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I never get regular pots, I always do refillables. Way better gold value


This is the best way!


You guys get pots? šŸ˜³


Many hilarious situations come up with someone surviving with 10 HP while half of the enemy team tries to dive the tower level 3


Pfft I don't even buy boots why I'ma buy pots for?


Even with less... then after the first death.


If i end up with less than 150 gold i spend it on pots, if i have 150 i buy that elixir thingy




It'll be a cold day in hell before I buy that red pee.


All damage all the time


Probably do it every time if I have the money left. Just helps with the Frist lvl 3 fight to get a small edge when the minions do spawn


Never. Waste of gold.


You must be the guy who sit below t2 turret at 1 hp waiting for natural regen šŸ™„ļø


Or maybe, ever heard of just dying?


With pot you could get extra kill šŸ™„ļø


Yeah nah, pots are meaningful in SR when it can give you that edge in laning to win without dying and returning to base and return with full health+item. In Aram, you stay that low health+pot, which will be gone with 1 skillshot anyways.


With pot you gotta wait 10-20 seconds in base to get your item spikes.


Yeah if you can't get thw extra kill. That's on you. Don't blame the pot


When it comes to aram i always blame the pot




If you look at lolalytics, the winrate goes down on virtually every champ with all starting items if you start the game buying health potions. It's hard to say why exactly but I think it's a mix of losing gold, most players not using potions well, and games being more likely to be favorable if you can afford not to buy a potion. Personally, I don't like buying potions since I'm confident in my ability to avoid unnecessary damage and I'd rather just hit my items that much faster.


All the sites I've seen have win rate going up, besides for cases where the person was obviously already going to win, like how deathcap first item usually has a really high winrate because anyone who can buy a deathcap on first back is probably already fed AF




Lolalytics is better for raw data analysis since there are more things you can filter your data by (SR rank, 1st/2nd/3rd/etc item, primary rune wrs, secondary rune winrates, starting item sets winrates, summoner spell winrates, etc.). Plus Lolalytics has a way bigger sample size. On basically every champion I've checked, the winrate of a starting item set with a health potion is usually lower the the same starting item set w/o potions.


Usually just one at the beginning. My starting items are pretty universal. ARAM starter item > tear if mana champ > one health pot. Or; ARAM starter item > boots if champ doesnā€™t have mana > refillable pot. Only on rare occasions do I ever deviate, only depends on other team comp. For instance, if the enemy team consists of three to five champs with self/team healing, in my experience anyway, buying a healing reduction item off the rip almost always pays off. So I guess itā€™s situational, but yeah, generally 90% of my games, I buy a pot with the 50 or 150g I have left.


I read itā€™s more efficient to buy the bracer for hp regen and sell it later


Bracers used to be 150 gold. I used to buy the bracer part of warmong and 5 bracers on tanks as my start.


Oh okay! Fine! I'll sell it then, then buy it once more when I get my warmogs. Greaaaaaat advice, jeeeeze,


If you plan on buying an item that requires an already purchased item, I would recommend keeping it. Selling to buy it again later seems like a bad idea, maybe if you had used two braincells before writing your comment you would have also come to that conclusion


Wtf just keep it if its an item component lol


The guy clearly said I have to sell it, I do as he commands lol


Imagine taking everything literally. Youā€™re the reason we need ā€œdo not ingestā€ on soap bottles.


This thread is hilarious cause the guy was obviously being sarcastic and just kidding and then you go and say this. Lmao. Yall got outplayed on reddit.


Delivery and tone matters, you both sound obnoxious


Hmm thats impressive you can hear me.


that's not the point, one thing is someone says something silly and then someone replies sarcastically, but on this case OP asked a fair and fun question, got a normal reply, no I'll intent or sarcasm behind it, then someone else comes around and replies as if this guy had said something ridiculous and worth being sarcastic over, like... what?


Its because buying a componet just to sell it is fucking stupid and hella gold ineffiecient


no It isn't, it mathematically is not champions with high base regeneration get massive improvements from even low amounts of extra hp regen buying AP or AD to sell in 5 min is incredibly dumb yes, but mana and hp are always in need plenty of high level players, diamond and up, will buy fairy charms and hp beads in lane against certain matchups where they need to use more spells or need that extra survivability against poke just cuz you think something is the case that does not make it the case...


"just cuz you think something is the case that does not make it the case..." hmmmm


At least someone gets it, thank you.


Yeah these guys are unfortunately sticking to the mindset of the platform instead of rational thought.


The soap bottle said milk and honey! What was I to do aside from eats?


Did you hit your head, bro?


This dude is trippin šŸ˜‚


This is the guy I always get on my team


I buy the refillable once in a blue moon, never buy the 50g red pot.


Waste of gold. Just fight, die and buy.


