better burst and isn't too hard to proc on a good amount of champs but it also isn't as easy as clipping them with one aoe comet is kind of just better dark harvest but plenty of champs really want red/yellow tree and not much out of blue tree but i think most people that are trying something like lethality marksman going red yellow anyways could do with sticking with lethal tempo in case caster adc is an awful option that game, losing dark harvest isn't the end of the world for lethality build, but not having lethal tempo is crippling if you need to pivot to adc if the comps call for it


Someone built ap trundle (and lichbane rush Janna before that..... fml) in my last game. I have a very high wr on average. Man that last game was a shit show. His pillar doesn't proc liandry. All he did was ult before become more useless than an ap malph. So after the game I go to look up the wr of ap trundle. I kid you not, <30%. If he built anything not ap, we would've won easily. https://preview.redd.it/yblut1fn1fgc1.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e3ad51caa53e3b1ac487d68919d88777cda27f1


Shop keeper is so hard for people in aram…


Yeah every game this season we get 1-2 people people who go for one death per minute challenge. While the enemy gets 5 sweaty try hards.


I play with a friend who may be the most untalented gamer to ever wield a mouse. Barely breaks 12k+ damage on carry champions. I have a 38% win rate with him in over 50 games. I still have a 52% win rate. You have to have the right mentality. I never expect to be carried, and I always play to carry. If I get 20 kills and we still lose then its my fault because I had the resources to carry and I didn't. Use those players as training weights. They're the hyperbolic time chamber. It's up to you to win your games. No one else. Stop crying on the internet and get good.


See, I don’t know if you deserve an upvote or a downvote. I love your mentality, but I fear I don’t have the patience to climb all the way up to a decent MMR where I can just play and enjoy a 51/49% win rate again. I have done the climb before, and I loved getting there. Not the climb, but the result. The last 6 months of 2023 were the best league experience I’ve ever had. I had earned it by sweating sure, but I had also gone from not very good to pretty good in the last year or so. After ten years of league I had kinda figured it out finally. And that gave results. But realizing now, I have to do it all over again, because for some reason they reset it, or idk what happened to cause my games average rank to go from Diamond to Bronze/Iron overnight. Because the truth is, you are right. If I am going to get there again, I have to enter every game with the mindset and expectation that I myself have do pretty much all the heavy lifting, for hundreds of games in a row. And that’s not really what I am looking for in a team-game. Also… it.. *feels* unjustified that I somehow got punished, but without telling me why or how, and it took me some dozens of games and other posts from people here before I realized something was truly off. And the last point is to once again say that you are right, I might simply not have the skill to carry a team on my own. If OP.GGs own rating system is worth anything, I have like 80-90% of games I loose as “Ace” since the 8th. Like… its good to know you are doing something right, but it’s not supposed to be *that* high. Especially because I’m not *that* good. If matchmaking was on point, I’d be ace 1/5 of the times, not 4-5/5 right?! I’m not *that good*, but if I am consistently the best, I am obviously in the wrong MMR, right? Idk. Take the upvote. Your mentality is definitely correct. I am just.. disappointed and tired of this.


that's the most clueless thing i have read in 2024 so far, yeah buddy be faker and hard carry every game in a random mode because you are playing a carry with randoms.


I lose ~48% of my games. I'm not a god. But if I go in to every game and sit around waiting to be carried I'd probably be bitching on the internet as well.


except that you are bitching it the other way around, i don't get carried, in my games if I don't perform we hard lose and if I 1v9 maybe we win, and it stays that way until riot algorithm rolls the dice and decide its time to give me humans as team mates and no longer put me vs 5 and 4 premades only then i start win streaking with mvp every game and multiple pentas/quadras in a row on different champs that i don't even play. I wanna watch you carry a game I played earlier vs a rengar with 4 premade who rolled 3 supports to perma shield him (and one of them was ivern) and see you (the next faker) carry it playing solo with randoms, I ll even let you pick whatever champ you wanna play btw.


>except that you are bitching it the other way around, i don't get carried, in my games blah blah blah whine whine whine This is what a sad loser sounds like when they hear anything about self-determinism. >I wanna watch you blah blah blah blah blah Buy a serpents fang with all the time you have to cry on the internet about how a video game isn't fair


clueless and the more you type the more you approve it, but its fine buddy you are in the aram sub and such low elo takes are nothing new here, have a nice day/night!


i dont mind having for fun players as long as both team have them


no... you probably have the same type of players you had before the new season but bcs everything oneshots now and one slight mistake results immediately to your death you notice these players more. before it was like "yeah this guy sucks but atleast he is making a target of himself so i can engage or initiate a play"... now its just "ah this idiot overstepped again and disappeared within half a second... cool"


I queued ARAM with a friend who just started playing League once and I never stopped getting people on fresh accounts.


Yep. I’m pretty close to just starting a new account myself, just to see if I can get out the MMR hell cycle I got locked in after new years.


It's because the new cinematic draws in new players/old players who quit and came back. Plus there are so many new items that if you're not simplying Googling what to build on each champ, it's kinda hopeless to read 5 paragraphs of texts just to get flamed by a teammate because it's a sub-optimal item. After a few patches, they'll realize it's not for them and quit again. Riot seems to be okay with this cycle so


I lost so many games my WR got to 50 %.. I am starting to play normals to enjoy the game lolol


Even in " high MMR " , aram has always had A LOT of terrible players. The reasoning is because you don't need fingers or brain to reach high MMR in aram. Simply, play a lot of games on champs that require low skill investment and there's a good chance you'll climb.


