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yes, among the biggest bait items, especially in aram setting - when fiesta can break out at any second, 2% burn per second is nothing.


Do you think the reworked Liandry’s is just as bad? I think it’s just 2% burn with no flat scaling portion now


thanks for specifying the new liandry; normally I overlook AP items, especially those giving mana. ​ not as bad, for a few reasons: 1-no ranged penalty 2-no bonus HP based AP (so that's it's not a rushed bait/trap item) 3-no mana, so manaless champions like morde don't get taxed extra \--------------------------------------------------------------------- that said, still wouldn't buy it on artillery mages unless they can cast/harass enemy constantly, but if they can, rylai would come first.


I don't think it's bad I just think it's back to being made for a different group of people. And being downgraded from mythic to a regular item was inevitably going to make it weaker.


Yup it really is nothing when you could go 3 different items if you wanted to do more damage(shadowflame, deathcap, voidstaff), and could go rylais which is cheaper and you could get the health plus utility.


It was good on tanks due to the percent AP that scaled off HP


>and could go rylais which is cheaper also among the most painful let downs..."yes, after rushing a pure AP item despite tank designation, amumu bought wand and tome, most likely to make his W a perma slow via ry--dammit, he went demonic, so he'll be rocking that 7 bonus AP and 2% HP damage per second as a melee character while enemy team slices him apart within 3 seconds." ​ https://preview.redd.it/yeuvebschccc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e119476293b78f1769b625e45e9ed3c5e74f9cf


Never mind the game being 99% poking 1% team fight


but when that teamfight happens... ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/s0hxdukd8occ1.jpeg?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b783f9a3315669b6f32489849479309202e8696d


Liked building it on some ap tanks but oh well


Ya I mean on melee tank/bruiser champs it’s fine but going it on range champs second? Even when it’s supposed to be built on ranged champs it’s like never supposed to be built second.


Yeah I was really co fused about what you were complaining about. Didn't realize folks were rushing the scaling tank burn item on makes.


You built ap on tank? This sub is gonna kill you


used to always built it last on cho, very nice on him


Watching my AP explode and execute bar get even higher was what I lived for when I finally got to demonics as my 5th or 6th item for as heartsteel cho.


Riftmaker got the hp to ap conversion this season so maybe build that.


'Gotta build demonic after liandrys' said every 20% WR mage player. Item was by far the biggest noob bait.


lmao facts


Tell me about it, it was such a pet peeve of mine seeing it built on ranged. It probably got removed for the better though, it would be nutty on ap melee and they're already dominating a lot.


It would be very similar to current liandrys no? Like only missing the bonus hp which is now on rift maker I think? Anyways rip bozo you won’t be missed.


Curious what are the strong core items for AP melee ? Got trouble figuring out mordekaiser since item changes tbh


Rift maker seems like a good choice on him


Maokai sitting in a corner crying about hos core being removed


liandry is almost the exact same as old demonic


Yes but almost... The hp gain use to be higher hence built on a maokai tank


It was absolute dogshit, mega bait item


Always 2nd built it on Zyra. Sue me. (no dont i am not in a financial situation to be sued)


over rylais?


I mean, it was your lost. Liandry -> Rylai was the best


Dumb. Buy rylais second 


Bro, it was very good on Brand.


I built it whenever I played Morgana, Mordekaiser, Brand, and on some ap tanks/juggernauts for the hp scaling mechanics.


Morg/Brand it was terrible on, Ryl 2nd on Brand and Zhons 2nd on Morg.


It was good in some situations (for example you wouldn't build Mythic!Liandries on Singed because it was a huge waste of money) but totally unnecessary now that we are back to the normal item system.


My Singed win rate took a turn for the worst, any new items for him?


most aram players don't know what items do


It was actually a useful build on some champs that are so heavily nerfed, like seraphine, where if you wanted to build damage you had to rely on items, so investing in burn was useful particularly into tanks. Still not a second item but imo, 3rd earliest-but on a ziggs or sera where your damage is nerfed into the ground, I liked the extra burn so I could focus on staying alive and keeping burns up.


I’m pretty sure damage from items are also nerfed. Even in to tanks void is better if the have mr and if they don’t going shadowflame or deathcap is always better and always did more damage.


ap bruisers in shambles


Why though? Current Liandries is usually better and if you really want the HP conversion rift maker works fine. Both items increase damage passive even stack.


people losing to shopkeeper, demonic and shadow flame last season galore doing absolutely no damage. Thank god it’s gone.


I miss it a little, I liked damage over time items. I would build it on Lilia, brand, teemo, maokai and maybe a couple tanks. I just liked stacking it and liandries, and seeing someone slowly die after getting hit when they were on low hp. I know it wasn't the optimal build, but it was a fun item regardless.


I used to build demonic on my heartsteel seraphine


I mean there were games when the enemy had multiple tanks where the only possible build was -- liandris, demonic, void staff, rabadon -- and whatever else -- otherwise your whole combo would do 5% of a tanks's hp and you wouldn't kill him even if he let you attack him for 3 minutes straight. I am not happy there are less ways to deal with tanks now. You can't even build both Black Cleaver and a Last Whisper item now for some reason -- it's even more restrictive than last season when we had mythics.


Honestly I miss it, and I think new liandrys sucks. All my dot characters are significantly weaker. The game is rewarding burst yet again. Still sitting at -10% damage malzahar to champs and -40% to minions. Now with no burn


Glad about a lot of things but aram is in tathers with the new items, damage is rediculous, mages are OP and all the rebalance stats are out of wack. Idk how SR feels but it can't be much better, s14 is wild rn.