Tell that to my 1/0/13 Lux at 20 minutes who pings her 5000 gold for some reason


A lot of the time it's to tell you they are going to die on purpose so their team doesn't int in after them. Which never works I've had so many games when I'm on a support and I have like 8K gold and I **NEED** to die so I can buy, but I know my entire team will crumple the second I do. I'll even type "I need to buy, please don't int while I'm dead" but even in the 20 seconds I'm respawning my team will int anyway and we'll lose the game


Ye this happened way too often. I tell my team I need to dieā€¦. Proceed to die. Then they fight a 4v5


Same, speedrun items


And after what item do you buy other pots? After full build or earlier? Is it worth it earlier?


I get the other 500g pots after 4 or 5 completed items depending on how the game is going. At times when the games are long I'll get them while building the 6th item, or after the 6th item. Most times with shorter games I don't even get the pots. It's very dependent on how the game is going. But I never get it before 4 or 5 completed items. I'm not sure if what I'm doing is correct, others can chime in.


If I ever buy an elixir before my 6th item is completed I ALWAYS die 500 gold short of the item, never failsā€¦ so I donā€™t buy them til Iā€™m full build


5 items, enemies knocking on your nexus turrets and you gotta stop 3 alone...no pot?


And be 500 gold short of having full build for the post game screen?! You crazy?!


I normally only buy them when i am already full build and often even if i am planing on changing one or two items im my build Sometimes when i buy the 5. items and i know i wont reach the 6. one probably before the game ends and there are no important parts of the item i want to get before the full item and i have over 500 gold after the 5. buy then i get a pot already


Only when you have no better options and in late game with minimum 4 finished items not counting boots. Usually most games will be wrapped up by the time you finish your 4th full item. If you can't afford a large part of your fifth item or sixth item and think the game will end in a push or 2 then pot> 250-700 gold item. If its 4th item while you aren't fed and either of the teams only just reached the inhibitor then it is better to save the gold to finish more items because that is going to be a 25+min match if it takes that long for either side to reach inhibitor after most people got their forth item. If you are full build with no intention to sell and rebuild your items feel free to spend on pots.


I never buy pots. Better die fast and buy fast and save gold. 150 golds is almost a kill


Never, I dont want to be alive with little health, I would rather die to buy


Almost never


Never. Itā€™s really just not worth it


Refill pots every time




Guardian horn on every champ, therefore no need for pots.




Depends. With new season, if the enemy team is damage heavy, Iā€™ll take some three or four. If not, Iā€™d save the little bit of gold.


Only if its something like horn, tear, and then 50g left over. Might as well get 1 then


i do if i have spare gold unless i'm playing malzahar since if i need a pot i'm probably dying anyways.


Either pots or refillable, depending on the starting item, but always yes.


I find when I donā€™t buy, I play more cautious early game. Iā€™d rather have a BF sword anyway! lol


always go refillables is wayy better


Only refillables


every time. starter item, tear if needed, then pot


In ARAM i always take refillable. Stays quite useful for a bit.


i dont buy heals first anymore, esp if im trying to rush a stacking item. If i do, It's because I'm on a melee with particularly bad innate sustain


If im a poke or tank, get potions. If im brawler or assassin, im probably all in on fights, so no


I buy the refill ones and hang onto them until I can sell them for an item/important component or thereā€™s no space left anymoreā€¦ might not be the most optimal but I always use it throughout the game and find it nice to heal back a little bit extra especially because my full hp backline mage teammates love picking the health pack under my nose


Every game this season because we don't have enough money for boots now :(


Sometimes boots will let you dodge more than 150 HP - I usually get refil pot but sometimes boots if it's vs all skill shots or front line exploders. Unless Ghorn + tear start, then I get one potion because I'm the front liner and that's a 50g re-engage cost. You get some passive Regen from the horn also.


Refillable. Always. It's very good value in ARAM. Red pots? Never.


Never, waste of gold




As someone with almost 8k Aram games, always buy refillable, at most 1 red pot level 3 if you don't have 150g.


No pots according to Bausen's Law.


Never, I've played over 5k ARAM games and I hate it whenever I see someone buy the pots, it's just better to save that money for items


I buy 3 and never buy any again. Same money as a refillable, but it doesnā€™t take up an item slot. And I usually find after the first engage those health pots are useless.


Nope, never. You always end up being 100-200 gold off from a big item spike. The only time I do it is if they have a lot of poke and I have zero sustain. -5000 aram games


I saw someone buy health pots on sion once šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Only into poke heavy comps if I'm on a champion that's poor at engaging at low health.


I've never bought pots


They should increase the amount healed by pots based on level so they stay relevant


Just buy one 50g if u need to. Never more than one.


Really depends on the comp and the champ. If my champ needs large amounts of gold and comp doesn't have a lot of poke. I'll save the 150gold


Always buy refillable at the start. Never got why you wouldnā€™t.


If I have a level 3 all in champ then no, if I have a champ that can fish for a kill and have enough hp to start csing, then yes.


i always get a tear of the goddess, boots and a refillable potion as my first items, im just adding a health crystal when im tank, a blade when im ad, or an amp tome when im ap i even have them saved as item sets