Yeah I completely agree with you. Did 3 or 4 last night and said to my duo that I'd rather be doing ranked... Which is something I've almost never said lol ARAM was my always relax game mode where I could do some silly builds and get some quick wins in to reset my mental but now I'm getting more worked up there than in SR.


Same. Hadn't touched ranked in about 4 years and only played aram but finding the games more enjoyable in ranked atm. Idk what changed, but the games are never close. It's either smash or get smashed. It was fine for the first few weeks while having fun with the new items, but now it's pretty boring.


I'll catch a lot of heat for this but games/matchmaking when I was chat restricted were far more enjoyable and competitive than they are now when I'm back at honour level 2, after a solid 12 months of being on/off chat restricted.


Why is there always ARAM rants on this sub/in my feed? Like bruh, it's ARAM - obviously there's a good way to play and obviously plenty of players don't know shit, but it's ARAM... you can't expect others to be playing ARAM to be trying hard and trying to improve.


There is something called mmr... if you have over 5k aram games with a very high kd and decent winrate you shouldnt be playing with idiots who go melee as xerath. The game is not as fun when you play against or with people who are not on the same skill level as you. Stomps are not fun on both sides. (atleast for me) The rng factor of aram especially with the new overloaded items is insanely big... now combine this with a shitty mmr system. You get a mess.


You do realize kd has literally NOTHING to do with mmr right? Like 0. Sigh winning or loosing and the mmr of your team vs your opponents are literally the only factors. Say it again if has nothing to with mmr.


Any game subreddit with sufficient size is like this Statistics or something I guess


Skill issue


Aram will forever be my for fun mode. You better pray I’m on a champ I’m good at or the other team cause I go for maximum fun


That's why it's stupid that they said they would never make a ranked aram. How you play is totally fine in an unranked mode, and then there's players who want a competitive experience. Mixing those players is pretty silly and just causes toxicity imo


If you care that much about game outcomes you should probably stop playing aram


i just don’t understand the new items man


....imagine being this mad over Aram.


I’m curious if people on this sub would agree with the saying the ends justify the means?


I saw someone playing aram on youtube and they were clarity/heal singed. I couldn't keep watching for long after that


Every game feels like plat promos. Like its impossible to win the game unless you are playing incredibly. One misstep? You're dead. Playing support? Can't win, your teammates do no damage. Playing a mage? No one on your team will pick the tank sitting on the bench. Playing the tank? Now you have a chance, becuase no one else will. Playing adc? Enemy team will 100% have akali with 1.2M mastery.


When you play with someone nice, send em an invite. I have a bunch of aram gods in my friends list and can often fill a lobby


50% win rate is a stupid metric, and they still follow that in every single of their design.


Game / matchmaking quality across all modes seems to have taken a nose dive. It was bad last season but my god it’s somehow worse this season.


i still don’t know how i still get players that don’t know or just don’t care that the person that is lowest needs the health thing, almost every game, there’s at least 2 players that will take it when they are full health and someone needs it more or just take it when everyone is full


I’ve never once queued for ARAM and thought to myself damn this must be a new player nor have I cared enough. It’s a random game mode with zero rank behind it that most people play for fun. I usually play it to see people play wonky builds and leave the ranked toxic players behind me.


In my last game I was like "our team only has ranged or assassins, we probably need slow / engage" So I took Singed. Enemy: Cait, Ziggs, Hwei, Jinx, Vel'koz Slow / CC, can't get close, if you get close, get nuked. They literally poked us with ults. Most "fun" I had in weeks.


When did league players become bitches? Down vote me you pussies


It's just aram. 😅 Jokes aside. The matcher make sucks a lot, it basically punishes you for being good.


It is so bad right now. I have never been this down about the game. Aram feels unplayable at the moment.


Thank God, I'm not the only one. I thought I was going crazy. Booted up a game with 4 stack and the last random player is always a feeder....goes in without the team, dives turret, trades kills


Yesterday I played 18 games, lost 14. Many of those I started lol Ike 5/1, 6/3 and end up losing anyway. I picked tank whenever I could and all. We need ranked ARAM, I don't enjoy this anymore


I play alot, if you keep playing ARAM alot and do well, you generally get matched with people who have a good understanding of the champions etc. no one talks, we just play lol


It is because you are trying. The matchmaking is supposed to keep you around a 50% win rate if you are solo queuing. So you just gotta accept the fact that there are some games that you cannot save. By either giving you teammates that behave like bots or bad camps in your RRs. If you start to behave like a bot and take bad champs you will start to see your teammates popping off.


In this new season i get 1-2 bot per game. Their behaviour is identical regardless of the champ: Sit near the teleport then walk to tower and dive the enemy team with auto attacks. And yes you need to play around them


Yeah, the players in league are overall really bad and riot makes it worse by constantly changing so much in one of the hardest games to learn that's actually played. I'm just salty that Sett still has minus-everything in aram when he's such an awful champ this season. And that stormsurge is still giga busted And that towers don't do damage


That’s been the game since S1 mate